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Degenerate Star Ch. 02 - Chains


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She wasn't sure why she'd expected anything different. She'd shared her thoughts with him, and he dismissed her out of hand. It reinforced that they were not equals. There was no give and take. She was a plaything, something to use, and he wanted to ensure she was compliant. So he could sell her in a few weeks.

He shook himself loose from her and bounded out of bed. Pausing, he stretched and she couldn't help but let her eyes drift down his naked body. Impossibly large chest, muscles on muscles, and her new best friend hanging heavily between his legs. Tingles of fire shot through her.

He turned and found his breaches on the floor. "Would love to stay and play for a bit, but we've got to strip your ship for loot before the rescue teams arrive."

Riley said nothing but felt indignation to her core. "I don't have any clothes. Could I get my uniform back?"

"You won't be needing clothes any more really," he said hopping on one foot. Once he had his boots on, he looked at her, "Stay here for the day. You won't like what happens to you if you are out running around naked on the ship."

He left. Even basic dignities were denied. Riley surveyed the room, it was still the disaster she'd seen last night. Forcing herself out of bed she explored the disaster. She found a fresher that hadn't been cleaned in what looked like years. She eased into it, careful not to touch the sides, and let the ultrasonic vibrations shake the filth off her.

She stayed in it a long time before noticing that there was also a spout for water. She hadn't had a proper shower in ages. It would be recycled water, the water the entire crew used to clean themselves, but she didn't care. She ignored the warning timer figuring Zed had disabled the shut off and was rewarded with an impossibly long time under flowing hot water.

When she exited there was a thickness and warmth in the air she found comforting. She waved her hand, then snapped her fingers, in front of the blank wall in the head. Frustrated she called out, "Computer!"

"Yes, guest?" came a reply from the main room.


The wall flickered to life showing a hirez display of herself. What she saw was appalling. Her body was covered in bruises, thighs, breasts, wrists, even her neck. Her lips were puffy from the abuse he'd delivered last night. She was sore all over. The shower had helped relaxed some of the aches out of her, but it would be days before she fully recovered. And in those days Zed would probably be adding more.

She stepped out into the main cabin. The mess had not changed. With nothing better to do she began picking through the room snatching up discarded clothing. When she had an armful she considered her options, "Computer, do you have a library?"

"Yes, guest."

She thought it odd that the computer didn't share more info on the contents of the library. Guest access might be very limited. She dropped her pile of soiled clothing and went to sit on the bed.

"Do you have an encyclopedia?"

"Yes, guest."

"Can you tell me about the implants that have been placed in me?"

"No, you do not have access to personnel files."

She tried to recall what the doctor had called them. "Can you tell me about Enhanced Training Implants?"

"Checking... Do you mean Sentient Training Enhancement Implants?"

"Yes." Riley said, eager to discover what had been done to her.

"Sentient Training Enhancement Implants are a series of devices created to help aid in the physiological training of sentient beings. They are designed to train thinking beings into adapting specific types of behaviors using tactile feedback mechanisms. The simplest use pleasure or pain to reinforce wanted and unwanted behaviors. More complex versions use a broader gamut of physiological responses to condition behavior managed by a biomonitoring controller unit."

Riley interrupted, "In simple terms devices planted in a person to zap them when they do something unwanted, and please them when they do the right thing?"

"Checking... That is correct."

"The more sophisticated versions... they monitor the person and then can apply a broader range of stimulation?"

"Checking... That is correct."

"What does broader range mean?" Riley asked.

"Checking... Advanced controller units can be wired into a subject's nervous system allowing access to a host of organs. These organs can then be stimulated, releasing hormones or other chemicals that are a natural part of the host's physiology."

"What are the most common hormones that are triggered for release?"

"Checking... Of the research papers reviewed, several thousand hormones across a broad range of species..."

She interrupted, "What are the most common in humans?"

"Checking... Of the research papers reviewed, several hundred hormones were cited specifically in humans. The most common being: Oxytocin, Vasopressin, Adrenaline, and Dopamine."

"What do those do?" Riley asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Oxytocin, sometimes called the love hormone, is a neurotransmitter that is linked to empathy, trust, sexual activity, and relationship-building."

