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Daddy and Little One Ch. 19

Story Info
Little One must learn her boundries in the outside world.
8.6k words

Part 20 of the 23 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 06/01/2006
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Daddy parked the car in a space behind the dress shop. Little One was accustomed to parking near the front door and she had never seen the rear of the building. It was a busy place today. Men were unloading boxes from a caterer's truck and rolling them inside on hand carts.

Daddy held her hand as they walked past the workmen who seemed to pay them no notice as they approached, but each stopped their work to watch Little One walk across the freight dock and through the large doors. Little One noticed several empty wooden crates which once contained Champagne and other wines on the edge of the dock.

"Daddy, why do we have so much wine at the shop?" Little One asked.

"There will be a party after the show," he answered. "I am expecting large orders today. All the people who will be here are owners or buyers for clothing stores."

Loud music with heavy bass blared for a few seconds and shut off. Daddy led Little One to the front show room. All the clothes racks were packed against one wall. A crew of workmen was raising large speakers and lights on stands. A tent-like curtain covered the door to the fitting rooms and a runway extended from it half way across the room.

Little One stopped and stared. She let go of Daddy's hand and skipped up the steps behind the curtain. Little One strutted down the runway and looked across the empty chairs. She saw them filled with people and heard the music booming as she walked to the end where Daddy was standing. The music and people vanished when he held his hand out to her. Little One bent down and kissed him, holding his hand to her cheek.

"Thank you, Daddy," Little One whispered. "I will do a good job for you." Daddy squeezed her hand and smiled.

"I know you will, Little One," he said. "They need you in the fitting rooms. I will be very busy until the show starts. I will be watching you on the runway." Daddy put his hand on the back of her neck and held her for another kiss. She closed her eyes and almost lost her balance.

Little One stood up and shivered to regain her composure. Daddy waved for her to go and she turned to walk back to the curtains. He watched her graceful legs and the fluid swivel of her ass as she walked Now Daddy imagined people in the seats watching her. These people won't know what hit them, he thought.

Daddy made a careful survey of the showroom. Everything seemed in place. The sound system and lights were ready. The bartender and the caterer were all in place. He looked at his watch. The buyers would start to arrive in an about an hour and he wanted them to feel pampered all evening.

The fitting room was crowded with hair stylists, makeup artists and dressers when Daddy walked in. He stood in the door and watched all the activity with satisfaction. Little One sat in her panties before the mirror while the stylist pulled a long tress of hair between her fingers and rolled it up in the curling iron. Her long black hair spilled over her shoulders in large loose flowing curls.

Vangie sat naked beside Little One while another woman worked on her hair. She seemed unaware of any one else in the room, even the woman pinning her hair. Vangie stared into the mirror and carefully lifted each breast, turning her nipples up to the mirror. Cloey bent over to push her shorts down her legs and stepped out of them. Little One had her back to Daddy. She smiled when she saw Daddy in the mirror. Cloey stood up and noticed Daddy standing in the door.

"Robert," she said with a grin, "you should announce yourself before walking in." Daddy smiled and looked at his three models and the crowd of women helping them. It pleased Little One to see all the women in the room turn to Daddy and respectfully wait for him to speak.

"I won't take much of your time," he began. "This is a small show, but it's a big money show. All the people in the gallery are here to spend. We have to make it easy for them to do that. Little One, Cloey, and Vangie, will be walking, but we are all working this show. No breaks in the runway. I want someone leaving as the last comes back in. I want them beautiful, sexy and seductive. I want every man out there to think, this is what I want to see in my bedroom. I want every woman to think, this is what I want to look like in my bedroom. Now Ladies, keep your walk slow, let them see what we are selling. Go out there and walk like what you really want to do is take it all off for them. Let's go."

Everybody went back to their work as Daddy walked to Little One. She tilted her head back to look up at him with her hair falling down behind her chair.

"Do you like my hair this way, Daddy," she asked. He put his hands on her shoulders and leaned down to kiss her lightly. Little One twisted her neck and kissed the hand on her right shoulder

"I love the curls, Little One," he answered. "You are going to be wonderful. Just be yourself out there and they will love you."

"Yes, Daddy," she said and took his hand in hers. She held it to her lips and kissed it again. "I'll make you proud." Daddy gave her shoulders one last squeeze.

