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Curious Girls Ch. 31


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I waited patiently, my heart pounding with anticipation. When she was no more than a foot away from my hand, I grabbed for her. The collar around my neck pulled me back, choking me as I hit the limits of my proverbial leash.

Tamara laughed, unfazed. "I see you've already discovered how your neck collar works. That took a bit of custom work, but see that cord on the ceiling? It goes along the ceiling right over there to the door. That means you get only as much leeway to move around the room as I give you. Got it?"

"When did you do all this?" I asked, in disbelief.

"I started working on plans for this room the first day you arrived. As much as I hoped you would grow to accept your place, I knew it was all too good to last. So, I started slowly putting all this together in anticipation that you would need further convincing one day."

"But, the sheer amount of time and effort-, I started, trying to take it all in. "To say nothing of the cost. You wouldn't-why would you-?" I stammered, still unable to believe that Tamara was this determined to keep her grip on me.

"Oh, I didn't pay for it. You did," she grinned. "Between the money in your bank account and the settlement from your accident, I don't expect I'll need to work anytime soon."

"My money? But how-?"

"Enough talking," Tamara suddenly erupted, walking toward the bathroom. "You could talk a person to death."

As she disappeared inside, I heard water run. A moment later she re-appeared with a glass of water.

"Whew," she gasped, downing half the glass. "That's refreshing. I have to admit, that last orgasm was a bit-unplanned. To think, I came in here to punish you."

Isn't that what she did?

"Punish me? For what?"

"For escaping. But it's hard when you're just so dang cute," she pouted.

"You don't have to punish me," I promised. "I've learned my lesson."

"Maybe," she mused, looking at me intensely. "Anyway, I have an errand to run. If you're good until I get back, maybe I won't punish you."

I briefly considered trying to tackle her when her back was turned but, feeling the collar around my neck, I was reminded how ineffective such an effort would be. I wouldn't even make it off the bed.

She turned the hand crank by the door, slowly giving slack to the cord attached to my collar. Turning to the exit, she entered a combination into a keypad on the door, her body blocking it from view.

"See you soon, Baby," she winked and blew a kiss before closing the door behind her. "If you get bored, I left some books on the bookshelf for you."


I stretched my arms and legs. My whole body was stiff from being trapped in one position for most of the night. I looked around, assessing my situation. The room wasn't particularly spacious, but it wasn't cramped either. One notable observation-there were no windows. It would make escape all the more difficult. It could be middle of the day or pitch black outside and I would have no way to know.

With the leeway Tamara had given my leash, I climbed off the bed. I made a beeline straight for the door, but Tamara hadn't given me enough slack for that. She must have pre-measured the amount of rope she could allow me.

Remembering Tamara's tossing of the key earlier, I glanced around desperately. It was nowhere to be found. She must have grabbed it when I wasn't looking.

Even if I had been able to reach the door, I wasn't sure it would help. Without the combination, I wouldn't be able to open the door. Tamara had clearly given significant thought to the design of the room. She had even been smart enough to turn the lock so that the keypad faced into the room.

Assuming I managed to subdue Tamara, she wouldn't need to have any keys with her while she was in the room. And I knew Tamara would be too stubborn to give up the door combination.

Seeing no immediate way out of my predicament, I surveyed the room. To my right, in the corner by door, there sat some sort of strange looking chair. At least, I supposed it was a chair, but it didn't look particularly comfortable. At least, not nearly enough to make up for the big hole in the middle. It looked like it was designed that way-for whatever reason. Turning my gaze to the left, I noticed an ominous cabinet against the same wall. I was loathe to even guess what might be behind those doors.

Continuing around the room, I tested my limits. I was able to reach the bathroom, but that was about it. The door was near the foot of the bed, so the rope allowed me easy access to the entire bathroom.

It was surprisingly ostentatious. Directly through the door was a standard toilet and pedestal sink. To my left, I was surprised to see an open shower. No doors or privacy barriers-just a large section of floor with a shower head hanging from the ceiling. To the right, a large jacuzzi on an elevated section of floor.

