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Curiosity & the Threesome

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Hubby wants FFM; Brazilian wife wants MMF.
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I got this story from someone else. I worked on it and styled it around a bit. See if you like it. As usual with my stuff, you gotta have some humor, or just forget it.



His mom and dad were there to see him off. It was nice for once to have someone accompany him to the airport. Usually, no one else bothered, coz they assumed Megan would be there. Terry sank back in his business class seat and adjusted the volume on his i-pod. He turned it up loud. He was glad he had copied his father's Hank Williams and Charley Pride collections. He sought the song as the plane taxied for take off. There it was now, a special dedication to that bitch Megan. Fucking damn shit head Megan!!!

Then Charley Pride's baritone voice sang into his ears. Terry had never cared much for country music, but Mr. Pride had always fascinated him, because he was a black man. He wondered if the good gentleman had known that his number one song would one day be the perfect song for Terry and Megan. Probably not. Terry lost himself in the music and the lyrics.

"Wind whipping down the neck of my shirt, Like I aint got nothing on, But I'd rather fight the wind and rain, than what I've been fighting at home, Yonder comes a truck with the US mail, People writing letters back home, Tomorrow she'll probably want me back, But I'll still be just as gone. (Chorus) Is anybody going to San Antoine, Or Phoenix Arizona, Anyplace is alright as long as I, Can forget I've ever known her

(Lyrics: Charley Pride, Is anybody going to San Antoine. (Yeah, my American Dad tortured me with country music when I was a kid. I still have most of the lyrics in my head, and a song pops up to every situation)

Chapter 1: Fuck Megan

Terry stepped out of the plane many hours later, and set foot on Brazilian soil. The sunny climate in Rio was a welcome change to the cold winter back home. And the distance to Megan was wonderful.

Terry was glad to be far away from home, and his bitch ass girlfriend of eight years, Megan, who had just dumped him for another guy. Initially, Terry had been heartbroken and feeling like a castrated man. It sure didn't do much for his ego to know that she had left him for someone who offered her the BBD, as in bigger, better deal. For the love of Christ, Terry didn't even know why he had dated Megan so long. She didn't look all that good, she had an average face, flat chest and at the most, an o.k. body. She couldn't cook worth shit, sex with her was not all that great and she was always moody. She always treated him like a jerk, and he had jerked off more often than he had fucked her.

Megan came from a formerly rich family (her dad lost all the money in some shady investments). She had this air of superiority about her. She was smart and conniving. She knew how to sell herself as someone special and important, and could boss and bully people around. She had had one very convincing argument for Terry. She told him,

"Do what I want or fuck you!"

Terry had been stupid enough to tell himself that she had a soft interior under her hard shell, and if he took his time and showered her with his nurturing love, she would in time mellow down and learn to love herself and the people who loved and appreciated her. His flimsy excuse for letting her bully him around like a wimp had not fooled anyone except himself.

The fact that she had dumped him for a younger guy, with a bigger bank account and brighter prospects, and that she had explained this to him so calmly, without any shame or remorse, had really pissed him off.

He was glad he had been given this assignment in Brazil soon after their break up, because he might otherwise have done something stupid. A couple of times when he had been trying to drown his pain in liquor, he had found himself fantasizing of driving to his parents house, stealing his dad's pistol and introducing Megan and her new boyfriend to the Magnum 44. In the first fantasy he was pistol whipping them both and scaring the shit out of them. In the fifth, they were cowering at his feet and begging to perform fellatio on him. By the time he got to the tenth, he was going out like Waco, shooting up bodies and turning the pistol on himself in the end, and taking the hero's exist.

The funny thing for Terry was that the moment he landed in Brazil, Megan faded to a bleak memory. He felt like a heavy weight had been taken off his shoulders. He suddenly realized that the sadistic, materialistic, conniving, scheming, useless, ugly ho was not worth living for or with, and definitely not worth dying for.

He gave her a ring, wished her all the best, and told her how free and happy he felt without the burden of sharing his life with her. She sounded pissed as usual. She told him to eat shit and go fuck himself and hung up. For the first time in his life, her words didn't affect him. Terry realized that life was good, without Megan. Very good.

Chapter 2: Viva Brazil

Terry, 35, was a tall, broad shouldered man with a handsome face, short dark hair and a trimmed beard. As head of the sales department of his company, he was currently negotiating several sourcing contracts with Brazilian firms, and things were moving along smoothly .

