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Click hereBut if Jim was home, it was far from uncommon for him to take a seat and watch the sex to get his own sexual jollies. He never, ever got permission to intimately touch Julie, and he didn't want to touch Kyle (and Kyle felt the same about him). But he was allowed to expose his penis just enough so he could masturbate to climax whenever he wanted to. Other times, they would "punish" him and "force" him to secretly spy on them instead. He probably got off on that even more.
It was a damn odd arrangement, but it worked surprisingly well for all three of them. Julie successfully gave birth nine months after her impregnation to a lovely and healthy baby girl named Amy. Being the mother to a baby put a crimp in her sex life for a while, but it wasn't that bad because Jim took to his husband-cuckold role like a duck to water. He cut his time at the office way down so he could be a "Mr. Mom," precisely so Kyle and Julie could have lots more fuck time.
As an aside, Kyle got to enjoy Julie's lactation, and in fact she kept on lactating long after Amy was born, just so he could suckle her milk from her breasts. And one very nice added bonus for him was that her huge tits got even BIGGER, and they stayed that way!
Mere days after their new family arrangement began, Jim got Dora to agree to be transferred to another office in a way that caused no loss to her. Jim never felt the temptation to "cheat" on Julie again, even though she would have understood him taking a lover since she allowed him no sexual contact to her body whatsoever. But Jim realized that any actual sex he took part in with any woman could only pale in comparison to the strong lust and other conflicting feelings he experienced every time he watched his wife and son get it on. That was all he wanted or needed, even when his jealousy and frustration was driving him mad.
Perhaps surprisingly, Jim and Julie did successfully manage to repair their marriage - excepting the sexual aspect, of course. They were able to continue to love each other, but in an "agape love" kind of way, much like being the best of best friends or a close brother and sister.
It helped that Jim got a kind of sexual thrill from being "misused" by the other two, for instance doing most of the baby-related chores while Kyle and Julie fucked up a storm. Their family already had plenty of money, but Jim also got off on being the one who had to hold down a job, again so the other two could have more fuck time.
Kyle and Julie learned to walk a fine line of frequently embarrassing Jim to heighten his cuckold lust, but without being downright cruel and hurting his pride.
Jim was emotionally messed up for a few years over sexually losing his wife and feeling inadequate, but he eventually was able to fully embrace his cuckold side while still having pride in himself. It was a very delicate balance, but the fact that the three of them were family and genuinely loved each other helped them overcome their problems, which were pretty much exclusively relating to Jim.
By contrast, Kyle and Julie had next to no problems with each other. It was like their entire life was one long honeymoon fantasy. The key was their frequent, mind-blowing sex. It was next to impossible to get very upset when one was overcome by amazing orgasms many times a day.
The two lovers continued to get a special thrill from the word "breed," and it went without saying that Kyle always fucked his "mommy slut" bareback, without her using any birth control at all. So only one year after Amy was born, Julie became pregnant again by her son, and it was a surprise it took that long. (Probably it was her continued lactation that caused the delay.)
When the new baby was born (another girl, named Anna), Jim quit his job altogether to become a full time "Mr. Mom," allowing Kyle and Julie to still fuck many times a day. Eventually, their sex life did slow down some, but not that much. Julie absolutely loved being Kyle's personal slut, and the two of them continued to live an ideal incestuous sexual fantasy, but in reality, every single day of their lives.
Time keeps marching onwards, and life goes on. Julie was already past 40 by the time Anna was born, and it was increasingly dangerous for a woman her age to have more children, so Kyle got a vasectomy. That allowed them to continue to fuck bareback indefinitely. They kept on talking about "breeding" though, despite the fact that he was shooting blanks, because they both got off on the idea of him continuing to knock her up.
Neither Kyle nor Julie had any need to work, since the whole family was financially set, and sex with the top priority for them. But most people need to have more purpose than just fucking.
For Julie, it was raising her two youngest children. Even though Jim did most of the "drudge work," there still was plenty for her to do, and most importantly simply being a loving mother to them.
Kyle, by contrast, loved the two children he'd helped conceive, but he still felt too young to step into a fatherly role in a big way, and he didn't want to step on Jim's toes in that respect. Instead, hed already planned to go to a local university in the fall after first fucking his mother. He kept to that plan, except her took the bare minimum number of classes to stay enrolled, so he could maximize his incestuous sex time.
As a result, it's been five years since he started college (and started fucking his mother), and he's still working on graduating.
He has plans to become a computer programmer. He chose that profession specifically because it offers many opportunities for him to telecommute and also only work part-time, so once again he'll still be very near to his gorgeous, slutty mother, enabling them to fuck or suck at any time.
As Julie gets older, she's been getting more insistent that her son take another young lover, to help make up for her aging and declining sex drive.
