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Cucked by Dungeon Master - Ch. 05

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Kristen gets lost in the sauce, Ben confirms suspicions.
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When Kristen sent the teasing text that she was gonna have Mark over I had already cum once. As soon as she left my house that day I ran to start to jerk off to fantasies of my girlfriend and Mark doing things together. Trying to recapture the adrenaline rush of last night when she spent some time in my living room letting Mark feel her breasts.

I pictured what might have happened if she let him take it further. I appreciated that she was faithful enough to stick explicitly to what we agreed would happen, but part of me really wished it went further. Maybe it was better for this fantasy to live in my brain and in the roleplays Kristen and I would enact. But part of me yearned for a deeper rush.

For the moment, her text message provided that rush. She said Mark was coming over to her place.

I replied, "Oh shit baby. Tell me how it goes! Maybe send a pic if you get a chance" with a winky face. I loved how willing she was to lean in to this fantasy with me, pretending her and Mark were together to get me turned on. Part of me thought she might enjoy it more than me. Little did I know at the time, that was exactly the case.

I stroked myself as I laid in bed thinking about Mark going over to Kristen's place. Maybe she just gets home and gets a knock on the door. She goes to it and opens it. Mark says, 'Let's finish what we started' and grips her tits over her clothes. She struggles for a moment before giving in.

My mind flashed to him on her bed, his - apparently - very large cock standing between his legs, spit all over her breasts while she bounced them up and down on his cock. He explodes, covering her face and tits with his cum.

I realize I'm about to cum and remove my hand from my cock. I look at it, red and pulsing as I try not to cum yet. I wanted to get a picture from Kristen first.

It had only been about 15 minutes since her first text but she should definitely be home by now. Can't hurt to text again.

"Hope everything goes well with Mark and you two are well-behaved" I texted, including the like sweaty-hot-with-tongue-out emoji. Nothing. I waited a minute or so before returning to my fantasies and my cock. I stroked, thinking of him blasting cum on her face and tits, and erupted myself soon after.

I cleaned up and took a walk around the apartment. After I came the balance between arousal and shame/jealousy always leaned more heavily in the negative direction. I got a drink of water and brought it back to my bedroom. Before I even reached the door I was getting hard thinking of them fucking again.

It was really a parasite. A worm that had buried itself in my brain, forcing me to think about the woman I love more than anything in the world cheating on me with another man. I hated it, I loved it, at least she provided me a safe space to talk about this with her. Another woman might have taken off immediately when I mentioned it. Another woman might have just fucked Mark right after I mentioned it. But Kristen was something else. She handled the situation with a level of understanding I really appreciated. My only worry was how this might affect things long term.

I took my cock back out and started stroking. I was fucking addicted.

I checked my phone. Still nothing? Was this part of the game?

I texted again, beginning to feel kind of worried and angsty, in the horny and good way.

"How's the 'talk' going?" I texted. God I was feeling kind of needy. Texting back to back without a response like that. But if it was a game she was playing maybe that would show her that I realllllyyyy wanted something for my mind to play with.

As I continued stroking myself, I started actually getting worried. What if she got into an accident or something? And I'm sitting here texting trying to get her to engage with a fantasy with me while she's bleeding on the side of the road. That thought took me out of my fantasy. I waited a bit before sending another text.

"Babe? You okay?"

Another minute passed as I sat in my bed while my cock slowly went soft. More worried for my girlfriend than concerned with what she was up to or what fantasies I could concoct. This time, she responded.

"Hey babe! Yeah I'm great! Mark was just showing me a few things, lemme send you a pic!" My heart jerked in my chest, both happy that she was safe and excited to be drawn immediately back into the fantasy.

A few minutes passed, while I gently stroked myself in anticipation before the picture came through. I opened it, reading the text that accompanied it first.

"He's in the living room, should I go out there like this?"

Kristen was in her bathroom completely naked. She took a picture kind of at a downward angle that showed her heavy breasts and a beaming smile, with one finger on her lips in a "tee-hee" kind of way. One thing I noticed was the large red handprint on her breast. My cock was immediately rock solid.

I didn't think I saw that when we fooled around this morning. She said Mark was aggressive though, it must have taken some time to show up. God how fucking hot it was to have a physical representation of how rough Mark was with her. I text back immediately.

