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Cuck Gets Revenge - Alt Ending

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Cuckold Revenge to his Slut Wife BTB (alternate ending).
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Let me start by saying I am a crossdresser and also enjoy cuckold stories. Recently I have discovered the BTB (burn the bitch) theme and became a fan. I love writing stories about crossdressing, getting caught, forced feminization, and cuckolding. The issue I have with cuckolding stories is that sometimes the endings are too brutal for the cuck. Sometimes the wife or girlfriend seem to really screw over the husband or boyfriend. This has always bothered me, and after discovering the BTB theme I find myself coming up with different outcomes.

For example, one of my favorite stories is All You Have To Do Is Ask, by Tomlitilia which I encourage you to read, you won't be disappointed. It has a great ending that most will enjoy. After reading this story, I immediately came up with an alternate ending, one where the husband gets revenge for the wife misreading and taking advantage of the loving husband.

So, this is a short story -- an alternate ending - to All You Have To Do Is Ask, which can be found here on Literotica.


Final Scene: After several weeks of his wife having an affair with her boss, Dan was ready for this to end. Dan invited George back to his home with a plan to put an end to it that night.

The lovers were on couch embraced in a kiss after Dan invited her lover back to their home. Dan was done with the charade and had his plan ready to launch. Dan left them alone on the couch knowing when he came back in the room, they would be getting friendly....

Retrieving my Glock and placing it in my pants waistband, I came back from the kitchen with a new glass of my expensive scotch. Things were about to get interesting.

George and Matilda were embraced in a passionate kiss and his hands were rubbing her tits as I sat down across from them. They didn't wait long to start up again. I made sure the video was running on my phone, as I positioned it on the coffee table, to capture the next several minutes. They were oblivious to me sitting there and what I was doing. They continued to make out and explore each other's bodies as I sat there watching the show.

My special forces training had taught me how to keep my anger in check, and how to control my emotions as I worked on a mission. My mission today was to expose my slut wife and get revenge for the pain these two had created for me over the last several weeks.

While the video recorded the action, I sat back and sipped my scotch. I watched the love of my life openly betray me in my own home. I had given her free choice, not wanting to control her. I was going to rely on her love for me, and our marriage, to make the right choices, however, her choices had led us to where we were at that moment. After the drink started to have an impact, and after several minutes of watching these two in heat, I spoke up.

"Wow! You two should get a room," I said lightheartedly with a big smile. They broke their kiss when they realized what they were doing, and Matilda gave me one of her sexy, loving smiles.

With a smile still on my face I took another drink and said, "George, Matilda told me she really enjoyed taking your cock this week. Was she a good fuck? I said still smiling.

George was taken back and tried to read me, and the situation. In the meantime, Matilda was now openly rubbing his visible hard cock through his pants.

"Um, she was great," was all he could muster.

"I'm glad to hear you two had fun. You know George, I'm a little jealous about one thing. Matilda told me she has been sucking your cock for weeks now, and that she even swallows your loads, and to tell you the truth, that was something she's never done for me. You must be special."

Matilda was now looking at me with a surprised, and guilty look on her face as I continued, "George, I need to know something. Is she a good cocksucker? I guess I'll never know myself, but the least you can do is tell me the truth."

Matilda was blushing but still rubbing his cock. I guess George started feeling more comfortable talking about their sex as she continued to rub his cock.

Clearly, he was turned-on by all this and said, "The truth is that your wife is an amazing cocksucker. She gets me so hard and I cum so good, but the best part is watching her look up at me when she's swallowing my load," he said rubbing her now exposed right breast. George was excited and getting into this conversation, as I had hoped.

"Wow, you lucky bastard," I said taking another sip of my drink. I tried to eliminate any pressure in the room and encouraged them to keep talking.

"Matilda, how many times have you sucked his cock and swallowed him?" I asked.

She had a big smile on her face, leaned over and kissed George and then proudly said, "At least 20 times over the last few weeks. I can't help it; I just love his cock."