"Vasopressin, sometimes called the bonding hormone, is a neurotransmitter that is linked to empathy, particularly in bonding directly with other humans."

Adrenaline, sometimes called..."

"Stop!" the captain yelled. She sat on the bed heavily. Not only were the piercings directly stimulating erogenous zones, but there was something else inside her manipulating hormones. All the affection, and the warmth she felt with Zed... Lies. Again, her own body being forced to deceive her. This is why slaves didn't willingly leave Coalition Space. They believed they were in love with their captors.

She mused absently to herself, "Who would invent such a thing?"

The computer answered, "Checking... Initial research into STEI was developed by the Federated Penal System. Initial trials went well with a 358% decrease in aberrant behavior among inmates of three prison systems. Lawsuits from civil liberties organizations forced the abandonment of the research and commuted sentences of prisoners who underwent such testing. Leaks from sealed governmental records eventually turned up on Coalition worlds where interest in the technology was rekindled. The only know territories to use and further research these technologies are the Coalition States."

Riley felt like she'd been kicked in the gut. Her own government had brought the very tech enslaving her to this new life. And even when they had sealed it away, it ended up in the very hands of the beings most willing to exploit it. The Federation could easily warn crews about this, but the embarrassment of having invented it themselves meant they would rather remain silent. Every person, military or civilian, caught by Coalition raiders or pirates was at the mercy of tech the Federation could easily warn against and possibly counter.

She wanted to ask the computer how to counter the controllers, but she knew that would not be available to guest users. And would probably be reported. If she wanted to escape a fate where she became the loving participant in her own slavery, she would need to do it before they arrived in Coalition Space. She needed to work fast.

First she needed access to the bridge. If she could get into the command center of the ship, she might be able to figure out how to counter the controller. Not just for herself, but for her entire crew. Overpowering the raiders would be difficult, there were twice as many as her crew. But they were undisciplined, there was no espirit de corps or cohesion at all. An outright fight would fail, but maybe there were other avenues? She'd have to keep her eyes open and work on it.

As she was considering plans for escape there was a knock on the hatch. She grabbed the bedsheets and flung them over herself as the door slid open.

Saki Kimura walked into the cabin with a tray of food. The smaller woman kept her eyes turned down to the floor as she spoke, "Captain? Suckie-suckie has been ordered to deliver service and food to you."

"Lieutenant Kimura!" Riley exclaimed. She flung the sheet off and went to her flight officer. Kimura was naked like the captain. Riley noticed the bruises, many of them in the same places the captain had. Without a protector Kimura had been victim of the entire crew abusing her. Kimura was wearing one thing, a collar with a short chain. At the end of the chain a control wand dangled just between Kimura's tiny, bruised breasts.

Riley reached for the controller, then snatched her hand away when her piercings gave her a painful jolt.

"I'm sorry Captain, I was instructed to serve you and lunch." Kimura touched the controller and pointed it at Riley.

Riley flinched but nothing happened. "What did they tell you?"

"That I am to serve you. And lunch." Saki looked around then set the tray on a cluttered table. The flight officer turned back to the captain but refused to look at her.

"What do you mean serve?"

Saki sighed, "My name is suckie-suckie now. My role is to pleasure all I serve with any oral pleasure they wish. As long as they wish. As often as they wish."

"Lieutenant Kimura, we are crew members. I don't want that service from you."

Kimura looked up, desperation in her eyes. "Please captain. I will be punished if I don't serve my duty."

"Kimura, no."

"Please ma'am. You don't know what it's like. Theres a dozen of them and only four of us. You and Maxwell have been spared the worst of it. If I don't service you...: Kimura choked.

"I've never done this with a... Kimura..." Riley tried to explain as Kimura guided her captain to the bed.

"It's okay ma'am, we don't have any choice. It's so much easier to just go along with everything. The punishments..." Kimuras eyes seemed distant thinking about them.

"No." Riley said and held her ground. The tickles of angry sparks began immediately making her jump. Kimura used the opportunity to guide the captain backwards to the bed. The angry ants calmed and became hints of pleasure, ghostly kisses inside her.

