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Dani and the Dork Ch. 01

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A hot and horny college babe takes pity on a nerdy admirer.
13.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 04/18/2024
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Author's Note: This is the first chapter of a two chapter episode in my 'Pandora's Box' series. The main sexual themes of the series are breeding, impregnation, and pregnancy risk, which feature heavily as a core part of the narrative. A simplified synopsis of the series, along with a full list of episodes and the chronological order to read them in, can be found in my bio for those interested.

Originally I was going to publish this whole episode in one part, but (as is tradition) it got longer than intended, so I decided to split it into two. I'm also aware that I've kept my regular readers waiting a very long time for a new episode, which further influenced my decision to throw you all a bone and release the first half early.

Comments, discussion, and constructive feedback are encouraged as always, and I hope you all enjoy!

The Responsible Thing

Daniella Cruz awoke with a start, besieged within seconds by a drifting sense of foreboding for the second morning in a row. Sunday mornings were supposed to be peaceful -- under normal circumstances, it was the recovery period from two straight nights of clubbing and partying with her friends, warranting a slow start that was rarely more adventurous than a morning run.

But these weren't normal circumstances.

Dani sat up and stretched, relieving her muscles of their bed-ridden tightness. She swung her elegantly long legs over the side of the bed and grabbed a tepid glass of water that had now been sat on her nightstand for over 24 hours. It left a ring of condensation behind, next to which lay a small, battered cardboard box, and atop that an emergency contraception pill barely larger than a tic-tac. Dani pinched it between her thumb and forefinger and raised it halfway to her alluringly full lips, which parted almost seductively in anticipation of swallowing it down.

It was time. She had promised herself the previous night that she was going to take it. The idea was to do it straight away, to pop it into her mouth and be done with the whole ordeal. But Dani had already made a fatal mistake.

She had hesitated.

A languid breeze drifted through the open window. The curtains were disturbed, sliced by warm morning rays that cast a reassuring warmth across her fit and half-naked frame. It was yet another glorious day outside, the sun high in the sky and the humidity on the cusp of being unbearable, tempered only by the singing breeze of fresh sea air. An approaching tropical storm, common for this time of year, had been dragging its heels for days now, and each shining day grew hotter and hotter in anticipation of its overdue arrival.

Dani stared at the pill, clutched in a trembling palm as beads of perspiration lined her forehead. She had replayed the chain of events that had led to this moment over and over in her head a hundred times.

It had begun approximately 36 hours earlier -- Friday evening, and the celebration of her 21st birthday. A night of dancing and drinking, of good vibes and fun. She had hit it off with a cute guy -- Ryan -- and, after no small amount of flirting, they had both gone back to his place. The tenets of safe sex soon thrown out the window when she, in a moment of horny desperation, had removed the condom they were using despite not being on birth control. What happened next had, really, been entirely predictable.

Ryan had cum inside her, filling her unprotected pussy to the brim while she thrashed atop him in the throes of a blissful orgasm, unaware that she had just been graced with her first ever creampie until it was far too late. The situation had been perilous, but still salvageable -- with between four and five days to go until she was due to ovulate, Dani had gone straight to the pharmacy on Saturday morning and purchased a morning-after pill. The very same morning-after pill that she now balanced in her palm after a full day's neglect, in a display of abject carelessness that bordered on self-sabotage.

For rather than do the responsible thing and take her emergency contraception, Dani had instead passed most of the previous day masturbating furiously on her bed, over and over again, to the sight of her tiny pill and the thought of what might happen to her if she didn't take it. The memory of what had happened that fateful Friday night sparked a volcanic thrill inside her unlike any she had experienced ever before, igniting every time she pictured the moment she tore off the condom, or the way Ryan's cock had pulsed against the walls of her pussy upon the ejection of his potent load.

The whole situation was nerve-wracking to be sure. But the fact that she was so nervous only bolstered Dani's burgeoning state of arousal. This confused her horribly, and subsequently made her worry even more. And the more worried she got, the hornier and more excited she got.

