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Cutty Ch. 16


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The store luckily had the odd high heeled slippers and other shoes. The 'real slutty' pair she was supposed to buy she decided to get in the sex shop.

Next stop was Victoria Secret for the lingerie on the list. Yet also on the list was the 'real slutty' lingerie item, just as with the shoes, and Donna knew these only could be found by a sex shop. She also understood she was being tested; if it was not slutty enough there would be trouble. She began to understand the real problem she was in. If she was too timid, reluctant, non-cooperative there would be punishment, which meant raising the bar for her, if she was too cooperative on the other hand, she was raising the bar herself way too high.

"Any which way you lose." She thought.

After the lingerie, Donna had no excuses anymore and had to go to a sex shop. Finding one was already a problem. They were not in area's she frequented but eventually she found one. She parked a bit out of the way, and walked up to the shop, which was quite secluded. It was also a rather shady part of town.

Inside she didn't want to be noticed, fearing a repeat of her last visit to a shop like this with Ms. Brendan. Weird, as it had been another town. Yet she walked quickly as far as she could from the counter. However, it turned out she was the only customer, so she knew how foolish she was acting.

"First time?" the sales girl asked her.

Donna almost jumped through the roof. She hadn't heard the girl coming up to her.

"Well... yes and no." Donna answered.

"Ah, first time really buying for yourself. That's why you are so shy!" the girl smiled and understood. "Allow me to help you. Trust me, I have experience or at least knowledge of the stuff here, and it is expensive, so you better get it right, we don't refund or whatever." The girl continued "You never know where the item has been." She laughed at her own joke.

"Ok, that might really help me." Donna agreed in her mind. The girl had gained her trust. She looked her up and down, she was kind of gothic, but not too much. "A young, open-minded girl" Donna thought.

"These are the items I want." She gave the list to the girl.

"The sooner I have them, the faster I am out of here." She thought, "And she looks like she can be trusted."

"I thought you were such a woman!" the girl answered as she took the list.

"What do you mean?" Donna suddenly was not so happy she gave this girl her list.

The girl was going over the list. "Almost the same items as the others," She nodded.

Donna understood, other women just like her, 'girlfriends' of Ms. Brendan, had come to the shop with their lists. Now Donna was curious, "Maybe she can give me some more info on what will happen to me."

"What do you mean?" she asked the girl.

"Well lady, women, girls, women, come into this store every now and then and purchase items like these from lists like these." She said, "And at first they look out of place just like you. But they usually become regulars, buying more and more stuff."

"Do they change a lot? I mean..."

"What kind of cult are you in? Or is it a certain kind of sex-therapy?" The girl asked back, "I am curious to know. What makes a married woman come here to buy dildo's and other kinky stuff. You don't seem to be the type for it. Not this much."

Donna blushed as the girl mentioned she was married. Her hand went automatically to her wedding ring. She felt ashamed and as if she was betraying Robert. Had it been wrong to give the list to the girl?

"Come along, let's get you the sex outfit first, you know, the plateau shoes, the kinky wardrobe. I know just what your 'husband' will like."

The girl took Donna by the hand and they went straight through the shop to the fetish section. At the mentioning of her husband Donna felt again a wave of guilt going through her. If he only knew what she was doing while he was gone!

"Rubber and latex will be a bit too much for you right now, but I would advise this..." and the girl fetched a few items and handed them over to the still dreaming Donna.

"Try these out over there," pointing to the changing rooms. "Ok?"

Donna was pushed to the rooms and before she could protest was standing alone in a closet looking at a mirror.

"What shall I do? Run out of the store?" Donna thought quickly, "No, I still need these items. The girl has seen other 'girlfriends' before, so I can ask her what happened to them, with the danger of her knowing what is happening to me. And if I just go along, I get it over with and get out of here asap..."

Donna decided to keep her distance with the girl though, before she would get into trouble with her too. . "I don't know her, and I don't want strangers to know what I'm going through."

Donna looked at the items, two high heeled shoes, one red, one black, some crotchless panties, and bra's to lift her breasts, but leave her nipples exposed.

"Try them and let me know if it is what you're looking for." The girl outside said, "I will collect the other items for you."