As I looked over the jacuzzi jets, I noticed something odd. Above the tub, on the wall, there were two metal loops. As my eyes trailed the porcelain, I saw more metal loops at the other end. There didn't seem to be any logical reason for them to be there. That meant Tamara had most likely added the-for what purpose I couldn't begin to guess.

Walking back to the shower, I looked more carefully and noticed four similar loops on the floor of the shower. Did she intend to use them them to be for tying me down? It was difficult to fathom her going to such extremes. I felt momentarily dizzy.

She had put so much money and effort into building a custom prison, just for me. I wished I could feel flattered, but instead I felt all the more terrified. This wasn't a random impulse. This was a determined and well-planned effort. I left the bathroom, not wanting to think anymore about what Tamara had planned.

The only other thing in the room I could reach was the bookshelf Tamara mentioned earlier. It was on the other side of the room from the foot of the bed, resting below a large TV mounted to the wall. The TV was large-65 inches, if I had to guess.

I strained my eyes, trying to make out specific titles, but they were too far away. The shelf only had less than a quarter of its space dedicated to books. The rest was overflowing with DVDs. A few of them had enough showing on their sides that I could tell they weren't likely to have even an R rating. They looked like-porn flicks. What the hell was Tamara thinking?

As I walked closer, and the titles came into focus, it became clear that they weren't all straight porn either. More than half looked like they were lesbian porn. And a significant portion of the movies, straight and lesbian both, seemed to feature themes focusing on facesitting, humiliation, and female domination. There were also a few that looked instructional, including movies that focused on teaching how be be a dominant and another promising to make you into the perfect submissive. There were even some with intense looking cover art involving pain-play. They ranged from spanking to more extreme forms of bondage and torture. I could barely bring myself to look at them.

The porn flicks were so numerous that I almost missed a small section of the shelf dedicated to actual mainstream-ish movies, again with a large slant toward lesbian romances. There were some normal looking romcoms too, but not enough to even draw attention amongst the rest of the more-exciting-options.

For someone who claimed to be straight, Tamara sure had a strange way of showing it. Even alone, staring at so many X-rated DVD covers was making me uncomfortable. I couldn't be sure if it was my conservative upbringing or the thought of Tamara doing, with me, any of the hundreds of disgusting things depicted on the movie covers.

Instead, I turned my attention to the books. The first that caught my eye was titled "Under Her Wings." It looked like one of those cheesy romance novels, but instead of the usual bronzed adonis on the cover, it featured a raven haired beauty in a black, silk slip about to lock lips with a brunette in a white dress shirt which was unbuttoned half-way down-just enough to show the top of her lacy bra.

All of the books looked similar. They were primarily lesbian romance novels ranging from those which looked like cheesy romance to more than a few that looked like they were more about selling sex than romance. Hell, there were even a few straight-up sex books mixed in. I read the titles, "Female Erogenous Zones: The Complete List," "Lesbian Sex Positions," and "Regain Control of Your Life By Giving it Up: A Journey of Submission" were just a few of the titles.

I wasn't that bored. Not by a long shot.


"I'm back," Tamara exclaimed, bursting into the room. She was wearing the same tank as before, but she was now wearing black leggings.

I looked up, startled, realizing I was still thumbing through one of the books. I had spent most of my time pulling and picking at both the collar and the cord, but the cord was some sort of steel cable. It was nearly impossible to damage, at least not with anything I had access to. And the collar was a thick leather with metal trimmings. Even without the metal, it was unlikely I could have picked away at the tough leather with enough speed to break free before Tamara noticed.

I had only returned to the bookshelf out of sheer boredom. Despite the fact that mere hours prior, I was swearing up and down I would never give Tamara the satisfaction, it wasn't long before I was flipping through pages.

"Already digging into the books?" Tamara had an enormous grin on her face. "Which one caught your eye?"

Fuck. I didn't want Tamara to see me looking at her books, much less holding one in my hand.

And holding this book especially.

I tried to hide it behind the bookshelf, but I wasn't fast enough. Tamara wrenched it from my fingers.

"How to Pleasure Your Woman, Orally and Beyond," Tamara read. "Ooh, this one had great reviews. Maybe I should let you keep reading." Tamara winked.

I felt sick to my stomach with a equal mixture of nausea and embarrassment.

