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Demon in Me

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An incubus invades a woman's dream.
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All characters are over 18.


Eva sleeps fitfully as the moon casts a cool glow on the surfaces of her bedroom. She's dreaming, likely of unpleasant things, and the creature in the darkest corner takes great delight in it. Anticipation sends a delightful shiver down his spine. A few more moments, and then he would strike.

The woman lightly groans and shifts to a new position in her bed as he begins walking over.

"Eva..." he whispers. "Eva..."

He caresses her face softly, the touch lighter than a feather. Eva's eyebrows furrow. A smirk flashes across his face and then he presses his index finger to her temple. Within seconds, he's in her dream with her, and finds that she's dreaming of her bedroom and the dark presence in it.

She's sitting at the head of her bed against the wall, blearily looking from the window to the dark corners of her room. The moon no longer shines- instead, it is replaced by a red aura. The air is damp and humid. Eva shifts under the thin sheet to lie down. Alarm causes shallow, quick breaths to heave from her chest and she scans the room with wide eyes.

"Hello?" Eva whispers, voice dripping with hesitation.

The creature smiles.

"Hello, dear Eva," he says in a deep voice, laced with honey.

She gasps and sits up. Her eyes land where he is sitting in the corner, but she can't quite discern his appearance.

"Who's there!" She demands, "What do you want?"

Eva reaches for her night stand and grabs out a taser, wielding it toward his corner of the room.

He laughs darkly, "You definitely won't be needing that, my dear."

"And why would that be?" her tone is defiant.

"Because," he purrs as he takes a few slow steps into the light, "I'm here to help."

She takes a few quick breaths, "What- what do you mean?"

"This-" gesturing to the red aura in the room, "is a very dismal dream you are having here. I'd love to make it a pleasant one."

"I'm dreaming?"

"Yes, dear."

"How are you going to make it pleasant?"

He steps to the end of her bed and leans over it, "I see you before you go to sleep sometimes, you know. I watch as you combust beneath your own touch and then immediately pray for forgiveness- reddening those pretty knees of yours just to be washed of any shame."

Eva gapes in slight horror. He had watched her? How many times? The presence this... man gives off is unsettling. She notices he's shirtless, but has jeans on. Instincts tell her she needs to run, now. More instincts tell her that she doesn't stand a chance if she runs. He'll catch her.

The person at the end of her bed quickly glances at the wooden cross above her bed, and if she hadn't been paying such close attention, she would've missed it.

"I'm going to please you, Eva. I'm going to help you relieve some tension- don't you want to sleep well?" He crawls onto her bed languidly.

Panic sends her scuttling closer to the wall, the man chuckles as she draws her sheet closer.

"That," he yanks the thin sheet from her hands, "won't help you much now, dear."

She whimpers and turns her head away from him as he nears, hovering inches from her face. His hands lightly fall upon her thighs.

"Dear Eva," he whispers as he nuzzles her neck, breathing in her scent.

"Please," Eva says.

"Please what?" he asks beneath dark, heavy eyelashes.

She realizes she's still holding the taser, and in a flash, she slams it against his ribcage and presses the button.


"Remember, dear Eva? This is just a dream. Nothing can hurt you, nothing can hurt me. Just a dream. Let me please you." he purrs.

Eva takes a deep breath and then looks at his face as the taser falls from her now limp hand. Freckles line his cheeks. A sharp nose sits above a beautifully pink mouth, and long blonde hair that remains dark a few inches from his roots cascades around his broad shoulders.

"Isn't it... a sin?"

"Is it?" he chuckles. "Just a dream, Eva. Just a dream."

As he quietly repeats that phrase, he nuzzles his lips along her jawline and trails a hand up to her waist. Her head falls to the side, slightly aware of the danger she feels from him, but more aware of the way her skin heats to his touch. Shouldn't she be more afraid? She doesn't know him... but then again, if this is just a dream, what harm could it be- especially with the way his touch makes her legs feel like jell-o.

"That's right, Eva, just a dream," he says as if he read her mind. Did he?

She startles, and begins to push him from her, but he's quite tall and quite strong. He leans farther into her, kisses the spot between her neck and her shoulder. It sends electricity coursing through her. She begins to feel breathless and a little dizzy.