"I think he would like that! Send me a pic of you after you show him, and lemme know how it goes!"

I opened the picture and threw my phone down and jerked off to it. Imagining how he must have been touching her to elicit those marks. I jerked for another twenty minutes or so before I blew another load. I was fucking spent. I laid in bed, exhausted, and completely drained, catching my breath from the marathon masturbation session I had engaged in. In no time, My drained and satisfied brain fell asleep.

I woke up about 2 hours later to a buzz coming from my phone. My mind crawled from sleep and latched on to what those texts could be. Like a kid on Christmas morning, I opened my presents.

2 files, 1 audio, 1 picture.

I looked at them in order, the audio file first, it was short but I still jerk off to this file to this day.

I hit play and could immediately hear the wet mouth sounds. Squelches and gurgles, sounding like she was sucking a cock.

"Hey babe, hope you're doing well. -slurp- -glurg- I'm SO glad you're okay with all this, Mark's cock is so fucking big and feels great in my mouth, ooo-" Her sentence was cut off after she gave a little surprised ooo.

The sounds that followed I can only describe as brutal. Deep guttural glurgs, gags, fast splashing sounds of her spit being forcefully moved around in her mouth and throat, after about 10 seconds of this she took a loud gasp

"Fuck baby he's so fucking rough with me and I love it. I hope you're having fun jerking off! I love you!"

The audio stopped. God, how did she make it sound so realistic. I know she has dildos but to fuck your face with it like that? Absolutely incredible. I skipped down to the picture and opened it full screen.

It's almost impossible to describe how this photo made me feel. So many emotions all at once, arousal, paranoia, jealousy, fear, arousal again.

She was in the bathroom again, still naked but fucking transformed.

Her hair was a little messy in the first pic, sure, that was to be expected. But this was something else. Her hair was a MESS, and the mess continued down her body. Her face was covered in spit around her mouth, the mascara she had put on this morning before she left smeared in dark streaks beneath her eyes. She was smiling brightly and making a peace sign with one hand. She put a lot of work into this 'just got fucked' costume. Then something caught my eye.

What were those red marks? One breast had a clear red handprint in the first picture, now they both did. Is it possible for these marks to show up at different times? Did she do it herself? No the hands were too big, they had to be Marks from last night. Now looking closer at the picture, I noticed more. Her neck had a red mark looping around it, and were those handprints on her face? Each cheek sported deep red marks that seemed to include the shape of long fingers.

My stomach did flips and it felt like my body went cold.

I flipped between the first pic and the second. No, those marks were definitely new. What the fuck was going on here? My heart was pounding, I could feel each beat in my cock. Suddenly, I realized how turned on I was. What the fuck is wrong with me. It was hard for me to even think that Kristen would ACTUALLY go through with what she was telling me was a fantasy. But it was hard to argue with the picture.

I wanted to be pissed, but the jealousy and fear overrode that emotion. And nowadays, arousal was coupled with jealousy. Instead of giving in to my anger, I took it out on my cock. Stroking furiously at the picture in front of me, imagining what must have happened to cause this type of carnage on my girlfriend.

Once I shot my load and reality came back to me. I was furious, terrified, betrayed, confused. What the fuck WAS this?

I texted her.

"How did you get those marks?" Short, simple, serious.

A few moments passed before I got one back.

"Mark's been really rough with your girl baby. (It's makeup don't worry smiley-with-tongue-out emoji)"

Make-up? Kristen was good at make-up, sure. She could blend eyeshadow in different ways and always looked great. But I was supposed to believe that was make-up?

Considering the alternative. I tried to believe her. I suppose I would know for a fact when I saw her again. It was late, there was a pit in my stomach, so I texted back.

"Okay. I'm heading to bed, I love you!"

"I love you too!, Marks spending the night so I'll send more tomorrow." She responded.

I laid my worried head on my pillow, and after a bit of struggle, fell asleep.


I woke up next to Mark the following day a changed woman.

To some extent, I expected Mark coming over to lead to something sexual. How could it not? Despite me playing hard-to-get, I knew what I was doing. I knew that I was purposefully co-signing my infidelity. That said, I didn't expect the hours upon hours of brutal fucking. It felt like I had blown off a lifetimes worth of pent-up sexual frustration in one night. I had been USED, and it felt amazing.