The only regret Terry had was that he was not getting to see much of the country because of work. He liked it in Rio. The relaxed, sunshine-Samba atmosphere of the city was infectious. The flirty Brazilian girls were getting him aroused. He just loved looking after the pretty, skimpily dressed, chocolate brown beauties walking around with a sexy sway to their hips, and sweet, carefree smiles on their faces

After a day of long meetings, Terry decided to visit an open air Samba performance. That decision changed his life. He sat right in the front row, with a perfect view of the stage. He was looking good, in casual attire.

Terry was impressed by the flexible, dark skinned, muscular men, with awesome abs, and the gorgeous, gracious, sexy, skimpily dressed brown women. He soon found himself tapping his feet and bobbing his head to the unfamiliar yet intoxicating Samba Rhythms.

There was one dancer in particular, who captivated him. She was a tall, slender, busty, curvaceous brown beauty, clad in a tiny, glittering, silver thong, with beads hanging around her waist. Her feather head dress and the facial and body painting made her look like a steamy, pagan sex goddess. And the sexy, effortless way she shook her thick, round butt was simply so artistic. (yeah right) Terry felt his cock grow rigid in his pants.

As she noticed the tall, handsome Gringo ogling her and sending her smoke signals, Danni, the dancer in question, read them like a wise Indian chief, and blew them right back. At the end of the performance, Terry hung around until she came out of the dressing room. They had a quick chat, and exchanged numbers.

Terry had never dated a non Caucasian woman, and he found the exotic, light brown Mamacita simply alluring. That night, he went to bed with a boner, caught a boner dreaming of boning her, and woke up with a boner, probably the same one. (bone in the usa) He definitely wanted some of that chocolate.

24 year old Danni had been a Samba dancer most of her life. When she took to the stage, Danni liked to whip that ass around, and get all the dicks rock hard, and the pussies soaking wet, but she never took it farther than that. She'd been dating a fellow dancer since the age of 16. However, the guy had gone on a tour of Japan and never returned. According to the grapevine, he was now married to a Japanese woman, plus he had developed a preference for Sushi and Toyota. Danni wasn't too sure about the Sushi, (its not really relevant to the story, anyway) but she knew that his ass hadn't called or written ever since.

Danni was young, sexy, red blooded and horny. She had never dated or screwed a white guy. Some people had told her that white guys couldn't fuck worth jack shit. Others had said they were horny, sex starved maniacs, and if a girl fucked with them, she got no rest. Some had said they had tiny dicks. Yet others had said they pink cobras in their pants. All Danni knew was that she curious about the taste of vanilla. She found the tall, handsome Gringo alluring and wanted to find out if could swing dick or not.

They hooked up the very next day and she took him sight seeing. The sexual tension between them was electrifying. Danni wanted to fuck the tall Gringo blind, but she didn't want him to think she was an easy slut or a hooker. Terry wanted to screw her real bad and put dents in that fine, round, brown ass, but he didn't want to give her the impression that he was just another white tourist trying to run up in sweet chocolate pussy. They played it cool, but by the third evening, they both just wanted to fuck each other senseless. Terry invited the brown sugar babe to his suite for supper, and ordered the best wine on the menu to make the mood a lil more inductive to the sin of Eve. Danni brought a bag of bomb ass weed with her, to help make (sh)it happen.

They were both horny as hell. One moment, they were reclining on the balcony, admiring the night skyline of Rio, the next they were kissing and fondling each other like two horny teenagers. And two moments later, Danni threw her lips to Terry's vanilla Longhorn and made it melt in her mouth like candy. Not to be out done Terry went down on the sweet chocolate pussy and made the Brazilian girl speak Chinese (at least it definitely didn't sound like Portuguese, which he could somewhat speak). Then they were rolling on the bed, banging their heads on the head board and fucking like sex maniacs.

For the remainder of his days in Brazil, Danni was dancing Samba on his cock whilst and Terry was jumping that tight pussy like a Buffalo Bill and stabbing it with the Longhorn. There was basically a whole lot of fucking going on, laced with a lil conversation.

When he flew back stateside, his mind was made up. He invited Danni over ASAP. She didn't like his messy flat, but she liked the city. 8 months later they were married. Danni settled in quite well and got a job as a Samba dance teacher with a local fitness centre.

