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Dancing to the Wild Side

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He does taxes at home. She goes dancing + meets somebodys.
2.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 02/29/2020
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(This story is inspired by an idea in "Hot August Night" parts 1 and 2 by Ona-Edge. Also thanks to the great Lou Reed.)


Since I was doing taxes I sent my Katy out dancing with her best friend Cindy of a Friday night. Cindy is lesbian, a cousin of mine who was bridesmaid at our wedding. We did nothing kinky, it was a coincidence that my future wife went to high school and college with my cousin.

Cindy was finally getting over a tough breakup. She was finally up to going out again and they both liked to dance at this lesbian club "Lyon-esss," where they are both comfortable. It was a space where I (and guys in general) are not that comfortable.

I was celebrating our modest economic success with that great American tradition, dealing with the tax returns (Federal and State). We are not rich enough or poor enough to hire somebody to do our taxes, so I put in about 100 frustrating unpaid hours each year at tax time. Katy and I married a few years ago, after college. Two years after the marriage, we got hammered tax-wise because of some things we could not control, and it was going to get worse. We work in adjacent "high-tax" states, and with the marriage penalty we got tired of paying extra taxes equal to the cost of a new car every four years. So we got divorced for tax purposes. Once she has a joyful deduction on the way we will do-over with a civil marriage. We live together, wear our rings, and nobody knows about the divorce except the IRS. Not even Cindy.

This year, just to make it interesting, my employer sold the company where I had some equity (1.2%). I purchased my shares each month from a retired co-worker, so it was complicated, I had both short and long-term holdings. I had the feeling it was going to be an all-nighter for me so I told Katy "go ahead."

Katy is bi-curious but had never put lips to pussy. She has kissed a few girls, nibbled a few nipples, but nothing substantial below the waist. In college, before we were engaged she got a hot invite that would have led to a naked lesbian sleepover, but at the last moment she chose to go bowling with me. Still, she wonders what she missed. She keeps threatening to go home with Cindy some night and do bad girlthings till noon. Cindy is game, she even keeps a toy with Katy's name on it. I am on board, "go ahead, walk on the wild side, I trust you and Cindy 100%." I know she will cross the line someday. I am okay with it because she will get the curiosity out of her system. Also, I know she loves my "cute, darling" cock, and my loving, and lots of other things about me. She knows it too. On a serious note, we have also talked about her and Cindy picking up a couple of girls and going to a motel. I said I am also fine with that.

The only thing I insist on for these open-ended nights is to hear from her at regular times. She does not like to talk on the phone in a club with loud music. Also she hates texting because that turns into a conversation with long pauses and she feels cramped. But she is fine with emails from her phone, she can tap something out no matter how loud it is, then hit "send" and she is done.

About 11:30 I got an email from her phone.

> Cindy met a redhead in the first 30 minutes and later they left together, you know how she loves her natural red. A good sign. Meanwhile two girls Cindy knows, Jenni and Robin, cruised me and we had a wonderful time dancing and stuff. At 11:00 the bar gives a round of drinks to any table where one person gives up their panties while kissing somebody, so I did! They were already commando and being just a little too naughty under the table, how could I pass that up? Jenni could not wait to have her fingers meet me. We had so much fun and now they are calling for a Uber or something. I am going with them for that wild side thing we talked about. We will go to a motel. Love you - wish me good lick!

I was mired in taxes, and while I would have liked to watch I knew better. Maybe next time - every guy has that fantasy. Katy and I were both hesitant about going to somebody's home, so the motel thing made sense.

At 12:15 I got another email from her phone.

> Great ride share. Jenni and I were in the back seat and we made out the entire time. Fingers all the way to third base. Fuck me it was good, her touch was so... YUM! In front Robin was drunk enough to invite the driver to play with her while driving. She got off and she wasn't shy about it! When it was over Jenni licked Robin's juices from the driver's hand while I played tongue-hockey with Robin over the seat. Free ride! We are at that Western-motif motel on 27th, you know the one. Jenni and I will finish what started during the ride. Love, Katy

I was not sure which motel, at least three fit that description in a 5 mile long stretch of 27th, which is a rural highway in that area. There are farms, gas stations and a few commercial parks but no homes and no sidewalks. But otherwise it sounded good.

