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Cuckolding from a Woman's View Ch. 10

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Mary knew who she wanted.
9.2k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/16/2022
Created 07/28/2005
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Bud was holding his head in his hands and began to cry out with both rage and sadness. His wife was lying under Roger and Roger was positioned his big cock head at the center of her pussy hole. As Roger pushed Bud saw his wife's vagina stretch and begin to open accommodating Roger's huge cock head. As Mandy moaned she looked towards her husband and say, "Oh God it's huge!"

It was then that she heard Bud scream with his frustration and pure rage and she took a second to understand what had happened. Roger looked towards Bud too and it seemed that the entire room and everyone in it were moving in super slow motion now. Mandy began to scream when she saw the fury and rage in her husband's face. She had never seen him look as he did now. Her mouth opened and a loud-pitched sound began to come from it as Bud stood and stepped towards the bed.

As soon as Bud moved, the two husbands both began to stand as Stan moved towards Bud too. "The rules", he screamed out, "She's on the bed you can't stop it now! Don't try to stop it now! I said stop asshole."

Stan slid off the bed completely now and put his feet on the floor as he reached for Bud. Bud saw him and stepped sideways as he swung his left leg and kicked out hitting Stan in the face. There was a loud sound like cartilage snapping and Bud knew immediately he had broken Stan's nose maybe more.

Stan yelled out in pain as he was almost lifted off the floor from Bud's kick. As the thrust knocked him backwards Stan's knees hit the side of the bed and Stan flipped over it and landed on the floor. He didn't get up as John and Danny looked quickly at him and then at Bud.

Bud turned and grabbed Roger by the back of his long blond hair and pulled as hard as he could. Before Roger could do anything about it, Bud's other hand had Roger around the throat and Roger screamed in pain as he bent backward and the action removing his cock from Mandy's stretched pussy hole. It made a loud pop sound as it came out bending up and Roger's head and neck were bending backwards too. Roger's was flipped over Bud's hip and he fell back hit the floor. He tried to get up quickly, but not quickly enough. Bud swung and hit Roger in the windpipe as he came up under his chin. Roger's head snapped back and he too fell over the other side of the bed. Roger's head hit the wall putting a hole in it. He slowly slid down the wall knocked out.

Bud quickly turned and looked at John and Danny. He didn't have to say anything the two men stopped in their tracks and stood there. Bud lunged for them and they backed up faster. He then said, "Don't fucking move either of you!"

Neither of the husbands was about to do or say anything. They took another step back as Bud turned and looked at his wife. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled, half dragging her across the bed, and on to the floor. Mandy fell off the bed and on to her knees. She yelled out in pain. Bud didn't wait he dragged her down the hall picked her up and pulled her down thew stairs and out the front door.

Maundy screamed, "I'm naked!"

Bud didn't reply he pulled her and opened the car door. He pushed her and she hit her head on the top of the door opening. Crying now from the pain more than the embarrassment she got in. She sat there as he slammed the door so hard she was sure the glass was going to hit and cut her. It didn't. Bud walked around the car and got into the driver's side. He started the car and pulled away.

Neither of them said anything, Bud was to mad and Mandy was to scared. As he pulled into the driveway and then the garage of their house he parked the car. They sat for what felt like an hour to Mandy but in reality was only a minute. Then Bud turned to her and said, "Get out!"

She curried into a ball on the seat fearing for her life. He said, "Don't make me tell you again. Get the fuck out and go into the house and move all your shit into the spare bedroom."

She didn't move. He screamed it again, "Get out!"

Mandy jumped. Then Bud lowered his voice and said, "Or, I'll pull your slut ass out by the hair and drag you again."

Mandy opened the car door shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. She said, "I'm sacred."

Bud said, "Good you should be! Now get your whoring ass into the house and get your slut cunt into the spare bedroom. You should be glad I'm even allowing you to come into my house after what you did. MOVE! GOD DAMN YOU!"

She ran into the house. Mandy grabbed her things and took them into the spare bedroom. Bud slowly walked into the house and sat in the kitchen. He didn't know what he was going to do. He was as mad as he was when he was at war being shot at when he was a SEAL in Afghanistan.

