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Dan's New Boss

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How can Dan make his new boss like him?
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Dan watched as Jason walked across the sales floor towards the lift in the corner, to carry him back to his office on the top floor. They'd just done the weekly floor walk of the furniture and home department, which Dan hadn't been looking forward to at all. It was the fourth one since Jason started and every time there was criticism upon criticism, but never any praise.

His colleague, Tracy appeared beside him, took one look at Dan's face and asked

"What's his problem now?"

Dan turned towards her and said in a low voice, because Jason was still waiting for the lift on the far side of the floor.

"Where to start? He doesn't like the lighting display, he doesn't like how the new Italian couches are accessorised and he thinks that the ticketing isn't bold enough. I swear I'm going to kill that man."

Tracy was shaking her head

"Poor you, but you have to admit he's really hot."

Dan had to agree, as his gaze went to Jason, who was just stepping into the lift, unaware that he was the topic of conversation.

As the lift doors closed, Dan had to admit that Jason had a lot going for him. He had dark hair, immaculately barbered, dark eyes with lashes to die for, gym fit body and a light tan.

His clothes were all designer and fitted him perfectly, showing off his broad shoulders, trim waist and the tight trousers of his suit made the most of his rounded, muscled bum. It's just a shame that he was such a shit.

He'd taken a dislike to Dan right from the start and barely spoke to him, outside of day to day business.

He also had a high maintenance girlfriend, who had moved here with him and secured a position in the store with one of the cosmetic houses, so she was always hanging around.

Tracy patted Dan's shoulder.

"Never mind, tomorrow will be a better day."

Dan certainly hoped so, because he loved his job as sales manager and he'd got on really well with Joe, the previous head of department, till he retired six weeks ago. Over the years he'd started travelling with Joe on buying trips and they worked well together. Although he'd been offered the position, he preferred being out on the sales floor, talking to the customers.

Then along came Jason, who clearly wanted to make his mark although at 30, he was nearly 20 years younger than Dan.

Ah well, hopefully things would settle down.

Next day, Dan was summoned to the top floor to see Mike Wood, General Manager and one of the owners of the store.

"Come in, Dan and sit down."

After offering coffee, Mike got straight to the point.

"As you know, buying season is coming up and I want you to go with Jason on the trip."

Dan had assumed that he wouldn't be going this year and he certainly wasn't looking forward to spending time away with someone who barely spoke to him.

"How does Jason feel about that?" he asked.

Mike gave almost a smile.

"I know you two don't have the best relationship yet, but he's okay with it. He's not really familiar with what our customers buy and I've told him that nobody knows what sells better than you. You never know, you might get to know each other better."

Dan had the impression that Mike hadn't given Jason much choice, so agreed to go.

Two weeks later, Dan and Jason were on the evening flight and by the time they reached the hotel it was quite late.

There hadn't been any conversation on the journey, Jason had spent much of the flight on his laptop, checking and rechecking spreadsheets, so when he suggested an early night, Dan was happy to go along with it. Anyway, tomorrow would be a busy day.

Dan let Jason use the bathroom first and when it was his turn, he could hear Jason on the phone in the bedroom. He came out to find Jason relaxing on his bed, dressed only in his tiny black briefs, which was distracting to say the least. By the conversation, he was talking to his girlfriend, Charlotte and was idly stroking his smooth, tanned chest as he spoke.

Dan carried on getting ready for bed but a couple of times, he was sure that Jason's eyes were on him, while he continued to whisper sweet nothings to his girlfriend. Dan didn't mind being looked at, he kept himself in shape at the gym and at 48 he thought he looked better than a lot of guys his age. He had dark chest hair that continued in a line down his stomach, disappearing inside his waistband and hairy legs and forearms, but apart from that his body was smooth and showed off his muscles.

Dan normally slept naked, even when he shared with Joe in the past, but he was a bit unsure with Jason so he kept his briefs on till he was sitting on the far side of the bed, then slipped them off, before sliding under the duvet.

Jason soon finished his conversation and had the grace to apologise.

"Sorry, Charlotte always likes to talk last thing when I'm away."

Dan replied that it wasn't a problem and they settled down.

Dan was an early riser in the morning and by the time Jason woke, he had showered, shaved and dressed

He watched Jason walk towards the bathroom, rubbing sleep from his eyes and admired that peach of an arse covered in thin cotton fabric, making his cock give a little twitch.

