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Demon Seed Pt. 02


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She just knew how to respond, as her tongue was now dueling with her mothers, going back and forth from her mouth to her mother's mouth. Her hand naturally went down to her mother's breast and started to play her erect nipple. The creature, smiling at them, "Now, for the fun part." Everybody gather around and watches as your mother give birth. With that, the demon snaps its fingers, and the mark on her belly begins to glow a bright red. Immediately after, she can feel the telltale stirring of life within her body. All of a sudden her stomach started to grow. Bigger and bigger it looks like she is going to burst.

Aaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh! Now start to push!!! All of a sudden you see the smallest patch of red getting bigger and bigger. Push slut push!! Aaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh! YES MASTER Sarah screams!!!!!! The head comes out then the shoulders. Push SLUT!!!! Yes Masttttttteerrrrr!! Then the rest of the demons child comes out in a spray of fluid. The demon reaches down and picks up his evil offspring. Pick your mother and put her in the chair. Yes Master. Yvette and Tracey get clean sheets for the bed. Yes master.

Now who's next one of the men, I think. Since my sister had the pleasure of fucking you up the ass Howard, I think I will start with Dale. Master. Yes Dale. Before you fuck me in the ass may I please suck your cock? I have NEVER thought about sucking a man's cock before but I can't control the urge. Please master may I lose my oral virginity to your cock. Plus, master it will help lube it up before you shove it in my virgin ass. Dale that is a great idea, but I have to tell you if I cum in your mouth you will have my child in your stomach and you will never survive that birth.

Dale starts by licking the head, almost like a lollipop, savoring its taste. He uses his free hand to play with the demons balls, eliciting a groan of approval from the demon. He runs his tongue up and down his prick, making it shine with his spit. He slowly makes his way back to the tip of the dick, savoring every pulsing vein on the demons dick. He takes him into his mouth and deep throats the demons dick, enjoying every sensation it gives him.

You are a natural born cock sucker Dale you can give lessons on how to suck a dick. Isn't that correct Dale?" "Hmm hmmmn Hmmmm!" he tried to say but couldn't. "Well, I'm sorry, I forgot, you've got a mouthful of my dick. All this time he has kept bobbing his head on the demons dick. His face scrunches up, and he can feel the dick get bigger in his mouth as it gets ready to shoot. "That's enough of that now; Dale backs off the demons dick.

Ok Dale let's get to the main event. Get your ass in the air. Yes Master. The demon takes its dick well lubed with Dale's salvia and pushes into his asshole. The demon slowly pushes past the sphincter muscle into Dale's virgin asshole. As the demons head popped in, he screamed out in excruciating pain from the six plus inch wide head stretching his tight, tiny sphincter to its very limits. Dale's hands are twisting and turning the sheets in agony as his once normal asshole is stretched beyond capacity.

Oh no! Please it's too big! Take it out! PLEEEAAASSSE MASTER!!!!You're ripping me in half! The teenager screamed out knowing that the demon couldn't possibly care about the pain it was causing. Dale was grunting with each inward slam of the demons' hips. The stretching pain subsided as his ass got used to the girth and length of the enormous prick that was impaling him and pulling out until just the huge head of his massive prick was still inside of him.

Once Dale got use to fucking, he was getting and too everyone's surprise including the demon Dale starts to move his hips to the demons thrusts into his once virginal ass. When the demon finally bottoms out, even Dale is surprised at how good it feels to be so full of dick. Seeing Dale settle down, the demon gives his ass a good slap I knew you'd love it slut. You'll love what comes later too.

The demon pulls out of Dale's ass-cunt, and pumps it back in, getting a groan from the person the ass-cunt is attached to. The demon slowly gets a rhythm going fucking the hell out of Dale. "FUCK ME MASTER!!!! OHH GODDD!!!!!" The demon stops in mid stroke slaps Dale so hard on his ass that you can see a red claw/handprint. DON"T USE THAT NAME T IN MY PRESENCE!!!!!!! Sorry Master.

The creature picks up its pace, trying to pump its load into its next vessel tonight. Dale's dick is steel and has a trail of pre-cum dripping onto the bedspread, begging to be touched. In an instant, Dale feels the dick in his ass get larger, and he knows what's coming. Don't touch your dick I am going to be the only one CUMMING tonight. The animal like screams of the demon can be heard as it pumps it's cum deep into Dale's ass. You are one fine fuck. Thank you, Master.

