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Cucked in the Tropics Ch. 01

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Newly weds meet their guide at a honeymoon resort.
10.1k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/18/2021
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*** Disclaimer ***

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains themes of cheating, cuckoldry, voyeurism, exhibitionism and NTR. If this isn't the fetish for you, don't waste your time flooding my inbox with hate mail-- it'll only make me want to write and post MORE cuck stuff (unless, of course, that's your goal...)

Otherwise, I love hearing from fans, and welcome any suggestions, thoughts, criticisms, or fantasy ideas. Enjoy!




"I'm not sure this is what I was picturing," Callie admitted, the moment they stepped off the plane and onto the concourse. The airport was stifling hot, and the temperature hit them both like a slap in the face. More than just the heat, it was never more apparent that they weren't in the United States any longer. It was crowded, disorganized, loud, and there were more members of other ethnicities than she had seen in her 26 years in Indiana. Here, she and her husband were the minorities.

"Honey, that's racist," Jake corrected her.

Her eyes widened for a moment and a splash of color appeared across her bright apple cheeks. She looked around at the masses with an apologetic look in her eye. Jake took a moment to savor her discomfort. Callie always did have a very expressive face. Each emotion played across her features, more animated than a Disney princess in a cartoon. And her look of self-questioning embarrassment was one of his favorites. She had a way of darting her head around like an anxious puppy during 4th of July fireworks.

"I just meant, I didn't expect it to be like..."

"A third world country?" He asked.

She reddened again, fearful that someone might overhear their hushed voices. "Now who's being the racist?" she said uneasily, feeling wildly out of place. Indeed, both she and Jake stood out quite a bit in this crowd. Both were fair-skinned with strawberry blonde hair. Their features were very similar. They could have passed for brother and sister, although they weren't. They were newly weds. Callie's straight blonde hair hung down to nearly to her waist. The color was natural, not a hint of dye to it, and she had never done anything daring with it before, why start now? An inch or two longer, and she might have looked like a religious zealot living on a cult compound. Instead, her lack of makeup, honest good looks, small town upbringing, and long hair made her appear like a farmer's daughter, in the most classic sense. As did her hourglass figure. While Jake didn't consider himself a shallow guy, one of the most noticeable features about Callie (save for her nervous bashful smile) was her body. A pair of plump 36DD's sat above a waist that narrowed, then widened again to accommodate full hips and a big perky ass, made perkier by the way she had this cute little tendency to walk on the balls of her feet, giving a quirky bounce to her steps. All of it was accentuated by the outfit that she'd worn for the flight down-- a sundress. From the waist up, bright red and strapless-- almost as red as her cheeks. It hugged her breasts-- if anything, making them stand out even larger and fuller than they already were. And from the waist down, a breezy playful print of red flowers over a white backdrop that stopped at her knees. It wasn't mean to be showy, but each time Jake glanced at her, his eyes were instantly drawn to the bright red, the enormous swell of her chest, and the milky skin that showed.

He thought he saw more than a few men at the airport glance her way. But that might not have just been at Callie, but at him as well.

Jake also stood out as someone not from around here. His skin was just as pale, and he wore a pastel blue short sleeve button down, and white board shorts. Callie often liked to joke that he looked like Macaulay Culkin if the former Home Alone star had grown up to actually look cute and had developed some broad shoulders on his skinny frame. They were tourists, and it was obvious to everyone in the terminal.

Jake appeared far more at ease than Callie felt at the moment. She felt lost, slapped in the face by the reality that the world was a very large place beyond their hometown.

"C'mon," Jake took her by the hand. "It'll be different once we reach the resort."

Callie looked apprehensively at the mob of bustling strangers. "Do you think it's dangerous here? I don't want to get lost in the city." She clutched her purse closer to her body as she pulled her wheelie suitcase behind her.

"We don't need to worry about that. I called the resort ahead of time. They're sending out a guide to drive us and help us settle in. Think of it like a personal butler."

They moved through the crowd until Jake spotted a man with a sign that read "Mr. and Mrs. Decker." Sign aside, he wasn't hard to spot. He towered over much of the crowd like a statue on a pedestal.

