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Degenerate Star Ch. 01 - Captured


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Then she crashed back down. One of her arms was wrapped around his neck. Along with her legs, she pulled him into her while shoving herself against him in ways no proper naval officer should ever do. Her other hand clutched his wrist, holding on to him for dear life. Afraid he would clench and choke her out. She heard frenzied cries, knew she was making them, and felt shame down to her very core. None of it mattered though, her body floated, feeling nothing but the heat and warmth of him smothering her.

As she lay quaking in the aftermath of the flood, she felt him pumping into her. Then he froze. He convulsed and growled as he filled her. Riley was too dazed to worry about far off things like pregnancy. She could only clutch at him, hang on to him like an anchor, as she rode her own quakes. Slime oozed out her and down her thighs and ass as he continued filling her. With a final grunt he shoved into her one last time and stopped.

They lay panting and breathless for a few moments. He then shifted his hips and slid out of her. A flood of his spunk mixed with her juices ran out of her. She hated the feel of it trickling out down her body. She was sullied. Her arms and legs dropped away from him. She lay panting underneath him clutching at leaves until he hefted himself up.

"Hells captain, that wasn't too bad. Glad you enjoyed it."

Riley wanted to vanish, to fade from existence. Still drawing in shaky breaths, she understood why her body had betrayed her and hated this man more for it. She wondered about her crew, if they were suffering the same indignities. Then she felt ashamed for not having thought of them earlier. There was an emptiness in her belly that felt cold. And she was shamed again for thinking such a thing. She wanted to roll over and cry into the forest floor, but as a starship captain she refused to give him that satisfaction. He stood and walked away naked.

When she forced her head up to see what he was doing she was repulsed. In one hand, he had her ruined jumpsuit, with captain bars on the sleeves. He was using it to wipe himself. Once satisfied he looked at her and tossed the uniform to her.

He watched her for a moment as he slid his trousers on. "You should probably put that on. Although I'm sure my crew will appreciate that magnificent body if you'd prefer to travel naked.

She struggled to get up. Her landing strip was a matted mess, the hair congealed together with cum. Her thighs were bruised and covered in fluids, including some blood. It was then that she felt the stabbing pain inside her. She covered herself with her hands and rocked back and forth. The sticky mess that was her cunt was disgusting. He'd ruined her. Once again, tears threatened, and once again, she refused to give them to him.

"All right, quit lollygagging. We've got some ground to cover."

"I need a moment," she replied still rocking gently.

"It's your fault we're out this far. So, move that ass." His eyes blazed, probably unused to anyone telling him no.

Riley forced herself up and shook out the jumpsuit. The front fastens were all broken, there were torn bits and pieces, and worst, cum was smeared across the left shoulder and sleeve. She opened it carefully and eased her bruised legs into the ruined garment. Extra care was taken to ensure the cum smeared parts of the jumpsuit didn't touch her. She pulled the top up over her shoulders but was unable to close the uniform. It hung open from neck to pubis. It covered her chest but barely, with a lot of skin showing. Her ship shoes were also damaged irreparably. She slipped them on thankful she wouldn't be walking back barefoot.

When she stood, she saw the raider fiddling with something in his hands. Seeing her standing he walked over to her. In his hand, she saw a leather belt with a loop at one end. Before she could wonder what the purpose was, he slipped it over her head, creating a makeshift leash. With a tug he yanked her into him.

"Let's go captain. Can't wait for you to meet the rest of my crew. Pretty sure they are already well acquainted with yours."

The march to the raider ship was like a dream, ethereal and unreal. Riley felt as if most of her brain was turned off, shut down. She took steps mechanically while replaying the recent events over and over in her head, desperate to ignore the lancing pain in her belly. The worst part of the experience was the mind-shattering other bodily climax. It both shamed and angered her at once. She now mistrusted her own body. Given the toys this animal played with, she knew she'd orgasm again for him on demand. The thought was mortifying, and an all too realistic outcome given his experienced talk of slavers. Undignified, the echoes of her own cries repeated endlessly in her mind.

The trudge of two kilometers was cannibalized by her own thoughts and occasionally was broken up with a sharp tug on the leash. Riley would snap out of her reverie, stagger into him, and then sink back into her dark thoughts. She didn't even know his name. The most intense orgasm she'd ever experienced, and it was forced on her by a stranger.