"Are you doing this to me?" she asks as she closes her eyes.

"I am," he softly says, "and I'd like to do so much more."

Her eyes open again, and she spots the cross above her bed. Shame blushes her cheeks. Her strength momentarily returns, and she shoves him off of her. He's on his knees in front of her, taller than her.

"Eva," he groans as he grabs her ankle firmly, but gently, and yanks her down to him so that she lies on her back with him hovering just over her. "My beautiful sinner."

Her chest rises and falls rapidly as he slowly drags his fingers from her hand to her shoulder. A kiss plants her collarbone, and he moans deep in his throat as he uses his other hand to spread her thighs beneath him. The feeling of his hands warms her, makes her tense and relax all the same, and confuses her. She likes the feeling of him, is intrigued by the promise of pleasure. But she doesn't know him and still feels a tinge of fear. Just as she's about to speak or push him, he lightly bites her shoulder.

Any thought of denying him escapes her mind; the bite sends tingles jolting down to her groin and she wishes that he won't stop. Somehow, he knows to oblige, and bites her again, this time on her neck and slightly harder. He grabs her arm and brings it to his mouth. He licks her from her wrist to her palm. Then, he turns to her face and hesitates. She can feel his breath on her face. His eyes search her face before he inches closer. Her tongue darts to her lip, and he notices. His gaze is heated on her now. Their lips touch gently, curiously, for a just moment before he kisses her deeply. As their tongues touch, Eva moans lightly into his mouth, and it grants a noise from him in response.

The full weight of his body presses against her. She grasps his waist with one hand and fists his hair with the other. Uncertainty still brims in her brain, but how can she pull away from this now?

"You feel... wrong..." she groans.

He chuckles, "In a few moments, I'm sure you'll disagree."

He shifts his hips to let her feel the hardness under his pants. A light moan escapes her throat, and she grinds back against him before he dips his hand between them to rub over her lacy panties. Her legs involuntarily arch her hips to meet his touch. She grabs his hair harder as she drowns in his touch.

He breathes deeply against her neck and says between teasing bites, "You're so wet for me, Eva. Why would you deny yourself such pleasure?"

Eva glances down to his hand on her covered pussy and bites her lip. Why would she? Because she was a sinner, and can't she just ask forgiveness for her impure thoughts later?

"Of course you can," he grins wickedly.

She yanks his hair and forces him to look at her. He slows his lavishing caresses, but doesn't stop.

"How can you do that? What are you?" she demands.

He nips her bottom lip and says, "I am temptation."

Eva feels his fingers press firm against her entrance, still above her panties.

"I am," his tongue flicks inside her mouth and he grinds his cock against her, "your undoing."

Her breathing becomes faster, and he brushes his finger under the lining of her underwear, to tease her. A bite to her shoulder makes her gasp.

She feels him grab her panties and pull them off before she can protest. The cross above her bed suddenly flips upside down as if the top nail gave out, and she feels that wrongness again. He shuffles his pants off before she can notice.

"I am your demon," his eyes flash silver as she looks at him.

Panic boils in her chest while he softly teases her entrance, then lays his thumb against her clit and rubs slowly.

"I don't-"

"You do," he interrupts to encourage her.

She shakes her head. It feels too good, and she doesn't want to be damned, but she can't stop her pussy from soaking and she can't stop responding to his touch. Impure thoughts pervade her mind. Surely, she'll go to hell for this, for even thinking of letting the dream continue. The cross above her head is a strong inclination to what her savior currently feels about it.

"I," he grabs her face with a firm hand, "am your savior now, Eva. Think not otherwise."

Anger brews in his eyes as he grabs his cock to tease her pussy with it. He strokes his head from her clit down to her entrance a few slow times, and finally he taps her swelling clit with his cock.

"You feel my wrongness. You know my name. What is it?" he hoarsely demands of her.

Confusion furrows her brows, "I don't know you! I've never seen you before!"

"Oh, but you have. Many nights now. This is not our first encounter," his tongue flicks against her lips, asking for permission.

She grants it, accepts his kiss feverishly and hesitantly at the same time. Their tongues dance together. The kisses between them are like fire; passion swells. Eva grinds her pussy against his cock, and the more she tries to push herself onto him, the more he teases her by rubbing her and smacking her with his cock. She grabs his hair in both hands and whimpers.

