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David and Becky - Foolish Choices Ch. 17

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Justyna and Becky make requests.
3.1k words

Part 17 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/30/2022
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This story is entirely fictional and is intended as a fantasy in the world of female domination and male submission. It involves tease and denial with the use of a male chastity device, cuckoldry and corporal punishment. No part of this story is written to suggest such lifestyles were realistic or believable. The characters, named and unnamed, are not based on any living or deceased persons. All locations, whether named or otherwise, in this story, including the nation of Siskovia Province, are also fictitious and any similarities to any that exist anywhere, are coincidental. If you are not interested in fiction in which males, whether willingly or forced, submit to dominant females, or find such subjects objectionable and in opposition to your own preferences, I would strongly suggest you exercise your right not to read any further.

Chapter 17

Day 483 - Saturday 25th November 2017

I was closing in on the final two months of my sentence, and although I'd been two months from what I'd thought was the end of my sentence twice before, this time there was a real sense of finality about it. Having the laptop at my disposal was the biggest lift to my spirits I'd had since being here. I had decided to write my story in the form of a diary so I could catalogue the approximate dates and try to form a chronological order to everything that had happened. I found the time before Casavana involving Becky, Gina and Liam was easier to work out exact dates; Casavana was much more difficult to be accurate, but I think I've got the dates fairly close.

Since receiving the laptop almost two months ago, very little happened worth reporting. I'd been beaten by my guards a few times for various misdemeanours, including several with the long ruler shaped whippy, hard plastic punishment tool. They had continually teased me and tempted me to touch them or speak out of turn. They had taunted me by describing mental images of Becky and Josh together and telling me she wouldn't want me back when I was released; did I want her back? I didn't know. I tried to ignore them and just got on with doing my time and staying clear of another judicial caning.

The hard labour days didn't let up, and I was still made to walk up and down the yard on random days. It was on those days I became most suspicious of my laptop being taken by the guards to Madam Popescu while I was away from my cell. I left little traps to catch them out if they did, like leaving a tiny thread of material I'd pulled from my mattress or pillow on top of it. There were other things I did, too; things that only someone who had had so little to do over the last sixteen months that he developed a devious way of thinking, would do. Not once, so far, did I find any evidence the laptop had been moved, but it didn't stop me from continually checking.

I didn't have to worry about keeping track of dates or times anymore as the laptop was always up to date with that. But the thing that really helped me as I wrote my story was discovering what an utter and complete fool I'd been. When I left this place in two months, my life would be totally different, I hadn't made up my mind yet exactly how I'd approach it, I had a few plans, but whatever I decided, it would be done in a calm, measured way.

I still lay on my bed thinking of Becky and this Josh character who I really did not like. I'd never met him, but just by the very occasional references made to him by Becky on her few visits or phone calls, my mind had created a picture of him. Our regular player, Liam was more acceptable than Josh, I knew him and actually quite liked him, so I would have preferred Becky to have stayed with him to torment me, rather than Josh.

It had also been a long while since my last involuntary ejaculation and now that I was getting closer to my release, I was desperate not to risk added time by having an unauthorised orgasm that could be misinterpreted. It didn't stop me from getting erections every day, and on the fewer occasions I saw the guards, the excitement within me when I did see their scantily clad bodies drove me insane with lust.

This was my third consecutive day in my cell writing my story without any brick carrying interruptions, and I was actually keen to get out into the yard for a change of scenery and to rest my eyes from staring at the computer screen. When my cell door received three sharp knocks as I relaxed during the afternoon, a mixture of excitement and fear lifted me from my bed to the floor where I awaited my visitor. Within a few seconds, Justyna was telling me to stand.

With my eyes fixed on her forehead, I breathed in her delicate fragrance as it enveloped me. If only I could have reached out and felt the smooth skin of her slim, bare waist, or rest my growing penis onto her stomach. What punishment that would have earned me wasn't worth thinking about.

"You have less than ten weeks in prison," she said, bluntly, almost accusingly.

