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Cul-De-Sac: A Story in Around Ch. 02

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Neighborhood sexual goings-on continue.
3.2k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 01/23/2007
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True to her word, the beautiful Yvoine was at Travis's house in thirty minutes. He had given Sara strict instructions that she could not talk to Yvoine, at least not tonight, and she was not to interfere or interrupt the session. In preparation to Yvoine's arrival, he had insisted that they both dress, not in casual clothes, but clothing that denoted authority and superiority. It was basically a business suit he wore, and Sara wore the dress she had been attired in when coming over to his place for their date.

Sara wasn't sure what to expect, but was excited to see what would happen.

Yvoine arrived at the house driving a new and expensive sedan. Nothing outrageous, but it was enough for Sara to realize that Yvoine had access to money, much more than either she or Travis made. This intrigued her. Why would a woman who was well-off put herself in a position of a slave to a very middle-class, though handsome, man?

As she exited the vehicle and crossed the short driveway, Sara caught a quick glimpse through the living room window of the slim, petite woman with long dark hair as she ducked into the house's side entrance. Yvoine was casually dressed, black slacks and a plain green blouse, and was otherwise unremarkable. The door shut behind her and Travis waited a minute before getting off the couch and walking to the kitchen.

Sara followed him and what she saw was remarkable. In the short span of time since Yvoine had entered the house she had somehow managed to strip herself naked. She was kneeling on the tiled floor, her head bowed, the long black hair framing and obscuring her face. Her arms were folded behind her back, out of the way so that she displayed both her small breasts and shaved pudendum. Her nipples were still pierced with the silver rings Sara had seen in the pictures. On the floor in front of her knees was a black leather collar with silver ornaments.

She was beautiful and totally at easy. Sara was jealous and aroused. Her heart was thumping in her chest and the pit of her stomach was a tight know. More importantly the slit between Sara's legs was rapidly moistening. All of these were good signs to Sara, she was nervous and excited and didn't know what to do with herself.

Luckily this was routine to Travis and he took control of the situation. If Yvoine was even aware of Sara's presence, she gave no indication. Travis said nothing, but simply snapped his fingers. Yvoine dropped down to the floor, her ass in the air, displaying the small, taut globes to both Sara and Travis. But it wasn't a display for their amusement; Yvoine had actually grabbed the collar between her teeth and was now crawling on hands and knees to deliver it to Travis.

After her short trek across the room he took it from her lips and knelt next to his slave. Pushing back her hair, Travis quickly buckled the black leather around her neck. Sara only caught a glimpse of the woman's sharp, attractive features before her hair fell back in place.

Travis stood up and snapped his fingers again. Yvoine responded by getting off her hands and kneeling in her resting position. "Go to the playroom," he ordered her, not harshly, but as one would command a pet who was eager to play with a favorite toy. "You may walk."

Wanting to ask a question, Sara turned toward Travis to speak, but he simply held up a finger and told her no. Remembering their agreement, she kept quiet and followed the two to the playroom.

The entrance to the basement of Travis's house was off the back entrance hall. Although she knew of its existence, Sara never had reason to go down to the basement before. Before she descended the stairs, following Yvoine's rounded posterior and Travis's blond head, she noticed a pile of clothing on a small table in the corner near the exterior door. It was obviously Yvoine's, all neatly folded and stacked, from bottom to top, slacks, blouse, panties and jewelry but no bra. Her shoes were neatly placed under the table. The jewelry caught her eye for a moment. The small collection consisted of two rings, neither of them engagement or wedding bands, a watch, a pair of simple sapphire earrings and a thin and elaborately twisted bracelet. All of it looked expensive.

How had she managed to strip so quickly and fold her clothes? Sara wondered. With enough practice anything can be done quickly and efficiently. How long had Yvoine been Travis's slave?

Not wanting to miss anything, Sara quickly hurried down the stairs and found Yvoine once again kneeling on the floor, eyes downcast. Travis was slowly circling her, perhaps inspecting her body for some flaw, maybe just waiting to see what the anticipation would do to either woman. In his hand he held a small paddle, wood overlain with leather, not unlike a table tennis paddle, but slightly longer and heavier, and obviously designed for more sinister purposes.