"Good girl," he said as he kissed her again and turned to leave.

Saleslady looked out the window to see a tall young man open the passenger door of a white sedan. A silver haired woman stepped out and took his hand. Saleslady recognized Maxine White, owner of a chain of lingerie stores. Her She was one of the company's largest customers. She picked up two show catalogs and waited as the door opened and Maxine stepped into the shop.

Saleslady smiled and waited for the handsome young man to close the door behind them. Maxine's dress was from the company line and very expensive. Maxine was one of the few women with a sense of fashion sharp enough to impress Saleslady. Her clothes were always a perfect fit, never a crease or a wrinkle. Today her earrings matched her necklace, her pendent, her belt buckle and even the straps of her shoes.

"Welcome to our Spring Showing, Ms. White," Saleslady said as extended her hand. Maxine took Saleslady's hand and squeezed it as a man might.

"Thank you, Saleslady," Maxine replied, not loosening her grip as she spoke. "Have you met my son Marcus?" Saleslady had tried not to stare past Maxine at the tall young man. Saleslady pulled her hand loose from Maxine's grip and smiled at him. Marcus took her hand and curled his fingers around it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Marcus," Saleslady said. His hands were smooth, but strong. He looked straight at her with deep brown eyes and a slight friendly smile.

"Thank you, thank you very much," he replied. Saleslady stifled a giggle. Is he trying to talk like Elvis, she wondered. "I'm glad I could make it here today."

Saleslady wanted for Maxine to speak and draw Marcus's attention so she could look him over carefully. The suit was a perfect cut, as she expected it to be. The shoulders appeared to be padded, but she realized it was all Marcus in the jacket. Saleslady ran her mental dress tape over him. Forty-five inch chest, thirty six inch waist, probably a thirty two inseam. He was tall, but well proportioned. The inseam caught her eye. Marcus's pants were pulled tight in the crotch, with a noticeable bulge against his left thigh. He had the pants tailored to fit like that, she thought. Maxine's boy was a bit of a showoff.

"Would Robert have a few minutes before the show?" Maxine asked, interrupting Saleslady's reverie. "He hasn't seen Marcus for several years." Saleslady blushed a bit and wondered if Maxine had caught her staring at Marcus's crotch.

"Certainly, Ms. White," Saleslady answered. "He's in his office. I know he would love to see the both of you."

"Thank you, again," Marcus said. His smile had turned sly. Saleslady felt a little heat under her ears.

He caught me checking him out, she thought. Saleslady watched the pair walk down the hall to Sir's office. The seat of Marcus's pants was tapered to pull tight across his buns, but hung loose from the thighs down. He knows what he's doing and does it so well, Saleslady thought.

Daddy's office was at the end of the hall which passed by the back entrance to the fitting room. Maxine and Marcus heard a shriek and then a giggle as they walked by the door. The laughter of several female voices could still be heard as Maxine stopped at the office door and waited for Marcus to open it.

"Should I knock?" he asked.

"Always knock on this door, Marcus," she answered. "You never know who he might have in there with him." Marcus smiled and rapped firmly on the door.

"Come in, whoever you are," bellowed Daddy. Marcus pulled the door open for Maxine and followed her inside. Daddy and Michael stood in front of the big desk. Michael had a stern look on his face. Daddy seemed relieved to have the conversation interrupted.

"Robert and Michael, in the same room?" Maxine chuckled. "I can't think of a more dangerous combination of manhood."

"Maxine," Daddy said, holding his arms out. "I hoped you would be here today." Maxine stepped into his arms and pressed her lips to his. Daddy's familiar lime scent made her want to close her eyes and hold him a little longer, but she remembered the other men in the room.

"I couldn't miss the spring show, Robert," Maxine said as she pulled away and held her hand out to Michael. "Michael, how are you?" Michael smiled and bowed his head slightly as he shook her hand.

"I'm fine, Maxie," he answered, keeping eye contact with her. Maxine could see the stress in his face, almost a look of anger, despite his pleasant tone. Maxine turned back to Daddy.

"Robert, when was the last time you saw Marcus?" Maxine asked. Daddy stepped forward and took Marcus's hand.

"It's been many years," Daddy said as he clasped his left hand around Marcus's cuff. "You look like you have done well."

