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Daddy and Little One Ch. 19


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Her slow walk made her look seductively nonchalant. She stopped and turned to face Daddy. Little One could barely see his face behind the lights, but he looked happy. She raised her right foot and touched the runway with her toe, sliding her foot forward until the heel caught on the floor. She bent at the waist and leaned forward to put her hand just below her knee, keeping her eyes on Daddy.

Marcus found himself with the same view he saw through the fitting room door, but this time black panties covered the Little One's round ass. Her white legs glowed through the mesh of her stockings and the panties were so thin he could follow the cleft of her ass as it went below the waist band. Little One flipped her hair off her shoulder to let in hang over her arm as she slid her hand up her leg, and over her hips, standing up to pucker her lips and kiss the air. Everyone on that side of the runway felt the kiss was exclusively for them. Maxine sat motionless until Little One disappeared behind the curtain.

Cloey appeared in her repaired outfit, but the audience were still in shock and barely noticed her.

"Oh my god, Robert," Maxine said, not trying to be discreet at all. "Where did you find her?" Daddy grinned and laughed out loud.

"I had her made, especially for me," he answered.

Little One was still panting as the dressers pulled her stockings down. She held her arms out to let them slip on a red bra with a scalloped baby doll skirt. Vangie pushed a cup into her hand as she passed by. It was almost full and Little One tried to drink it in one swallow. The cool champagne slowed her breathing and the last of her nervousness faded away. The short dance she had done for Daddy started a tingle in her pussy. Now, two women were running their hands over her body, adjusting the bra and panties. A soft finger slipped inside the hem of her thong to pull the fabric out of her slit, rubbing softly while the other hand tugged at the back, pulling the strap tight between the cheeks of her ass.

Vangie reappeared, took the empty cup from Little One and spanked her as she stepped through the curtain. It was easier this time. The music did not seem as loud and her legs felt lighter. Faces seemed more distinct, all looking directly at her. She spotted Michael in the front row, sitting next to a very handsome man. He leaned over to talk to Michael, but kept his eyes on her as she passed. Little One twirled at the end, making the baby doll skirt flare and float against her arms. She looked down at Marcus and flashed her brightest smile.

"I think she meant that for you," Michael said. "She'll be at the reception, you know."

The rest of the show went very fast. The fitting room was a blur of stripping and redressing, several more cups of warm champagne and a shove through the curtains. Little One stepped back and the fitting room was strangely calm. The dressers were clipping the lingerie back on hangers and straightening the racks. Vangie sat naked with her back to the mirror and held the bottle upside down over her cup, letting the last of the champagne drip. Daddy's voice came through the speakers.

"Thank you for attending out Spring Show. We appreciate it very much. I have an open bar and food for you, so there's no need to hurry. If you have any questions about pricing or availability, any of our people can help you. Again, thank you very much." Vangie set the bottle down.

"I love a man with an open bar." Vangie said as she set the bottle down and stood up to find her dress. Cloey was already dressed and was pulling on her shoes. Little One pulled on the fishnets she wore for her first walk and a short black dress. The dressers and the hair stylists already had their cases packed and Little One was the last one to leave the fitting room.

Little One was surprised to see so many people in the front showroom. The chairs had already been stacked and a man pushed a cart load past her as she entered the room. She stepped to the side and nearly fell over. She wondered how she managed her last walk on the runway. The music was a much softer Latin Jazz tune. It made her sway to the beat.

Little One looked around for Daddy and found him near the end of the runway in a crowd of people. She wanted to talk to Daddy, but she could see he was busy with customers. He seemed very busy with a silver haired woman who was standing very close to him. Little One could only see her head, but it looked like she had her arm around Daddy's waist. She turned away and took a deep breath. I am going to stay calm, she thought. I can put up with Vangie and Cloey, I can put up with this.

A conversation behind her caught her ear. She turned to see two women looking at the show catalog with their backs to her.

"Who was that slut on the runway?"

"I heard she lives with Pater. She's certainly not a model."

"That explains it. He should stick to selling dresses." Little One walked away quickly, short of breath and unsure what to think.

She looked over the crowd from the corner of the room and saw a tall brown haired man looking at her. He smiled and started walking across the room to her. Little One's eyes were drawn to the bulge in his pants. It made him look off balance and she tried not to giggle.