"Thank you." Donna said, "She really has experience with this. How many other 'girlfriends' are there, I don't imagine they all go to the same shop, so there must be a lot...

"I hope she tells me more on what happens to them, she said they become regulars, but how often do they return, will I be forced to return too, and what will I have to buy?

"Another reason this girl must not know too much about me, actually. I must go to another shop next time."

As she dressed into the sex clothing she felt as a lowdown slut. The high heeled shoes, the panties, the bra, and the stockings, it made her look awful in her own eyes.

She decided after a while she just would buy of each item one and didn't bother to change into everything. She couldn't stand to look at herself in the mirror with those clothes.

"And?" the girl asked as Donna got out. "Found anything that looks good on you?"

"I-I'll take these..." Donna fumbled as she looked embarrassed at the items the girl had collected on the table in front of her.

"Oh come on! They don't even match!" the girl said, "Look," she looked Donna up and down "Take these and try them on." She hand-picked the red shoes and a red laced lingerie set, "And let me see the result."

"Pardon?" Donna said, not at all planning to have this girl see her in that outfit.

"Look, as I have said, more girls come with lists like yours. At first I would let them go with whatever they choose, but eventually I noticed they came back the next day to buy even more extreme stuff, and they weren't too happy about it. So, to keep that from happening let me judge if you look the way you're supposed to, and you probably won't have to come back, Ok?"

Donna looked at the girl and wondered what to do. Her mind went through all the options, but she concluded she could either run away screaming and leave everything behind, including her family, or do what the girl said.

Donna went back into the dressing room and changed into the red outfit. When she looked at herself in the mirror she was ashamed of herself, "I look like a whore! Some cheap pornstar."

"Let me see you." The girl was at the door. Donna unlocked it and the girl opened it.

She checked Donna up and down. "Turn around, slowly." The girl said.

Donna slowly turned, trying not to fall on the terrible high heeled shoes.

"I think red is just not really your color," The girl finally said as Donna looked at her humbly for approval. She turned and picked up some white lingerie and white shoes.

"White might be better: it is more like a virgin, fits your inexperience." The girl gave Donna a naughty wink.

Donna could die right on the spot. Even though the girl was probably right, it was so humiliating to have a stranger, a girl, telling her how to dress. Yet she was right, she was inexperienced at this. So the girl's choice, taste, was the only one she could count on for now.

"Next time, I'll ask Ninon to accompany me. Then I won't be depending on strange sales-girls anymore," and Donna closed the door to undress.

"Better, much better!" The girl said this time. Donna turned for her and smiled slightly, relieved this part was over. "Okay, just watch with the long white satin cloves right, they creep down if you don't move elegantly. And of course it is white, so it gets stains really fast. Luckily you have crotchless panties, no stains there."

The red-faced Donna turned to undress.

"No, wait." The girl said.

"Why?" Donna asked.

"You'll need to test these items, it is best if you do it dressed like this, trust me. And it'll be only for a moment, and then your ordeal is over.

"Come, trust me," the girl said again as she lead Donna by the hand and smiled. "And nobody else is in the shop right now. Consider yourself lucky. One woman once had another women with her and she was paraded dressed like this through the whole shop to collect these items, with other customers looking on. Never seen a woman being humiliated like that. You all are a kinky kind of group."

As Donna made her small steps by the hand of the girl she thought, "Well, there goes my idea of asking Ninon to accompany me. I'll just stick with this girl... or another shop..."

"Look," the girl said as they were at the table, "Let's start with the whip. I have three whips here that will do, I think. But let's test them on you, so you feel each one, and can decide which one is best for you."

"Pardon?" Donna had no intention of letting the girl whip her.

The girl just shook her head, "Look, all these items are going be used by you, the dildo's, the vibrators, the butt plugs, the chains, the clamps ..." She picked up a whip from the table. "And this... the whip." She lashed it in the air a few times. The whizzing sound frightened Donna. "Why would you buy them else?"

"Now each whip feels different and leaves a different mark." The girl pushed Donna over the table and hit her fast on her exposed ass.

"OUCH!" Donna yelled as she turned angrily.

"This one for instance, leaves a red mark, which gets worse the harder you hit, making it difficult for you to sit for a while." The girl continued, ignoring Donna's anger.