I had to supress a smile; her words sounded good to my ears. Still slightly over two months, but having been here for sixty something weeks, to hear her say 'less than ten weeks' was very encouraging.

"I am sad you have so little time to go," she added, always leaving a pause trying to tempt me to speak without permission.

I was too experienced in Casavana to fall for that, so I remained silent, listening carefully to what she was saying.

"Do you know why I am sad that you leave so soon?" she asked.

A question; I had permission to speak. "No, Madam Justyna."

"Because my chances of getting to cane you are running out." She waited for me to slip up. I held my tongue. "Do you like me, prisoner?"

What was she up to? "Yes, Madam Justyna."

"You lie!" she snapped. "How can you like a girl who beats you many times and causes you so much frustration and now tells you she wants to cane your ass?"

"I still like you, Madam Justyna," I confirmed. I wasn't going to say anything else.

She walked around me and gripped my bottom which still retained some bruises and marks from previous regular beatings. "So, if you like me as much as you say, will you miss me when you leave?" she asked.

"Yes, Madam Justyna." My answer was simple and I had no intention of elaborating.

"I still think you lie," she said, returning to stand in front of me.

"If you like me and will miss me when you leave, what will you do to show me that it is true?"

"I don't know, Madam Justyna."

"I have a good idea for a gift you could give me before you leave."

My eyes lowered to meet hers. They were shining with lustful excitement. Was she going to ask me to give her oral sex; I'd never done that for her, she'd never asked me to. But that wasn't going to be the gift she had in mind.

"I really want to cane you," she said, after a moment. "But I think you will behave too well to get another caning now you are so close to the end of your sentence. You are too well trained and you are spending all your time on this stupid writing."

She caught my frown.

"Maybe you won't have to misbehave for me to cane you."

What the hell was she getting at?

"As a gift to me, the guard you like and will miss, you could volunteer to receive a caning from me, something to serve as a fond memory for us both after you leave."

I frowned even more sharply.

"Not many strokes, maybe just twelve." She asked in such a shy, innocent way. "Will you volunteer for a caning from me, prisoner?" she asked, so nicely.

"No, thank you, Madam Justyna."

"Aw, why not?" There was a sad look on her pretty, but devious face.

"Because I reckon you would cane like a demon, and I don't wish to receive a caning that I don't deserve."

"But it would make me so happy. Don't you want to make me happy?" She pouted so sexily.

"Yes, Madam Justyna, but not by letting you cane me."

She walked around me again giving my bottom a hard smack with her hand as she passed behind. Ow, even her hand hurts.

"Maybe I will give you more time to think about it. Not too long though, time is running out."

She turned and walked to the cell door and opened it. She looked back at me and gave me a smile. "I will ask you again when I see you soon."

She closed the door and I heard the locks going on, then two knocks and she was gone.

Day 485 - Monday 27th November 2017

It was Becky's birthday! I hadn't forgotten, and I was fearful of what the day may bring. Considering she had visited me only a few weeks ago for my own birthday, I was shocked, surprised and a little apprehensive, amongst other emotions, when Izabela informed me her plane had landed at Keara airport just before lunchtime.

Without any more information given to me, I was left alone to continue my writing which was quite unproductive due to the thought of an impending visit from Becky. Time dragged and the afternoon wore on and I was beginning to wonder if she was going to visit or if it was just another lie fed to me by the guard. Then I heard a sound outside my cell, it was footsteps, and I thought I recognised one pair of steps as those of Becky's. Was I excited to see her again? Writing my story for Madam Popescu had made me think more deeply about the events that had brought me to Casavana. I could see the way Becky had treated me before and during this adventure in a much clearer light. How could things ever be the same again?

And yet, when a smiling Becky stepped inside the cell with Izabela just behind her, my heart leapt; I was happy to see her. She was immaculately dressed in a short jacket and knee length skirt and looked as stunning and sexy as ever. She had made herself up to look as beautiful as possible for me with her hair looking soft and bouncy down onto her shoulders, minimal make up, just enough to put a hint of extra colour in her already tanned and healthy cheeks. Her brown eyes were intense and her eyebrows darkened to enhance the sharpness of her piercing looks.