"Not even a hello?" Tamara asked, sticking out her lower lip in a mock pout.

I stared icily at her, not saying a word. I was too pissed off. Without a word, I jumped at her.

Unfortunately, I was too slow from my position on the floor. She stumbled backward, tripping slightly, but she was still faster than I was. I grappled for her ankles, but in moments she was already back by the door.

"Tsk, tsk. I'm disappointed in you Sara. It looks like you really do need a proper punishment after all."

Tamara turned to the side of the door and began turning the crank. The cord pulled tighter until the leather dug into my neck.

"What the hell?" I choked, grabbing at the collar.

"I can't have you thinking escape attempts are going to be tolerated."

"Wait, no! I didn't mean to lunge at you. I-tripped. That's all." I pleaded desperately, lying my ass off. I pulled against the collar, but it cut off my breathing as it dug in, dragging me unwillingly back toward the bed.

Tamara continued to turn the handle at a steady pace. I stumbled backward tripping and falling onto the bed, trying to keep from being strangled. The rope pulled me toward the headboard until my head was resting on the pillow.

With my ability to fight severely impeded, Tamara walked toward me calmly and confidently, grabbing a cuff from the floor and pulling it with her as she climbed onto the mattress. My arms and legs were still free, but with Tamara at the foot of the bed, all I could do was kick wildly in her general direction.

She caught my right leg easily, pulling it under her between her legs.

"Ooh, I like the way that feels," Tamara cooed as she rode my struggling leg. I instinctively paused, not particularly wanting to get Tamara off with my foot. I could already the warmth of her crotch pressing against my skin. She took advantage of my hesitation to grab my other ankle.

I resumed struggling, but Tamara eventually won. She slid the cuff around my ankle and tightened it in a single, smooth motion. Proceeding to wrestle each of my limbs in turn, she finally managed to force my body into a spread eagle position.

Bending down at the corner of the bed, Tamara pressed a button causing the cord attached to my leg to retract, pulling my leg straight and toward the corner of the bed. Working her way around the bed, she tightened each of the restraints, giving me no slack.

"There we go. That worked quite well," she grinned proudly, already hopping out of her leggings as she walked toward the bed.

"Tamara, please don't do this," I begged. "I really don't want to do this with you right now."

Her shirt was the last piece of clothing to land on the floor.

"As if I would save your punishment for when you feel like it?" Tamara laughed, groping my breasts as she stared at me with a strange look in her eyes. Shaking her head, she scooted forward. "Don't forget this is a punishment for me too. I would rather be fucking you than having to teach you to behave yourself."

"Aren't those the same thing?" I asked, wryly.

"See? I've been thinking about that too," she squealed. "And you're so right. I've given you such mixed signals. You shouldn't be thinking of my ass or pussy as a punishment. They should be a reward for you. So, you have my word that I will never again punish you with my ass or pussy."

"Y-you won't?" I asked, confused.

Instead of answering, she leaned forward and lowered her head.

Looking directly into my eyes, she pushed her lips forcefully against mine. The kiss was intense from the start, and only got more so as it progressed.

I didn't kiss her back, but it didn't matter. Her tongue pushed into my mouth, exploring aggressively. I tried to pull away, but she held my head tightly in her hands. I was afraid of choking on her tongue as she stuck the entire thing in my mouth.

My relief was brief as she ended the kiss, immediately starting a new one. Each time, her tongue pushed into my mouth, looking for mine. Her full, wet lips mashed haphazardly against my face, repeatedly covering my own lips.

I was finally forced to push my tongue back against hers just to keep keep from choking. As I pushed my tongue against hers, she circled her tongue over mine. I hated that it seemed like she thought I was legitimately kissing her back, but there wasn't much to be done if I wanted to stave off death by tongue.

"What are you doing?" I gasped as she pulled away for air.

"Getting a few good kisses in before your punishment, of course."

"What? Why?"

Continuing to scoot forward as she spoke, she finally reached my chin.

"Because I'm not going to want to kiss you again for a little while," she giggled, slapping my cheek playfully.

I started to ask what she meant, but she scooted forward before I could. Her pussy lips swallowed my mouth.