He'd tucked her sidearm into the front of his breaches. Leashed as she was, there was no possible way for her to get around the massive man and take it from him. His own weapon, a wicked-looking rifle, was strapped to his bare back. She gave up trying to force her uniform to cover her chest.

Breaking into a valley clearing she saw the raider's ship. It was a small makeshift military vessel, the type acquired by pirates throughout the galaxy. Weapons bristled on its black hull, and exhaust fumes leaked from its multiple engines. It was an older corvette class ship, built for speed and interception, typically crewed by about two dozen.

Her own ship lay ruined beyond it. Black smoke billowed from the twisted wreckage of the secondary engines. Its pristine white skin was marred with cannon scores and the furrowed dirt stains from the hard landing. It was larger than the raider ship, but the science vessel was barely armed. Ambushed, it hadn't been able to outdistance the raiders and died here performing a routine survey of an uninhabited world.

The raider pulled her along to the smaller ship. It was still quite large, similar in size to a multi-story apartment building. If there were two dozen pirates inside the ship, adding her crew of six would be a tight fit.

A cargo ramp sat open at the front of the warship. On it were bits and pieces of lab equipment from the science vessel. Some of it, she could tell, had been irreparably damaged during dismantling. The raiders wanted loot and, in their haste, were destroying the expensive tools of Riley's trade. Her ship had been violated to its core just as she had. A distant part of her felt something akin to sadness for her ship. There was also revulsion at the thought of these animals pawing and touching the pristine decks of her baby. Thoughts of these grubby marauders tramping filth through it made a ghost of anger rear its head.

Two humans in piecemeal combat armor hauled a broken piece of lab equipment onto the ramp. They dropped it with a crash and sauntered over to the brute and his leashed prisoner.

"Zed! Caught her, eh? Wore her in before returning?" One of the humans, a thin, sharp man with an orange shock of hair, asked.

Finally, Riley had a name for her attacker.

"To the victors..." Zed said with a tug on the leash.

Three sets of eyes devoured her. They gauged her like a piece of meat, a thing to be evaluated for its worth.

"And? Is it true what they say about Corlyssian officers?" The smaller dark-haired man said.

"Nope. She was only... lightly used before me." A huge hand lashed out to smack her on the ass as she floundered indignantly. The men laughed. Laughed at her. Her pain. She felt small, tiny, humiliated.

The ginger leered, "Nice rack on her. Hope you left a little something for us."

"Don't worry, I was gentle. There's plenty of tightness still in this one." Zed thought a moment then asked, "Where are the rest of the captures?"

"Chow hall," the dark-haired man said, "Getting broke in as well."

"Yeah tell those bastages to get out here and help once they've greased their weasels."

Zed nodded asking, "How many did we get?"

"Four women, although one of them is meh. Plus, one dude." Dark hair said. "Adding the captain here that's six altogether."

The brute looked down at the captain, "Five women and one man? That's the kind of crew I want to be on. I'm tempted to join your navy."

When Riley didn't say anything, Zed tugged the leash. She answered, "There's a war on. Most of the men are fighting. You brave souls shot down a research ship."

"That explains the dude. He's a wee fellow. Probably didn't meet some height requirement." Orange hair said.

"There's a market for that. For every taste really. This captain's price should make up for any losses with the others." The brute replied. He yanked the leash leading Riley up the ramp as the other two sneered.

She entered the raider ship and abandoned all hope. The cargo bay was filthy. There were crates and boxes of all sizes stacked haphazardly to the ceiling. She noted foodstuff being stored under lubricants, with energy cells on top of that. The chaos overwhelmed her, and she had to be yanked along to leave the claustrophobic space.

The next series of passageways were no better. Random open panels littered the bulkheads exposing wiring and piping for all to see. Stains dotted the decks. And some lighting panels in the deckhead were dark. The ship was in such a bad state of readiness that Riley was frightened at the thought of entering open vacuum, let alone hyperspace. Dragged along she staggered behind Zed, wanting to stop everywhere and fix and clean things.

They ascended a ladder, a stairwell as civilians called them and Riley heard the sounds of crew. She knew in an instant the grunts, groans, and laughter meant they were going through the same treatment she'd received earlier.