The demon snaps its fingers again, and the marks on Dale's belly begin to glow a bright red. Immediately after you could start to see Dale's stomach start to grow. In just a few minutes Dale looked like he had a huge beer belly."Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"He screamed out in pain, his entire body jerking and spamming from involuntary muscle movements caused by the creature that was growing inside him. He gripped his growing belly as it expanded to a size he never thought possible for a man to grow to.

In a matter of minutes, Dale looked to be full term, and he knew it was time to push. He felt the urge to take a shit, and then a searing pain in his asshole. Almost be instinct, he pulled his knees to his chest, trying to get the thing inside him out. The demon appeared at Dale's side, "You know, I never tire of seeing men giving birth to my bastard children through their asshole. The demon child's head appeared at the Dale's asshole, just a little red skin visible. The creature smiling at seeing this, "Come on now, it's just like taking a shit. Besides, I was kind to you after all; I could have knocked you up without stretching your ass on my pole." So, Dale reaches around his huge belly and grabs under his knees and pushes the rest of the demons child out of his ass in a flood of blood and fluid. Howard Yes Master. Pick up Dale and put him next to his mother so he can watch the rest of the show. Yes Master.

Yvette, Yes Master. Change the sheets and when you are done get on the bed your next. Oh, thank you Master!!! Master Yes Yvette. I found out something about myself today. I LOVE PAIN!! Please Master do whatever you want to me just make it HURT. Yvette my pet there is something about me that I had not told you yet. What is that Master? I can control the size of my dick. I am going to give you a gift, Yvette. You are going to tell me when my dick is big enough for me to fuck you with. Oh, THANK YOU MASTER!!!!

Now watch closely and his cock starts to glow and while its glowing it starts to grow 12 inches 13,14, 15. Stop Master. That's long enough. Can you make it thicker Master? I knew you were going to be the fun one. But of course, my pet. Just watch 2 inches 3, 4, 5, 6 Stop Master. Now the demon is standing there with 15 in dick that is a thick as a soda can sticking straight out in front of Yvette. What do you think of this Yvette. Mastering it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Please Master FUCK ME!!!!!! Yvette lies down on the bed and spreads her legs and starts to finger fuck herself. Move your hand out of the way NOW! The head of the demons cock is larger than Yvette's fist. Since Yvette had just lost her virginity to her father a few hours earlier the demon had to force the head past her tight pussy lips.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed out in pain, her entire body jerking and spamming from involuntary muscle movements caused by her pussy being stretched. Since her pussy was so tight the demon had to keep pulling back and ramming it back in. Come on MASTER, bottom out in me. I want to feel your head in my womb.

The demon leans down to kiss Yvette, and the creatures tongue snakes out, and massages her tongue, making her body shudder from the feeling. Finally the demon has his entire dick buried into Yvette's once virginal pussy 18-year-old pussy. FUCK ME HARDER MASTER!!!!! Make it HURT!! Pinch my nipples!!!! Slap my face. Do whatever you want just to make sure it hurt.

The demon stops with his prick buried to its balls and takes Yvette's legs from around its waists and put them over its shoulders. He then put all of his weight on her until her feet were behind her head. Yes MASTER FUCK ME!!! Slap my ass!!!! The demon started slapping her ass so hard that he left big red claw/handprints all over her ass. HARDER MASTER FUCK ME HARDER!!!!!!! All of a sudden the demon doubled the speed of his thrusts. YYYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!! Cum in me!! Give me your demon seed!!!!! Again the animal like screams of the demon can be heard as it pumps it's cum deep into Yvette's pussy.

For the third time that night the demon snaps its fingers again, and the mark on Yvette's belly begins to glow a bright red. Immediately after you could start to see her stomach start to grow. In just a few minutes Yvette had a huge belly."Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"She screamed out not in pain, but pleasure. Master I LOVE the feeling of your child growing inside me. I NEVER want this feeling to eeeeeeennnnnddddd!!!! Yvette's stomach had stopped growing and she knows it's time for her to give birth to the demons child.

