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Demon Seed Pt. 02

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Demon cums back for the entire family to bear its children.
16.2k words
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 12/15/2023
Created 10/31/2023
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Codes: MC, Inc, FF, Oral, MF, anal,first,MDom, Bond,spank,MMF,M+F, Voy,MM Preg, Birth, Fant

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, all characters portrayed are 18 years or older

It was a cloudy Friday night about 11pm it had been three weeks had since Mr. and Mrs. Wallace had been raped and impregnated and forced to bear the demons children. The tattoos on their stomachs had almost completely faded away along with the memories of that night and life was slowly getting back to normal. All of a sudden the lights in the living room went out and when they came back on standing in the middle of the living room was another red demon. The first demon was some kind of women demon. This time it's a male demon. Before Mrs. Wallace could scream or run out of the room the demon motioned them to sit down and be quiet. Just like before they obeyed the demon immediately and without hesitation.

The demon walks over and sits in the chair. Speak. What do you want from us? Mr. Wallace asks. When my sister was here the last time she told you that she had a very large family and would either be coming back or sending some of her brother and sisters so we can join in on the fun and help our family grow. Since she couldn't make it this time here I am. As far as my name you couldn't pronounce it anyway you will just call me MASTER! Yes Master they both reply with their heads bowed down. First my pets what are your names Mr. Wallace replies my name is Howard and this is my wife Sarah. Now my sister tells me you have 3 children that she did not have a chance to meet. No Master please take us again we will gladly bear more of your children if that is your wish. But PLEASE leave our children alone! Sarah screams out. This is the LAST time I will repeat myself! What are your children's names and how old are they?

Master Dale is our son, and he is 20 years old and just came to visit us from collage. Tracey and Yvette are our daughters they have just turned 18. Sarah are they twins? Yes Master they are fraternal twins. Pity I like fucking identical twins. Sarah go and get them NOW! PLEASE Master take us again. Please leave our children alone! Go get them NOW and bring them to your bedroom! With her head hung down Sarah whispers Yes Master and leaves the room. The demon and Howard go to the bedroom a moment later Sarah and the three kids enter the bedroom. Because it was so late everyone were in their pajamas.

Nice very nice the demon says while looking over his new playthings one of the bad things about being a demon from hell is that we can only come out at night to play. What that means is all of our fun has to be done before the sun comes up. But don't worry my pets sunrise tomorrow is at 6:38 am and that leaves us over seven hours for me to get acquainted with each of you. You will also get a chance to get to know each other much much better. Sarah and Howards head snapped up when they heard that last statement. Master what you mean we'll get to know each other better.

Well, my pets besides me fucking all of you so you can bear my children you will be fucking each other. Please Master their just babies my husband and I will gladly get fucked by you in any way you desire and bear your children just please spare our children. Tell me my pet have you ever had a fantasy about fucking your daughters? Yes Master I have. What about you have you ever fantasized about fucking your son? Yes Master I have. What would you rather have? Me fucking your children and taking their virginity or would you rather fulfill your fantasy's and fuck them yourselves? I would rather take my daughters virginity Master. Howard replies. I want to fulfill my fantasy about fucking my son Master.

GOOD! Here is where the fun begins first I will be asking all of you questions that you MUST tell me the truth no matter what! If you try not to answer or try to lie it will cause you great pain. Do you all understand? The Wallace family all mumble yes. I can't hear you and you will look at me at all times. Do you all understand? This time all five looked up and in a loud clear voice they answered yes Master.

The demon starts the questing with Sarah. Have you ever been with a woman? No Master other than the other demon have you ever been with another man? No Master. Were you a virgin when you married your husband? Yes Master. Did you lose your virginity on your wedding night? Yes Master. Very interesting. Have you ever been fucked in the ass? No Master but I want to be. I have tried to get Howard to fuck me in the ass, but he never has. Howard Yes Master. Why have you never fucked your wife in the ass even though she wanted you to? I think she has a great ass, but I think of it as an out not an in Master. Tonight, you will be fucking someone in the ass. If that is your wish Master. Sarah do you have any other sexual fantasies that you have never acted upon? Yes Master. Excellent tell me about them. Master I want to be fucked by three men at the same time I want one cock in my mouth one in my pussy and the biggest one rammed up my virgin ass. Well Sarah we will see what we can do to make your fantasy into a reality. Thank you Master.