"You said you wouldn't punish me with your pussy," I protested as she sat up, trying to make herself comfortable.

"I meant in a sexual way. That is, an orgasm for me shouldn't be a punishment for you. That doesn't mean my pussy can't be involved in your punishment. Besides I kind of like the idea that it can be something you both adore and fear."

Clearly, her promise meant nothing. She had a very different idea of punishment than I did.

Her fingers pushed between my lips, and she tried to pry my jaw open. I had no idea what she had in mind, but I wasn't about to make it easy for her. I clenched my teeth tightly.

"Have it your way," she laughed, sitting her mound back on my mouth. Reaching down, she slid her finger back between my lips and pulled them out of the way of her vaginal lips, wiggling her pelvis back and forth until her inner vaginal lips were pressing against my teeth, her outer lips forming a near seal around my mouth.

I wanted to protest, but I didn't know how. Did she want me to lick her? How would that fit with her goal of not using her pussy to punish me? Or was this supposed to be a punishment? I was so confused.

That's when I felt something warm flowing through my teeth. I fought like I had never fought before. And Tamara held me tighter than ever before. The warm liquid continued to flow through my teeth, barely slowing as it seeped into my mouth and through the gaps between my teeth.

"Ah, that feels nice. I've been drinking water all day, and I wasn't sure I could hold this much longer."

I couldn't fight her, but apparently the humiliation wasn't complete enough for her. She pinched my nose, making it impossible to breathe. Instinctively, before it even registered as the faintest of thoughts, my mouth opened to try to suck air and her vulva slipped into my mouth. This time, the seal was perfect as her crotch pushed my jaw wide. There was no breathing through my mouth, but I was thankful Tamara released her grip on my nostrils a few moments later. As I looked up at her, I couldn't believe she was actually laughing.

"Oh, God. I can't believe I'm actually pissing in your mouth. This is so nasty!"

I squealed, trying to fight her off. I could taste nothing but urine as the warm liquid washed over my tongue.

My mouth was almost full. I tried to expel the the salty, disgusting liquid, but the seal remained, unyielding.

"Swallow that, and you can have a rest," Tamara laughed sadistically. Or at least, it sounded sadistic to me. I held the warm liquid in my mouth, refusing to swallow.

Tamara pinched my nose again.

"Swallow," she commanded.

It didn't take long before I was out of air, and I knew from experience that I was going to get desperate in short order. I also knew from experience that Tamara was going to win this one. Swallowing would be better than most of the alternatives that ran through my head. If I held out for too long, I would likely end up accidentally inhaling her urine into my lungs. That was an even less appealing thought. I might also end up choking on her urine, causing it to end up all over my pillow and face. And it would probably still end up in my lungs. Additionally, the longer I resisted, the the longer I would have to suffer through the terrible taste in my mouth.

I finally relented, swallowing the mouthful in a couple awkward swallows. The first swallow caused my ears to plug up due to the fact Tamara was still holding my nose. Thankfully, she eased up as I started to swallow.

"Ready for more?"

"More? You said I could have a rest," I mumbled, my mouth still around her wet vulva.

"A rest? No, I think I said 'the rest'," she laughed, this time it definitely sounded sadistic.

Without waiting for an OK, she resumed her deathlock on my head, and I once again felt Tamara's urine flooding into my mouth. She struggled to control it, trying to keep the stream steady and slow, but once or twice she slipped and I felt urine flooding into my mouth at an alarming rate. Before long, my mouth was full again.

"You know the drill," Tamara grinned.

I choked the foul liquid down in another few swallows, starting to feel nauseated.

Before I could get my bearings, I felt yet another stream of urine shooting into my mouth.

"You know, this is actually kind of erotic," Tamara said as she played with my hair. I tried to avoid making eye contact with her as her urine continued to overwhelm my taste buds. "Just remember, you wouldn't be going through this right now if you hadn't tried to escape from me."

As the fourth mouthful of urine slowed to a drip, I breathed a sigh of relief. I couldn't believe how much urine her damn bladder could hold.

"I told you I really had to go," she giggled. "But that was more than even I expected."

Tamara sat up, quickly shifting her hands to my mouth. She held it closed until she was convinced I had choked down the last drop.

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