Oh MOMMY I'm scared!! Master May I go to my daughter and help her through this. Yes. Oh thank you master. I'm right here baby. Take my hand. OOOOOOOHHHHHH it hurts mommy it HHHHHUUURRRTSSSS!!!!! OK baby when you feel the baby start to move down. Take a deep breath and push. I can feel it moving down. Take a deep breath and squeeze my hand a push. Aaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh! Baby you're doing great I can see the top of its head starting to come out. OK another deep breath and push. Aaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh! Keep pushing baby the head is almost out! Aaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh! Ok baby the head and shoulders are out one more push should do it. Ok mommy GGGGGGRRRRRR!!! The demons evil spawn comes out in a flood of blood and other gross fluids. The pain was so intense that Yvette passed out. Dale Yes Master. Pick up your sister and put her in the chair. Yes Master. This bed is getting gross Howard flip it over and Sarah put clean sheets on it. Yes Master they both reply.

Howard did you think that I forgot about you. No Master. Ok Howard it's your turn. Yes Master. Master yes Dale. The sun will be rising in a few hours; I thought you might want to know. Thank you my pet keep me updated my children and I have to be out of here before the sun rises. Ok Howard get that sweet ass of your up in the air. Yes Master. Master are you going to lube your cock before you fuck me in my ass. Of course my pet.

Thank you Master. The demon gets on the bed behind Howard spits into it hand and lubes up its dick. Reach back and spread em. Yes Master. Howard has no way of disobeying any command that the demon gives him. So he reaches back grabs both cheeks of his ass and spreads then so the demon can fuck him in the ass. Master, Yes my pet. Please put some more lube on. Why my pet. Your cock is so much bigger than your sisters I am afraid of it ripping my asshole. Because you asked nicely my pet I will. Oh THANK YOU MASTER.

The demon spits on Howard's asshole and Howard screams "it burns get it off it burns"!! Of course my pet when used as a lube there is no pain but when it is applied directly to the skin it burns until it cums in contact with my skin. The demon puts the head of his cock against Howard's asshole and starts to push. Howard was grunting with each inward slam of the demons hips. The stretching pain subsided as his ass got used to the girth and length of the enormous prick that was impaling him.

He was moaning and groaning and grunting, as if she were a bitch in heat as the demon slammed his huge cock in and out of his ass. As the demon pounded his ass at a remarkably rapid pace, he attempted to keep up with it humping his ass as fast as he could back at the demon. That's it my pet keep that hot ass moving. Yes Master Howard panted. For the fourth time that night the demons high pitched wail rings out as it cums into Howard's ass.

The demon snaps its fingers again, and the mark on Howards belly begins to glow a bright red. Immediately after you could start to see his stomach start to grow. In just a few minutes his slightly hairy belly started to look like he had a beer-belly, but they knew better than that. As it got bigger, Howard could feel it moving, like a woman would a normal child, except there was nothing normal about this child. He gripped his growing belly as it expanded to sizes, he never thought possible for a man. In a matter of minutes, Howard looked to be full term, and he knew that it was time to push. He felt the urge to take a shit, and then a searing pain in his asshole. Almost be instinct, he pulled his knees to his chest, trying to get the thing inside him out.

The demon appeared at Howard's side, "You know, I never tire of seeing men giving birth to my bastard children through their asshole. The demon child's head appeared at the man's asshole, just a little red skin visible. The creature smiling at seeing this, "Come on now, it's just like taking a shit. Besides, I was kind to you after all; I could have knocked you up without stretching your ass on my pole." He screamed out as his anal cavity was stretched to accommodate the body of the brat in his belly. "Ohhh, the head's out hubby," the creature said clapping its hands proudly, "Now for the rest slut." Screaming at the top of his lungs, he pushed out the rest of the creature's offspring onto the bed covers. Clapping loudly, the demon speaks again, "Very well-done hubby. And look at that, your asshole is so big I think I could fit a few fists up there. Hehe, it kind of gives a new name to the 'Grand Canyon' joke doesn't it.

Master, Yes Dale the sun is going to start to rise in about 2 hours. Thank you my pet that still gives me plenty of time to fuck your sister Tracey. Yes Master. It's your turn so get on the bed. Yes Master. Tracey walks slowly over to the bed. Dale Yes Master. Before your sister gets on the bed flip it over and put on clean sheets. Flip the mattress over I don't want to fuck in that mess. Yes Master. Sarah put my child down and once Dale flipped the mattress put on clean sheets. Yes Master. Tracey Yes Master.