She smiled so seductively at me and my penis throbbed quickly to full arousal; I was so desperate to feel her lovely soft hands on it, stroking it to climax. But, did I detect the slightest of red marks on her left cheek bone just below her eye, hidden beneath her make up.

The prison guard spoke: "I will leave you alone with the prisoner, Mrs Emerson. Please remember, the rules remain the same for him."

"Thank you, Madam Izabela." Becky smiled warmly at the guard who left the cell, pushing the door closed behind her.

"Are you going to wish me a happy birthday?" she said to me.

"Happy birthday, Becky," I responded. There was more suspicion in my voice than enthusiasm.

"I know this is a surprise visit only a couple of months after I saw you on your birthday, but with your homecoming approaching, I wanted to try and see you a little more often. I decided to have a city break for my birthday and thought it'd be a good idea to have it over here in Keara. That way, I get to visit you at the same time. Gina has come with me again, but Madam Popescu would only allow me to visit you seeing it was such short notice. Gina's waiting in the car outside the prison. And also, because it's short notice, Madam Popescu is only allowing me fifteen minutes with you."

She stepped closer to me, and despite my negative feelings towards her, I did love her, and I felt the urge to reach out and hold her.

"The thought that you've been here for sixteen months is frightening and it has mostly been down to me. It doesn't sound so bad you've only got two months to go compared to how long you've been here, but two months in itself is still a long time. I feel so guilty about everything and I just want everything to go back to the way it was when you come home."

I was nodding my head in agreement with everything she was saying, but I wasn't sure it was possible.

"I just find it so difficult to switch off from the game, David, I'm so torn by everything that's happened to us. You know every bad thing that happens, I take advantage of and twist it so it forms part of the game. Even now, as sorry as I am for what I've done to you, I still want to use the situation to drain every last drop of pleasure I can for myself ... and I know that gives you pleasure, too."

I was straining to speak, to tell her I'd had enough and wanted the game to stop.

"But, David, as much as I feel so desperately sad for you, seeing you like this, it still turns me on badly. I can't help it and I hate myself for it. But please believe me when I say this; I do still love you more than anything in the world, and when you come home, you will have the best of times, I will make sure of it ... Do you believe me, David? Can you forgive me?"

"It will be difficult, Becky."

She looked at me and smiled, but her face was flushed and I knew what she said about her being turned on was true.

"The truth of why I've come to see you today is, I'm missing you desperately. Are you missing me?"

"Of course, I am," I answered, frowning. "I'll have lost eighteen months of my life that I could have spent at home with you; it's time we'll never get back."

"Do you still think I'm correct using this terrible situation to keep our game going?"

"When I lose a year and a half of my life, Becky, it's not a game to me."

She looked at her watch. "We don't have much time, and there's something I want to ask you before I have to go."

I couldn't believe it when she reached forward and took hold of my penis which immediately became rigid from a semi erect state. Pleasure flowed through my body at her soft touch. "I don't know how to put this to you, especially after the things I've just said, but it is relevant to the 'making the most of the situation'."

"What is it, Becky?" There was no chance I was going to offer to stay longer.

She put her finger to my lips. "Shhh. No talking rule, David, unless asked a question." Her calm authority had returned.

"I'd love to see you caned by Madam Popescu one more time." She paused, studying my face for a reaction. She was still holding my penis. "If you relieved yourself in front of me right now, you'd finally experience an orgasm for the first time since you got here. You would be sentenced to be caned by Madam Popescu and I would come and watch, even Gina said she'd come. Would you do that for me, David?"

"Gina would come and watch. So, you've already talked to her about it? This is why you came?"

"I'm asking the questions, David. You're only allowed to answer, yes or no."

Even as angry as I felt, the thought of one final caning before I left Casavana was a compelling idea. To be caned in front of Becky and Gina together would be an experience to take home as a souvenir of my stay. Everybody wanted to see me caned again, Justyna wanted to cane me before I left, too, she'd asked me only two days ago.