"He has full charge of the Miami stores, now." Maxine added.

"I am impressed, Marcus," Daddy said. "You'll like what you see today. I'm sure of it"

"Thank you, Sir, "Marcus responded. Marcus wondered if he looked flustered. He had meant to call him Robert, of maybe Mr. Pater, but Sir was all he could manage. His mother and Michael were the only people who had ever called him Robert in his presence. Daddy looked at his watch.

"The show should start in a few minutes. I have seats for both of you on the front row," he said.

"Marcus," Maxine said. "Why don't you and Michael find our seats for us and let Robert and I talk about the two of you behind your backs."

"Why not, indeed?" Michael answered, knowing Maxine meant what she said.

"It is good to see you again, Sir," Marcus said as he and Michael stepped into the hall.

Vangie was just a little bit ahead of them. She was barefoot, wearing a silk robe and held a champagne bottle by the neck in each hand. She did not notice the two men following her. Michael and Marcus exchanged glances and stepped quietly. Vangie stopped at the fitting room door, unable to turn the knob. She was about to set one bottle down when Marcus reached past her and pulled the door open for her.

"Thank you so much," said as she stepped through the door. Marcus looked over Vangie's shoulder to see Little One's bare ass. She was wearing only a garter belt with fishnet stockings and put her foot on a chair to straighten the mesh around her knees. She bent to the side, working the net straight on the inside of her calf, letting her pussy peek out from where the curve of her ass met her thigh. Marcus stood with hand was frozen to the door knob and his mouth open. Little One was too busy to notice the two men staring at her from the door way.

"Excuse me," one of the hair stylists said curtly as she reached for the knob and pulled the door closed.

"Robert did say you would like what you saw today," Michael said. This is going to be an interesting day, he thought. Marcus did not move for a moment.

"Jesus Fucking Christ," he blurted, "Who was that?"

"One of the models," Michael answered. "She's a little short for a model."

"She's nothing like any model I've ever seen," Marcus said.

The two men entered the large showroom. People were standing around, talking in groups. A few found their reserved seats and sat down. Marcus found his name on a hand written card placed on a chair in the middle of the front row. It was carefully centered on a show catalogue. Marcus sat down and sat down and stared at the cover. Three beautiful women struck model like poses. The blonde and the redhead were familiar, but the black haired young woman in then middle was new. The trio stood close together with the tall blonde and redhead slightly behind dark haired one, their hands lightly on her bare shoulders. Her head was tilted slightly down and turned to the side, smiling as if she was about to walk away, expecting him to follow her.

"Do I need to call somebody for you?" Michael said. "You don't look well." Marcus was not aware he had sat beside him.

"Who is this girl?" he asked, putting his finger on Little One's cleavage. Michael grinned and looked at his watch.

"Her name is Little One. You'll see plenty of her in a few minutes," he said.

Maxine waited for a moment to make sure Marcus and Michael had walked away from the door.

"What was that all about?" Maxine asked.

"Michael has never earned or invested a dollar in his whole life," Daddy answered. "He wants me to increase his allowance because he's found love."

"Michael in love?" Maxine sang. "The poor girl. Does she know what she's in for?" Maxine moved closer to Daddy, put her hands over his shoulders and leaned back, looking into his eyes. "I'm bored, talking about Michael. That's not why I came here." Daddy put his hands on her waist and raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you come here, Maxie?" Daddy asked.

"No fair, calling me Maxie. That doesn't work anymore," Maxine chided him. "What I want to know, Robert. To who, did I lose you?"

"I didn't know I was yours to lose," Daddy answered.

"You can be a bastard sometime, but I still love you," Maxine said, softening her tone. Daddy put his hands over hers and gently lifted them off his shoulders.

"That doesn't work either, Maxie, we are too long over that," he replied. Daddy looked at his watch. "Would you like to meet her?"

"She's here at the show?" Maxine asked.

"She is in the show with Vangie and Cloey," Daddy said with obvious delight.

"Oh Robert. A model?" Maxine cried. "I thought this was something serious."

Vangie put a towel around the neck of the bottle and twisted the cork loose. Champagne fizzed and soaked through the towel and ran through her fingers. She squealed and tried to side step the drips, dancing to keep her feet clear. Everyone turned around to see Vangie sucking champagne through her fingers.

