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Curiosity has a cost.
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Naomi was driving through the country and she was feeling hungry. She'd been this way before and she vaguely remembered a roadside café along this route. Keeping her eyes open she drove along.

Finally spotting the café she remembered she pulled in and parked alongside and wandered in. She'd only taken a few steps when her eyes adjusted to the difference in light and she took in her surroundings.

It appeared that she'd wandered into some sort of bikies bar. There were seven or eight leather clad bikies lounging around, looking at her. Discretion was the better part of valour, she decided. She wasn't that hungry after all.

She stopped and turned to leave, only to find a couple of bikies had moved up behind her and were blocking her way.

One big burly man smiled at her and patted the pool table next to him. "Hop up here, sweetheart," he said, a smirk in his voice. "We can have some fun."

Silently terrified but putting on a brave face, Naomi shook her head.

The bikie kept smiling and slowly nodded his head, patting the table again.

Naomi started to slowly back away, only to find an obstruction behind her. Then a hand casually shoved her forward toward the table.

Naomi could feel her heart pounding, scared and not knowing what to do. Then she heard a yell. An angry yell. An angry female yell.

"Leave her alone." It wasn't a request. It was a flat demand, with a threat latent within it if anyone defied it.

A woman pushed her way through the bikies, glaring at the man next to the table.

He sneered at her. "You want to take her place, Peaches?" he asked.

"Maybe," returned the woman. "Do you reckon you can satisfy me?"

The woman turned and looked Naomi up and down. Then before Naomi could speak she was slapped hard and pushed towards the door.

"Why don't you piss off out of here, and don't come to places where you don't belong," the woman told her, giving her another push.

Naomi left hastily, flinging a look over her shoulder as she left. The woman was climbing up onto the pool table, laughing at the bikies as she did so.

Hesitating outside the door, Naomi took another glance through the door. The woman they had called Peaches was now lying back on the pool table while a couple of the bikies were undressing her.

Naomi fled around to the side of the café where her car was parked. About to get in and drive off, she hesitated. She was curious. She wondered what they were doing to Peaches. Maybe she could see if she looked through a back window.

Naomi slipped around to the back of the café, checking to see if there was an available window. Glancing through the only window there she saw that she was looking into the kitchen. An empty kitchen, and against the far wall was a large window, showing the bar-room. Recalling the bar-room, Naomi remembered that there was a large mirror against the far wall. One way glass, she realised.

Through the one way glass she could see that Peaches was now naked and lying down with a bikie leaning over her. Glancing around the kitchen she could see it was empty, and with curiosity getting the better of her she entered the back door and moved over to the one way glass.

From here she could see everything in the bar, so she would have warning if anyone came towards the kitchen and would have time to get out.

She looked over at the pool table. She could see the bikie was even now starting to screw Peaches, his cock descending and vanishing between her legs.

She continued to watch as the bikie took his time, having his fun with the enterprising Peaches, who was obviously enjoying herself.

Then Naomi almost had a heart attack as a hand suddenly covered her mouth while an arm went around her waist.

"You should have looked a little more closely," said a quiet voice. "I was in the storeroom. May I point out that if you yell they'll come in here and find you and you'll join her on the table. She won't be able to help a second time. So are you going to yell?"

Naomi frantically shook her head.

"You seem to want to watch what happens to Peaches. Well you can, but you'll also be taking part because I'm going to be bonking you at the same time."

Naomi again shook her head.

"Want to join her?" came the nasty query.

Another shake.

"Then I suggest that you just stand there and watch Peaches perform, and I'll be doing you while you do that. Remember, there's only one of me giving you a friendly fuck. There's a dozen of them and their fucks wouldn't be anywhere near as friendly as mine."

The hand moves away from her mouth and Naomi quietly speaks. "Please, I'm sorry. Let me go."

The man behind her laughed. "No chance." Naomi found herself being pushed towards the window, and in spite of herself her eyes sought out the table where Peaches had been lying. Naomi now found that Peaches was on her hands and knees, and another bikie was kneeling behind her, preparing to take her. This had no sooner registered on her when she was distracted by the man behind her lifting her skirt and pulling down her panties.

"No," she gasped, trying to grab for her panties, ever conscious of the fact that she didn't dare make a noise.