"No, Becky. I just want to complete my time and go home. You said you want things to go back to normal, so do I. Every bad thing you do to me makes that less likely to happen."

"But it would be the perfect birthday present for me. Madam Popescu said if you agreed, she would arrange it for tomorrow while I'm still in Keara."

"You have planned all this out, haven't you?"

"David, I haven't given you permission to speak freely," she said, crossly. "I'm asking you one more time, please relieve yourself in front of me, and Madam Popescu will cane you so I can watch. Will you do that for me?" She was slowly stroking my penis, trying to get me right to the edge. "Please, David, will you do that for me?"

She let go of my penis just before reaching the point of no return. I was so close and so desperate for climax, my hand moved to take over where she'd skillfully left off, but with a super human effort, I resisted the considerable urge and put my hands to my sides.

"No, Becky, I will not do that."

She looked up into my eyes and smiled so warmly at me, I almost changed my mind, but such was the firmness of my answer, she knew I meant it. She nodded her head in acceptance and reached up to kiss me softly on my lips. "I really wish you'd let me watch you caned by Madam Popescu one more time, but if you really don't want to, I can accept that. As I've always said, I will never force you to do anything you really don't want to do."

I couldn't raise a smile, but I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

"Ok, David," she said, a finality to her words. "I'm going to have to leave now; I don't want to get into trouble with Madam Popescu myself." She gave a little laugh. "It means I won't get to see you now until the day I come to bring you home, and I'm really looking forward to that day." Another step towards the door, and as she pushed it open, she looked at me one more time. "I love you, David."

Coming next in chapter 18: Justyna continues to pressure me and I get a message from home.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So Becky would go back to the prison to watch him being caned but would rather have a holiday with Gina than come back to the prison and talk to him, And she says she loves him

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Olly T,

I have to admitted that I am again excited to see what direction you take this story! There seem to be so many possibilities. I'm visiting the page often, refreshing -- in hopes of finding the next chapter. Thank you so much for taking us on this wild (and at times contentious) ride. Waiting -- it's deliciously frustrating -- as poor David has certainly learned.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It has just occurred to me to wonder what the hell Becky does in Keara. She spends 2 or3 days at a time there but only visits David for less than 15 minutes. What else does she do there? She seems awfully close to Mme Popescue. Does she do something in the spa?

It also seems to be weird that she professes to love him but only visits to ask him to agree to be tortured in public for her amusement. When he refuses she just leaves him and goes off partying with Gina. This is not normal behaviour for a woman who loves you. The guards and the whores are nicer to him than she is

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


wrote: "He said no !!!. Ok Who’s hijacked Ollys laptop ?"

Very funny :).

I still think David should give his wife the present. But wouldn't it be great if he granted Madam Justyna's wishes and Becky watched it ? Still it wouldn't be enough as these are "only" 12 strokes. So his wife could ask him for a gift compensation (for the missing strokes, which also were not done by Madam Popescu as per her wishes). The compensation could be in the form of longer time of imprisonment, which Madam Popescu could arrange for David legally, among others, to finish his writing.

Unless David receives not 12 but 60 canes, which he receives from now on by the rules. 12 could be the intermittent strokes after 30, done by Justyna. This way Becky would receive her birthday gift. It would be more humiliating for David, because it would be more pain and Gina would watch. Becky could also bring someone from "home" to further Davids' humiliation, like, for example, another (sadistic) woman, maybe Cassie, who would enjoy it greatly.

Perhaps, Madam Popescu should imprison David much longer, in order to extrude better experience book from him. For the legal imprisonment Madam Popescu could "hire" Madam Elena (which we already discovered she is capable of legally doing this and enjoys "injustice surprise" on unsuspected "victims"). As se admitted, she loves psychology games and this could fulfill her sadistic nature she earlier confessed to David. David again wouldn't know how long his sentence would be. He would only find out only after he had done another 6 (!) months (to make it even 24 from 18). Only then the whole sentence would be revealed to him.