You are the last one of your family that I get to fuck tonight. Is there anything that you want me to do to you? Yes Master. What is it my pet. I have been watching you flick your tongue all night and I was wondering what it would feel like in my pussy. That sounds like fun my pet. Lay down and spread your legs. Yes Master. The demon leans down and kisses Tracey, and the creature's 6-inch tongue snakes out, and massages her tongue, making her body shudder from the feeling. Nature takes over, as her tongue was now dueling with his, going back and forth from her mouth to his.

The demon breaks off the kiss and starts to lick its way down her body. At Tracey's breasts the demons tongue comes out and squeezes her breast like a hand. The demons tongue wraps around her nipple and starts to play with her nipples, pinching, twisting, and pulling on them. After a few minutes of playing with Tracey's tits the demon starts down her body to her waiting pussy. As the demon starts to eat her out,

Tracey began whining and moaning in obvious pleasure. Her body was trembling and her hips seemed to have a mind of their own as they ground onto the demon's mouth while rotating in small circles. She bucked and humped back against the demon's mouth. Tracey was whining and groaning as her orgasm approached leaving no doubts that she was certainly enjoying having her pussy eaten. The demon was able to shove its tongue up her pussy and actually fuck her like it was a dick. Tracey was really squirming now as the demons tongue rapidly fucked her love tunnel.

Just before the demon finished eating out of her cunt, Tracey had one her biggest orgasms ever, a loud, squealing orgasm, that had her whole body shaking as if she were the epicenter of an earthquake. Since her arousal level was already at a very high point, by the time she caught her breath, she was on the verge of yet another orgasm. She bucked and humped against the demons tongue.

Master you need to be back in hell before the sun rises that is going to be in an hour and a half. The demon pulls out of Tracey's pussy the demons face covered in her cum. Thank you my pet let's get to the main event. Tracey is laying on her back she is covered in sweat from all the orgasms that the demon gave her with its tongue. She is so out of it that it looks like she doesn't have a bone in her body. Her eyes are glazed and her mouth is hanging open. Since the demon doesn't like to fuck someone who can't fuck back he gives her little wake up slap.

That starts to bring her back into focus but not fast enough. Howard! Yes Master go get a glass of water. Yes Master. Master instead of water I got some smelling salts so we could wake her up and not waste time having to put dry sheets on the bed. Very good my pet, wake her up. He puts the smelling salts under her nose and that gets and gets her up. Well my pet we can't have you sleeping through me fucking you and you giving birth to my children. No Master Tracey replies still not fully awake yet. Tracey was sexually exhausted from the warming up but her cunt was totally prepared for anything. It was as wet as a swamp.

Yes Master. Spread your legs and put one of the pillows under your hips. Yes Master. Because this pushed her pussy up he was able to angle his dick in such a way that it rubbed over Tracey's clit as he pressed in and pulled out keeping her love button in such a high state of arousal that she would cum multiple times before he blew his load into them. Because his prick was so gargantuan it also massaged her g-spot as it sawed in and out of her without him doing anything special and then because his cock was so long it touched places inside of her that set off her arousal/response system.

Tracey was no different than any other thousands of woman the demon has fucked and soon had her cuming on the end of his cock. The more wildly her hips slammed back at the cock impaling it and the more intensely her cunt milked at the cock fucking her. The demon had turned the teenage girl into little more than a fuck toy. Although she had just lost her virginity to her brother Dale just a few hours earlier her body was wracked with so much pleasure she couldn't think about anything other than how soon her next orgasm would wash over her.

For the fifth time that evening the demon shouts as a high-pitched wail rings out more animal than human as the demon lets loose it's pent upload into her willing, and eager cunt. She felt him blasting his goo into her belly which sent her off on her most intense vaginal orgasm as she squealed in delight. With the demon shooting its sperm into Tracey's womb her cuming her cunt milking his cock for every drop it could get he shot his tongue into his Tracey's mouth in a deep passionate kiss.

The demon snaps its fingers for the fifth time and like before the mark on her belly starts to glow a bright red color. She begins to feel something growing inside her. Like the rest of her family her belly starts to grow she starts screaming not so much in pain as in surprise as her belly starts to grow. Oh Master I want to be pregnant forever. As it got bigger Tracey could feel it moving inside of her like any other woman would have. With her first cry of pain her mother and father asked.

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