After breakfast, they made an early start to the exhibition. Morning was spent checking out the different stands, then after lunch, they split up, Jason to an appointment with a bed manufacturer and Dan to a lighting supplier.

As he stepped on to the stand, Dan was pleased to see Robert, who he'd known for a few years and who he'd fucked on occasion, when the opportunity arose.

After a warm greeting, Robert said

"I hear that Jason Grant is your new buyer. How is he getting on?"

Dan wanted to be diplomatic, because Robert was a terrible gossip

"Oh it's early days. He's only been with us for a month."

Robert winked

"Have you had him yet?"

Dan was surprised

"But he has a girlfriend."

This made Robert laugh

"Ah yes, the lovely Charlotte, but she doesn't know that he likes to take it up the arse. "

This was news to Dan, as every time he saw Jason and Charlotte together, they were all over each other, so he just said

"Well, Jason and I don't really socialise or anything."

Robert's eyes dropped to Dan's crotch

"Just give him a flash of the python between your legs and he'll come running. I've heard he likes big cocks."

Dan felt himself flush. Robert always referred to Dan's cock as the python. He knew he was well above average, his thick cock hanging almost six inches soft, but reaching an impressive nine inches erect. Robert had begged for it the first time he saw it.

" Well he's not the only one who likes a big cock inside him, is he, Robert?"

giving him a look, which made Robert laugh.

They got down to business and after he placed an order for lighting, Dan caught up with Jason on the Sofa Italia stand. Jason seemed a bit confused with all the different leathers and options, so Dan quietly guided him through everything, without making it obvious, so that Jason still felt he was in charge. By the end of the day, they'd ordered four new sets of furniture and set off back to the hotel.

Jason was quiet in the taxi, busy checking his emails, which gave Dan an opportunity to study him and think about what Robert had told him earlier.

The man's arse was so tempting, but did Dan really want to get involved with a man he didn't really like that much?

Back in the room, Dan freshened up in the bathroom first, then, while Jason was in the bathroom, got undressed and slipped on a pair of pouched briefs that showed off his considerable bulge, leaving the rest of his clothes on the bed.

When Jason returned, his eyes kept drifting to Dan's bulge, while he got changed. As they discussed where to eat, Dan pulled on his jeans, making a show of tucking in his package, before zipping up. Jason looked a bit flustered, but was soon ready to go.

They had a leisurely meal in a local restaurant and after a glass of wine, Jason relaxed and started chatting a bit more. He surprised Dan by thanking him for his help and company, which left Dan thinking, that he maybe was okay after all. He even felt slightly bad about teasing him in his underwear, but only slightly, as he had something else planned later.

Walking back it was still early, so they went to the hotel bar for a nightcap. Sitting opposite each other, Dan noticed that Jason was checking out his crotch, without making it too obvious.

Dan knew the jeans he was wearing made the most of his package, so casually spread his legs slightly to let him get a better look and a couple of times he had to repeat something to get a response from Jason.

Before they went upstairs, Jason said that he would give Charlotte a quick call from the lobby, so not to disturb Dan and would be up soon.

Up in the room, Dan stripped off and went naked to the bathroom, cleaned his teeth, then waited for Jason to appear.

Ten minutes later, he heard the door open and stepped out of the bathroom just as Jason entered the room.

Jason stared, his gaze fixed on Dan's cock, hanging there semi erect.

"Oh sorry Dan. Maybe I should have knocked."

Dan played it cool

"No it's ok, I was just getting ready for bed and thought you'd be a while."

He made no attempt to cover up and looked at Jason before letting his eyes drop to his cock.

Jason stammered.

"Sorry, I'm staring, but you're really huge."

Dan shrugged

"No problem, I'm not shy."

Jason continued to stare and Dan could see the longing on his face.

"Go on, give it a suck."

Jason only hesitated a moment before getting on his knees and swallowing as much of Dan's cock as he could manage. His mouth was stretched around the thick piece of meat, but he worked his way down till he had the whole length down his throat.

Dan was thinking to himself 'this guy's good,' when Jason stood up and started removing his clothes.

" Come on and fuck me, Dan. I need to have that cock inside me."

When he was naked, Dan shoved Jason over the end of the bed, parted those lovely round cheeks and got his tongue between them to lick and probe his rosy pink hole.