"Would you like some champagne?" a feminine voice said to her. Little One turned to see a young woman holding a tray with several fizzing champagne flutes. The last cup Little One had gulped down had been lukewarm and she thought she wanted no more, but the stem of the flute chilled her fingers and revived her thirst.

"Please," Little One said as she picked the flute up and watched the bubbles break loose and float to the top.

"I watched the show while we were setting up," said the waitress. "You were wonderful." She turned to hold the tray out for the tall man who had just walked up to them. Marcus took a flute and held it, waiting for Little One to speak.

"Thank you," Little One said nervously. "Evangeline and Clothilde are the real models. This was my first show." Marcus smiled over his champagne.

"I can't believe that," he said. "You must be a dancer. You seem so natural and easy on the runway." The waitress quietly backed away and left them alone. Little One was frozen in place, unable to speak for a moment. She had never seen golden brown eyes like his. Marcus tapped his flute against Little One's. "Here's to your first successful show and a new career." Marcus held the flute to his lips and waited for Little One to do the same. Little One tipped the slender glass back and let the chilled champagne run over her tongue. It was much better cold.

Marcus watched with a little surprise as she emptied the glass. Little One felt her lips tighten into a smile, but she wasn't certain why. The music and pieces of conversation became a buzz in the background as this tall man filled up her entire field of vision.

"I'm Marcus White," he said. "You did very well today." Little One blinked and tried to concentrate on his words.

"You have a champagne voice," she answered and instantly wondered why she said it. She took a breath and tried to gather her thoughts. Little One was afraid to open her mouth again, but Marcus did not seem to notice.

"Thank you very much," Marcus answered. Elvis, Little One thought and suddenly Marcus was on stage swinging a microphone stand and his hips. She shook her head to clear the image.

"I am Little One," she said, glad to finally say something which made sense. Little One held her hand out had Marcus squeezed it softly. His hand was warm and when he released hers, she left her arm extended for a few seconds.

"That is a lovely name and it suits you so well. Is it a nickname or did you choose it just for work?"

"I suppose it is a nickname, but it's always been my name," Little One replied.

Marcus stood closer to her. She tilted her head and she was still looking through her eyelashes. His cologne smelled of cedar and made her want to close her eyes.

"My nickname was Marky," Marcus said. "But now I'm known only as Marcus for business." Little One tilted her head to the side and smiled.

"Marky is a cute name," she said, "but you're too tall to be a Marky now. What kind of business are you in?"

"I wish it was a business that hired beautiful models," he replied. "My family owns the White Solon. I run the Miami stores."

"I've never been to Miami," Little One said, "but, I have watched the police show about it. It seems like a dangerous place."

"It's not like that at all," Marcus replied. "Miami has the hottest clubs, the best food. Would you like to see my city?" Little One was startled by the question. The pretty waitress reappeared and held the tray out for their empty glasses. She smiled at Marcus as he picked up a full flute in each hand. Little One eyed the girl and wished she would go away. Marcus put on flute in Little One's hand and the waitress left them alone again.

"I would love to see Miami," Little One said as she took a sip. She did not want to drink this one as fast as the other. Her head felt a little light and it was more difficult to form words.

"It's the perfect time of year. It's not too hot, the water is great, a few days to relax and play. Would it fit your schedule?"

Little One heard his words, but could not reply. Marcus's face seemed large and she realized he was moving closer to her. She felt as if she was watching the two of them from across the room. Marcus raised his hand and ran his fingers across her cheek. Little One thought she would flinch at the touch, but didn't move. His fingers felt nice and his cologne was stronger. The only thought in her mind was 'you have champagne eyes'. She tightened her lips to keep from saying it out loud and raised her fingers to touch his jaw. The skin looked smooth, but her fingers felt a slight bristle. Marcus was very close now. Little One could feel his breath on her face.

Daddy made a mental calculation. The pieces Little One wore in the show were more than half of the orders placed.

"Well, Gentlemen," he said to the group around him. "And, ladies as well. Let's talk business later and enjoy ourselves for a while. The men smiled and headed for the bar and the buffet, leaving Daddy and Maxine alone for a moment.