"We're the Deckers," Jake greeted the man with a disarming smile. Callie's first impression of their guide was almost immediate intimidation. He was a wall of a man-- easily 6'8". He towered over the two of them. Callie had always considered her 5'6" frame average for a woman, but next to the guide, she felt like a dwarf. Jake too. His 5'8" build suddenly didn't seem so impressive. And the guide's complexion was nearly polar opposite of the newly married couple. He was dark, exotically so. His muscles huge, the smooth black skin of his arms like iron bands, barely contained by the thin breezy white button down that he wore-- somewhat open and casual. Vacation-like. He appraised the happy couple for a moment before extending his enormous paw toward Jake.

"I'm Andre," he said pleasantly with a deep resonant voice. Callie detected an accent. It was thick. French maybe? Callie couldn't fathom a guess as to what sorts of languages and heritage were common around here. Then Andre took her hand and peered into her eyes, lips peeling back to show bright white teeth.

"This is my wife, Callie," Jake said.

Callie's hand seemed to completely disappear in the man's giant paw.

"Welcome to paradise," he said with a piercing gaze that went on for just a moment too long and left Callie dazed and shy. "I promise to take good care of you while you're staying with us."

"Thank you," she smiled bashfully. When he finally released her hand, his eyes flicked momentarily to her chest.

It was nothing that Callie hadn't experienced before. Ever since she developed, her breasts had attracted attention. Often, she used them as a ploy to make Jake run late for work, or to arouse him at inappropriate moments. The way they reduced Jake into a stammering mess of raging hormones amused her. But from a stranger it was a little different... she was still processing how she felt about it, when Andre's eyes lifted from her chest right back to her eyes. He'd been caught looking. They both knew it. But instead of apologize, or shy away, he merely smiled. Oops... no big deal, right?

After what felt an eternity, Andre stooped and retrieved her luggage. He tossed the suitcase easily over one shoulder and helped Jake lug his. The man's biceps straining the fabric of his shirt, threatening to tear through like the Hulk.

Black men were not something that Callie was accustomed to. In their high school back home, there had only been one black student in their entire graduating class of 500, and he was about as threatening and built as a Teddy Bear. When Callie had been a cheerleader during her sophomore year, even the basketball team was all white.

It wasn't that her town was deliberately racist. Sure, they had their share of cantankerous ultra conservatives who subscribed to the old world prejudices about blacks, and while growing up, Callie had heard most of them with disinterested ears, choosing to believe the best in people. But now that she was a fish out of water in this foreign land, all of those ignorant stereotypes floated to the front of her brain, whispered by men who would find their guide intimidating.

Callie reflected on all of them, as she curiously watched Andre steer them through the airport and to a waiting car. His back was broad and his posture, confident. He spoke in his deep accented voice as they walked. "The resort is very safe. But outside of the walls, I don't recommend that you travel alone. There are many pickpockets, thieves, and worse..." He cast a glance at Callie as he said this last part.

Then they were in the resort's luxury car, and on the way through town, crossing toward their little private retreat.

Jake took Callie's hand as she peered out the window, watching the city slip past. She was certainly awed.

"Not in Kansas anymore?" He asked knowingly.

She shook her head. Callie hadn't been much for traveling. Hell, she had barely traveled out of her home town, except for college. And even after college, she had moved back home, married Jake-- who she'd known since practically kindergarten when he shared his crayons with her on the first day--and recently they'd bought a house just down the street from her mother. Hell, Callie and Jake even worked for the same high school that they'd graduated from-- a rural school where students wore hunter camouflage, or letterman jackets.

Jake had been much more fearless-- going to college a few hours further from home. He'd even shown no fear climbing onto the horse for the first time at Callie's childhood home. Jake might not have been the most adventurous type, but he was up for pretty much anything that Callie found interesting. Which was how they ended up here. Before the wedding, they'd been talking about honeymoons, and Callie had shrugged in that uncertain way that she always did. "Oh, I don't know." She had said, almost afraid to commit to anything, and wishing that Jake would take the lead. But she knew that wouldn't happen. So she initiated the first suggestion. "How about some place beautiful and beachy?"

Jake had smiled, and replied, "Then let's make that happen."