Sara listened while Travis continued to circle his slave, the paddle lightly tapping against his clothed thigh, and he started to question her.

"How long as it been since I last saw you?"

"Six days and eight hours, master," Yvoine replied in a soft voice. This was part of their routine so her words didn't tremble, but the woman put enough lilt on them to make Sara wonder if she had voice training some time in her past.

"How many times have you fucked since then?"

"Twice, master."

Sara wondered if that was true and if there was anyway for Travis to verify it.

"Men or women."

"A man both times, master."

"One of your regulars?" he asked unkindly.

"Yes, sir."

This startled Sara. Was the woman a prostitute? Her first instincts told her no, a hooker could not afford the car, clothing and jewelry Yvoine had displayed. Perhaps she was a call girl, a high-priced escort?

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, master, for whatever you desire."

Travis broke out of his steady stride circling Yvoine, stepped over to Sara and handed her the paddle. At first she was to scared, to startled to take it, but the look Travis gave her compelled her to follow his wishes. Something about him had changed. Upstairs he had been a fun, exciting lover. But now he was something else, a dominant man who wanted his wishes fulfilled.

She took the proffered handle from him. It was smooth and warm, she wasn't sure it the smoothness was from steady use or careful polishing, but the warmth surely came from his firm hand.

Instead of barking an order at either woman, Travis instead walked over to a small wooden cabinet and pulled several items from the top drawer, leaving Sara to stand stupidly holding the paddle. She didn't mind. She was too intrigued by the ritual to pay any attention to how she was treated.

The items in Travis's hands were cuffs, matching black cuffs that went with the collar around Yvoine's neck. These he buckled on each wrist then ordered her to her feet. It was only now that Sara realized the basement was a full size, now one with a low clearance ceiling. Sometime in the past the basement had been finished over, not in the style of a storage room or perhaps a child's rumpus room, but it was entirely designed for Travis's sexual amusement. Dark wood paneling covered the walls. A small assortment of paddles, lashes and restraints hung from pegs near the door. Who knew what was in the cabinet from where Travis had removed the cuffs. There were a few unrecognizable pieces of furniture on the opposite side of the room along with a mattress and blanket on a metal frame. In the far corner was an open door through which Sara could see a small bathroom.

On the ceiling were a variety of hooks to which heavy silver chains were attached, held up by simple tie-backs. Travis took down a pair of these chains, attached them to the D-rings on Yvoine's cuffs, then used a hand-cranked winch bolted to the wall to slowly pull her up to her feet. She followed the pull gracefully, once again causing Sara to wonder if the slave had some formal dance training. Her arms stretched up and reached toward the ceiling. Travis only stopped cranking the winch when Yvoine was resting only on the balls of her feet. She wasn't in pain, her eyes stayed downcast, it was a ritual they had obviously followed in the past.

"Spank her," Travis ordered Sara.

"Wha--?" Sara started to say, but the man she had started to consider her boyfriend held up a warning finger.

"Spank her," he ordered again. "She needs to learn to respond to a different hand than mine."

Sara looked at him dumbly. Could he possibly be serious? She looked at Travis, who glared back at her expectantly. Yvoine made no movement at all, she was waiting patiently, calmly.

If she did something wrong, Sara reasoned, Travis would be sure to stop her. With that thought she stepped forward and took up a position next to the slave. She had no assurance that Travis would do anything, but that was all she needed to impel her to action.

Yvoine stood calmly in her bonds while Sara raised up the paddle with a shaking hand. She paused at the top of her stroke for just a moment, then let the paddle fall toward Yvoine's pale skin, but at the last moment she pulled back ever so slightly.

Travis caught the error for the stroke, instead of cracking sharply in his ears, sounded muffled.

"No!" he barked at her. "Strike hard and fast," he ordered. "Letting her off easy only humiliate her. And shows you are unworthy."