I expected to hear something before 3:00. I got another stimulating email at 1:30.

> Hello love, wish you were here! Actually, this is Jenni typing. Katy in in the shower where Robin is playing her clean, but she wanted me to contact you. She loves you soooo much! You are a lucky guy, she has such a sweet pussy - this I know (blush) - and she says you please it every night! I wish I could find such a good guy. I have been monopolizing your sweet girl since we left the club. Now Robin insists on her turn. I like my girls natural after dancing but Robin likes to start with a shower together - the charm of wet, soapy... well I am sure you get the picture - before the dirty stuff happens in bed. For Robin that will eventually mean rimming and stuff, so when Katy gets home she may request it from you. Or give it to you. Or both! Like I said, you are such a lucky guy. Pleasant dreams. Jenni for Katy-yum

I suppose that was encouraging. My wife was with two lesbians who were satisfying a curiosity she had wondered about since she grew pubes and found her Dad's lesbian-themed porno stash. Plus it looked like it was going to pay off for me in terms of some new sexual extras. Katy was keeping communication protocol with their help. Jenni sounded friendly enough, at least in an email. I took that as a good sign, maybe we would even meet in the flesh sometime, she sounded open to it.

I had to get back to computing long and short term capital gains and losses, we had both for both. Taxes are hell. How do rich folks do it? They have people for that. I swear one page I read said "To compute your tax... blah blah schedule... unless you used Schedule D and had... blah blah... in which case abandon all hope, we can't figure it out. Blame your Congressman." I'm pretty sure that was on an IRS webpage.

I needed bourbon to clear my head while I imagined Katy in the shower with Robin doing wonderful things with my wife's soaped-up C-cup tits. I could picture them. Hey, I had pictures of them on the computer. Needless to say, now I was horny too. Really horny, I'm switching to Katy's tits as my screen picture. Well, as long as the computer was on, where are my porn bookmarks... searching soapy...

At 3:30 I got another email.

> Hi Love! I will make this quick, I have to confess. In the shower I found out a tiny secret: Robin is a guy on the way to being a girl. She had B-cup tits after taking hormones since age 15. There was some minor surgery at 20, now she is 25 and saving up for the main change below. Her tiny secret is balls like jumbo peas and her dick the size of a small finger. When she is hard I can get the whole package all the way in my mouth - she loves when I do that. Jenni can't, but I have experience with big yummy things, as you well know. Robin (used to be Rob) insists on female pronouns and cannot penetrate. I had her whole package in my mouth and my fingers... well, in a nasty place when she got off, totally lost it and squirted her stuff. Yes, I said I had her balls in my mouth while she was cumming, plus her body was shaking so, the experience is a special thrill! Jenni says Robin never cums for her like that! After, after that Robin ate my pussy and ass like a fiend! I just wanted you to know. One other little confession, our great ride share driver arrived with 2 pizzas and a cooler full of cold beverages and has been watching us for about a half hour since the end of shift. It seems this is not the first time, it is like some sort of a friend-with-benefits thing of Jenni's. Gotta go, it is Jenni's turn again to get me crazy! Love Katy

Well, I have to admit that raised more questions that it answered. I was really okay with both Jenni and Rob-in. But I still didn't know which motel and now I had a bigger issue with that driver. Katy should know better, we agreed doing a guy was not okay under our divorce vows. (Yes, we had both marriage vows and now divorce vows. Doesn't everybody?) That was compounded by the fact that he was suppling them all with drinks and food, there were too many ways it could go wrong. What if other friends showed up? How would she get home if they took her phone or just ran down the battery? My imagination went kind of wild. What kind of benefits did these friends offer? Was a drunk married women one of them? I imagined Katy under a heavy-set sweating guy - ugh! Or with three guys - triple ugh! She would be unwilling, unless she was drunk or drugged...