Terry's mother wasn't too sure about bringing brown n**** babies into the family, but his father was glad that his boy was rid of maggot ass Megan. Anyway, after they got to know Danni well, his family loved her. Terry's friends liked Danni too. He even had to take a couple of them aside and give them stern warnings, for suddenly always turning up, wearing wife beaters and showing off their muscles, when they knew he wasn't home.

On a personal level, Terry and Danni clicked very well. She was a good natured, good hearted, loving, loyal wife. When she smiled, it was like the sun came out. She was someone he also rushed home to be with. She was a great contrast to his ex, Megan, who had always tried to put him down and make him feel like he wasn't worth jack shit. In fact, he felt that Danni loved and appreciated men, whereas Megan had always acted like they were a necessary evil. What was even better, Danni could cook, and wasn't too important to do house work.

This did not mean that it was always smooth sailing with Danni. They had several arguments and quarrels. She could be very stubborn and when she lost her temper she started shouting and throwing things, usually at his head. However, she did not need long to cool down. And when she had calmed down, then she would be back to her good natured self. She would then be willing to discuss, and seek a compromise, which usually meant she would try and sell him the same idea in so many different ways till he finally gave in. Whilst this was not perfect, it was a vast improvement from Megan's,

"Do what I want or fuck you!"

Chapter 3: The Jackpot, son!

Terry had always thought himself to be an accomplished, liberated lover. He did not switch off the light when he fucked, he didn't shun licking the box, and periods did not disgust him (unlike most of his workmates). He had even purchased a book on pussy massages though unfortunately, Megan had not allowed him to practice on her cunt.

Danni however, was from another planet altogether. Dancers and artists in Brazil enjoyed a carefree life. Everyone expected them to be decadent and immoral and they were exactly that. Though Danni had never cheated on her boyfriend in the conventional sense, they had invited other men, women and transsexuals to share their bed, and had also partaken in many long lasting orgies.

Terry was fascinated with her horny, sordid accounts of her exploits with her ex. When they were at relaxing at home in the evenings, he would open a bottle of her favorite red wine, roll up and light up a fat joint, and get her tongue loose. They'd get naked and cozy, he'd slide a couple of digits up in her wet snatch and stroke it lovingly as she told him of her naughty, steamy sexcapades. Whilst his wife's stories of raw orgies in Brazil shocked him initially, Terry always got very excited and rock hard from them. Sooner or later, he'd be so horny that he'd fuck her. And she'd be so horny that she'd fuck him right back.

Danni was very experienced, liberated and open to almost anything, except BDSM and sex with animals; though when he was horny and raring to go, Terry usual resembled an animal more than anything else.

Megan had not been very willing to experiment. When Terry tried to talk her into anal sex, she had told him, shaking her head emphatically,

"Ah, ah, no way!!!! 'T aint that type of a party!"

And when he had suggested they try out a threesome with another woman, she did not even bother clarifying the type of a party, she just slapped his face and called him a pervert plus a sexist, macho, chauvinistic pig. She even threatened to tell her and his parents about his sick fantasies. The worst thing for Terry however was the way she kept looking at him and shaking her head in disgust, even many, many weeks later.

When he warily told her about his wish to try out anal sex, Danni told him she loved that shit (no pun intended). She threw her bouncy ass at him and shouted, "Fuck-y my fucking ass!" incensing him with her sweet accent.

Chapter 4: The 3some

Terry told his wife about his secret wish to have a threesome, with another woman. Danni said it was alright with her, as long as they could also have a threesome, with another man. Terry agreed readily, not really thinking about the 2 men, one girl scenario. All he could see were magical fives and enchanting 3s. You wonder what the fuck that is. The magical fives were his dick plus four lips, or four tits or four ass cheeks. The enchanting threes were his dick (yeah, the main actor) and two women, two mouths or two pussies or butt holes or any permutations and combinations of those.

One afternoon, Danni went shopping for groceries. The brown sugar babe was wearing a skimpy bandana top, which was more like an oversized bra and short shorts that just about contained her fine, low hanging, thick, round, brown ass. She looked so hot that Terry almost wrestled her back into the house to fuck her long, good and hard.