"I have to say it again George, you're a lucky bastard! Did you know she told me it's exciting to suck your cock in your office, especially with the risk of getting caught?"

George just smiled and said, "Yes we talk about that while I'm fucking her mouth."

I felt my anger start to rise at his answer but controlled myself and took another drink.

"Matilda told me she had a wonderful time on this business trip and that you came in her pussy for the first time. Is that right?"

George gave me a cocky smile and said, "We made love many times this week, and yes. Yes, I came in your wife this morning for the first time, and I'll be doing it more often now," he said obviously feeling cocky and in charge of my wife. "I guess her pussy belongs to me now, Dan."

I had all I needed at this point and took charge.

"You're an amazing guy George. Do you fuck any of the other wives in the office of just mine?"

Still confident and cocky he looked defiantly into my eyes and said, "Just yours, Dan."

His defiance finally triggered my anger as I pulled the Glock from my pants and placed it on my lap. I saw a look of confusion and fear on both of their faces as I started to talk.

"Well George, I'm glad you enjoyed fucking my wife and destroying our marriage. The love of my life gave up all the wonderful years of our marriage to be with you, and I hope this makes you happy.

When my slut wife first approached me with all this, I immediately sensed that something was up, and I decided to allow her to make her own decisions. After all, she is a grown woman, and in charge of herself and her body.

You see, I could have put a stop to this, but I never would have known her real desires. At that point I allowed her to make her own choices, and she chose you over her vows and our marriage. Congratulations.

Matilda looked shocked and stunned by what I was saying, and I saw tears forming in her eyes and she started weeping. She looked at me and spoke in a terrified voice.

"Dan, I thought you wanted this. I mean, I was completely honest and open about everything."

"Yes you were, and that hurt even more. To hear my wife tell me that she wants to be with another man, his great cock, how you sucked his cock, made love to him, and let him come inside you, was devastating. You destroyed my heart, wrecked our marriage, and now have the nerve to sit in front of me, freely rubbing your boss's cock with your tits hanging out.

You are nothing more than a cheating slut, a simple whore, and now tainted with another man's cum. It's amazing how you sit there with your bosses cum still inside you as we speak. You've hurt me beyond words Matilda."

"Dan, every time I told you what was happening and how I felt, you got an erection and rock hard. You loved the idea and encouraged me to go further."

"Matilda, it seems you're mistaking sensitivity for weakness. You know damn well I easily get aroused, hell, I get aroused watching porn movies, but I don't want to be in the movie. And let me be clear, I never encouraged you. I simply listened and allowed you to act on your choices. I always ended our conversations by asking you what you wanted. You made your own choices.

When you wore the sexy lingerie and short dresses to work, I never stopped you. You had a choice, and you openly wanted to seduce your boss. You took revealing photos, naked photos, and sent them to his phone. You decided to suck his cock and swallow his load, again, your choice. Well, your choices have led to this moment in time."

She was now crying and pleading, "Dan, please. This was all a mistake. Please don't be like this. I love you and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I thought you wanted this as much as me." Her tears were flowing, and she was sobbing uncontrollably as George decided he was going to be macho and protect her.

"That's enough Dan. Can't you see you're upsetting her. Stop this right now!" he commanded in a loud strong voice.

I just laughed as George gave me his tough guy look.

"You know George, where I come from, if a guy fucks your wife, that guy permanently disappears. We don't put up with cheating sluts, or bastards like you that go after, and fuck married women. So just sit back and listen to me George," I said now toying with the Glock that was still on my lap.

"You've destroyed our marriage. You've fucked my wife and came inside her. She is defiled to me, and I'll never touch her again. As you said, her pussy now belongs to you," I said sipping my drink and trying to keep my emotions in check.

Matilda was now pleading and begging me to stop, "Oh Dan, stop. I'm your wife, I love you. I belong to you, not George. Why are you acting this way, you know you wanted this as much as I did!"