"Okay, everybody," she announced. In a few minutes, Little One loses her cherry. That's something we can drink to." Cloey was the first to pull a paper cup from the water cooler and hold it out to Vangie. "Come on, everybody, we're drinking to the cutest ass to ever strut down the runway."

Cloey passed her cup to Little One, who had been lost in her thoughts and was startled to realize Vangie was talking about her. Little One stood held her cup, feeling it get warm in her fingers as Vangie splashed more in everyone's cups. They turned to Little One looked at her expectantly. Little One felt very self conscious, thinking they wanted her to say something.

"Umm," she stammered, "Thank you, I think." Vangie filled her own cup and held it up.

"Ladies," she said with mock solemnity, "I present for your consideration, Little One. She is about to experience the closest thing to public sex, except maybe public sex itself."

Little One's ears felt hot. She had been having thoughts just like that. Vangie tipped her cup back and everyone did the same. Little One took a tentative sip. The cool champagne spread across her tongue. It was not as strong as Daddy's brandy, but it still made her head feel light as she swallowed. Vangie stood ready to fill the cup again.

"You are going to do great out there," Vangie said as she filled her own cup. Little One smiled and emptied this cup with Vangie. Little One had been fighting a nervous feeling in her stomach, but it faded away as the champagne slowly settled in her.

Music began to pound from the showroom and everyone started to move quickly. The hair stylist fluffed Little One's curls and the make up artist checked her lipstick for smears. Dressers made one last check of the racks of the lingerie and stood ready.

"Good evening and welcome to the Pater Design and Apparel Spring Show," Saleslady said over the speakers. "Please find your seats and our show will begin."

The lights in the showroom were dimming as Daddy and Maxine entered. They found empty seats on the back row and sat down as the Saleslady made her announcement. Daddy looked at his watch and checked the room. Everyone was in position. The DJ let the opening beat fade away and a faster song came through.

Cloey appeared at the curtains in a green satin corset and sheer dressing gown. The gown flowed behind her like a cape as she walked briskly to the end of the runway for her turn. The gown slipped off her arms as she turned and caught it by the collar. It fluttered from her raised arm as she walked back. Cloey held the gown over the edge of the runway and dropped it dismissively. A dresser was crouched by the front row and caught it before it touched the floor. Maxine tugged on Daddy's jacket to pull his ear near to her.

"Nice touch," Maxine said. "When does your lady appear?"

"You'll know her when you see her," he replied.

Vangie stepped into the light and walked almost exactly as Cloey had, eyes level, shoulders rigid as her hips swayed. She made a quick mechanical turn and returned just as she had walked out.

Cloey's dresser was fussing with her next outfit, trying to make the panties lay smooth in the front. The seam between the waistband and the front panel unraveled and lay over like a flag. The dresser looked at Little One.

"I need more time," she said to Little One. "Give me an extra thirty seconds." Little One had spent the last few minutes, mentally practicing her first walk and now someone wanted her to change it.

"How do I do that?" she asked.

"It's easy," Cloey said confidently. "Walk slow and on the way back, stop and make another turn." Little One nodded her head, trying to fit this new move into her mental walk. Vangie stepped back around the curtain and headed straight for her champagne bottle with her dresser following behind her, tugging at her zipper.

Little One took a deep breath, stepped forward and she appeared on the runway wearing a black satin bra and sheer panties with her fishnet stockings. The effect she had on the buyers was obvious. Her smile and her walk made every man and woman pay attention. Her arms swung against the motion of her swaying hips. Jaded lingerie buyers, all accustomed to working with half naked women sat up as Little One walked down the runway.

A world of razor thin, expressionless models faded behind Little One's smile. Vangie's and Cloey's boyish stomachs were flat and featureless from hip bone to hip bone. Little One's stomach was perfectly concave, holding the front of her panties tight to her skin, crossed by the waist band just under her navel. Her thighs were a smooth curve, starting at her knees, melting into her full hips. At the end of the runway, she stood with her weight on one foot; the other leg extended in a toe point as she spun and snapped her head, fanning her hair in the air, exposing her bare neck. There was an audible groan from the crowd. Little One scanned the seats, making eye contact with everyone in the front row until she saw Daddy seated in the back row.

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