"Robert," Maxine said, "when do I get to meet your little model?"

"Shall we find her?" he asked in return. "I think you will be impressed if you can get past your insane jealousy."

"Jealous?" Maxine said, "I'm not jealous, Robert. I'm too smart for jealousy. I'm worried a girl like that might take advantage of you.

"I appreciate it very much, Maxie," Daddy answered. "You should know all about it. You have always taken advantage of my good nature."

The crowd shifted and they both spotted Marcus's tall form at the same time. His hand was on Little One's cheek and he bent down and kissed her on the lips.

"Oh my God," Maxine moaned. "Robert, I am so sorry." She stood still for only a moment but before she turned, Daddy had spun on his heel and walked away.

Daddy took his jacket off and pulled his tie loose. It had been a tiring day. He sank down in the large chair behind his desk. He slumped forward, rested on his elbows and rubbed his forehead. Little One smiled at him from a small framed photograph. He snatched it in his hand as if to slam it down, but stopped and set it down gently.

A long time had passed since he last felt like this. What, exactly, did he feel like, he wondered. Why did he feel this way? Was it worth this? Was anything worth this?

Little One had done so well on the runway. The effect she had on the buyers was obvious when she stepped out. He had smiled, listening to them groan for the beautiful thing who shared his bed. Marcus had groaned the loudest. Daddy thought of him still, as a boy, but there was no denying he was now a man. Why, he wondered, hadn't he seen this coming? You take her from a boarding school and put her in that house. A man such as Marcus would look very good to her. I can give her anything, he thought, anything but a young man.

His meditation was interrupted by the slowly opening door. Little One stood there searching for words. She wanted to explain, but she wasn't really certain what had happened. She had been so excited and the champagne made everything cloudy.

Daddy stood up and walked to the sofa at the left of his desk. He held his hand out to Little One. She let the door close behind her and stepped to him, trying to read something in his face. She had never seen this look before.

"Come sit with me, Little One," he said, with no hint of emotion in his voice. Little One's champagne high was beginning to fade. There was something strange in the way Daddy spoke but she couldn't place it. "I have made a decision, Little One." She wrinkled her brow. This did not sound good.

"A decision?" she asked. "A decision about what?"

"I have not been fair to you, Little One," he answered. Little One felt something cold grow in her stomach. Daddy's voice was colder. The words were short and clipped. "I should not have cut you off from the world. I am going to put you in an apartment near the university. You can enroll in classes. After your behavior today, I think it would be best." Little One thought her heart stopped.

"No, Daddy, no!" she wailed. "I haven't done anything wrong." Daddy's impassive face turned red from the neck up, his jaw tightened and he closed his eyes tight for a second, before raising his hand and slapping it down in the cushion between them, so hard it raised dust and made Little One lean back in fear.

"You kissed a man in front of my friends, my employees and my customers!" Daddy yelled. "Don't sit there and tell me you have done nothing wrong." He looked away from her, clenching his teeth, one hand on his forehead, trying to stay composed. He hated losing control more than he hated the way he felt this moment.

Little One wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed. Daddy felt her hot face against his neck. Her breasts were heaving with her gasping breath. Blue Gardenia perfume clung to her hair. It was all he could smell. Daddy put his arms around her and rocked her gently. Little One's sobs turned to a steady moan as she caught her breath and inhaled.

"Daddy, please, no, no, no," she cried. "Please don't send me away." Now Daddy wished he had thought this plan out before saying something. He reached behind his neck and pried Little One's fingers loose so he could see her face when he spoke.

"Little One," Daddy said, as calmly as he could manage, "Do you want to stay with me?" She tried to inhale and felt like her lungs could not expand.

"Yes," she managed to croak. "Please don't send me away."

"Little One," Daddy said as her took her hands and held them between his. "You don't really understand what happened. You need-." Daddy stopped and looked away. Little One had never seen him do that before. He turned back to her, with his jaw drawn back tight and his brow wrinkled. "You need time to learn some things, things I can't teach you."

Little One's head was beginning to hurt. How, she wondered could one kiss get her into so much trouble. She pulled her hands loose and curled her fingers under her chin. Daddy's face relaxed as he took a deep breath and sighed. He looks tired, she thought. No, she had seen him tired, but she this was different; he looked hurt. Little One began to cry again. Daddy put his hand on her knee and squeezed it gently.