Already, as Dani chased these thoughts through her head, her hand had locked itself into the junction of her thighs, pressurising her clit through her pink satin pajama shorts. She loosed a quavering gasp as the heat streaming from her pussy breached the fabric and washed across her knuckles. She willed herself to pass the pill between her lips, but her hand juddered and moved no closer. Dani tried to swallow down the lump that squeezed her throat, and a whimper of distress slipped free as she dropped the pill back on her nightstand.

All of it together -- the knowledge of what might happen if she didn't do the responsible thing; the way her traitorous body seemed to push back against her, prioritising its procreative duties; and the memory of the moment of insemination, when Ryan's sperm had blown their way into her tight, clenching pussy -- it was all simply too much for a girl to handle.

Dani's hormones seized their chance in a coup of salacious zeal, and she allowed her fingers to slip under her thin pajama shorts and probe the lips of her rapidly dampening pussy. Her sex radiated heat as she lay back, so much so that it was a miracle the dripping wetness draped across it hadn't evaporated entirely. The soft squish of her labia beneath her fingers was addictive, and Dani pushed harder as a spike of pleasure fired through her loins.

Within seconds she was rubbing the petals of her soaking flower, squirming on her bed and mewling softly as the sensations heightened across her tanned, athletic body. Her bulbous breasts, barely contained behind a pink satin lace triangle bralette, jiggled along their edges in tune with the quickened flicks against her clit, her nipples hard as cutting diamonds as they jutted through the flimsy garment. Dani grabbed a handful of one of her ample globes beneath her bralette, digging her fingers into the pliant flesh as the loudest moan yet echoed from her lips.

But it wasn't enough, and her strong thighs lifted and parted to allow access to her entrance, her juices running over like a waterfall as it begged for attention. Dani was only too happy to oblige, and she slid a finger in to greet the sopping softness of her pussy. Followed mere seconds later by another. Dani's mouth hung open in panted desire, her long eyelashes forced to flutter shut by the building euphoria that mounted deep against her core. She strummed her clit and plunged a third finger into her soaking hole, frenziedly stimulating her tight young pussy by every means she could possibly think of as uneasy thoughts once more began to rise in her mind.

She needed to take that pill today. She knew she couldn't put it off any longer. It had been nearly 24 hours now since she had bought it, and every passing hour decreased its effectiveness further. If she let another 24 hours pass, then she might as well have not bothered at all. Millions of treacherous sperm from her ill-timed hook-up were still loose inside her, counting down the days to the release of her helpless egg. If she let herself ovulate without taking it, if she let even one of them get to it, then... then...

"Oh, fuck! OH! FUCK!" Dani gasped. Her fingers tore away at her delicate little clit as she pushed her feet against the mattress, raising her enticingly wide hips and arching her back. Her core exploded in a frenzy of passion, and she cried out as her orgasm washed across her form. She clamped a hand over her mouth only when she remembered her flatmate, Martine, was in the house as well. Her abs tightened as her Kegel muscles contracted firmly around her fingers, and another muffled cry of pleasure whisked through the cracks between her fingers as sparks of joy wracked her form, leaving her breathless and shaking when her climax finally receded into a warm glow upon her skin.

Well. That was certainly one way to start the day.

Dani sat up again, catching her breath as she stroked a hand along the inside of her thigh, the trained muscle beneath still twitching slightly. Her back was stained with a sheen of sweat now, imprinted against her mattress sheet, and she resolved to wash it after what must have now been her seventh -- or was it eighth? -- pill-induced masturbation session of the last 24 hours.

Part of her hated herself. Dani looked again at the tiny pill, gathering dust atop its packaging. Every fibre of her being screamed at her to take it now while her sordid temptations were at their lowest point, tempered by the afterglow of her shuddering climax. But she knew it wasn't going to happen, and she pushed it out of sight behind her bedside lamp with a restless groan.

Dani picked up her phone and began to tap away, her nails clacking against the screen. A stirring of butterflies in her belly only grew more and more intense as she loaded up her cycle tracking app, and her heart raced like a rabbit's as she eyed today's result on the screen.