Jason was gripping the duvet and making little yelping sounds, before Dan's cock was even anywhere near him.

Spitting on his cock, Dan nudged his way in easily, till with a final thrust, he was skin to skin and Jason gave a loud gasp, before he said

"Fuck me, Daddy."

When he was younger, Dan had fucked like his life depended on it, just so he could blow his load, but over the years he'd learned to slow down and enjoy it, giving himself and his partner more pleasure. He could also last for ages without coming, so Jason didn't realise it yet, but he was in for a long ride.

Dan pulled nearly all the way out, then slid slowly back in, with a little nudge at the end, till he was balls deep again. He did this a few more times, with a bit more force each time, then began pumping his hips in a slow rhythm, slapping against Jason's peachy bottom, pushing the man further down on to the bed.

Jason, whose face was buried in the duvet, raised his head and panted

"Harder. Harder, Daddy. Fuck me."

Dan upped his thrusting, slamming into Jason's needy hole, causing the man to moan and groan.

Raising himself up on his arms, Dan pounded Jason's arse relentlessly, his balls making a slapping sound as they made contact with bare skin.

Dan felt himself nearing climax and didn't fight it, but instead with a loud roar, emptied his balls into Jason's back passage, sending spurt after spurt of his hot seed shooting far inside him.

When he was done, he lowered himself on top of Jason, stretching his arms out either side. Jason put his hand on top of one of Dan's and squeezed.

"I so needed that. Thanks."

They lay quiet for a while, till Dan rolled off, his cock leaving Jason's hole with a squelching sound, slapped him on the arse and said

"Bedtime, I think."

Early in the morning, Dan was aware of a movement beside him, as Jason crawled into his bed and found his cock under the duvet, bringing it to life, before throwing back the covers and squatting over him, lowering himself on to Dan's cock.

Jason began moving up and down on Dan's cock, one hand working his own erection, while he twisted his nipples with the other one.

Dan raised his hips to meet Jason, so that their bodies were slamming against each other, sending a tingling sensation down to Dan's balls.

He wasn't even going to try and last longer, turning it into a fast and furious fuck before breakfast, as they both came at the same time, Jason shooting rope after rope of cum all over Dan, while his own man juice exploded out of his cock, filling Jason's hole again.

Jason patted him on the chest

"That was awesome."

Dan grinned at him

"Yeah, best way to start the day."

An hour later, they were in the taxi, on their way to the Exhibition, when Jason turned to Dan

"Sorry I've been a bit difficult with you since I started. It's just that this is my first big job and when some of the reps knew where I was going, they all told me what a great guy you were and knew the business inside out, so I was really nervous."

Dan laid a hand on Jason's thigh

" Forget it. I think we're on a different footing now, don't you? " and he gave him a sideways look, as he smiled.

He got a smile back from Jason

" You're right, fresh start. I was so stressed, but last night did me the world of good."

Dan had to laugh

" Hey, you're welcome. Any time. "

Jason slid his hand close to Dan's and lightly touched it, although the driver wasn't paying any attention.

"I'll hold you to that."

For the rest of the week, Jason couldn't get enough of Dan's cock. By day three, he was walking quite carefully, which Dan teased him about, but it still didn't stop him demanding to be fucked again.

On their final night as Dan lay in bed, after having fucked Jason both before and after dinner, he wondered how this was going to play out, once they were home, where there wouldn't be the same opportunity and with the added complication of Charlotte.

He was under no illusion that the only thing Jason wanted from him was to get his arse drilled, but he was happy enough to go with that, if they could find a way to continue.

The one positive was that they now had a much better working relationship, which would please Mike at least.

He drifted off to sleep, thinking that Jason would be waking him up soon, for one last session before their journey home.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Exactly 46204_zipper.. So hot when wives know the truth..


46204_zipper46204_zipper4 months ago

I suspect that Jason is pegged regularly by Charlotte.

It would be interesting if Charlotte discovered her husband was being fucked regularly by a real cock and invited Dan over for a joint session.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I'd like to read more about these two men.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Really hot!

DevonCowboyDevonCowboy8 months ago

I'm a fan of Dan!

JoeMangumJoeMangum9 months ago

Awesome traveling companion

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer9 months ago

Your second story here and it's your second hit! Following you now hoping that you'll be sharing even more.

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