That comment made me snap and I shouted, "Shut the fuck up, you slut. We're done! You belong to him now. Did you really think I would be OK with my wife wanting to be with another man? Or watching you text him sexy notes and photos while you sit with me? Did you think I enjoyed hearing you describe how you sucked his cock, and how much you loved it, when you never would do that for me during our entire marriage?"

They both sat there in shock, obviously not expecting this turn of events.

"George, let me tell you how this is going to play out. Ten years ago, I would have put a bullet in your head and made you disappear, but the years have mellowed me a little. So you get to live, but under my conditions.

As you have already indicated my wife's pussy now belongs to you. So you will be taking my whore wife back to your place tonight. She will be moving in with you, and you will take care of her."

George sat there with his mouth open in shock. He saw that Dan was getting upset as he started waving his gun as he spoke. He understood the emotions in the room and tried to sit calmly as Dan continued to speak.

With an evil grin, Dan turned to his wife and said, "Matilda, while you were on your business trip fucking your boss, I packed up all your clothes, emptied you closet, drawers, all of your cosmetics, along with your personal belongings, and loaded up your Escalade. All your crap is in your car.

In a few minutes you will get in your car and follow George back to his place, your new home. Now that you belong to him, I never want to see or speak to you again. I've already started the divorce paperwork, and because of our prenuptial agreements, we should be able to get the marriage dissolved in 4 to 6 weeks."

Matilda was now inconsolable, "Dan, No! Please don't do this," she pleaded. She never expected me to be upset, and for some reason thought I was on board with being her cuckold. I was surreal as I listened to her pleading and looking at her half naked, with her lipstick smeared from her make out session. I felt my anger rise as she begged for my forgiveness.

"Fuck You! You're nothing to me anymore. You took me for granted, crushed my love for you, and then put it in my face. I still can't believe you treated me like a beta-male, a cuckold, and expected me to be OK with you becoming a whore for your boss." Under the circumstances, I believe that I'm being fair and level-headed about all of this."

George again tried to get touch. "Come on Dan, be reasonable! Matilda's your wife, and this was all just a mistake. It was just sex, come on calm down!"

"Fuck You George! You flirted and went after my wife at your workplace and took advantage of the situation. A married woman! My Wife! Why George? Did you want to destroy my marriage? Did you think I'd be cool with this? What did you think I would say? 'Oh, please George, fuck my wife. Please let my wonderful wife suck your cock. Thank you George for fucking my wife.' Is that what the two of you expected?" I said in a thundering voice.

"Look George, you've won. You've gotten what you want. Now just take this cheating whore away."

I picked up the phone and stopped the video recording, looked at George and said, "You have a great job and make a lot of money in your position. And Matilda, you also enjoy a great salary and a nice position at work. If the two of you want to continue your career, you will do what I say. There will be no negotiation.

I've copied all of your text messages, taken a video of this entire event tonight, with an admission that you've been fucking your subordinate on business trips, and at work. I'm sure both of you would not do well if your management saw these things. I'm also certain that both of you would not want me to email these things to your friends and family, but I'm prepared to do just that.

Please understand, I have no intention of using this unless you fail to obey my wishes. Here's what I want. I will give you 10 minutes to get your things, and then both of you will drive away from here and back to your home George. You'll take the slut into your home and live with her until you figure out what you both want."

"Matilda, I'll have the divorce papers sent over to your office, and I'll expect you to immediately sign the agreement."

"I hope you enjoy living with my cheating, slut wife. And Matilda, I hope you're happy with your choices. Now do both of you agree to my demands?"

George knew he was defeated and could not risk that video or the photos getting out. He lowered his head and said, "Yes I understand."

Matilda cried as she sat at my feet, grabbed my legs, and pleaded. "Please No! Please take me back. I love you Dan. I don't want to lose you baby. Please give me another chance. This was all a mistake."

It hurt and made me sad to see her this way. She truly believed this was going to work out. She believed that she could have a lover and I'd be happy for her. I realized I could have stopped this, but I never would have known if she would ever act on her desires, which is why I allowed this to happen. I had to find out and let everything play out. Unfortunately, the ending was not what I was praying for.