Dani wasn't sure why she had opened the app as she stared at the words swimming before her. It felt like an attempt to try and scare herself straight, to remind herself of how little time she had left before it would be too late.

Paradoxically, a serene calm instead descended over Dani as she read the result over and over. This was silly. What exactly was she getting so worked up about? Three days was a long time. A very long time, especially in which to simply pop a tiny little pill in her mouth.

As long as she took it before she ovulated -- perhaps with a day's buffer just to be completely safe -- what was there to worry about? This was, after all, child's play compared to some of the other risks she had taken over the past year. Risks involving fertile days, expired condoms, and an ever-growing addiction to the dangerous thrill of unprotected sex that -- try as she might -- just seemed impossible to satiate...

Dani shook her head free of such thoughts. Suddenly her room felt so cramped and restrictive. This Sunday, it seemed, she needed her morning run more than ever, for the stability of sticking to her usual schedule if nothing else.

Her impromptu masturbation session had already set her back, and taking her pill now would only waste even more time -- she would have to fetch a fresh glass of water, which would involve going into the kitchen, which would then lead to her spending a good hour or so chatting to Martine, who she could now hear watching tv in the living room. Then it would be midday -- the sun would be at its peak, it would be far too hot to run, and she would have wasted the morning entirely.

Dani reached under her bed and grabbed her scuffed white running trainers. There was still plenty of time to nip her little issue in the bud before anything bad could happen. Claims of the morning-after pill decreasing in effectiveness after 24 hours were probably all bullshit anyway. She was worrying over nothing.

Dani turned from her bed and opened her wardrobe. It was decided. She would go for her run, breathe in a bit of fresh air, then come back and take her pill. For certain this time.

Her problem would be sorted, and everything would be fine.

Nothing Ventured...

The warming cradle of the sun was an instant mood-lifter as Dani stepped outside, feeling the heat blaze across her bare midriff and legs. She had traded her luxurious satin pyjamas for a more practical -- if rather revealing -- running kit composed of a white V-neck sports bra, swelled by the twin mounds of her generous breasts, and a butt-hugging pair of hot pink dolphin shorts, as well as her trusty trainers to cap it all off.

Dani breathed in, appreciating the freshness of the air even if it was saturated with tropical warmth and the stench of tarmac. The faint saltiness of the ocean brought a much-needed breeze across her golden skin, which was already decorated with a gossamer sheen of sweat. The ever-present calls of seagulls met her ears, a sound that had brought a smile to her face since childhood, alongside the palm trees that lined the road and swayed lazily to the tune of the gentle late morning gusts.

It was clear that the day ahead was to be another gloriously beautiful one. The sun neared its midday crest as it bathed the city below in a sweat-inducing embrace. Riviera City was always in motion regardless of the persistent heat, from the towering glass skyscrapers in its bustling central business district, to the white stucco walls and red tile roofs that lined its sprawling beachfront suburbs.

Ordinarily, Dani would have gone running around the block, or through the nearby park with its eucalyptus-lined paths and perpetually crowded lido. But this didn't put nearly enough distance between her and the apartment. No, this morning she fancied an adventure. Most of the city was easily walkable -- or runnable, in this instance -- and the free trams that serviced the city centre and inner suburbs could easily get her somewhere a little more wild if she so desired. There was no shortage of nature routes and gardens dotting the busy metropolis, perfect for those eager to escape the urban jungle for an hour or two.

The closest tram stop was barely two streets away, and Dani skipped there joyfully. The service ran regularly with clockwork efficiency, and she was satisfied to see a car pulling in as she rounded the corner. Cool conditioned air was a welcome relief, if sharp upon her skin as Dani stepped aboard and released an involuntary shiver. Her nipples hardened, jutting cleanly through the fabric of her sports bra like tiny glass beads.

Dani grabbed a support pole and leaned against it as the tram began to move. Even more notable than the crisp tram interior was another sensation -- one that was all too familiar. The brunette student knew perfectly well that she was an appealing sight, and yet the hairs still stood up on the back of her neck as the eyes of almost every man on the tram snapped to her, eyeing up her nubile curves like famished lions prowling upon a lone gazelle.