"This one ... " She picked up a cat of nine tales, with flat leather 'tails'

"You are not going to use that on me!" Donna hissed.

"How will you know which whip to choose?" The girl replied, "If you choose a wrong whip the consequences might be that everyone notices you can't sit right, or you might even have to go to the doctor, as your ass can't handle it. Better try it out now, you have felt the strong bull whip already..."

"I know how that one feels, I've been..." Donna replied stopping half way as she quickly remembered this girl didn't know about her ordeal, and Donna didn't want her to know neither.

"Oh, I see, this one has been used on you already." The girl smiled wickedly, "well then, we'll use this flog, turn please..."

"No...OUCH!" Donna was hit on the side of her ass by the long flog, red stripes were all over her left ass cheek.

"I'm not hitting hard, just feel which one gives you the greatest pleasure, or less pain." The girl laid the whip back on the table and picked up the long narrow horsewhip. She looked determined to Donna, who was in turmoil, she wanted to run away, but not in the lingerie she was wearing, nor did she want to be whipped by this unknown person, but she had to buy the items too...

"Oh, alright." Donna said angrily and turned and pushed her ass out. "Not too hard please."


"This one is for the real cruel master, it hurts even if you don't hit too hard, perfect during training of an unwilling slave." The girl said.

"Oh, fuck." Donna just said as she felt her blush in pure shame, "This girl knows I'm being trained? should I choose this whip?" she wondered as she readied herself for the next whip.

Vife minutes later she had felt every type of whip in the shop on her ass. Donna was too ashamed to lift her head.

"Well, which one is it gonna be?" the girl asked simply, as she laid the last whip back.

"The first one." Donna muttered.

"I would advise the training one, but ok." The girl said.

"Okay, okay, that one, I don't care." Donna said. She hoped that she did ok by following the girls advise, but she couldn't think straight, shame and pain confused her.

"Now turn." The girl said.

Donna did and the girl applied a nipple clamp to her left nipple.

"AAH!" Donna cried, even though the girl removed the clamp immediately. The next minutes various clamps were applied to her nipples. Donna felt defeated, and broken, humiliated to the bone. She automatically did everything the girl asked her to do.

"This one is best for beginners, let's take this one ok?" the girl said finally.

"Now to the dildo's, I read you need various types, I've got all types in store, but not all in all sizes, and features, so..."

"This can't be happening, she will test the dildos on me..." Donna panicked.

"Don't worry, I won't test the dildos on you, silly girl. You can breathe again!" the girl laughed as she saw Donna crumble. "If I do that I can't sell them new anymore, right, and who would want a second hand dildo!"

A sigh of relief escaped Donna's mouth.

"From your list I see you have to have various dildos. What size do you use for your vagina?"

Donna hesitated, as she looked at the collection of dildos.

"Take something the size of your husband's penis, or a bit bigger?" the girl suggested.

Donna pointed to a midsize dildo. It was indeed kind of the size of Robert.

"And for your ass; what do you think you can take up there?" The girl asked as she collected three dildos of the size Donna had pointed out.

"Hmmm." Donna was lost again. She had had a butt plug up her ass already, and was fucked in the ass, but she couldn't recall their sizes just now. She did recall the pain however. Looking at the butt plugs was no help either, they all looked terrible huge in her eyes.

"Well?" the girl pushed her to make a choice.

"That size," Donna pointed to a small sized one, compared with the others. As she tried to recall it was the size of her butt plug at home, maybe smaller.

"Okay," the girl said and collected similar sized butt plugs, one of them was for double penetration.

"Well, let's look at the bondage material you needed." The girl said to Donna, "Here are some cuffs, try them on, we have leather and metal ones, gloves, etc."

The ordeal continued for Donna as the girl bound her in several ways, with various cuffs.

Donna decided finally to buy the leather cuffs, they were fitting best, and most comfortable.

"Well that's about it, you got your clothing, the whip, the dildos, the butt plugs, the clamps, and the bondage material. I think you're ready for a funky night!" The girl said.

"Go dress, I'll bring everything to the counter."

Donna dressed and utterly ashamed she walked up to the counter. She paid, and she got the stuff nicely tugged in a neutral brown bag.