Now here they were, in the back of a bumpy little rental, passing through the pothole ridden streets of an impoverished area. Their car drew glances from the passing pedestrians, and Callie felt an overwhelming urge to slouch and hide.

When she glanced forward, she caught Andre's eyes in the rearview mirror.

"So you are newly weds, ah?" He asked.

"Yep, tied the knot a few days ago," Jake admitted.

"I'm sure it was beautiful," Andre said. Once again, when Callie glanced up, she found his eyes on hers in the mirror. The heat rose to her face, and her eyes darted away, with a strange sense that Andre's would always follow-- like a hungry confident jungle cat.

"It rained the entire ceremony," Jake explained.

This earned a laugh from Andre. A deep resonant belly laugh. "I don't know if you Americans have the same expression. But rain on a wedding day is said to be good luck."

"So we've been told," Callie said with a smile. "Honestly, we moved everything into the barn and had the ceremony there. It was cozy, actually."

"She would have danced in the rain, if she had to," Jake covered her hand with his.

"Ah, a cowgirl, huh?" Andre said with a shake of his head and cluck of his tongue. "All Americans are."

"Not really," she said. "I just grew up around horses and goats."

"And dogs, and barn cats, and chickens," Jake added.

"So you are farmers?" Andre asked.

"Teachers," Jake said. "I teach ninth grade history, and Callie is a library assistant."

Andre considered this. "If you're in the library, I bet every student has taken a new found interest in reading." His eyes were on Callie as he said this, and she found the blush returning to her face. Was that a flirtation, or was it just a general compliment? She had no way of knowing.

They reached the gates of the resort, and Callie was startled by the amount of security around the place. An enormous wall set it apart from the rest of the city, with closed circuit cameras. An effort had been made to paint it in pleasant pastel shades, and adorn it with flower beds and tropical plants, but at the end of the day, they knew what it was for. They passed a guard booth, and Andre exchanged a wave with the uniformed men who raised the gate and waved him through.

Jake nudged Callie. "Cartel," he whispered from the side of his mouth. Callie rolled her eyes. It had been a running joke that their families had tried to warn them of. "All of those resorts down there are owned by the cartel." They had said. "That's why they can afford to be so luxurious and heavily guarded, and why nobody messes with the resorts. You don't fuck with the cartel."

Callie thought it was utter nonsense, spouted off by the older, more closed minded relics of her family. But that never stopped Jake from cracking jokes about it.

Beyond the gates, it was as though they'd stepped out of the drab old Kansas and into Oz. A whole new world. Sprawling greenery met with sand so white, that Callie needed sunglasses to see it. The ocean was blue-- *actual* blue-- like in a story book. Palm trees lined the walkways and paths. Callie had never seen an actual palm tree in person. Only in the movies. The gardens were lively and vivid. So many colors arranged so perfectly. Sparkling fountains of crystal clear waters danced in the sunlight. Swimming pools, tennis courts, and golf courses seemed to stretch away into eternity.

And at the center of it all, stood the hotel. It looked like a stately palace, painted in subdued colors, with bright attractive accents, and welcoming windows.

"Oh my," Callie said aloud, sounded like a Dorothy to her own ears.

"Welcome to paradise." Andre reiterated.

"It's perfect." Callie said. "I might never want to leave."

"I think you'll enjoy it here," Andre said. He was looking straight at Callie as he said it.


Andre helped them with their bags as he showed them to their room.

It took Callie's breath away. The honeymoon suite was on the first floor, in its own private corner of the resort. It was a bungalow style, with a thatched vaulted ceiling, and rich wood décor. The bed looked out onto two balconies on different walls. One faced the deep aqua-marine of the sea. The other faced a tropical pool, with vivid plant life and a waterfall feature. The pool wasn't heavily used, although they spotted a few sunbathers laying nearby, and a man wading waist deep in the water, sipping on a margarita. The bathroom was a frosted glass partition, with a large walk-in rainfall shower and flat stone tile work. It created the effect of showering in a tropical jungle.

"Oh wow," Callie murmured.