Their lives would never be the same. He wanted to kill someone. As he stood he was shaking now. He opened the refrigerator and took out a beer. He chugged it and opened another one. As he sat there he nursed this one and just looked at the wall. What the hell was he going to do? He had no idea None at all, but he knew he wanted revenge. He finished the beer and threw the bottle against the wall.

Upstairs Mandy heard the crash and shook as she heard him coming up the stairs. She quickly went to the door and turned the lock. Then she sat on the bed shaking wondering if Bud was coming up to kill her. Instead he knocked and said, "Open the door Mandy. Open it now."

She didn't move. Bud said, "Open the damn door Mandy. Please I don't want to break it down."

Again she didn't move she said, "Go away! I'm scared of you! Go away Bud."

There was silence for a second and then Mandy heard a loud bang followed by the bedroom door splitting around the lock and flying open. Mandy screamed and screamed as Bud stood in the doorway. He didn't move any further because he realized that if he did he would kill her. He said, "Shut up! I'm not going to hurt you. I don't know why I shouldn't but I'm not! I want you to stay in this room tonight and think about what you did. Think what you did to me, to us, and then I want you to tell me in the morning why you felt you had to destroy our marriage. After that I'll decide what will happen. But I won't hurt you. I swear to you I won't touch you."

As he turned and walked out of the room she heard him say, "Ever again!"

She fell on the bed and cried herself to sleep. Bud didn't sleep at all he just laid there with his eyes opened looking at the shadows on the ceiling as the light from outside made different patterns. In the morning he heard Mandy moving around and then he heard the shower running. He got up slowly and went downstairs. He made himself a cup of hot tea, strong! He was sure he would need it. It was early maybe 7AM and he looked and felt like shit. His head hurt and his stomach was turning as he began to think about what had happened last night and what he was going to do about it. He had no idea for sure it was up to Mandy. Depending on what she said he would either tell her to pack and move out or let her stay.

But Mandy didn't come down she sat in her room and cried. Finally Bud went upstairs and stood in the doorway. The broken door hung off one of the three hinges. He shook his head and looked at her. She didn't look back at him, she could. She was to scare and worried about what he was going to do. Finally he said, " Well we really fucked our lives up didn't we? Why don't you get dressed and come downstairs and have some breakfast?"

She sobbed and looked up at him for the first time. She looked more like shit than he did. She said, "I'm too afraid. What are you going to do?"

He turned and walked out of the room saying, "I don't know. Come down and have breakfast we need to talk."

And with that he disappeared from the doorway. It took her 10 minutes before Bud heard her walking down the stairs slowly. When she entered the kitchen he said, "Make yourself some coffee and sit down. I told you last night that I wasn't going to hurt you. And I keep my word."

She said, "My stomach is to much upset to drink coffee. I think I'll have some tea. She used his old teabag and since the water was still hot she poured herself a cup. Then she sat on the other side of the table and hung her head. Finally she lifted the cup to her lips and took a sip as her eyes move up and looked at Bud. He was looking at her with such pain she couldn't hold his stare. Finally Bud said, "You fucked up royally this time Mandy! I feel so bad, so sad, so hurt that I want to die. I'm not sure we will ever get past this."

She put the tea down and said, "Oh Bud! I'm such a fool! I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say to you! I don't know what to think of myself. I did what you asked last night and can't come up with any good reason as to why I did what I did. I think it was the sight of the sex going on in the room, and the sight of my sisters being screwed by the two men. I can't say I didn't want to do it or that I was drugged or hypnotized or anything else. It was like I was in some sort of trance. I simply wanted to fell what a huge cock felt like. I'm so very sorry I hurt you and our relationship."

Bud said, "Oh stop it! How many times before have you felt what his huge cock felt like Mandy? I heard what Roger told you! This wasn't the first time he fucked you!"