Yvette and Tracey witch one of you is older. Yvette responds I was born two minutes after Tracey Master. Yvette are you a virgin? Yes Master. Has anyone ever seen you naked? Yes Master. Who Yvette. When I was younger my mother would see me naked when she would give me a bath. No not your mother. Now that I am growing up when I go in for my yearly physical my doctor seen me naked and just last month I went to see my mom's OBGYN for the first time for a checkup. No, I am talking about doctors. I am talking about someone who wants to FUCK YOU. No Master.

Have you ever kissed a boy? Yes Master. Who and when? About a month ago I was invited to my friends Shelly's birthday party and we played spin the bottle in her basement. Did the boy French kiss you? What is a French kiss Master? It is when the boy sticks his tongue in your mouth. No Master when he tried to do that I ended the game. Has any boy ever touched your body? No Master when Rick was trying to kiss me he tried to grab my breast, but I pushed him away.

Have you ever been with a woman? No Master. Have you ever given a blowjob or a hand job? I don't think so Master what is that? A blowjob is when you take the cock in your mouth and play with it with your tongue and a hand job is when you jerk the boy off with your hand. No Master. Do you enjoy playing with yourself? Oh Yes Master. Is your pussy clean shaven? No Master. Sarah take Yvette into the bathroom and shave her pussy as smooth as a baby's bottom yours too if you have any hair down there. Yes Master replies Sarah and she takes Yvette hand, and they leave the room.

Tracey, Yes Master, Are you a virgin? Yes master. Like I asked your sister has anyone other than your mother or doctor ever seen you naked? Yes Master. Really we will get to that in a moment. Have you ever given a blowjob or a hand job? No Master. Have you ever been with a woman? Yes Master. Is that who has seen you naked? Yes Master. Who were you with and when? I was with the cheerleading coach Master.

Last month while we were getting ready for the varsity homecoming game I pulled my calf muscle and the coach told me to go to her office and after practice was over she would take a look at my calf. Go on. I was sitting in a chair when she came in. She had me take off my sneakers and socks and had me lay on my stomach on the training table. What were you wearing? I had my gym shorts and my cheerleader's sweater on Master. Ok what happened next remember go slowly and don't leave a single detail out. Yes master.

The door opened and Sarah and Yvette came in from the bathroom. Are both of your pusses shaved as smooth as a baby's bottom? Yes master replied Sarah. Do you want to see them Master? No not yet I'm glad your back you can hear the story of Tracey and the cheerleading coach. Master she was with the cheerleading coach. Let's listen to the rest of the story and find out.

Go ahead Tracey continue. Yes Master. First she put some kind of jelly on her hands then she started to rub my calf. After a few minutes the gel started to get warm then even thought it was just my left leg she started to rub my right leg as well. What were you feeling at that time? Close your eyes and remember every touch every feeling. Yes Master. I started to get this funny tingly feeling in my pussy and started to move my hips around. She moved her hand up my legs until she got to my butt.

What were you feeling and thinking at this time. My pussy was driving me crazy and my nipples felt like there were going to explode. What I was thinking is that I think is happening am I being seduced but the cheerleading coach. Did you want her to seduce you? Yes MASTER I had never felt like this before even when I played with myself. She stopped massaging my butt and helped me turn over on my back she reached up and pulled off my shorts. What were you wearing under the shorts? A pink thong that was soaking wet and riding up into my pussy and rubbing against my clit.

What happened next? She pulled me to the edge of the table and pulled my thong off and started to lick my pussy. She then reached up and started to play with my tits through my cheerleading sweater. Since I was not wearing a bra and the sweater was very thick and I wanted to feel her hands on my bare breasts especially my nipples which were so hard they felt like they were going to explode. I stopped her long enough to reach down and pull off my sweater. What size are your tits. They are a full 34B Master. Yvette what size are your tits? They are a 35B Master.

Continue, Well she is licking and chewing my pussy and pinching my nipples and I had the most intense orgasm. So much so that I sprayed my cum out of my pussy like I was water fountain.