I tried to control my emotions and pity and said, "Matilda, I need a yes answer. I swear I'll send this video out tonight and destroy both of you. You enthusiastically gave yourself to another man. You belong to him now. Tell me understand!" I said pushing her away and watched as she fell back onto the hard wood floor. George rushed over to her and helped her up and tried to reason with her.

"Matilda, you need to answer him. He can ruin both of us. Tell him yes and maybe you can reason with him later." Through her tears and George's encouragement, she looked at Dan and nodded.

"I need to hear you say that you understand."

"Yes, I understand," she said through her tears.

I finished my drink and then looked up at them. I gave them a death stare and said, "Now get the fuck out of my sight, and I never want to see either of you again."

I watched them get dressed, pick up their things, and finally drive away.

Yes, I felt satisfied with my revenge, but this entire affair left a dark hole in my heart. It would take me a long time to get over this hurt, the loss of my love of 10 years, and the feeling of betrayal.

I never had to use the video and pictures, the divorce was fast and non-contested. She stayed with George for a month and then moved into her own place by herself. George got tired of her, and their love affair ended with Matilda hurt and dejected. She threw away her marriage, my love, and years of happiness for a six month fling. She tried to reconcile but I would not respond to her phone calls or text. Self-pity and depression plagued her for a long time. She would not make that mistake again.

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26thNC26thNC18 days ago

Good story, but would have been much better if he had pistol whipped George.

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

As the Company has a no-fraternization rule, using the video he sued the company. Both George and his wife were fired. And what was worse, George's wife found out, divorced him and took him to the cleaners, so to speak.

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 2 months ago

10 Big Blazing stars to Cindy for a Hot hot Hot story. Excellent Ending. Thanks, Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

5 stars, though I don't think just a "fare" divorce is in anyway retribution, personally I think after the divorce is finalized he should send all the damming videos to everyone total nuclear destruction, just divorcing these self-entitled narcissistic sluts isn't nearly enough to send the right message to the feminist movement, the evil ideology that is to blame for the sick and disgusting debauchery. Any woman who does this to her husband need to be destroyed and ostracized so strongly that it creates a wake powerful enough that the message is clear it's evil disgusting disrespectful and will not be tolerated.

silverthorne16silverthorne162 months ago

Fine, let her make her own choices and hang herself on those choices. But once the affair was going, there was no need to let it go on for so long before throwing her out. And truthfully, by allowing it to go on for so long, the MC was, in some way, tacitly saying he was okay with it.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

You pulled it off. Matilda had enough rope to do what she wanted and she chose her lover over her husband. MC did a good job by giving her a choice its unfortunate the cunt chose wrong. 4* you lost a star because MC didnt send out the cheating evidence.

MasterKissMasterKiss3 months ago

Good ending, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I like most of your stories, but this one ended up feeling like you changed the MC. I know you tried to play up that he wasn't a fan of what was happening, just going along to give her some rope in the original series, but I think you failed to pull it off. Nice try though, and to be fair, I never really bought into the MC during the original story. I give you a lot of credit for trying to rehab the MC.

Catcher78Catcher786 months ago

I've been cheated on by various women and never ever did I enjoy it. I found it gut wrenchingand and similar to going through the grief that you feel when your immediate family dies. Takes a goodly time before you notice the fun parts of life. Everyone in the community knows too. Sucks pretty much. Can't imagine the whole cuckold thing being real, outside of porn. Great piece by the way.

C_frommnC_frommn6 months ago

Like the Consequences of your story. Too many people leave out the Consequences of their Stupidity.

RodzzzRodzzz6 months ago

Women, women, women. What's that olde adage? "Can't live with them, can't live without them".

WargamerWargamer6 months ago

If only it went a bit longer it would’ve been better. It cost you a point.

I liked the story but it was too short.