Yeah, I still felt guilt, shame, I felt bad for what this might do to me and Ben. I loved Ben. Deeply. I didn't want to lose him. But how was I supposed to know how much I would need this? The guilt and shame couldn't hold a candle to the mind-enveloping pleasure this man could inflict on me. I was a woman on a mission. However I could make it happen, I wanted them both.

I looked over at the large, muscular, frame of my new God laying next to me. He had told me last night he didn't have work today, so he could stay over and I quickly agreed. How could I not? Problem was, I did have work. Unless....

I went to my phone, saw an unread message from Ben and scrolled past it to find my last text to my boss.

"I'm feeling really sick today with some stomach thing, I can't make it in, I'm sorry!" I sent it, and dropped my phone, the message from Ben forgotten in my excitement.

I looked at Mark, still sleeping on his back, his flaccid cock hanging between his legs. Though calling it 'flaccid' seems unfair, as it was still engorged and lengthier than most hard cocks I had ever seen.

I slowly crawled up to him, breasts rubbing against the bedsheets as I moved, and took him into my mouth.

God, I fucking love the way it tastes. This meaty cock could turn a vegan into a carnivore. Or a girlfriend to a whore. I savored every moment, every bob down and up, every swirl of my tongue around his length. In no time, I had him standing at attention and Mark began to stir.

One heavy hand found the back of my head, moving the hair from my face and grasping it, softly guiding me up and down.

"Thought you had work princess?" He said, sleep coating his voice and making it even deeper and sexier than usual.

"Called out" I said quickly, as to maximize the time I had him in my mouth. Good girls have better things to do with their mouth than talk, Mark had taught me.

He laughed a loud and hearty laugh, "Well what do you have planned for the day?"

"Whatever Daddy wants." I replied, dutifully, before taking his cock all the way down - holding it - then pulling slowly back up his length.

"Good answer. What did your little cuck think of what you sent him?" He teased.

I pulled my mouth from his cock and crawled up on top of him and placed his length inside me. Now that I was used to it there was no pain, only pleasure as I lowered myself on him. My body shook when I bottomed out and I leaned over, pressing my body onto his. He grabbed one breast and placed the nipple in his mouth as I began to slowly ride him.

"Who cares?" I said, truthfully. When Mark was inside of me, why would I think about anything else. I had a man to please. Ben could wait.

Mark laughed into my tits and took my nipple from his mouth, "I care, princess, I kind of like this game we're playing."

Shit, I did too. It was exciting teasing Ben. Playing with his fantasy, teasing him with what he believed were lies for his pleasure. We had to record the cock-sucking audio 5 times before we got a recording that didn't include Mark moaning or accidentally talking to me. And honestly, I was too high on endorphins to even notice how fucked up I looked in the picture I sent him, though I think the make-up bit was believeable. I could always use make-up to cover them up if they weren't gone soon.

I leaned in and kissed Mark, deeply, as I continued rocking my hips slowly on his perfect cock. We made out for awhile before I pulled away to answer his question in a more detailed way.

"He might have caught on a little with the second picture, but I think I convinced him otherwise." As I was speaking I remembered seeing an unread text from him, "Oh, actually I have a text from him I didn't open."

Mark smiled, our faces an inch from each other, "Why didn't you open it?"

"I had something better to do." I rocked my hips on him faster and planted some kisses on his neck.

"Goddamn right you do princess. Grab your phone, let me see." He commanded.

I groaned in frustration as I had to remove myself from his cock. I grabbed my phone and opened it with my face before handing it to him and taking my rightful place back on my hard and thick throne.

Mark laughed as he read the text, "Yeah you convinced him alright. Either Ben is more oblivious than I thought or he doesn't want to believe what he's seeing. Let's send him a video."

I was sitting up, straddling him with my hands on his chest as I bounced my ass up and down on him now. A video? Risky.

"You couldn't stay quiet during the blowjob audio we took, a video seems a little risky." I said, I know it sounds hypocritical, but I really didn't want to blow up my relationship with Ben. For multiple reasons. I did love Ben, despite the incredible pleasure Mark had given me and how submissive I had become to him so quickly. I couldn't hang out with Mark, or go on a date and enjoy each others company, Mark wouldn't make me feel loved or secure like Ben did.

