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Curious Girls Ch. 14-15

Story Info
Sara learns the true power of her chastity belt.
14.1k words

Part 12 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/28/2014
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"Sara?" Krista's voice came from seemingly nowhere.

"Sorry, what?" I squinted, rubbing my eyes and turning my head.

"It wasn't important. I was just telling you about a news article I read earlier this morning."

"Sorry, Krista. I didn't sleep well, and I've got a lot on my mind."

"Does it have anything to do with what happened at the mall last night?"

"No. Because nothing happened." I smiled to reassure her.

"I just don't get it. You send me a text telling me you're walking home from the mall, but you won't tell me why."

"Can't a girl just feel like taking a walk," I joked. I wished now I'd thought of a better explanation, but I'd already been gone for a while by the time I'd been able to text Krista. I didn't have the time to put a lot of thought into my explanation, and I definitely wasn't in a good frame of mind after what Tamara had done to me.

"You can tell me anything. You know that, right?"

I sincerely doubted that, but I could tell she wasn't going to be happy until she received an answer that made sense to her.

"You're not going to let this go, are you?"

She silently raised her eyebrows at me, but the meaning was clear.

I sighed. "Alright. I left because I was feeling uncomfortable. It's one thing to know you have a crush on Tamara but it's another to see the two of you together in a store like that."

"What are you talking about?" Krista asked, obviously confused. She was going to make me spell it out.

"I couldn't help but imagining the two of you using some of the things in that store together."

She paused a moment in surprise. "I thought you were OK with... how I am."

"I am! Really. It's just-it's an adjustment. I think what affected me the most was just realizing that you've grown up. You've turned into this smart, confident, sexy woman, and I'm not sure when that happened."

She smiled. "Nothing's changed. I've always been smart, confident, and sexy."

We both laughed. She scooted closer to me and got a mischievous look on her face.

"Now are you going to cheer up, or am I going to have to tickle you?"

"You wouldn't!" I screamed as I shielded myself with a pillow and tried to put distance between us. She threw off the covers and tackled me, throwing a bare leg over me as she sat on top of me.

That's when I panicked. I was still wearing the chastity belt that Tamara had forced onto me last night in the bathroom stall, and Krista was dangerously close to sitting on it.

"OK. I'm cheered up!" I exclaimed, urgently trying to force an end to the encounter.

"Too late!" Suddenly her fingers were everywhere, and I couldn't stop laughing.

I pushed her off hurriedly and rolled off the bed onto the floor.

"Stop that!" I said in a light-hearted manner but was secretly still recovering from my near panic attack. That had been too close for comfort.

"I'm sorry," she laughed, "I couldn't resist. I won't do it again."

"I know you won't," I teased back, "Because I'm going to go take a shower."


I probably needed a shower, but that wasn't why I was taking one. I wanted some time to collect my thoughts. I needed time to process everything that happened during my recent, and unexpected, encounter with Tamara. I let the hot water wash over my body as I dwelled on the events of the previous night.

I spent a while on the bathroom floor after Tamara had her way with me. Despite my best efforts to wipe her thick, sticky cum from my face before exiting the stall, it seemed pointless. Without a mirror, I may as well have been blind as far as cleaning up my appearance went. Initially, I'd wiped my face with my hands before I realized what a truly terrible idea that was. I then proceeded to follow up that bit of brilliance by wiping my hands on my clothes. The worst part was that my hands and face still felt sticky, and now the smell of her arousal was everywhere.

I waited until the restroom was empty before making my way to a mirror to clean myself up. I knew no one would have any idea what had just happened to me, but somehow eye contact from anyone made me uncomfortable. Despite what I kept telling myself, I couldn't help but feel like they somehow knew-knew that I was covered in another woman's cum and that my jeans were concealing a chastity belt. I could tell somewhat it was there, but I hoped no one else could. It was mostly the locks that bulged slightly through the fabric of my clothing. As I began my lonely trek home, I avoided human contact while using my cell phone to tell Krista as much as I could-which was basically nothing.