Remains 4/5

RePhilRePhil7 months ago

Always a fan respect your bravery, putting yourself out here cuckolding to a bad is being told he’s worthless. It can be wrapped in a Christmas paper. It can be said with all the love that a person thinks they have but cockling is telling him he’s useless a cock is a man that accepts it Having a wife cheat on you without you knowing or with you knowing I’m not doing anything about it is a cockled I’m sorry, but they’re still men who are men and cuckolding is the worst insult a woman could give us

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

All adultress women deserve to be punished and thrown out on the streets, no mercy on them burn the biches

LechemanLecheman8 months ago

Yes, I know it is only a story but I cannot comprehend how a long term partner in a marriage can be so utterly bereft of emotional intelligence!

arnowolarnowol8 months ago

Once again a 5****+ story. :)

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Honestly refreshing to see a story where the protagonist isn't a complete doormat like the other cuck story authors write them to be. I find these cuck stories to be rather degrading not just to men, but also to women who are simply stereotyped as cock hungry sluts that fall for the next brute they see.

RodzzzRodzzz8 months ago

I love it......but why not, you most certainly have a knack for creating my kind of LW stories.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Well, while I really think they got off easy. Not a BTB more of a revenge. Still it is a cheap way to dump a useless whore and move on.

RanDog025RanDog0258 months ago

Cindy, in all the years I've been a member here, also under other aliases, I've come to the conclusion that women just don't write good BTB's but yours is the cats meow. You surprise me and both your Literature and writing skill surpass 99% of the writers here but for that 1% I gave the title as Authors. Although those Authors write stories that have a minimum of seven pages in each of their stories, I'm going to Favorite you in hopes that in the future you can at least try for a minimum of three page stories, Please? I have helped those favorites of mine and the best advice I can give you are these. 1) No dot dot dots, 2) No compound words, 3) The MOST important of all Get yourself Text Aloud to write your stories. I use Jennifer's sexy voice to listen to all the stories which make them so much more enjoyable. You write a few paragraph or sentences and listen to it giving yourself time to catch the mistakes and it also gives you pause to change and/or add to your story. If you can't afford it I'll send it to you, I have an Enterprise License. Score = 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS1 Good Luck in the future! Yes, I have the credentials.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The last sentence assumes she would have the opportunity to make that same mistake, but there's no guarantee she'll ever find another love of her life. So she's just screwed. Of course he's not exactly in a bed of roses. That's the reality of divorce. No winners. After reading your opening I have to wonder if you're an "open" crossdresser or are still in the closet in real life and how that effects your liking cuckold stories. PS - only a husband can be a cuckold, by definition - not a boyfriend if that matters.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Much better ending but BTB is not your forte. I'm sure you could be cruel if you had to be but I just don't want to accept it! Stick with being the Sweet Cindy we love and leave the BTBs to SaddleTramp.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Let the wife make her own choices, yes. Not telling her the consequences, no. So, in this case, this story is better.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Much better ending!!!

Calico75Calico75about 1 year ago

The only thing that would have made this better would have been a few sentences about what happened to the MC after the divorce. Good ending to the other story.

Johnm74165Johnm74165about 1 year ago

I read the other story at your recommendation, I found it hard to believe that a man would/could allow his wife to have sex with another man, I much preferred your ending, thank you.

redboat7redboat7about 1 year ago

Loved it!! Great Ending!!

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 1 year ago

I went back and reread ( well skimmed) the original I did not think it that great. Of course, I personally hate wimpy cucks accepting their wives cheating.The man there was a little more supportive of his wife and did indeed appear to enjoy his wife's dalliance. But I like your take that he was just allowing her to do what she wanted. I upgraded my rating here.

One thing I want to point out. I personally use firearms in my stories. I think most men would prefer to not get the shit kicked out of them by a bigger man. It is a great equalizer. Your character should not have pulled his Glock and even put it on his lap until or unless George made threatening moves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Should have made them both pay..... pay.....