Mark possessed one quality, and it was an incredible one. One Ben could not give me without giving me to Mark. The best possible future included both of these men and the qualities they uniquely provided. Maybe that makes me a bitch, but I wanted it ALL.

Also, there was a nagging worry I had developed that played a part in this too. Would Mark want to fuck me if I wasn't Ben's girlfriend? If he broke us up would he toss me away? Leaving me with no loving boyfriend and no mind-expanding sex? I couldn't have that.

"So long as I'm not IN the video it shouldn't matter. Just tell him me groaning or whatever is porn in the background to make the 'fantasy' seem real. I think Ben will buy whatever you sell him. Don't tell me this shit doesn't excite you?" Mark said, sounding incredulous.

It did excite me. Of course it did. As much as I hate to admit it, the sneaking around behind Ben's back WAS hot. I think I would still rather be able to fuck Mark with Ben's knowledge and approval, but God it turned me on to tease Ben with what COULD be happening.

"What do you have in mind Daddy?" I asked as I continued to grind on him.

He told me his idea, and we shot a video for Ben shortly after which I'll let Ben describe because his version of this day is honestly so fucking hot, his lil cuck angst was at 11.

Mark and I ordered some food for delivery and spent much of the day fucking, with small breaks for water and food. His stamina honestly seemed otherworldly. After a few times, his orgasms came farther and farther apart and while I didn't mind going for longer sessions, I did miss the feeling of his load filling up my insides.

Ben and I texted a little back and forth that day, but he said he was tired after work and went to bed early. It was around 6pm, when Ben told me he was going to take a nap or go to sleep for the day because he was exhausted. I took the chance to ask Mark if he wanted to spend the night again.

"Sorry, I promised Jen I'd come by tonight, It's been awhile since she had a night alone." He said, giving me a kiss on the cheek as he put his clothes back on after basically a full day naked.

I felt a sting of jealousy and betrayal worm through my chest before I realized how crazy I was being. I was cheating on Ben, and Mark was... well, Mark. I had no place to feel jealous about who else he was with. Wait... Jen? THAT JEN?

"Wait a sec" I said, and the stunned look on my face must have gave me away.

Mark laughed when he saw my face, "Yes, Tom and Jen - Jen. Don't look so shocked. There are other women but you're my only princess." He said, giving me his classic bright smile.

"How long!?" I asked, more shocked than jealous - Jen always seemed so together. She NEVER let on that her and Mark had anything going on, and her and Tom seemed to have a great relationship, "Does Tom know?"

"If he does, I don't know it. And basically since the beginning, Lindsay(Caleb's ex, I explained their history in the first part) was still our dungeon master and I was a player. Tom had to miss a session so I gave Jen 'a ride' in multiple ways." He said, putting air quotes around 'a ride'.

My heart caught in my chest as I realized something, "If you're telling me about her, does she know..." He cut me off.

"Nah, She knows I still see Lindsay from time to time but she doesn't know about you, don't worry. I know you well enough now to know you're not gonna go blabbing about stuff. And our little secret is too exciting to share." He said, now fully dressed and ready to go.

My mind was running wild. Holy shit, this man had fucked every woman in the group. Hell, he was CURRENTLY fucking every woman from the group regularly. Is it weird that this fact made him hotter to me? Knowing he was able to make 3 good girlfriends succumb to him. That every man in the group was secretly being cucked by the dungeon master. Maybe I should be jealous that this cut into my time with him, but it was kind of hot thinking about sweet, innocent, girl-next-door Jen getting her brains fucked to mush by Mark. Her tiny frame being thrown around by his massive, powerful, man.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him hard.

"Go fuck the shit out of Jen. Make it extra rough for me, Daddy." I said.

"You got it, princess" He smiled, "See you Saturday."


When I woke up for work on Monday the texts from the previous night were still fresh on my mind. I had asked Kristen to tease me like this, but maybe she was too good at it. I opened my phone, still lying in bed and played the audio file again. Hearing her talk to me while she sucked his cock, or dildo, or whatever it was filled me with vibrations of dread and arousal.


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