I meant to ask what the teacher's name is. Miss Garcia Master. No her first name. Lisa Master. So Lisa helps me to stand up witch was hard to do. Why was it hard? Well after that incredible orgasm my knees were a little weak. Yes I understand continue. Master she took off her clothes and shows me how to eat pussy. What does she look like? She is about 5'10" 36 full C breasts and when she gets excited her nipples look like pencil erasers. She is the coach for the girls' basketball team as well as the swim team.

She has absolutely no body fat and a ripped body. Ripped not like a body builder but a fitness model. What color is her hair? She has honey blonde hair. Master. Is it natural? How would I know Master? Is the hair on her pussy the same color as on her head? I don't know master her pussy does not have any hair on it. You mean she shave's her pussy? I guess so Master.

That's when Lisa leans down and brushes her lips with mine. That was the first time I had ever kissed a woman that way. It was feather soft. I was paralyzed I did not know what to do but luckily she did. She sprang at me with her mouth her lips parted her tongue pushing into my willing mouth and once it was inside I could feel it probing looking for my tongue. I like the way it felt.

I wanted more. As I pulled her to me her kiss became demanding. I was kissing her back now I was sticking my tongue into her mouth while she sucked on it. All this time Lisa's hands were holding my head and running her fingers through my hair. Now her hands moved slowly toward my breasts. I arched up to meet her fingers as they came into contact with my erect nipples. She rolled them between her fingertips softly so as not to hurt me.

Her lips touched mine again before her head moved down to my breasts. I could not wait to feel her lips on my nipples sucking them biting them making love to them. She was going slowly tormenting me making me ache with desire. When she finally got there she started to lick suck blow on my nipple. I began to moan and beg for more. She pulled back my nipples were harder than they have ever been before and my pussy was dripping with desire.

Now you do me. I looked at her tits not as I had looked at other women's tits in the past but as a lover. I couldn't wait to feel her tits taste her tits. Make love to her tits. I could feel her nipples stiffen under my touch. It was exciting that I was able to bring her pleasure. Harder she demanded as I pinched and pulled her nipples. I finally bent down and put my mouth on her nipple and gave it a tentative lick than a bite. She groaned twisting her body pushing her nipple harder into my mouth. I was anxious to feel her pussy for the first time but I wanted her to take the initiative and teach me.

Moving her mouth to my ear she whispered "I am going to lick your sweet cunt baby. I'm going to make you cum harder than you ever have before" I was ready. Not only was I ready but I wanted this more than I ever wanted anything in my whole life. Her hand moved down my belly her fingers pulling off my thong that were so wet that you could see and smell my desire. Moving down her hand pressed against my pussy. I felt her fingers make contact with my clit. She rolled it pulled it lightly and flicked it back and forth.

Just like she had done with my nipples. The only difference was the results. "Eeeeeeeeeeee" I squealed out in joy as I had my first ever vaginal orgasm from a women washed over her. She slipped a finger into me once she saw how wet and ready I was she followed it with two more. My hips bucked and shimmered along to her rhythm. Spread your legs she demanded I want to see your cunt! I was more than happy to respond to her command. Spread you pussy lips. I reached down and spread my lips are far as I thought they could go. Wider! So I reached down took a set of lips in each hand and spread them so wide I thought I was going to tear my flesh. Good!

You want me to eat your pussy don't you? Yes Has any women ever had their tongue in your pussy before? No! You are the first woman I have ever been with. After I am done with you will eat my pussy. Yes. She put a towel under my head so I could watch her slide her hand up my thighs and spreading my legs even more. Her fingers explored my cunt moving in and out with amazing speed causing me to cum again. "Oh thank you!" I squealed, "That felt so gooood! Please make me cum again!" I pleaded.

I watched as her mouth got closer and closer to my pussy. Then I felt it her hot breath on my cunt. Her tongue so soft moved around my pussy teasing me by flicking just the tip around my pussy. Reaching down I took her head in my hands I guided her to my pussy to give me the release that I so desperately needed.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity she began to lap and slurp my pussy. She flicked my clit back and forth like she had done with my nipples. She seemed to sense my need to cum she let me grind my pussy against her face. Her tongue increased its speed and pressures she than slid her finger into my pussy and found my g spot. The results were much more dramatic. "Aaaeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" I squealed in glee as the orgasm washed over me. I needed a couple of minutes to catch my breath.