Since then, everything felt surreal; I was in a constant daze. It wasn't that I was confused about how I felt. No, that wasn't it at all. I felt trapped and violated. And above all, I felt disgusted-disgusted at the memory of Tamara's warm, dripping wet pussy squishing against my lips and the overpowering smell of her arousal in my nostrils. Disgusted at the thought I'd been so thoroughly violated as to have Tamara's cum-covered toy forced into my ass. However, I was mostly disgusted at myself. She'd caused me to orgasm not once, but twice. She'd shown me that I was not even in control of my own body. She'd violated me-taken something I would never get back, and I'd enjoyed it. I wouldn't have thought it possible to be so disgusted and repulsed by something and yet simultaneously have an intense orgasm from it. Was I going to wake up tomorrow suddenly craving her scent-her taste?

The chastity belt she'd slid around my waist before abandoning me on the bathroom floor was a constant reminder-a reminder not only of how trapped I truly was, but that Tamara now owned my sex. The plug she'd forced inside my vagina was particularly uncomfortable at first. Every time I walked or sat anywhere, it was there to remind me-to mock me.

The shower used to be place of solace and comfort. It had often been the one place where I always felt comfortable pleasuring myself in the past. However, I had little interest in that these days. The last time I'd tried, unpleasant images of Tamara kept popping into my mind, and it killed any possible interest in self-pleasure. And with everything going on, I hadn't felt much like indulging myself for quite a while. Despite that fact, I certainly didn't like the contraption Tamara had forced upon me. I slid my fingers between my legs to test the restrictions of the belt. Sure enough, I was unsurprised to find my access to my own body was severely restricted.

I felt a wave of frustration. Seriously, who would do this to another person? Well, I could outlast her. Even before everything had happened, I'd never been one to masturbate with excessive frequency. However, whether it was due to my recent double orgasm reigniting my sexual urges, the plug currently trapped deeply inside of my vagina, or my body simply rebelling against Tamara's attempts to control it, I had been ever so slightly aroused the entire morning. Whatever the reason, it was certainly counter-productive for my body to start reacting this way when I couldn't do anything about it. However, there was one thing of which I was completely certain. There was no way I was ever going to need sexual release badly enough to willingly put my tongue anywhere near Tamara's nasty snatch. She was deluding herself if she thought otherwise. She actually expected me to not only give in to her ridiculous demands, but she actually expected me to enjoy it.

I kept trying to understand why Tamara would do this to me, what she wanted from me, and what I could do to stop her. However, I was increasingly coming to the realization that Tamara was a sociopath. She didn't seem to want anything other than to torment and degrade me. I was never quite sure if her orgasmic exploits were her main objective or just a fringe benefit of humiliating me.

As I stepped out of the shower, I stared at the belt around my waist. It was hard to get used to seeing myself wearing it. I made a half-hearted effort to remove it immediately after Tamara had left, but it quickly became clear that it wasn't going to come off easily. On a whim, I dug through the drawer and found a nail file. I picked a random lock and slid the file over the lock a few times. I succeeded only in wearing away the nail file instead of the lock. I would clearly need a much stronger file to make any progress with this approach. However, I suspected even a good file would take far too long to wear away the metal of multiple locks. I turned the file toward the keyhole in an attempt to pick the lock. It looked easy enough in TV shows. For the life of me, I couldn't remember what they used to pick locks on T.V., but I knew I'd seen it done with a hair pin. I slid the file into the key hole and wiggled it around. I had no idea how locks actually worked, but I had a lock when I was younger I'd been able to pop open in a similar manner. Granted, that was a pretty dinky kid's lock, but I was hopeful a similar strategy would work here too.

After a while of twisting and pushing the file into the lock, I grew frustrated by my lack of progress. In irritation, I shoved the file deeply into the lock and twisted it hard while pulling it to the side. To my chagrin, the file snapped leaving a piece of the file tip wedged inside the lock. I swore silently under my breath. I'd had the stupid thing on for less than 24 hours and I'd already broken the damn thing.


"Earth to Sara," Krista interrupted my thoughts, "Either that's the most interesting cereal bowl you've ever seen, or something is still bothering you."

"Sorry," I smiled, "I'll be fine." I resumed spooning cereal out of my bowl. I was still bothered by the fact I'd broken one of the locks on the chastity belt.

"You're not having second thoughts about us practicing kissing, are you?"

"Second thoughts?" I asked, confused. I put the spoon down.

"After last night. I thought maybe you were considering backing out."