MarkTwineMarkTwineabout 1 year ago

Finn80561, every person here is anomalous. Unless your ID says Finn80561.

FantasyTrainFantasyTrainabout 1 year ago

At the very least, Georgey needed his nuts crushed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Far, to often the gun is held to husbands head, it’s do you want me to stay with you and not knowing what to when your wife or gf says that your reply is yes more so if as in this case wher you have been together a long time. How long might it be before another guy comes along and wants another bed mate,

I’m in the same frame of mind with Hotwifeing date nights where she comes back at godless times to brag about it, he used a condom or not, I came then he came they’d had a meal and their is going to be a next Time. There are some very sick, hurtful people out there who don’t care who they hurt. The husband in this story held a gun in his hand and as for my opinion I WOULD HAVE SHOT THE PAIR OF THEM. No one else would tolerate the pain and misery they caused. And I would pray that they would rot in hell and torment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked the story but in my opinion the husband did not go far enough. I would have liked if he sued their employer and ruined their careers.

mariverzmariverzover 1 year ago

Anonymousabout 1 month ago

If only George were married, and he had to explain why he was bringing Matilda into their home to live...

seria muy una historia muy divertida de leer jajajajaa

dikupinyadikupinyaover 1 year ago

he was a cuck and knowingly let them continue. he even had sex with her after he found out about them, until he finally came to his senses and ended it.

dikupinyadikupinyaover 1 year ago

it was a better ending than the original

dikupinyadikupinyaover 1 year ago

well written but... why did dan let it go on for so long? it should have been ended as soon as it started. he had the texts. he must have been a little submissive to sleep with her after she was with her boss.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

to Finn 80561, some of us can barely get around a pc, and ive tried mult times to set up an acct or something that wld let me post w/ a "nom de plume" but i cant seen to get the literotica folks to let me in, or respond back w/ help or anything else. so enraged and barely able to contain taking out my frustration, on my pc, i just gave up. i do sign my critiques diatribes rants whatever, but will always be an unwilling and dumb anonymouse. rk

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If only George were married, and he had to explain why he was bringing Matilda into their home to live...

rickylaw01rickylaw01over 1 year ago

Finally. A story where the man has a set of balls and stands up for himself. Loved it.

rickylaw01rickylaw01over 1 year ago

Finally. A story where the man has a set of balls and stands up for himself. Loved it.

Finn80561Finn80561over 1 year ago

Well I had the”willingness to kick someone out after …”. Longer than this “marriage” by 2x. I frankly was hoping to see them both damaged. But a good story.

Off the subject, why do so many of you post comments anonymously? Why not stand by what you have to say? Just curious

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

IF you have to 'protect' your marriage from a wife willingly having an affair, it isn't a marriage emotionally. Really that simple. I do have to ask whether he consented to an open marriage though? Or was it just that she misunderstood his motivation? This author writes interesting variations on themes used elsewhere here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If only that was a realistic ending for people's marriage. But most people don't have a pre-nup and the willingness to kick someone out after ten years. Nicely told for a fictional story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I read the original, & left it maybe 1/3 of the way, tho I did read some of the last page as a "just in case". What I read in the original, the husband's actually condoning her cheating, & comes off as wimpish, so to speak. I enjoyed your possibly a bit too short continuation, showing the husband as a no-nonsense type that won't put up with any bullshit.

However, part of me thinks that in the early days, Dan should've told her if she cheats, the marriage's over. Then leave it to her to decide what to do. The way it reads, he's "locking the barn doors after the horses run off", & it's too late. However, evidently wanting to do this, Matilda shows herself as a full blown slut. She might've still fucked George & given him BJs even if Dan told her no, just wouldn't have talked about it. Lastly, George really didn't get all that much of a burn. Should've felt more pain. 5 stars on this fine story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

While I thoroughly enjoyed your too short work (which there was a 2nd or 3rd page to it), I stopped reading the origninal, drab & much too slow moving 10 page story somewhere around the 4th page. Skipping to the end, I realized I made the correct move. Even with setting things up, that story was hideous; yours, on the other hand, was decisive & moved at a good speed, making me want more. 4 stars on YOUR story. Bob