Sara nodded and raised her hand again. This time when she dropped it down the leather face of the paddle caught Yvoine's cheek squarely. A satisfying crack filled her ears and a slight pink blush blossomed on the slave's ass. Other than this autonomous response Yvoine gave no indication that she had been struck. This angered Sara slightly and she quickly spanked Yvoine on the other cheek. The response was the same, a pink blush but no other outward response. She was certain the slight exhalation of breath was her own, not the slave's.

"Good," Travis said softly. This encourage Sara and she began raining down one sharp blow after another. It was a satisfying activity. Yvoine's cheeks shook each time a blow landed and they starting changing from light pink to a brilliant red. When she had landed more than twenty blows Yvoine started to lose control. Sometimes when a slap of the paddle landed she let out a soft whimper, other times it was a too sharp intake of breath. Both excited and encouraged Sara.

Since Travis gave her no order to stop, she continued to beating. It was impossible to tell if the girl loved or hated the treatment, but Sara didn't care. She was swept away by the ritual and didn't stop until she felt Travis's hands on her hips. Looking over her shoulder at him, her eyes were filled with lust and expectations.

"Don't stop," he whispered in her ear.

She nodded and ignored him while he pulled up the bottom of her dress and slipped a pair of fingers into her panties. They were wet with her desire, made wetter still by each spank she landed on Yvoine's ass. It was easy to dismiss Travis for she had entered a near-trance, the only thing that mattered was the paddle and the slave. He lowered her panties and she absently stepped out of them. A few more blows were landed and only then did Travis grab her forearm, forcing her to stop the terror she had inflicted on the slightly built, but surprisingly sturdy slave.

"Good," he told her, taking away the paddle. Sara looked at Yvoine's ass. It was nearly blood red. It was beautiful. "Sit," Travis ordered.

She looked and saw that he had placed a comfortably padded chair directly in front of Yvoine. Sara didn't need to be told twice. Obviously Travis knew much more about eroticism than she did.

Watching intently, Sara settled herself into the slightly reclined chair as Travis winched down the chains that had suspended Yvoine. He didn't remove the bonds, but let the woman rest on her hands and knees.

"I think it is time she serviced you, don't you agree?" he asked.

Eyes shining, Sara nodded agreement. Her veins were singing with lust and she was willing to have that fulfilled anyway Travis wished.

Yvoine moved forward slightly and waited expectantly. Sara understood and leaned back, spreading her legs and pulling up her dress.

There was no hesitation from the slave, she used her hands to push Sara's dress all the way up to her waist, exposing her pussy. For just a moment there was a pause as Yvoine quickly studied the tall woman's sex; unlike the slave Sara did not completely shave her pubic hair, but left a neat triangle of her bronze curls hiding her labia and mons. Yvoine landed a light kiss at the top of the triangle, then licked slowly down through the nest until her tongue found Sara's clit.

The blonde gasps slightly. She was in awe. There was no reluctance from the slave, she was only too happy to follow Travis's wishes and service the woman he had brought into their strange relationship. Although she had always considered herself open-minded, once she had left college Sara had been certain her opportunity for sexual experimentation was gone. Now her old fantasies and half-remembered desired were re-awakened as the slave kissed and licked her pussy.

On her second gasp of pleasure, Yvoine looked up into Sara's eyes. She was certain this was not something the slave was supposed to be doing, her eyes were always supposed to be downcast, but Sara smiled at the woman's eager and shining eyes. Though her mouth covered Sara's labia, she was certain the slave was smiling back at her through the strands of dark hair that only slightly obscured her face. Another woman's mouth at her pussy was the most erotic sight Sara had ever beheld.

She let her head flop back with pleasure. Yvoine's tongue was well-trained. She had obviously done this before. Sara luxuriated in the pleasure she was receiving. It took her little time to reach a climax where she unconsciously closed her thighs around Yvoine's face, holding the other woman's head steady. Her had had unconsciously drifted to her breast where her fingers were now pinching her nipple through the thin material. "Don't stop," she half-ordered, half-breathed, completely forgetting about Travis's rule of silence.