"One more thing." The girl told her as Donna turned to go, "A word of advice; you are way too submissive. It is not normal at all for a salesgirl to do what I did with you. I abused you just for fun, and you let me." The girl looked into Donna's eyes, "So get a grip on your life, grow a little backbone. Before it is too late."

A short intense silence fell, as the girl looked Donna straight in the eye. She meant it. Donna felt panic coming up as she understood this girl had seen what had happened with previous 'girlfirends' who were just like her.

"And I expect you to buy all your future stuff here. I could use the commission, and I just know you will want more stuff sooner or later." She added with a naughty smile.

Donna looked at the girl perplexed. Humiliation overwhelmed here as she understood the girl just had played with her for fun. Tested her, and she had fallen for it ... hard.

"Thank you." Donna said humiliated and turned away.

"How could I let a girl whip me, sexually abuse me? I wonder if she is in it too? Or really just an outsider." Donna wondered as she moved towards the exit. She hurried out of the shop, almost crying, as she understood how ridiculous she had behaved.

"If I don't get a backbone, I'll lose everything." She cried to herself as she got into her car and looked at the clock. "...And I'm late for work!!"

New rules for the girls nights out

Tired from the gym she reached home. Fortunately, by this time of the year it was early dark, so she didn't have to worry about the neighbors seeing her with all her shopping. All she had to worry about were her daughters.

"Ah there you are," Ninon said from the living room as Donna entered into the house. "Come in, your daughters are sleeping by friends, so we have the night to ourselves."

Donna sighed and walked into the living room with her bags.

"Bring them upstairs, and wear what I have laid out for you." Ninon said to the tired Donna, as she continued to watch the television.

Donna reluctantly went upstairs and put the bags in the guest room, or Ninon's room. She didn't want those items in her own room, just imagine Robert finding them, or her daughters who often went through her room for make-up and other stuff.

Next, she went to her room and saw the skimpy outfit on her bed.

"We are going out tonight," Donna understood. "But will it be fun like it was?"

She showered a little bit longer than usual to destress, got dressed, and applied make up to her face, in accordance with the outfit.

"Slut," she said to herself when she looked at the result in the mirror. She was still angry at herself for letting the salesgirl mistreat her so easily.

When she walked into the living room Ninon checked her.

"The skirt is good, the stockings are just about high enough... The red color of the blouse is ok, and you've done an excellent job with the make-up, the red lips, the darkened eyebrows, very good Donna!"

Donna smiled. At least Ninon approved, and she seemed to be in a happy mood.

"Ok, sit down in front of me." Ninon said, "I'll have to explain a few new rules for our night out."

Donna sat down in the chair in front of Ninon.

"Up to now we have had much fun going out, right?" Ninon asked.

"Yes, Ninon. It was ok."

"Well, from now on we will raise the bar a little for you." Ninon continued "You used to flirt with the man and avoided touching them, or them touching you. That is going to change tonight. I want them to have a little bit more liberty with your body. Nothing gross, but a little touching, felling you up. So, if you see a man you like, and all is going well, I expect some kissing and hugging in the corner of the bar. Alright?"

Donna looked at Ninon with pain in her eyes. She didn't want this, but how could she refuse?

"Well?" Ninon said as Donna didn't answer.

"Ok, I guess." Donna answered "But is this really necessary? I mean I am being trained for Ms. Brendan, so why should I go with men?"

"Well, we'll go to a lesbian bar in the future, where you can 'train' on other women." Ninon laughed, "But for now men will do."

"Anyway, next instruction, you will give the men your phone number. This week you will make some personal cards with your address and phone number, and you will give those to the men you like."

"But they will call me at home, or even pass by! My family will notice!"

"Shh, you are right, but that is the whole purpose of it. You need to be able to handle those tricky situations. Handle those horny men. Keep them off from your family."

"How? I practically open the door to them!"

"That is what you will learn. Trust me, it is do-able. Else I wouldn't let you do it." Ninon reassured Donna. "Well, that's it for the additional rules, see, nothing to worry about. Come, we have to go. Tonight, I want to go through your new toys with you too, so it will be a long night anyway."

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