Her hands were roughly pushed aside. "Behave yourself or I'll call out," snapped the stranger, and Naomi sagged slightly against the window. She was trapped. She could make a noise and get raped by a bunch of men or stand there and be taken by one. Not much of a choice but she'd go with the one over the dozen.

Hands now slid under her dress and over her bottom, touching and caressing, sliding between her legs and stroking her pussy.

The man now moved his hands higher, pushing her blouse and bra up and over her breasts, baring them to his greedy touch.

Now one hand was darting across her breasts, feeling and squeezing while his other hand had dropped back and dived under her skirt again.

A foot moves between hers, indicating that she widen her stance. Naomi reluctantly moved her legs apart, giving the man better access.

Now fingers slipped inside her, delving deep. "Not a virgin, I see," noted her molester. "That'll make things easier when I enter you. Aren't you lucky."

Naomi's full attention was now on this man touching her in all the wrong places. Or all the right places, the way her body was starting to tremble.

Now she could feel an erection pressing between her cheeks. She wished she could see it. It might bring some reality to what was happening. Just feeling it like that gave her the impression that it was enormous.

"It's an illusion," she told herself. "It's probably undersize, but just feels big because of the position I'm in and the fact that I can't see it."

Now her assailant was holding her hips and drawing her back away from the window, encouraging her to bend forward, legs apart.

Naomi was feeling hot and bothered and wet and frightened, and she just knew what was about to happen.

Now that cock was being pressed between her legs, rubbing back and forth along her slit. She could feel her lips parting under that gentle pressure, and she found herself gasping for breath.

"Take a look at Peaches," came a murmur in her ear, and Naomi glanced over at the pool table in time to see a bikie in the barroom plunge deep into Peaches as she lay on the table, while at the same time the cock that was pressing against her lips drove home and charged up into her.

Seeing Peaches being taken at the same time as her pussy was invaded gave her a momentary disconnect. It felt as though she was the woman on the table being screwed.

Then things righted themselves, and she found herself bent forward with what seemed to her to be the biggest cock in the world invading her. Telling herself that it was probably only normal sized didn't really help. All she could feel was this man inside her, filling her, pumping into her.

She waited while the unknown bikie plunged deep into her, eagerly moving back and forth. There was a sudden pause. A hand firmly smacked her bottom, causing her to squeak in shock.

"I expect you to co-operate while I'm taking you," came a reprimanding voice. "Pay attention and move with me."

Naomi gulped, and as the movements again started up she thrust her bottom back to meet them. She heard a grunt of approval, and then a pair of hands reached around to clasp her breasts while the ravishing slowly continued.

And continued. The man behind her apparently had all the time in the world and was quite content to move at a slow and deliberate pace. On and on he seemed to go. Naomi found herself rising towards a climax and tried to push harder to throw herself and him over the edge, but the swine kept the pace down, leaving her hovering on that vital edge, not able to come and not able to have a let down.

Very soon Naomi found herself pleading for release, begging him to go harder, faster. All she received in return was a grunt of laughter. "Enjoy it while you can, sweetheart," came the quiet reply as the slow deliberate pace continued, this apparently monstrous cock sliding smoothly in and out of her quivering pussy, taking its time and enjoying the journey.

Naomi was almost frantic and in danger of screaming for release when the man suddenly gave a hard lunge that finally took her over the edge. She bit down on her hand to stop herself screaming her release out loud, feeling the longed for climax ripping through her. She could feel hot seed trickling in her, but that she could ignore. He was finished and she could get out of here.

"I suggest you leave now," the man murmured.

Naomi hastily straightened her clothes and bolted for the door. Flinging a look of fury over her shoulder as she ran, Naomi came to a dead halt and looked at her assailant. He was old. He must have been about eighty. Older even. One hard shove would have sent him flying and let her leave.

And she'd let him take her without resisting. No wonder he took so long. He probably couldn't move any faster. The bastard was laughing at her, and there was nothing she could do. She turned and made her disgruntled way to her car. She was out of here.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I found it amusing when she found out it was a really old man but it wasnt my cup of tea. I would have liked her to see a huge manly man who was sexy but you cant always have a hot well built man at the end to satisy your fantasies LOL.... I would have left from the beginning what if she did get caught when she went back can you say emotional and physical abuse..

EpixrysonEpixrysonabout 12 years ago

Can I hope for a chapter two?

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