Many times had Daniella Cruz been referred to as a 'cocktease' -- whether it was by the male students at her university, the muscled hunks who leered at her as she worked out at the gym, or the corporate executives at the office where she did her internship. It was never to her face, of course. Indeed, she would have fiercely denied such a moniker were she ever to be confronted with it.

Yet, as Dani peered around the moving tram and noted the lusting stares of every single man aboard, it would have been obvious to anyone that she derived at least some pleasure from torturing those who wanted her, but couldn't have her. And she knew it better than anyone.

Right on cue, Dani's attention caught on a middle-aged man stood directly opposite her. His eyes were snagged lecherously to her buxom chest, laden with the recognisable glaze of a man who wanted nothing more than to shove his face into the chasm of firm young cleavage presented before him.

He looked up suddenly, knowing he had been caught, and his neck twitched as common sense instructed him to look away and salvage what little deniability he still retained. But primal instinct won out, ensuring that his gaze remained on the brunette college babe, shamelessly scoping out a tanned, hourglass body that was so much tighter and fitter than that of his dumpy wife.

Dani maintained eye contact for a second longer before her foxy hazel eyes flickered away with practiced disinterest. However, she only caught a passing glimpse of the street outside before her attention snapped back to him, and her heart fluttered as she realised that he hadn't stopped watching her. With his broad shoulders and silver-streaked hair, she had to admit that he wasn't all that bad looking. A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as they made eye contact again, and she bit softly into her lower lip as he shifted his weight slowly, his deeply covetous stare taking in everything from her high cheekbones to her tiny waist.

Dani could almost feel him undressing her with his eyes -- a feat that admittedly wouldn't have taken too much effort considering how little she wore. Was he thinking about what she looked like naked? Was he thinking about fucking her? Or perhaps he was even thinking of taking it a step further, of doing to her exactly what Ryan had done, and blowing the contents of his overloaded balls deep inside her tight little pussy...

This last thought brought a gasp to Dani's lips as she snapped free of her reverie. She realised her fingertips were subconsciously brushing up her bared midriff and toying with the waistline of her shorts, and she snatched them away hastily as the older man's lips curled upwards into a smile. He took a step towards her, then another, and before she knew what to do he was stood right in front of her. The tram slowed to a halt. A soft ding! indicated their arrival at the next station.

"Hi there. You're a pretty young thing, aren't you?" His fingers flickered at his sides, as if battling the urge to reach out and check if she was real.

With this development, Dani sensed it was probably a good time to jump ship. She hastily slipped past him before he could get another word out, or before the doors could shut her in with him.

"Sorry," she said, flashing a cheeky grin back over her shoulder from the doorway. If she had intended to slip any tone of apology into her voice, she hadn't succeeded. "This is my stop." With a final baiting flurry of her gym-toned bubble butt she disembarked, stepping onto the concrete platform as the doors rolled shut behind her. It was only now that she noticed the hot crimson flush drifting up her cheekbones, exacerbated by the return of the day's languid heat. But even more noticeable was the gentle drip of moisture that lightly layered her pussy folds, brought on by the titillating effects of her tempting tease.

As the tram pulled away, she couldn't help but smirk with glee as her silver-haired suitor stared at her through the window, receding steadily into the distance. How much fun it was to get a guy thinking about her for the rest of the day.

Her intuition about the stop had been surprisingly on-point -- Dani had been dropped off right across the road from Paradise Park, a 750-acre stretch of parkland and botanical gardens situated on a high hill overlooking the coast. Dani had no doubt that the place would already be packed at this time on a Sunday, from cyclists and dog walkers plying its broad paths, to college students playing soccer and frisbee on its picturesque fields.

Dani crossed the road and passed through the ornate gates. The first thing she saw was a huge marble fountain, guarded by watchful stone cherubs and flowing with torrents of water that spilled into a surrounding circular pool. Three different stone paths branched off into the park, lined with benches that sat families and loved-up couples, occasionally shadowed by canopies of clustered trees. Dani could already feeling her skin cooling at the sight of the verdant greenness, settling over her like a lush shroud.

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