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Oh if only it was that simple, nice plot and characters just that bit more is needed

EvelZombieEvelZombiealmost 2 years ago

He would have been better off just protecting his wife and marriage from the get. Another tale of woe

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

There's an old saying "Those that will cheat with you on someone, will cheat on you with someone else."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really loved the new ending. Still believe you let him off to easy, as he really lost nothing and payed nothing. I would have already purchased an elastrator to band his ball. Then just made them set there for several hours, watch all the videos of the fucking, maybe even made her give him a few more BJ while his balls were dying..

WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 2 years ago
Sharp Right Turn

Cindy, I felt a dramatic change had occurred when I switched from the original story to your Alt Ending. Hubby especially vaulted from acceptance and encouragement to your version where "he was just playing along" all the time. My recommendation is that a complete new version would have been more appropriate where I could recognize that hubby is just feeding out rope rather than getting his jollies over his wife's cheating and then narrating her dalliances.

Mostly, another well written story from a fresh new Lit author. Thank you.

Keep 'em comin'.

Norseman123Norseman123about 2 years ago

Cheaters are always so sorry but only for getting caught

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 2 years ago

Why do these predators chase a cheater till they get caught and then given a choice they dump them or get caught cheating (I'm shocked) and the original cheater is surprised? By the way i really enjoy the ending to the (your) stories I have read. Especially love the concise action of the victims.

SeekingEvaSeekingEvaabout 2 years ago

awesome. Loved it. Also, fellow crossdresser, not so much for the cuckold stuff, but I do like me a good angry BTB. Keep on writing.

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazierabout 2 years ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Well written fiction. But, for a btb, this was a bit anemic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

good ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Now that is a much better ending. The number of idiot cuckold’s who love these stories are a small percentage of the readers. Majority of us like to see BTB on bother the cheating wife and her lover. Do you hear me SwingerJoe, lmao!

Hiram325Hiram325over 2 years ago

George should've disappeared.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved it. Dan simply let his wife chase her desires. She wasn't worth fighting for.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This ending is only what she deserved.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

MC's got a big victim complex

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She's a whore and she got hers. When you love somebody you don't do that shit. George should have gotten physically beaten. She was a whore once and never could be trusted,ever again...

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

I was hoping for gun play...

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 2 years ago

Send the info to their management later anyway. George is getting off to easy. Then after a year or so, take a tire iron to his face.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

After the divorce is final, whoa fuck!!! The video shows up in the e mail of family , friends and coworkers. Too bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Don't women realize that without respect honesty and loyalty there can be no REAL marriage ??? (jaybee186)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Some commenters have said he didn't BTB in this story but he did. See she lost her true love for heated fantasy and desire of an on going sexual fling. Well emotions like those don't last. Love does last for a long time and if lucky can last until your dying day with the right person.

So in my opinion she did get burnt in one of the worst ways possible because most people that cheat don't really love the one they cheated on anymore. She wanted to be shared. There is a difference in cheating. Sharing means that her love for him most likely is still there and strong. She got caught up in the emotions of thinking he wanted it. She was wrong. Long relationships are hard to do because things get comfortable and mistakes are made much easier.

Anyway, good story 4⭐

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Your story didn't need the special forces bit or even the gun.

lovemesomephillylovemesomephillyover 2 years ago

I read the original, unless I not remembering correctly it didn't have the things I normally associate with cuckolding (humiliation of the spouse) and I didn't think the wife really did anything BTB worthy. Seems an odd story to make this type of alternate ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well what was BTB in that? George lives to fuck another day! Matilda becomes free to fuck again! The only wimp ass I can see is the cuck himself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

In the original she sucked Dan on the first page and she made him finish in her mouth at raged the top of the second. Dan encouraged every step and explicitly endorsed most of them. So this story did not work for me.

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