"It hadn't even occurred to me, actually," I replied. "Although I did assume you'd probably have changed your mind after the other night."

"Other night?" She looked very confused.

"New Year's. Midnight? You kissed me."

"I what?!" She exclaimed.

"You really don't remember?"

"Hell, no! We really kissed?"

"Yeah. And you were a natural," I lied. "You came home drunk and gave me a kiss to celebrate the New Year."

"For real? I don't remember that at all! That doesn't count," She protested.

"No, really. It was a really good kiss. I honestly don't even think you need the practice." I hoped I could convince her to just drop the whole thing.

"Really?" She asked, still looking a little disappointed.


"Well, OK. At least I wasn't awful, especially drunk, right?" She brightened slightly.

"Exactly." I hugged her.

Krista checked the time on her phone. "I hate to run, but I need to head out for a bit to pick up my paycheck from work. And I have some errands to run afterward."

"You haven't been working much lately. Is everything alright at work?"

Krista sighed. "They've been slowly cutting my hours down to almost nothing. Business has been slow lately, and I'm worried they might not keep me around much longer."

I had mixed feelings. I hated for her to lose her job, but the more she was around, the safer it would be for me.

"Alright, well... I'll see you when you get back?"

"Absolutely! We should do something later," Krista suggested nonchalantly.

"Let's do it. Oh, and I told Tamara I'd call her after I got back to see if she's free to hang out when I'm done." Krista mentioned casually as she threw on her coat and started toward the door.

"Wait," I stopped her as I realized the gravity of the situation. "You told Tamara you were going out?"

"Yeah, why?

"Did you tell her how long you were going to be gone?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"Uh. I don't know. I may have told her a few hours. Why? What's this all about?" Krista asked.

"Nevermind, it's nothing. I just wanted to know what to say in case she calls the house."

"If she calls the house, tell her to call my cell phone." Krista laughed.

"Right! Duh." I laughed as I mocked myself. The minute Krista closed the door, I darted upstairs. I was still in my pajamas, and there wasn't a moment to lose.

I worried constantly that while Krista was at work, Tamara would sneak into our home and I'd be at her mercy for hours on end. The fact that Tamara knew that I was going to be home alone for the next few hours meant I wasn't safe here. In fact, I was already at risk. The longer I was alone in the house, the greater the chance I was going to run into Tamara.

When I closed the front door, I prayed no would see me and wonder why I was running around outside barefoot wearing nothing but jeans and a bra. I tossed my shoes and a shirt into the passenger seat. I didn't bother to brush my hair or teeth. Hell, I'd left a half-eaten bowl of cereal on the table. I didn't care where I went. I just needed to be out of the house and somewhere Tamara wouldn't find me. I could finish dressing on the way.

The place I ended up was a nearby park. I figured anywhere public should guarantee reasonable safety. I found some bleachers and sat down as I mulled over my situation. I had broken one of the locks on the belt. If I couldn't fix it, there was no way to stop Tamara from discovering that. So, I reasoned, there was no reason not to just cut the lock off-or hire a locksmith. I'd be in trouble either way. Perhaps it wasn't the most sound reasoning I'd ever displayed, but it wasn't hard for me to find a reason to remove the damn thing. I decided to try the hardware store first and see what they had that could remove locks. I wasn't very keen on explaining the situation to a locksmith.

As I looked around, I noticed there was a basketball court a few feet in front of me. As a bonus, there were a few hot guys out on the court throwing a basketball around. It was hard to turn my eyes away and, after seeing the players, I definitely wasn't in any hurry to vacate my seat. I grinned as I watched like a pervert. They seemed to be playing shirts versus skins, and it was the skins I was interested in. Shirts off and sweaty, tanned muscles shining in the midday sun-I was getting more than a little turned on just watching them.

One of the players made a bad throw, and the ball ended up near my feet. One of the shirtless athletes jogged over to retrieve it.


I stared in surprise as I realized we knew each other.

"Mike!?" I exclaimed awkwardly.

"I go by Michael now." He smiled.

I felt myself melt into a puddle. I had the biggest crush on Mike-Michael when we were in high school, but I wasn't ever sure he even knew my name.

"Michael, then." I grinned like an idiot. "It's been a while."