She slid one of her finger into me and started to move it and out. I started to move my hips in time to her trusts and she added a second then a third finger. Once she hit my special spot I came all over her hand. When she pulled it out she did something so sexy I almost came again. She licked her hand clean. Then she leaned down and gave me a deep kiss that I never wanted to end. Why would I? I could taste myself on her lips.

Are you ready to return the pleasure my love? Yes!! Lisa got out from between my legs and climbed on top of me. She turned around and knelt over me giving me an eyeful of her pussy. I reached up and ran my finger from the bottom to the top of her sweet pussy. I could not believe how wet it was. Just to see what would happen I pushed my finger into her asshole. Owe she squealed in surprise and a little bit of pain! If you're going to play with my asshole you need to make sure that your finger is wet. I pushed my finger in and out of her wet pussy getting it good and wet so I could play with her asshole.

When I got to the top of her pussy I rolled her clit between my fingers just like she had done to me. OOOOHHHHH You are a fast learner. Now I put my finger against her asshole and pushed. Enough for now I want you to eat my pussy. Slowly lowered her pussy towards my eager mouth. Just as it was about to make contact with my tongue she pulled up. Hey don't tease me. Sorry I could not help myself. That's ok don't do it again. To make a better point I gave her a little love bite on her thigh.

Finally, she lowered herself onto my eager tongue. I wanted to taste her lick her make her come. I slipped my tongue out to lick her as she ground her pussy against my month and tongue. Reaching up I grabbed her ass and pulled her tighter against my tongue. How do you like your first taste of pussy? Lisa asked!

"Hmm hmmmn Hmmm!" I tried to answer but couldn't. "Well I'm sorry, I forgot, you've got a mouthful of my sweet little pussy at the moment making it impossible for you to say anything.

I started to tenderly lick her pussy savoring the taste. Her leg began to tense up and I instinctively knew that she was getting ready to come. I sucked her clit into my mouth and rolled my tongue around it. Her body now began to shimmer and shake. She couldn't get enough of her cunt getting eaten. Her mouth is hanging open drool dripping down her mouth unable to scream for the feeling coming from her pussy being eaten so well.

She's gripping her breasts and tweaking her nipples but that's all she can do right now it seems. Both our bodies were starting to glisten with sweat. Her pussy began jack hammering against my mouth her juices were running down my chin when it happened. She had her biggest orgasms yet a loud, squealing orgasm that had her whole body shaking as if she were the epicenter of an earthquake. Baby you were wonderful.

I have never cum like that with someone who was with a woman for the first time. Thank you I had a great teacher. Honey I want to 69 you. What is a 69? We lay on top of each other my pussy in your face and your pussy in my face. That sound like fun. It wasn't long before the women were moaning and groaning in delight. So with my face in Lisa's pussy they start to go at it Lisa's head is bobbing like a piston in a racing engine and I have my arms around Lisa's waist so she can keep her mouth locked on her pussy.

All of a sudden I come first and you can see my cum spraying from my pussy all over Lisa's face and chest. My mouth is working on Lisa's pussy as her hips wiggled and humped in delight. Since this is my first time with a woman it takes me a little longer to get her off but she finally gets Lisa to cum. As we lay there in each other arms Lisa asks me what I thought about making love to a woman. Your softer than a man but when I cum with a man it's an inner orgasm where with you its more an outer orgasm. She agreed and told me the next time she'll bring some toys I couldn't wait for her to teach me.

We went to it for over an hour by than it was getting late so we stopped took a shower and I came home. When was the last time you were with Lisa. Last week Master. But she wanted to fuck me with a strap on when I told her I wanted to save my virginity until my wedding night we got into an argument and I have not talked to her since. That was a great story I can see we are going to have a lot of fun together. Maybe when I come back we can call Lisa and have her come over and put on a lesbian show with you. I hope so Master. Is your pussy clean shaven. Yes Master. Lisa does not like a hairy pussy.

Ok Dale your turn. Are you a virgin? Yes Master. Have you ever touched a girl? Yes Master. I kissed a girl my girlfriend Katy at the school dance. Did you use your tongue? No Master. Other than kissing Katy have you ever touched any other girl. Yes Master. I have held hands with a girl. NO HAVE YOU EVER TOUCHED A GIRL SEXUALLY? No Master. Have you ever touched another boy? No Master. Have you ever wanted to? I don't know Master I have never really thought about it.

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