As Kimura urged the captain to sit Riley tried to protest, "I don't know what to do. I don't think this will work."

"Don't worry ma'am, I've done this before. Just lie back and relax. I'll take care of you." Kimura said as she pushed the captain down.

Riley closed her eyes and tried to imagine it was a man's lips, Zed's lips, leaving a trail of kisses down her bare torso. Her breasts warmed as Kimura's face went past them leaving cool spots of saliva along the way. The closer those lips got to Riley's core the more it heated up. By the time Kimura had gotten to the captain's navel, Riley was squirming uncontrollably.

She tried to imagine her first lover Alex. He had done the same. Eased her with oral sex before taking her virginity. Instead, images of Zed, his bald head, and cold blue eyes, were all that came to mind as Kimura got ever closer to the center of Riley's universe.

When Kimura finally arrived, she teased the captain, detouring around her pussy to plant kisses along the nearby thighs. Riley moaned as the fires inside her begged for attention. Kimura's hands joined, fingertips leaving hot trails on inner thighs.

Kimura kissed her, at the lowest point of her landing strip and Riley felt her traitorous thighs push up to meet the smaller woman. The captain tried grinding herself into Kimura but the flight officer's lips danced away continuing to tease her.

Why did she have to do this? Riley thought through a haze of want. Why was she giving the captain the full treatment and not just doing the bare minimum to get the job done? And why was Riley's body reacting this way. Zed had a controller, shouldn't she be hungry for him. Riley then realized Kimura had pointed her wand at the captain. That must be the motion to sync the controller. How to counter?

Saki's lips brushed along the captain's wet slit and Riley moaned loudly. She clamped a hand over her own mouth, embarrassed that she'd made such a noise for one of her crew. Kimura flicked her tongue back and forth, up and down, along the slit making the captain dance.

The flight officer gripped her captain's thigh firmly and pushed them open, pinning them down as she pressed her face into the captain's cunt. She turned and nodded her head, coating her face in Riley's juices. Riley could do nothing but moan around the back of her hand. She clutched the sheets wishing this humiliation would pass soon enough.

Kimura's lips wrapped around the captain's clitoral shaft and sucked gently. Stars exploded in Riley's eyes. It felt so unbelievably insanely good that the captain was incapable of thinking in words. She bit her hand trying to blind herself to the heat in her crotch.

Pushing her face across the landing strip, Kimura slipped easily up to Riley's navel. It too felt amazing, until the wand, hanging from its short chain bounced into the Captain's pussy. The shock was sudden and powerful making Riley scream out. Kimura backed down, her lips finding cunt again. The sudden jolt had forced Riley up, making her look down her own naked body to the woman feeding on her. The image bothered Riley, she'd never been attracted to women, but Kimura knew exactly how to illicit every groan from the captain. The implants giving the lapping woman a huge sensory boost.

With a shuddering breath Riley begged, "Please don't do that again."

Kimura broke her kiss only long enough to answer, "Zed's orders."

Fuck, Riley thought, as she watched Kimura's face slide up her belly a second time. The pain was so sharp that Riley clutched at the sheets screaming for mercy.

Kimura did as she had been ordered, not by Riley, but Zed. There were enough licks to her clit to send Riley into orbit, only to be brought back down instantly with a shock from the controller. And she did so mercilessly. Back and forth, pleasure and pain, scream and sighs. The pleasure and pain mixed in, folded upon itself, became a dance that her body could not control.

When the captain was about to break down in tears, Kimura's face relaxed into her wet cunt. Her tongue worked overtime. And Riley felt all her muscles tensing. Everything snapped and Riley cried out as a flood of warmth gushed out of her. Kimura lapped hungrily riding her captain all the way from orbit to landing.

Riley lay panting, staring blankly up at the overhead listening to her own shuddering breaths. Without a word Kimura rose and left

One word echoed in Riley's mind... escape.

In the afterglow of her orgasm, Riley pushed herself up and went back into the shower. She left the head quickly and paced the cabin. She wanted to dress, but the only clothing available were Zed's dirty clothes. She'd look ridiculous walking down passageways trying to hold up his trousers.