"I know what I did, Daddy." Little One said, between sobs. "I'm sorry. I need a spanking." Daddy tilted his head and looked at her carefully. Maybe he had been wrong, he thought.

"I will not spank you, not in the mood I'm in," he answered. "I would be much too hard."

Little One stood up in front of him and reached behind her back to unzip her dress.

"No, Daddy," she said. "I need you to be hard. I need you to be harder than you have ever been." She pulled her dress off over her head, smoothed it out and laid it over the arm of the couch.

Daddy looked up to see her standing before him, naked, except for her black fishnets and heels. She started to undo the garter snaps, but Daddy raised his hand to stop her. He looked at her expectantly. Little One kept her eyes on him and lowered herself to her knees, rolling her shoes over the toes without a wobble. She laid her head on his knee and began to cry again. Daddy put his hand on her head, stroking her hair gently.

"Little One," he said softly, "you don't need to do this." Little One sniffed and rubbed a tear on his pants leg.

"Yes, Daddy. I do need to do this," she said. "Please listen to me." Daddy kept stroking her hair.

"What do you want to say, Little One," he asked.

"Forgive me, Daddy, for I have sinned," Little One began. She was speaking quickly, as if she had memorized her words and afraid to lose her place. "I drank too much champagne. I was jealous of the woman you were talking too. I didn't tell Marcus I was your little girl when he started talking to me. I liked his attention and let him stand close to me and whisper in my ear. I liked it when he kissed me. I knew what I was doing was wrong. I hurt my Daddy and I am very sorry." Little One paused to catch her breath. "I renounce my sin and I hate my sinful nature. Please help me, Daddy; you must punish me, to help me be good." Little One felt Daddy's hand grip her hair and turn her head to look at him.

"Would a spanking help you, Little One?" Daddy asked. Little One swallowed hard.

"Yes, Daddy," she answered. She wanted to look away, but Daddy's eyes were too intense. His hand held her head tight and she didn't dare close her eyes. "It has to be very hard. I have been very bad." Daddy pulled Little One up by her hair. She almost lost her balance, but caught Daddy's shoulder as he pushed her across his lap.

Little One's legs buckled and she dropped on his lap with her right knee between his, straddling Daddy's right thigh. She felt her naked mound rub the fabric of his pants as she squirmed, trying to straighten her left leg. Daddy let go of her hair and wrapped his arm around her waist. Little One's face pressed into the back cushion. It was an uncomfortable position, but Daddy held her tight against his side. He stroked his hand across her ass twice. It was perfectly round and smooth with pale white skin stretched tight across each cheek. Her legs were forced apart by his knee, exposing her rich cocoa colored anus. Little One's previous spankings had been with her thighs pressed together, hiding her little brown pucker. Daddy was distracted for a moment, but Little One's voice brought him back to his task.

"Daddy, I have been very bad," she said. She felt his hand lift away from her ass and come back down with a half hearted smack. "Daddy," she cried. "Tell me what I did."

"You let a man kiss you," he said as his hand slapped her right cheek, a little harder than before.

"Yes, Daddy, he kissed me and I liked it." Daddy struck again, even harder. "I wanted him to touch me, Daddy." The next blow was so strong Little One shrieked. The force jarred her, pressing her pussy against Daddy's leg. She gasped, trying to clamp her legs around Daddy's knee.

"No other man can touch you, Little One," Daddy growled. Her words and tone infuriated him. "I have given you everything, Little One."

"He smelled good, Daddy," she cried. "I wanted him close to me."

Daddy's hand came down so fast, Little One could hear it whistle before it struck, making her scream. Her ass was burning on both sides. It was more than a sting. She closed her eyes and tried to brace herself for the next blow, but all she could feel was the heat in her ass flow to her pussy. She felt herself getting wet. The sharp throb in her ass was making her pussy lips contract. "Daddy!" she squalled. His hand came down hard and fast, pushing her face into the cushion. "Tell me why, Daddy. Why can't he touch me." she gasped before the next strike. Daddy's arm had begun to tire, but her words reinvigorated him.

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