Danni was gone for several hours. Along with the groceries, she brought back a top notch, model type blonde girl. She said she had found her on special offer. Her name was Becky, a tall, slim 25 year old blonde. Becky was a stark contrast to Danni. She was tall, slim, and had perfect, pale, creamy skin. Her hair was a bright, silky blonde hair and fell almost down to her ass. Her face was long and pretty, and she had big, sparkling, vivid green eyes. She had a cute, long nose, and heart shaped, cherry lips. She was dressed in a light blue, backless halter top that clung to her medium sized boobs, and left her thick nipples poking through. A tiny, wraparound skirt was slung around her slim, curvy hips, ending halfway down her creamy, supple thighs. A pair of open high heels accentuated her shapely legs.

Danni announced that she had invited the blonde for supper. Becky was obviously besotted with Danni. She hung on to every word the Brazilian temptress said and never took her eyes off her.

At first Terry felt jealous, but Danni gave his cock a squeeze and whispered into his ear that his fantasy was about to come true, then she nibbled on his ear lobe and sent her tongue tip into his ear. Danni explained to him that she and Becky in a shopping mall. The blonde was watching and following her around like a pussy hound, all mesmerized by her light brown, chocolate curves. Danni had invited Becky for a cup of coffee. They had since met several times. Becky soon verbally expressed her amorous intentions towards Danni. Danni told her she could taste her sweet chocolate pussy, if she added her husband's third eye to the equation. Becky was a kinky girl and she said she was down for whatever, provided he wasn't some obese, beer guzzling, wrestling watching stinker.

As Danni told him this, Terry's heart nearly burst with excitement. He had never laid his hands on one of these upscale blondes. The idea of having her and his wife just drove him wild.

As the blonde helped his Brazilian wife make a quixck supper, Terry was all excited and hyper active, setting the table and opening a bottle of his favourite wine. Over supper,

Becky told Danni in the kitchen that her husband was a fine looking dude, and she wouldn't mind getting a piece of him, and so the stage was all set. They had a tasty supper at the dining table, then they retired to the lounge, sipping some wine and smoking joints.

When they were all high, Danni eased closer to Becky on the couch, and kissed her on the lips. Becky said she usually didn't do this, and Danni said me too. Becky said she was a good girl, and Danni said me too. Then she started circling the blonde's excited nipple through her flimsy halter top. Terry couldn't believe that his dream was about to cumm true, so easily. He ran to get the Cam coder. Becky wasn't too sure at first, but finally, she said if the shit ever came on the internet, she wanted her share or she would sue.

Then Danni initiated things. She spooned the blonde, gorging herself on her pink lips and tonguing her mouth, making her swoon. Terry's eyes damn near popped out of their sockets. But before he could scream, "Hell yeah!!!" Danni had Becky's short skirt around her hips, and she was fingering her shaved, pink pussy whilst she fed the horny blonde her big, brown tits.

Terry whipped his cock out and beat his meat, zooming in on his young ol' lady stand up and let Becky strip off her short shorts and tiny thong. Becky squealed with joy. She said she had always wanted to eat a black pussy. Brown, Danni corrected her, as she sat back on the couch and made Becky kneel between kneel between her thighs and worship her shaved, brown pussy.

Terry's eyes bulged as he gazed transfixed. Becky was so happy as Danni fed her scrumptious chocolate pussy. Her wet, pink tongue was slithering and sliding into Danni's gash, lapping up her tangy, nutritious, sticky fluids. The blonde was a greedy pig, she gorged herself noisily, and with so much evident relish that Terry almost thought he should have charged her a fee. Danni was squeezing her pussy muscles together, letting her copious juices flow into Becky's mouth to reward her for eating her pussy so slavishly.

Danni suddenly smiled at her husband, and called him over with her finger. He came running, and got his dick sucked, whilst Becky smiled up at him from between Danni's thighs, her long tongue snaking deep into his wife's pussy. It was too much for Terry. His balls exploded and he came instantly.

Then he sat back, gasping for breath and rolling the next joint as he watched his wife fuck Becky's pretty face and baptize it with her juices. He knew exactly what lucky Becky was going through. Danni grabbed a hold of the blonde's hair and was smearing her cunt juices all over her nose, cheeks, lips and chin. The lusty Brazilian fucked Ms American Pie's face relentlessly until her pussy exploded. She squirted some cooze juice in that pretty face and offered her husband to lick it.

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