I imagined roofies, she was already naked so how hard could it be? Or some sort of knockout pills. Ambien. Or even enough booze. The guy or guys could have her any way they wanted. She was sorta married so guys would go without a condom. I imagined a girl sitting on her face, distracting her while he slipped it in the first time. After he was done he might call some friends over, they would have the room until noon. It is not like she could walk home.

I knew better than to call her back, when she left she turned the ringer all the way down to just vibrate. In the club she can't hear anyways. If she was naked she would not feel it vibrate in her pocket.

I realized - too late - that I had overdone the bourbon and porn at the end of the long week. I recall seeing the lock on my desk reading 4:47. After that I had some pretty vivid strange dreams.


When I woke up it was almost 1 in the afternoon. Thankfully Katy was in bed next to me, sound asleep. But something was not right. She seemed freshly showered with a towel around her hair and was wearing one of her long flannel nightgowns that went to the floor. It was best to let her sleep until she woke up.

I had no recollection of her arrival, or how I got into bed... That was the part that was strange - Katy cannot lift me. It seemed I was also naked. I knew I needed more time (and more money) for the taxes, but I could not get focused on them because I kept thinking about what might have happened to Katy last night. Just as well. To be honest, I was a little... make that a lot hungover, so I was not in the mood for Katy's happy chatter, much less any other type of talk no matter what the message was.

I did my "wake up hungover" drill then sat down at the computer where I removed Katy's boobs as the background pic then did my daily routine: checking email, check business news, check for useful comments at the story sites I publish on, etc.

There were no missed emails from Katy, so I'm guessing she was home by 8. My thoughts from last night, about a guy or guys with her, were still on my mind, but given how I found her I guess the worst thoughts were on the back burner. Still, I jotted some of my imaginings down as a potential story.

Around 2:30 I wandered into the kitchen. In the breakfast nook I found a note from Katy saying she got in about 6 in the morning, she was drunk and very happy and would show me much gratitude when she woke up. Her new friends also said "Hi!" I knew there would be more gratitude for me if she had some of her needs met, so I started to make her a breakfast. Bacon and waffles with all the extras. I timed it so everything would be ready to eat about 3 minutes after she smelled the coffee.

Right on time she came out wearing this "sleepy, happy, eager for food" look, sort of child-like, that I find so charming. I knew better than to ask anything, I just put down her plate and let her eat. When she was done she pulled off her nightgown to give me a big, warm, naked "Thank you!" hug. I never turn those down.

Then she showed me a selfie picture from her phone, apparently is was her, Jenni, Robin (smaller tits - I assumed) and the driver, all naked in bed showing their tits and waving at me.

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26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Not cuck? Not interesting either, just silly.

BigJim48BigJim48almost 4 years ago
Wild Side Dancing...

I gave it a *3 but really, really, really HATE incomplete stories. You give no indication of a follow-on or Chapter set-up. Except for Rob-in, everything seemed to stay within the "divorce rules", the last sentence helped to help get past the alcohol induced paranoia. FINISH IT UP!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Too Long!

My balls went to sleep - way, way too long and boring, just to get to a cheap "innocent" twist; at which my dick fell off as well.

Good castrating story. PoS in any other sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Anon 03/14/20 is spot on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What is the point of this load of crap?.

LolaPaul49LolaPaul49over 4 years agoAuthor

Deleted Anomy cuck comments. They are not married and she can't get knocked up so these do not apply.

luedonluedonover 4 years ago
Now that was interesting

The comments as well as the story's structure and tease ending.

Once I had made it past the boring nonsense about our gentleman's financial affairs and battle with the tax system I found a few interesting things in LP49's story.

If he set out to cause the LW category police to have conniptions, he probably couldn't have done much better than this one:

Married but not married. Divorce vows as well as marriage vows. Adultery (?) with lesbians and at least one person "on the way to being a girl", but only unfounded suspicions about doing it with a "heavy-set sweating guy". And so on.

Finally, "we agreed doing a guy was not okay". That has to be the classic statement for a story like this. After all the details about why the USA tax system is not OK, this statement which is key to the story is made baldly without explanation. Maybe in the next one, LP49?


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