But Kyle only has eyes for Julie, his one true love. As far as he's concerned, she's his mate for life, even though she's still married to Jim and he has to share her heart with Jim in many ways.
Julie also only has eyes for Kyle when it comes to carnal desire. But she's been subtly and steadily working on him to take that young lover. She wants to see him have children of his own in the normal way, raised just by him and his new bride. She's already started carefully searching for the right woman with the right personality with who is busty and gorgeous, yet who will somehow be understanding enough to let the mother-son incest continue. (That last part is a must!)
It has yet to be seen if she can find someone worthy and willing, and if she can get Kyle to agree to love her too. If not, she certainly won't mind being "forced" to be his one and only woman.
Kyle, Julie, and Jim continue their strange arrangement, carefully kept secret from the outside world, but it still works for all three of them.
Loved the story, for at least 3 times.
Only regret is to the emotional castration of the father. It is unrealistic for his negation of sex totally.
Would have been better if he were allowed "visitation rights". Occassionally blow jobs here, anal threesome there. Some level of actual involvement, perhaps even some bisexuality.
I know you're into the whole mother- son incest thing but threesomes can involvement that as well.
Please consider expanding your universe as well.
With gratitude,
Tipsy out
Liked the part about Kyle wanting her suck his cock or fuck her tits to get hard again, then finally giving in later in the story. I don't remember that being there in the original version,
Pathetic, however it's clear the husband was no man he was just a bitch so it's no wonder she wanted to fuck her son, however the son was no man either you also wrote him out to sound fake could have been more believable if you would have made sound like a normal person but no you had to make it sound like he was some kind sex god are something with the biggest dick in the world
Lousy quick ending the author lost his way and ran out of imagination and talent regretfully .
way too much repetition in the story especially the sex which did not help the story,actually got to to point were a reader just wanted the story to get on with it to see where it would actually end up..the repetition wrecked the story..2 stars.
Well, very mixed emotions in reading this incestual psychological work. Hats off to the author.
"Dad's Big Mistake (Supersized):" - Thirty-eight Year Old Fertile Mother, Julie and Eighteen Year Old Huge-dicked Son, Kyle, and to a lesser extent, Small-dicked Husband/Father, James (Jim).
I've just finished reading the current ninety-eight (98) comments--as of today July 13, 2024)--and it appears a large contingent of reader's are no fans of least to the extent and time and effect that was placed on husband/father Jim. One commenter that with a large portion of the unnecessary, useless cuckolding could have been left our of the story, thus reducing those cuckolding particulars would have shortened the story length by approximately forty (40 %) percent. Too much attention to the cuckolding of Jim, in my best estimation, was/is devoted to aspects that most males find unnecessary, some find revolting and others just plain don't care
I found reading the comments that (most apparently) males care for the incest, the mother/son familial, incestuous relationships and the impregnation of the mother Julie, to be what their main focus is on and about. Too much of the story, the text, the theme and the content of this story is about too much cuckolding. Cuckolding does, and did, accomplish the main subject , the result, that son Kyle and mother Julie, wanted, needed, and accomplished, the attention to the subject was excessive compared to the mother/son incest aspects of the story.
Overall the story is presented very well, the theme is WELL received (at least to appease my expectations and libido-exercises)!! The matter of Kyle getting a vasectomy is ludicrous and always a terrible idea--IT CANNOT by undone, and most always regretted by the patient, or at least their future wife! Likewise, for females to have a hysterectomy is stupid, insane, and most illogical. There's always the useless, irritating, uncaring and unfeeling condom, or tubal ligation (no such thing as "tubes tied") where a section of the fallopian tube is cut out. The most logical, convenient and temporary, reliable protection for the female is an IUD (easily removed and replaced as needed or wanted, or even using the calendar for the "safe" timing of her period.
My most favorite incest genre is mother and son, followed by father/daughter, brother/sister, uncle/niece, aunt/nephew, cousins, and even long as their kinship/DNA is blood-related There's no other form of partnering for human sexual copulation (fucking) and earth-shattering orgasms than between a mother and her own previously bred son; the act is the most recognizable, tempestuous, stormy sex copulation on earth!!! Cuckolding is possibly considerably lower on the sex, libido-satisfying emotion barometer, maybe even to be considered in the BDSM category to some extent.
Anyway that's my story...and I'm sticking to it (ha). Here's my accolades for a mother and her son's longevity of continual and heart-rendering orgasms and earth-shattering sex !!!