How great that would be! Madam Elena would be fulfilling her sadistic nature that arouses her when she tortures people, which she had admitted during last visit stating that she likes doing it to "innocent", unsuspected "victims". Madam Justyna would also get more time to act fully on her desires and David wouldn't have to miss her (as he already admitted he would miss Madam Justyna). Surely it would lead to more teasing and pressure firm Madam Justyna and David (being himself) would fall for this and gave here more gifts (...). And of course sadistic Madam Popescu would get the best out of her private prison, because David is one of a kind and she likes torturing him. Physically and mentally. His much, much longer time in prison would definitely give her and orgasm when she thinks what power she holds over him. Legally, without possibility of an earlier release. Only this time much more harsher.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I wonder if the cameras caught him speaking without permission a couple of times or if Becky is going to eat him out? The fact that he is finally showing some backbone will make it even more exciting when he gets severely punished anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


wrote: "He said no !!!. Ok Who’s hijacked Ollys laptop ?"

Very funny :).

I still think David should give his wife the present. But wouldn't it be great if he granted Madam Justyna's wishes and Becky watched it. Still it wouldn't be too enough as these are "only" 12 stroke. So his wife could ask him for a gift compensation for not done stroke and not by Madam Popescu. That could be more time imprisoned, which Madam Popescu could arrange for David legally to finish his writing.

Unless David receives not 12 but 60 canes, which he receives from now on by rules. 12 could be intermittent after 30 by Justyna. This way Becky would receive her birthday gift and it would be more humiliating because it would be more pain and Gina would watch. Becky could also bring someone from "home" to further Davids' humuliation, like another (sadistic) woman, maybe Cassy, who would enjoy it greatly.

Perhaps, Madam Popescu should imprison David much longer for him to write better experience (book) and "hire" for that Elena (which we know now she is capable of legally doing this). She love psychology games and this could fulfill her sadistic nature she earlier admitted to David. David again wouldn't know how long his sentence is after he makes another 6 (!) months (to make it even 24 from 18). Then he would be revealed the whole sentence. How great that would be. Madam Elena would be acting on her sadistic nature and getting aroused as she admitted during last visit of liking making it to "innocent", unsuspected victims. Madam Justyna would get more time act fully on her desires and David wouldn't have to miss her (as he already admitted he would miss Madam Justyna). And of course sadistic Madam Popescu would get the best out of her private prison, because David is one of a kind and she likes torturing him. His much, much longer time in prison would definitely give her and orgasm when she thinks what power she holds over him. Legally.

King_MacAulayKing_MacAulayover 2 years ago

He did it!!! He didn't mess up! He controlled himself! Okay, kind of having a bit of hope things might improve at least a little for our main character.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It's implied that Josh hit Becky, but I can bet that she's gonna say that David did that in order to get him caned or stay longer in prison. I hope I'm mistaken but I no longer have any hope for this ridiculous story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

After a LOT of suffering David has finally reached some kind of realization. Here's hoping he holds to it, Popescu is just doing her job, if he's really into this he can visit her and all the women again. Becky on the other hand... it's been a year and a half, there's no relationship there at this point. He's spent more time with Elena, hell he's spent more time emailing Cassie, than he has dealing with Becky.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think she should have insisted some more. Perhaps the tongue in the ear would have made the trick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Off the shelf plastic chastity devices are a joke. Easy to slip out of. Easy to break. Hopefully, Becky wises up and gets him a real one, a metal one. One that is actually sized to fit David's measurements. Even if he's out of prison, David needs to never again have the ability to touch his own penis. He'll obey her every command if he is eternally sexually frustrated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I've been thinking for a while now that becky likes david naked and in a prison cell just a bit too much for him to ever again be clothed and free. She's had plenty of time to have contractors build a cell for him in their apartment or possibly in the basement of the building. I also recall mention that promescu has other such prisons, even one in england. Maybe that is where david is going to end up. One thing is for certain, david's life is not going back to something that looks at all normal.

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