She lowered her head and then raised it again to look at him as she said, "Once. He was here with my sisters and we did it in the living room. That's all, once. But I guess it was once to many. Oh please Bud, don't throw me out! I have no one. No one! I love you. I know it sound like bullshit now after what I have done but I do. I love you with all my heart. I was just pushed and pushed and pushed by my damn sisters. I was dragged down that road and wanted to see and try to make you allow me to cuckold you like my sisters did to their husbands. I was….. When you didn't say anything……. Well I wanted to and since you didn't stand up....or try to stop me………Oh Bud I'm so sorry. I felt I knew you so well. And when you didn't move to stop me, well I……..I wanted to do it! You gave me the excuse I needed. I wanted to let it happen. Oh Bud, I'm sorry I wanted it for myself. I'm a sorry example for a wife. Oh God Bud! I'm so very, very sorry. I should have known……."

Bud interrupted and said, "Wait a second Mandy. You're not going to sit there and say you felt I wanted you to do it last night because I didn't stand up and pull you away from the bed are you? Because that's bull shit baby! You damn well knew I told you NO! NO I said to you a few times before and during Friday night. I didn't say go for it! I said, NO Mandy and you heard it."

She was crying now as she shook her head agreeing with him. She looked up at him again and said, "I……I know it Bud! I know…! It was just……just that you sat there and didn't yell or scream or stand up and try to stop me. Everyone was cheering me on and I looked at you and couldn't see anything in your face that told me yes or no or anything else. It was blank. So….I.."

Bud said, "I had already told you no Mandy. If I had to get up and physically stop you last night, you would still have done it later on another night. Or, you would have invited that blond-headed big cock asshole back to our house. No Mandy you had to stop yourself. If I stopped you last night you would have done it later on. You would have found a way to fuck him unless you decide not to. You have a brain and will power and knew what was going on so don't hand me that shit.

She sighed and said, "Yes, I know you're so right Bud. If you had stopped me I would have found another way. I'm so sorry."

Bud looked at her and said, "I took it for as long as any real man could take it Mandy. Then I snapped. You can't imagine how it felt to sit there knowing my wife had the biggest cock anyone has ever seen moving up into her pussy. I went nuts and I'm just glad, I mean I'm so happy that I didn't kill anyone. I could have easily you know. I could have killed everyone in the room."

She shuttered as she remembered how fast and easy Bud had taken the two bigger men out. Three seconds maybe less and both of them were on the floor out cold. She said, "Yes. I know Bud. And I'm so sorry. It would have been my fault. I can't take it back but I promise you it will not happen again. I am done with the cuckolding sex. If my sisters call me I will tell them what I think. If they invite me again I won't go. Never Bud., I will never even ask you to go over either sister's house again for anything, Easter, Christmas, anything! Pleas Bud please don't leave me."

Bud stood up and said, "I don't know yet Mandy. I don't know what I'm going to do. But until I decide you stay in your own room. You can live here for as long as we both agree. But I will fight you for the house if it doesn't work out between us."

Mandy stood and took a step towards him He stopped her and said, "No Mandy. That will not happen. I have to go out now. I expect you to have all of your things out of my room when I get back."

She watched as he left and she sat and cried knowing she was the cause of this, all of this grief. Slowly she stood up and walked upstairs towards the big bedroom that they use to sleep in. She started removing her things from it.

It was now about three months later. Bud was still living with Mandy but they were still sleeping in separate bedrooms. He hadn't touched her and only talked to her when she started a conversation. He said hello and goodbye and that was pretty much it. The marriage wasn't very good and Mandy continued to beg him almost everyday to please forgive her and take her back and be her husband again. He never answered her but just went about his business and did what he wanted.

He didn't date or go out with the boys. He stayed home and seeing him every night and not having him or knowing he didn't love her any more was making her life miserable. She was so sad for what she had done but Bud didn't give in at all. In fact he was hoping she would tire of him and his attitude and file for a divorce. Bud had no intention of doing it. She was hoping she could wear him down by dressing in next to nothing or showing her body to him or doing anything he asked. But Bud was restraining her advances and knew in time he would succeed.

Bud now spent a great deal of time now at work or at the gym. He had dropped at least twenty pounds and added a great deal of his old muscle back to his chest, arms and legs. He looked 10 years younger and in very good shape. He grew his hair longer and now sported a full-grown cut and styled bread. He changed his type of clothing too and everyone told him he looked so much younger. Even his own mother and father and immediate family didn't recognize him when they saw him at first.