"I thought you said you were here to pleasure me," she pants between kisses, "this is hell."

He darkly laughs, "No, no it isn't. And you can have exactly what you want when you give me what I want."

"I don't know your name!" she protests.

Suddenly, his hand is on her throat, lessening the blood flow through her veins.

"Yes, you do," he growls.

He licks her jawbone. As she's letting out a moan, he squeezes tighter and the noise becomes strangled. Images flash through her mind, things she can't imagine herself doing, much less with him, but then a name she's screamed out before rings in her ears like a memory. Because apparently, it was.

"F... Fha-" he squeezes Eva's neck harder.

"Almost got it, love, now hurry up and say it." his words demand while he darkly stares into her eyes.

"Fharon.." she whispers.

He leans closer to her with an angled head, "What's that?"

"Fharon." Her volume slightly increases.

"Can't quite hear you," Fharon's harsh voice declares.

"Fharon!" she yelps, his hand is squeezing much tighter by now, but she hasn't been paying attention because of the feeling of his cock pushing against her entrance.

The moment his name sweeps past her lips, he pushes his cock into her. Ecstasy jumbles her brain. She paws at his back, his shoulders, his wrists- desperate for something to hold onto as he rocks into her with slow and deliberate thrusts. His cock fits her perfectly.

Fharon pushes into her until he's bottomed-out, and slight moans sound like music to her ears as he holds himself above her. He trails his hand from her throat down to her thigh, then grabs her leg and hikes it over his shoulder. Her other leg ends up sitting right on his forearm, perfectly angled for him to keep fucking her hilt-deep. He slowly pulls his cock out until just the tip is in her, and then he pushes back in, harder and faster this time. His thrusts maintain this constant as Eva moans beneath him. She tries to hump back against him, but he places a hand on her stomach to keep her still.

"My beautiful sinner," he groans while he caresses her cheek with surprising gentleness.

This movement, this unity, it feels familiar to her now. She writhes under Fharon. The sensation of his touches and him being inside her are too much and not enough. She is drowning in the essence of him.

"Fuck, Fharon," she moans loudly as he withdraws his cock from her.

He stills. His eyes dart from her lips to her eyes, searching for the familiarity she feels, and then finding it, he grins like the devil.

Fharon grips her hips, hard. Eva has no time to process the change in his manner before he is ruthlessly pounding into her, using his hands to drag her onto him as he pushes into her. She grips the pillows above her head. They aren't enough stability, so she throws them to the floor. The headboard above her creaks as she grabs it, then uses the leverage to push harder against Fharon. His pace is quicker now, his thrust unrelenting, and he's biting his lip while the sound of their skin smacking together fills the dark, red-aired room.

Eva feels her groin tightening, she's going to cum soon. His cock drags in and out of her, the weight of him almost crushes her, and she gives up reciprocating thrusts to grab his neck and kiss him. He firmly grabs her hair as his tongue swirls against hers. The pain sends sparks of pleasure down to her pussy. Fharon then grabs her ass, and slows his thrusts. He slips his cock out but leaves his head snug against her entrance.

She lets out a whine of annoyance. Fharon traces his thumb on her bottom lip, and she opens her mouth for him, ready to take anything he gives her. Their eyes meet as she lightly sucks his thumb. A shuddering breath shakes his chest, he starts pushing his cock into her again, but only just the tip. He does it again, and again, and again. Just as she thinks he's finally going to thrust deep, he takes it away from her and lets his head fall back. His pretty hair falls from his shoulders. He lets out a long moan while he thrusts his head in and out of her pussy. Eva's frustration takes over and she bites his thumb. He swiftly removes his thumb to grab her jaw.

He teases her entrance, "Greedy, are we?"

Eva glares at him.

"Not just lust then, but gluttony, too? You're going to have to beg very hard for His forgiveness." Fharon snips at her.

Her face pales, "Isn't it just a dream?"

"Isn't it?" he teases, but the look of satisfaction in his eyes gives her the answer.

She struggles to sit up, but instead, Fharon uses her movement against her and flips her onto her stomach- not very gently. In one fluid motion, he wraps her hair in his hand and thrusts his cock deep and hard into her.