"I'll let you two get settled in," Andre said, and allowed a knowing grin to spread across his face. Callie blushed, but she and Jake both laughed lightly at Andre's implication. "I will be available as your personal guide during your stay here."

"What sorts of things are there to do around here?" Jake asked.

Andre's sly smile spread, and his eyes wandered to Callie suggestively. Jake didn't seem to pick up on it, but Callie did, and again was at a loss if he was being flirty or trying to make a joke.

"We have many unspoiled natural rainforests to the south of the resort, with beautiful views, waterfalls, and plant life. However, it is not recommended to go there without a guide. Wildlife is a very real danger."

Callie swallowed. Jake looked intrigued. "Any man-eating dinosaurs?"

Callie rolled her eyes. Andre didn't appear amused as he regarded the short pale white man with the full lips and straw colored hair. It was the first time Callie saw Andre's expression turn from cordial customer-service pleasantness to something more like... contempt? No. That couldn't be it. It was more like a lack of respect, the way an adult would regard an interrupting child.

"Jungle cats, poisonous snakes, and river monsters are not something to be taken lightly, Mr. Decker."

Jake nodded, looking like a guilty child who just got scolded. Callie never saw Jake fold so easily to someone who lectured him. Maybe it was Andre's towering height and impressive physique. He certainly commanded a room, the way he carried himself. Callie was pretty sure that if the building was on fire, she would listen to Andre's direction no matter how many people were trying to talk, or what he told her to do.

Andre must have sensed the atmosphere, because he changed his tone to become cheerful once again. "I am a certified scuba instructor and have a boat, so I could take you out onto the water to see some of our more beautiful reef formations," he explained.

"I always wanted to try that," Jake was enthused.

Callie shook her head, her eyes wide and fearful. She was always a bit scared of the water. "You can do that, I'll sit it out, thank you."

"We also offer zip-lining, spas and massages, we have three restaurants and bars, as well as tennis courts, five swimming pools, and a private golf course."

"Holy moly," Callie declared.

"Of course, if the newly weds want to stay in the room the whole time, I wouldn't blame you. That might be much more fun," he said, giving Jake a wink and looking Callie up and down. Under normal circumstances, she would have found such a gesture creepy. But there was something about Andre that she was much more dismissive toward his remarks. The accent maybe? It had to be. It really illustrated to her that he was of another culture, and therefore his social cues might be different than in America. That made it more forgivable.

Or maybe it was that Andre was attractive. She'd once heard that people were more forgiving toward those that they found attractive. But that raised a new thought in her head. She found Andre attractive. The realization surprised her a bit. Callie never thought of herself as racist, but she also didn't think she'd find a black man attractive. Not that it mattered, because she was married and had promised herself to Jake for the rest of her life. But the idea of this new feeling in the face a man who she didn't think would be her type was startling. It made her break down Andre's attributes in her mind, and assess each one. He was tall. Very tall. Callie knew that the attraction to tall men was instinctual desire that went all the way back to the most primitive parts of the human brain-- the need to have the biggest, strongest protector in the cave. Plus he was muscular. What woman doesn't like a set of big strong arms, and power behind them? He was well dressed. He had a bright smile. And maybe the dark skin wasn't a deal breaker after all. It was different... exotic. Like a dress that surprises her, it was definitely not something she would have picked out on her own, but if tried on, might be a huge confidence boost. Of course there was also the myth about black guys... The one stereotype about black men that seemed to be encouraged by society...

Callie shook that thought away as soon as it began to needle into her brain. Why was she thinking about this? It was the venue-- the vacation. She felt loose, free. This was a place where she could let her hair down without any kind of societal judgments or repercussions to how friends and family would see her. In a world where nobody recognized her and she was free of all obligations aside from her own personal pleasure.

Jake thanked Andre and offered him a tip. Andre instantly dismissed it. "That won't be necessary. I'm more than well compensated," he assured them. "Keep it and buy your lovely bride something that she can enjoy," he winked, and left after wishing them a good trip.

There was something about the way the door clicked when it shut, sealing her alone with her new husband in this tropical paradise. The click resonated in her mind and triggered an excited burst of euphoria that Callie hadn't felt before. They were finally here, they were finally together, and they had nowhere else they had to be!


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