Yvoine had no intention of stopping. She hadn't been ordered to and part of her pleasure of being a slave was serving her master. Once against she rasped her tongue over Sara's clit, then went lower, pushing her thick tongue up and into her new mistress's pussy. Sara loved that, a big tongue in her pussy searching around for her g-spot, which was even more sensitive than her clit. It was wonderful.

Then something started knocking Yvoine's steady strokes out of alignment. Sara opened her eyes and looked down between her legs. Nothing was amiss there, but then she noticed that Travis was on his knees behind Yvoine's naked ass. It was perfectly clear what he was doing. He was fucking her. His pants were open and though she couldn't see his cock she knew it was inside Yvoine's pussy.

A wave of disgust and jealousy rolled through Sara's body. It was only little more than an hour ago he had been fucking her! He shouldn't be fucking another woman now! She wanted to keep Yvoine to herself!

It took her only a moment to realize these emotions were worthless and misplaced. Yvoine belong to Travis. He was sharing his slave with Sara. Yvoine didn't mind, she clearly enjoyed being used by her master and told to pleasure other people. Yvoine wasn't her lover, wasn't her girlfriend, wasn't even her slave.

Travis looked up and caught Sara looking directly at him. "Enjoying her?" he asked.

Remembering the rule of silence, Sara nodded yes and found that a smile easily came to her face. It was easy to enjoy Yvoine, it would be even easier to share her. She forced herself to relax and enjoy all the sensations her body and mind was receiving. Before long Yvoine's tongue had found her pussy's inner secret and a flood of moisture filled the slave's mouth. It was almost too much for the neophyte of this behavior and Sara had to push Yvoine's face away from her pussy to enjoy the afterglow.

It only took Travis another minute to finish. Sara was slightly surprised to see that he had ejaculated inside of Yvoine, and more surprised to see what he did next. Getting to his feet, he walked around to stand next to Yvoine who took his semi-flaccid and fluid covered cock in her mouth, carefully sucking and licking it to clean it off. It was clearly an act to show his dominance over her, and Sara was intrigued to watch the ritual. Once again, Yvoine didn't seem to mind the treatment the least.

"Good," he told her when she had completed the task. He put his cock back inside his pants and carefully zipped and buckled. She woman sat back on her heels, still kneeling while Travis unbuckled the restraints from her wrists and she was allowed to rise. "You may go," he told her as he busied himself with putting the dungeon back to its initial state.

Sara followed Yvoine up the stairs, nothing that the slave did nothing to stem the flow of semen from her reddened pussy. If Yvoine noticed Sara following her she gave no indication, even when she started dressing. The jewelry went on first. The oversized bracelet was actually an anklet that she knelt to place around her right ankle, the rest of the expensive baubles went on next, but before she could pull up the tiny panties and hide her pussy, Sara stepped forward and thrust her fingers between the slave's legs, then up inside her.

Yvoine reacted passively, letting Sara do as she pleased. Sara had never touched another woman like this before and vowed to herself it wouldn't be the last time. Pulling her wet, glistening fingers out she held them up for Yvoine's inspection. Travis's semen was mixed with her natural lubrication. Sara licked her fingers, taking off some of the mixture, then offered the rest to Yvoine who happily complied, cleaning Sara's fingers as she had Travis's cock.

"I hope to see you again soon," Sara said, then leaned down and kissed the slightly built woman full on the lips. She slipped her tongue into Yvoine's mouth and tasted the combination of all their essences. Then she turned and walked down the stairs to see what was keeping Travis. She hadn't reached the bottom before the slam of the back door reached her ears.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Silly tale of infantile individuals.

What else doc?

Guess, a lot more like the whole kindergarten dungeon of crap coming to parade down the abort.


WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

Great little story, loved it


asiaprofasiaprofabout 18 years ago
Promising continuation of a wonderful start

Looking forward to reading more...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
One of the Best

Awesome content. On eof the best stories I've encountered in some time. One thing though, you need to check your spelling by proof reading in addition to spell check.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Don't stop, love it so far


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