Most of the crew would be pulling salvage from her wrecked ship. Now would be the perfect time to get to the bridge. With the ship landed, there was no reason other than maybe monitoring comms for anyone to be there.

The bridge would be secured though. She glanced around the room at the mess and state of disrepair. Maybe it wouldn't be secure. These raiders were lax in discipline. The ship was a disaster, and it looked to be about a half-decade old. On her Federation ship all the crew were identified by genetic markers. Each hatch could sniff out the beings trying to open and determine if they had access. She doubted this ship had that sophistication. She wondered if they even had basic security like key cards. If Kimura was delivering food, then access to the ship was probably not be restricted to anyone.

One problem at a time. The first objective was to find the bridge, learn the layout of the ship, and discover other essential key points. Engineering and armory were the next on her list.

She approached the exit hatch and stopped to look down at herself. Small gleaming silver hoops hung from each nipple. Simple metal hoops, no seems, no joints, no way to open or remove. Aside from the same type of earrings and another hoop through her clitoral shaft the rest of her was bare.

She took a breath and opened the hatch. Riley forced herself out into the hallway.

Padding down the corridors, she found herself slipping back into her role as captain, cataloging every deficiency she saw. She'd need a supercomputer to keep track of it all. Before she even got to the first junction she was overwhelmed by her own list.

When she'd been brought aboard, she hadn't been taken past the command center. If Zed was occupying the captain's cabin, the bridge wouldn't be far off.

She found a large hatch, bigger and more import-looking than the others, at what she hoped was the fore of the ship. Zed's room and the stairwell leading to the main deck were behind her down passageways towards the aft. She slapped the hatch control, and nothing happened. Either it was locked while the crew was all working or required a security device.

If the lock was simple and needed an access card, she had no idea where to find one. She'd gathered Zed's clothing back in his cabin and felt nothing like that. She hadn't searched thoroughly, but Zed didn't seem the type to be carrying access cards around. The thought of poking through the crew's bunks was not an appealing idea.

She remembered visiting her crew the day before. The raiders had taken her crew to the galley for fun and games. Most of the raiders had been in various states of undress. Maybe the galley would be in the same state? Perhaps a crewmember left trousers and keycard behind. She didn't like the idea of traveling to a lower, more populous deck, but she needed to access the bridge.

Padding back on bare feet Riley made it to the stairwell leading down. At the lower passageway she peeked around a bulkhead and saw empty corridors. The medical lab was nearby, from it she knew the galley was further up to the fore.

Throwing her shoulders back and walking tall Riley made her way down the corridor. Thankfully she was able to get all the way to the galley without seeing anyone. She slipped through the hatch into the cabin and saw that it was still in the disheveled state from the previous day.

Two crew members were eating, their heads turned, and they spotted her.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" a sharp faced and heavily tattooed human said.

The other raider was bulkier, wearing thick armor plates in dark rustic colors. His skin looked thick and rough, and was a hue of brown Riley had only seen in tree bark. "That must be the captain of the other crew. Heard Zed was keeping a tight leash on her."

They both stared as she stood naked at the hatch. Riley forced herself forward into the galley. She looked around and didn't see any of her crew. Clothes were discarded all over the deck. She stooped down and swept up a handful of clothing as the two men pushed their chairs back and stood.

Riley stopped and clutched the clothing to her chest as the two approached her.

"I can see why he's keeping her for himself." The tattooed human said. His gaze slid down then back up her body. She reflexively crossed her knees.

"And yet here she is in the galley turned playroom." The Pinaxion said. "Were you sent down here to entertain us?"

"I'm cleaning up after the... party." Riley explained. She was trying to walk a dangerous line of making it sound like she was under instruction from Zed without directly lying and saying so. If questioned later, she needed a reason for wandering the ship.

The human reached out and grabbed the bundle of clothing. "Come on sweets, let's see all of you."

Riley tried holding on, but the raider pulled the bundle away exposing her to him. As his eyes looked down at her she forced her hands to her sides.

"Inspect." The Pinaxion said.

Riley blinked at him.

"We just nabbed them yesterday," the human said, "I'm pretty sure they've all been too busy to learn any of the poses yet."

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