How cruel could a son be, at least he could’ve given his dad approval to continue on with his relationship with Dora clearly she satisfied his needs at the time. He achieved his goal by getting his mother AND impregnating her. Just because he was Cuckold and lost his wife doesnt mean he couldn’t fuck someone again this marriage was technically over anyway. And as for the mum finding him another woman later on down the track, he had a vasectomy for god sake so how the hell could she give him children that she stated. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Not enough focus on the mom and son it was how the dad was a bitch the use of owning her and everything was also not too my liking in a mother and son relationship it's the mom who is in charge so it should have been her being in charge that led the relationship to sex and she should have led it from there as well changing the dynamic of the relationship hurt your story even more than it being all about the dad who says he is a man being a bitch being a cuckold who gets off on watching your wife have sex with another man isn't a man and can not be mistaken as a man no man would stand by and let the event that took place in this story happen word of advice next time you write a incest story about someone being a cuckold make sure you clarify that the person who is the willing cuckold isn't a man that way we can choose to keep reading it or not most people don't want to read about something like this most feel like reading a mom and son incest story about the 2 respecting and loving each other makes for a better story just read Lovecraft69 mother and son incest stories you will understand what im saying her ratings are extremely high
The original was good, but this one is really about a chucked dad. Most of the words used were just to describe his cucked mind. In contrast, the original was about mom and son, with the necessary snippets from dad to make the ending work.
From that perspective, it's easy to understand why people would call it bad, or worse than the original. It's not badly written, just a practically different story - a cuck story unknowingly hoisted on mom-son readers. Even rooting for the son, I just had to scroll through so much if the cuck parts. It also hurts that the story is 4 times longer than the original, but the mom son content didn't significantly increase. I loved the part where Kyle just outright says he owns his mom as his personal slut, and Julie is just willingly onboard with that surprise. But there's just too much cuck-ness and not enough focus on mom and son.
Congratulations on an excellent story, you have produced a great work, the premise and production must have been a labour of love. Unfortunately your arrangements seem to have not included someone independent to proofread and edit the work, there are a number of sentences and paragraphs that do not make sense on first reading either because of vocabulary or grammatical errors, the incorrect use of their or there, or here and hear can be challenging for your readers understanding.
Thanks for your feedback. To read more of my work, including many juicy audio stories, visit: />
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Overall, I enjoyed the story even though it was very long compared to other stories on Lit. Out of the couple hundred or more stories I have read , over the years ,on Literotica this is the second longest at 20 pages( I have read the shorter version)!
Now, I'm not a huge fan of the cuckold theme , yet it can be quite funny. This story definitely made me laugh numerous times during Jim's perspective of the situation. He getting cucked! Haha!
For me, it would been better if Kyle had just told his mom about dad and she kicking him out of the house and even out of their lives. After that, the two could have been incestuous, loving soul mates who live happily incestuously after. Maybe move out of town and start a new life in another city ,where no one knows them, and then begin making an incestuous family together.
Also, like many who have already pointed out, once a man has had a vasectomy he can not make babies anymore so mom should have thought of that before suggesting Kyle find a younger woman with whom to start a family.
Another interesting way this could have gone is Jim reports them to the police but before the "boys in blue" can get their hands on them, Julie and Kyle are on the run. Going from town to town. Always, keeping a step or two ahead of the police while also fucking each other here and there and then eventually making it to a state/country where mother and son consensual incestuous sex is legal and live happily ever after while making babies.
Maybe many years later Jim finds out where they are living and meets them and their four incestuous children/his grandchildren and they make amends and forgive and live happily together.
Father was too involved with the story, ruined a lot of the scenes had between the mother and son. Shorter version is a lot better.
The husband wasn't a man no wonder she doesn't want to have sex with him anymore what kind of man would get off on watching his wife fuck another man? Answer no man would get off on watching his wife fuck another man what kind of loving wife would have sex with someone other than her husband no loving wife would ever have sex with someone other than her husband the son in this story wasn't a man either there was no likable character in this story the plot was weak and stupid in fact it was so stupid that it's not even funny
What a beautiful story!!! A cuckold story and incest story all in one. What a wonderful fantasy and being that it was twenty pages long, I must have “enjoyed” myself to this story at least ten times. Not in one reading though, lol. It took me a couple of mornings to read it. I absolutely loved it. I see that there is another chapter to this wonderful story and I’m going to start it tomorrow morning once I recover, lol.
Well 20 pages is too long The degrading of the woman was complete bullshit its not a turn on for a man well a real man to call a woman a slut in the end it just ruins the mood nor is a turn on to see a man being a willing cuck bitch like the husband was another thing that completely ruined the story is that the son was basically the instigator to the whole sexual start with his mother when it should always be the mother in charge and starting the sexual relations with her son as she is the mother the authoritie figure from the start in there relationship not the other way around that role won't ever change
It was a better story when it was much shorter, lots better. Way too much cuck stuff, kind of ruined it.