Yanked along she had no choice but to enter the galley where the noises were coming from. Maxwell, the only man on the crew, sat on the deck looking down dejectedly as he was forced to listen to everything firsthand. Communal eating tables had been cleared to make room for two of her crew in various stages of undress and molestation. Another had been pulled into a raider's lap while the remaining crew woman was on all fours on the floor.

Nearly a dozen raiders were in the room, also in various stages of undress. When Zed marched his captive in Riley felt her stomach churn. The horrors had only just begun.

Zed wound the belt around his fist until there was no slack. He pulled Riley to the table where two of her crew were the center of attention to a crowd of a half dozen raiders. Science Officer K'rra was sprawled across it on her back naked. Her pale blue skin was popular among the raider crew. Two shirtless men held her wrists overhead while a clothed Ryptos woman straddled K'rra's waist in reverse cowboy position.

The Ryptos flicked her thin tongue from a snake-like face. The reptilian alien wore strange gloves, and Riley could see the padded fingertips vibrating, spraying a mist of fluids as they worked, massaging the blue science officer's cunt. K'rra looked pained, and Riley understood that she'd probably been the victim of multiple assaults.

"And who is this lucky little lady?" Zed asked while shoving Riley to the table edge for a front-row view of K'rra's torment.

When she didn't answer, Zed wrapped the belt around his fist, constricting her throat. Riley struggled but couldn't so much as turn around in his tight grip. He relaxed his hand, and she could breathe again.

"Chief Science Office K'rra from Gythia of the Federated Systems," Riley explained. K'rra grimaced in pain and glanced at Riley. Then pain contorted her face and she screamed as the Ryptos induced another of countless orgasms. Riley couldn't imagine how sensitive K'rra's clit must be after hours of this treatment.

"She seems to be enjoying herself," Zed said to the laughter of the audience.

Ryptos were known for their cruelty. They came from a stock of cold-blooded apex predators on their home world, and their mating cycle was unusual. All Ryptos were female, and when a pair mated, they would fight fiercely, sometimes to the death, to take on the role of inseminator. This didn't translate well with other species, so they just sated themselves with acts of cruelty when coupling with non-Ryptos. There were, of course, plenty of submissive individuals throughout known space, all too eager to take on that sadism. K'rra didn't have much choice, and the captain doubted she was much of a sub.

"And who's the other one?" Zed asked.

On the opposite side of the table was a petite flat-chested human woman with jet-black hair spilling to her shoulders. She was currently kneeling on the table equally naked. A smaller group of raiders were barking orders at her, and slapping her ass when she didn't move fast enough or got orders confused. She saw the captain and looked away with a pained expression. Her tan skin was bright red at her ass and thighs.

"Short, tan skin, black hair, very average in human space. She won't sell for much at all." Zed told Riley.

One of the raiders stopped barking orders to explain, "She makes up for it in eagerness to please. Don't you suckie-suckie?"

"Yes, Sir." The kneeling woman yelped as a new round of hands smacking her ass started.

Horrified Riley said, "Her name is Saki. Flight Officer Saki Kimura."

Through tears, the woman on the table replied, "You are mistaken, miss. I've been renamed, suckie-suckie."

Zed laughed, "Was she this compliant with you, Captain?"

Before she could answer Riley was dragged away as Saki went through another round of barked orders. The captain was shoved in front of a battered couch. On it was a Volfgarian, a huge nightmarish canine-like creature. In its lap was a red-skinned woman with tentacula where human hair would normally be. The Volfgar stroked the fronds, stopping occasionally to squeeze one or a handful, which made the woman writhe and squeal. She'd been stripped of her jumpsuit but kept her bra and panties.

"Damn. You had a Wotin on your crew?" Zed asked forcing Riley to watch as the crimson woman squirmed in what looked like ecstasy.

"You shouldn't do that, Wotin's dehydrate easily with prolonged stimulation," Riley explained

"Don't you worry," the Volfgar said.

"Yeah, we're giving her plenty of fluids." A nearby crewmember said while grabbing his crotch. The raiders laughed, and the wolfman continued milking a tenacula, making the red woman in his lap quiver uncontrollably. It was then that Riley noticed the stains on the Wotin's bra and panties and the slick cum on her jaw and chest.

"What's this one do?" Zed asked.

"Why do you even bother asking? She's just a plaything to you." Riley snapped back.