It had been a few months since his dad saw him and he didn't know who he was at first when Bud rang the bell as he came to the annual forth of July barbecue this year. Everyone was talking about how good he looked. Neither Mandy nor any of her sisters or husbands was invited to his dad's family's holiday function. He went along and after it was over he helped his dad clean up and took some time to talk with him. He told his dad what had happened. He also wanted his dad's advise about what he should do going forward.

His dad was really pissed off about what Mandy had done and what her sisters had plan and tried to do to him. He told Bud he should divorce her cheating ass and move on with his life. But Bud told him he didn't or couldn't do that yet since he still loved the bitch deep down inside. His dad told him once a cheat always a cheat. If she tried it once she would eventually try something again. Bud thanked him and went on his way after the party, still not knowing exactly what he wanted to do yet. But, Bud did know he still wanted revenge. All the time he lived with Mandy he knew he had to get pay back for the two husbands and her sisters.

No one knew what he was planning and finally when Bud felt enough time had passed since the big fight in the bedroom that terrible night he started to put his plan in motion. Bud remembered back to that night he had beat up the two men and dragged his naked wife out of the house. That was the start of her daily punishment and had been going on for over four months now. But it was now time for the payback for the others. So as he worked out on Friday afternoon he finalized what he was going to do. He felt it was now time to start the first part of his plan.

One day Mary received the first e-mail from Bud only she didn't know it was from him. He called himself Rex, and his mail talked about her and her sisters and the games they played with their husbands on the weekends. The mail talked a great deal about cuckolding and how Rex would love a chance to fuck her. He would like to do it with or without including her husband in the game. When she responded asking and telling the writer more and more information about herself and her husband and what the girls had done to get two out of three sisters to cuckold their husbands Bud knew he had her. Then Mary told him they were still working on the third sister but the husband wasn't cooperating.

Bud wondered if Mandy was still taking phone calls from Jan or Mary? Was she still planning to try and cuckold him? Or, was she just going to fuck men behind his back and cheat on him? So far unless she was doing it while he worked she hadn't left the house at night without him with her.

So Rex decide to send Mary a photo of his hard cock he asked if Mandy would like that it too. But Mary didn't respond to that question. She did write him back and asked where he was located. He told her he lived in her city and wanted to fuck her in his own way one of those nights when she had her husband there to watch. He didn't want any of her sisters there the first time.

Rex sent a few more photos of his body and cock but not his face. He told her he never put his face over the Internet. He knew she was hungry for him and she told him in no uncertain terms that it would happen and soon. She gave Rex much more than he needed to begin to draw her into the next part of his plan.

Rex talked about himself and what he looked liked. She responded to him asking more and more personal questions all the time and telling him what she liked. She told him she loved her pussy licked and sucked before she fucked anyone. Bud knew it since Mandy had told him a number of times how Mary loved to have her pussy eaten. Finally after sending her the picture of his curved cock he told her it was 8 inches long and very thick. But since it bent up, he could give her "G" spot a real rubbing and he assured her she had never felt anything like it before.

After that, Mary got even more personal and he told her that he prided his love making on oral sex. This really spiked Mary's interest. Danny was OK when it came to licking her pussy. But from what Rex told her, he was a pro. Mary was hooked. She had found a man who had a large cock, a nice one that bent upwards and it was attached to a man who loved to eat pussy. When Rex told her that he was a man who enjoyed eating pussy more than he enjoyed fucking, she knew Rex was someone she had to meet. When she asked him to have coffee with her one day so she could kind of like interviewing him, he told her no. She asked to meet him again later that week and again he told her no. He gave her specific rules about what he would do and what he wanted from her before it happened.

At first she told him it didn't work that way. But then as they continue to talk and he gave her more and more information about how they could meet, and what he would do to her body she was more and more interested in him. He took more photos of his body but wouldn't let her see all of his face again telling her he didn't send his face picture out over the Internet. He did send a picture of his tongue close up and she could see it was long too. She sent him more and more photos of herself and still he refused to meet with her until she agreed to do what he asked. She was so frustrated but her lust for him drove her onwards

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