A startled gasp escapes her. His full weight is on her now, and she can feel his warm chest on her back. He palms one of her breasts in his hand while he bores his cock into her. He keeps thrusting, hard, in and out of her even as she tries to struggle beneath him. Each thrust into her pushes her deep into the mattress. Her breast in his hand is squeezed tightly, and he buries his face in her neck as he yanks her hair again. She moans beneath him.

"My beautiful sinner," he pants between thrusts.

Fharon's words make her shameful and wet at the same time; she grinds her ass against him now.

"Ah, ah, ah," she moans each time she feels his cock bottom out. She buries her face in the sheet as her groin tightens.

"Cum for me. Cum on my cock," Fharon orders.

He roughly grabs her ass, then slams his cock into her, hard. Her mind explodes, she bites her lip hard enough to draw blood, and her legs writhe beneath Fharon as she cums. He keeps fucking her, and now her mind is a jumbled mess. She's completely relaxed. A delighted chuckle escapes his throat.

"Beautiful sinner," he groans.

Her hair stays wrapped in his hand as he places his hand on the mattress, and then his other hand beside her face. She realizes he's angling himself to fuck her harder than he had already been. And it was pure bliss.

Fharon pistons into her the hardest she's ever been fucked, and with every ravaging thrust she's screaming into the sheet.

"Beautiful sinner," he groans again.

Each thrust pushes her body deep into the mattress, then bounces her back up to him as he shoves his cock in her. Eva hears him moaning with every movement. His breathing is hard and his thrusts are becoming frantic. Knowing he'll cum soon, she waits for him to shift his arms again. As soon as he does, she swiftly swings her legs out from beneath him and manages to push herself off the bed. She takes one step before his arm grabs the back of her neck and he's behind her, bending her over the side of the bed.

"Think you can just run after teasing a demon, dear Eva? I was at my edge too, you know. Don't I deserve to get off after making you feel so good?" Fharon rubs her pussy while teasing his cock at her entrance.

His face is pressed against her cheek, muffling his voice, "You feel so fucking good. I know you feel the same. I'm going to keep fucking you. Every night in your sleep, I'm going to meet you in your dreams and I'm going to make you feel so fucking good you wake up screaming my name, got it?"

His words sound like honey to her, her brain remains fuzzy as if hypnotized. She manages a nod, pushing back against his cock before he begins pushing into her. She wanted it, too, and if playing this game would make this happen again, she'd play.

Fharon slowly pushes himself into her, but she becomes impatient and slams herself back onto him. He moans. She rocks herself back and forth, loving the feeling of his legs nestled behind hers, loving the feeling of his fingers on her clit, loving the feeling of his balls smacking her. He pushes her farther into the bed so her face and hands are on the mattress, displaying her like a feast for him. He pounds into her, gripping her hips roughly enough to leave bruises in the morning. If this weren't a dream, there would be, anyways.

It doesn't take him long to build back up to his release, and right before he cums, he shoves her wholly onto the bed and bites her shoulder. Eva cries out, pleasure and pain mixing to create ecstasy. She feels his cock pulse inside her as he cums, painting her pussy with his semen. He slowly grinds against her as they manage to control their breathing back to normal.

Fharon slides off of her and grins with a wink as she turns to look at him, "Better get to praying."

With that, he vanishes. She looks around the room, alarm now coursing through her blood. The moonlight is no longer red, it's the regular blue. The cross is upside-down, somehow still swinging. The sheet she tried to cover herself with is on the floor. Her eyes slowly drag to the clock. Three in the morning. Didn't people call that the witching hour?

She shakes her head and mutters, "Just a dream."

A panic attack wells up inside her as her knees hit the floor beside her bed, creating a thump that echoes through the room. Just a dream, she keeps telling herself. Then why couldn't she shake this feeling of dread, and wasn't the room red before? Shivers wrack her body as she frantically prays.

And somewhere- deep, down below where her knees beg for retribution, a devil laughs.

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DEGEDEGE9 months ago

Loved the way you managed her religious based reluctance and her inner lust. Would love to see a sequel to this. Also showing real marks or even cum when she wakes up would be a mind blowing touch. Will she get pregnant from him? How would she feel about that?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please write more wowww

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Holy (pun intended) Fuck, that was hot.

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