"Because if she has useful skills, she may be bought for those instead of ending up in a third-rate whorehouse." Zed explained as the crimson girl collapsed into the wolf's chest.

The captain thought about it for a moment and sighed, "Terellia is a Meteorologist."

"She's a weather girl?" Zed hooted as the raiders in earshot began laughing. Seeing the Wotin collapse, one of them undid his breaches and shoved himself in her mouth. Dazed, Terellia began sucking, eager for any moisture her amphibian lips could drink.

Zed yanked the captain again, to the last female crew member. On hands and knees, a short, pudgy blonde, human scampered, crawling from one crew member to the next, as they cat-called her. Her uniform was gone but she too had been allowed to keep bra and panties.

"This one won't sell well at all," Zed said.

Keeping in mind what he'd just explained about skills, Riley blurted out, "This is Lieutenant Geller, she's a botanist. She knows all about plants."

"It looks like she knows a lot about eating plants," Zed replied.

The raiders were barking out animal names, expecting Geller to make the sounds of the animal. When her mimicry wasn't to their liking, they would slap her with hands and belts, driving her around in circles on all fours.

Zed called out, joining in the game, "Hey, little piggy!"

Geller spun towards him oinking, stopping only when she saw the captain. Her face turned crimson and she clamped her eyes shut.

"You won't sell at market. Not even to a budget brothel in a slum. Maybe we should just leave you here?" Zed asked.

"No. Please." Keller sobbed, looking to the captain for any help at all.

"You want to live? Zed continued, "You will show this entire crew how much you want that every single day. Understand? You will be our little cleaning piggy. We will exercise you, and diet you, and get you ready for sale. Would you like that?"

"Please." She begged.

"It's a yes or no question."

"Yes, I'd like that." The crying woman said.

Riley watched as tears fell into ample cleavage. She was pulled away by her leash, unable to comfort the distraught cleaning piggie.

"Last one." Zed said as they approached the last of the science crew. "Get up!"

When the lone male scientist stood up Zed laughed. The smaller man was a full head shorter than Riley. Zed stooped down to mock the tiny man and read the name tag on his uniform. "Pedo logistics? Seriously?"

"That's pedologist. Study of the soil..."

"Shut it, wee man. Nobody asked." Zed scrutinized the soil scientist and then poked him with a sausage finger. "You're a little fella. Not tall enough to fight in your war with the big boys, huh? You may not fetch much in the slaver pits, but there's always a market for boys. Or close enough if you know what I mean... Pedo-logist Maxwell."

With a coy smile, Zed slowly pulled down the zipper of the soil scientist, not stopping until it was hovering just above his groin. The diminutive man tensed up ready to be exposed against his will. Instead, Zed released the zipper and stepped away.

Zed guided Riley through the door back out into the corridor as the two crew members from outside were entering the galley. "Hey! I thought you said you were going to leave some for us."

With a feral grin Zed replied, "Oh, I'll leave you something, once I've had my fill. Now, if you don't mind, gentlemen, we have a very romantic evening planned in my quarters."

He pulled Riley along by the leash and she knew she was certainly not ready for another round with him.

As Riley was marched through the passageways of what seemed like an empty ship. She wondered if the entire crew was in the galley tormenting their prisoners. Zed stopped and waved a hand over a scanner to open a hatch. He pulled Riley into a room with gurneys, and battered medical gear, the sick bay. The ship's condition seemed uniform on every deck. It needed serious repairs and more serious cleaning. Sitting in one corner a grey-skinned Avyrian worked at a console.

"Hey Doc." Zed called pulling Riley along. "How we doing for slaver implants?"

The Avyrian stood. He was nearly as tall as Zed but bone thin. Almond-shaped black eyes blinked on a featureless face.

"There are only four complete sets of the Sentient Training Enhancement Implants, and a few incomplete sets. I assume you want these for the new captures? Two of them will not be complete."

Zed thought for a moment, "Okay, when the crew is done playing let's get the prisoners hooked up. Four sets eh? Let's leave out the Wotin, she won't need them right now. And the small, yellow-tinted human female, or the human male."

"The male will require more implant points," Doc said.

"You got enough extra bits, or should we leave him out and hook up the female?"

"The demure yellow human female you mean?" The Avyrian touched his sharp chin with long delicate fingers. "I have enough stray pieces to cobble something together. Is the male going to be used by the crew? Does he present a threat?"

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