"Yeah, no kidding! How have you been? You look amazing." He smiled.

There it was again. It was amazing how differently people acted once they left high school. He had never smiled at me before. He had never even spoken to me.

"I've been doing really well." I smiled back. "And you look great too."

"Hey... I've gotta run this ball back, but if you're free, we should hang out after the game."

As he ran the ball back, I felt like a schoolgirl with an adolescent crush; Butterflies had invaded my stomach in full force. I waited anxiously for the game to end so we could resume our conversation. I wasn't sure what he'd meant by hanging out. Was it a date?

The game finally ended, and after a few minutes everyone started dispersing. Michael jogged over.

"Hey. I'm glad you didn't leave. Still up for doing something?"

"Absolutely." I smiled.

"My place isn't too far of a walk. Do you mind if we stop by there quickly so I can change?"

"I have my car. I can drive us," I offered.

"I'd rather walk. But if you walk there with me, I can drive you back."

"Sure. Sounds good to me," I shrugged. I would have agreed with anything he asked, especially since it likely meant more alone time together.

As the two of us walked together in the brisk winter air, we exchanged contact information. I had apparently left home in such a hurry that I'd neglected to grab my cell phone, but thankfully had a pen and scrap of paper. As I pocketed his digits, we caught each other up on everything we'd been up to since graduation. He was in the process of saving for college, and working until he had enough money saved. I sounded like It seemed like I had even less going on in my life than he did unless you counted everything with Tamara, but I was hardly going to bring that up to him. It was just nice talking to someone new for a change. It felt like Tamara and Krista had been the only people I'd spent any amount of time with lately. I'd had a lot of friends in high school, but many of them moved away or we'd simply drifted apart. I hadn't realized how much I missed hanging out with friends until that moment.

After about twenty minutes of walking, we reached his apartment. It was small but nice for what it was. It was minimally furnished but looked better than I would have expected from many single guys his age. At least there weren't any naked women on the walls. While he changed, I browsed through his movie collection. I pulled out a particular DVD and was reading the back when I heard his voice behind me.

"Great movie. Have you seen it?"

"Uh, no. But I'd love to watch it some time," I responded. I still wasn't sure if this counted as a date, but I figured it couldn't hurt to throw out a few hints.

"You know, I'm not really feeling much like going out anymore. We could watch it now... if you want," he offered.

"Uh-" I needed to get to the hardware store before too long, but surely the movie would be over with plenty of time to spare. "Sure," I shrugged nonchalantly, "Why not?"

The movie lasted longer than I expected, and I'd spent the entire time wishing I was snuggled up next to him, but it seemed a bit too forward to actually do so. He was right though, it was a good movie. I looked at the clock. It was almost four in the afternoon, and I wasn't sure when the hardware store closed.

"Well, that was fun." I stood up, intending to work my way to the door. "I'm glad we did this, but-" I was about to ask him for a ride back to my car when he interrupted me.

"Yeah, me too. I was always too shy to talk to you in high school," he stood with me.

"I-I-what?" I stammered. All thought of leaving disappeared. Where was he going with this?

"Yeah. I always thought you were so beautiful, but for some reason I found it really hard to talk to you."

"Y-you thought I was beautiful?" The hardware store could wait. It would probably be open until late evening, I reasoned.

He brushed his fingers through my hair. "I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the entire school." My stomach tightened into knots as he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. The butterflies were back in full force.

We continued to kiss awkwardly as he guided me back down to the couch. I could tell he was a much more practiced kisser than I was, but I hoped he wouldn't notice how inexperienced I was.

We continued to make out on the couch, slowly getting more comfortable. It wasn't long before I was laying with my head on the arm of the couch and he lay between my legs. His hands drifted slowly down my face and over my body. When I felt his fingers skirt around the edge of my left breast, I started to feel a little uncomfortable. I took his hand and moved it back to my shoulder, and he went back to caressing my neck and hair with his strong hands. However, it wasn't long before his hand had snuck back to my breast again. I was starting to get very turned on and it was getting harder to want to stop him, but I wasn't a slut despite Tamara's opinion on the matter. I moved his hand a second time, but he was nothing if not persistent. After the third or fourth time, I let it stay where it was. After all, it wasn't doing any harm there, was it?

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