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Divine Embrace

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A femboy is saved from the cold by a blonde, curvy huntress.
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Author's note: I'm making my official comeback!


Is this really how it ends...? Ángel thought to himself as he stopped to fill up his lungs with the freezing, northern air. The heavy snowfall cut away at his skin, and his light clothing did little in the way of shielding from the storm. Despite having been on foot for no more than 20 minutes, he was already frozen to the core, and every step he took felt like dragging a pillar of ice through the deep snow.

He should have known better than to move to this godforsaken part of the world in the first place. A southern boy like him wasn't built for this kind of weather, thin and frail as he was, and with a deeply tanned complexion that was meant for a life near the equator. But here he was, paying for his stupid mistakes... Possibly with his own life. And for what? A low rent? Pretty landscapes? Slightly better living standards? Every conceivable reason seemed like utter foolishness at this point.

Looking back down the road he had walked along, all he could see was white. Even if he had been within viewing distance of his wrecked car, it was probably buried under a good few inches of snow already, just like everything else in this wasteland. There weren't even any traces of tires on the road. It was just a flat, white stretch of nothingness; not a hint of human civilization or activity to be seen.

No longer even shivering, Ángel could feel his body giving up on him. Frozen and exhausted, he finally went down on his knees and hands onto the cold, snow-covered ground, feeling his eyelids grow heavy as he tried to use his last bit of mental strength to power through. But it was in vain. His limbs couldn't carry his weight any further, and thus, he collapsed face first into the snow.

The icy winds continued to drown out any other sound as he lay there, awaiting his demise while his body was slowly covered in a layer of white. With a mind blurred with delirium and a pair of tired eyes directed at the forest next to the road, he thought he could see the grim reaper himself emerging between the massive spruce trees. A dark, hooded silhouette with baggy clothing, making its way across the snow-filled trench between the road and the woods... But why was he carrying a rifle instead of a scythe?


Paradoxical Undressing... The urge to remove one's clothing as if overcome with a feeling of intense heat, despite having a body temperature far below normal. A common occurrence during the later stages of hypothermia, and often followed by the death of the affected individual. Or so Ángel had read somewhere. And now, he seemed to be experiencing that very phenomenon, his body slowly getting warmer and warmer; so far to a tolerable level, but any more would be testing his limits. If he wasn't so exhausted he would probably have stood up and undressed without a second thought, thus perhaps sparing him a few seconds of suffering.

But when did the snow start feeling so... silky? And when did the asphalt get sosoft? Was he dreaming? Had the cold finally broken him? No longer could he hear the deafening storm that had roared in his ears when he surrendered to it, suggesting that his senses were giving up on him. Even his sight seemed lost. Unless he had just closed his eyes without realizing...?

Feeling his mind clearing up, Àngel opened his heavy eyelids expecting to see the same bleak, cold surroundings in which he had lain down mere moments ago, but was met with something very different. A face. A sleeping, middle-aged woman's face, and a beautiful one at that, with creamy skin that was highlighted with a faint blush across the cheeks. Her eyebrows were thick, as were her pink lips that parted with every breath she took, its fresh scent hitting Ángel's nostrils like in a minty breeze. The long, golden curls on the woman's head looked like they had spread out like a bunch of springs, some of them reaching all the way to Ángel's face.

Casting a confused glance around himself, he quickly determined that he had either been rescued at the last second or died and gone to heaven. He was in a warm bed, surrounded by walls of raw wood that were mounted with old hunting rifles, and above the lit up fireplace in the wall by the foot of the bed hung a moose skull with downright terrifying antlers. Directly to Ángel's left was a window that let him gaze into a little snow-covered clearing that glimmered in the morning sun, the few trees that adorned it slowly transitioning into a thick forest further back.

Just as his mind drifted back to who the mysterious woman lying next to him could be, she suddenly let out a loud yawn. Alarmed, Ángel turned back to her as she groggily smacked her lips and blinked a few times, before her deep brown eyes adjusted to the light and looked right at him. For the few seconds of utter silence during which they shared a glance at each other, the look on the woman's face went from half-asleep to pure, open-mouthed shock, and finally lit up in radiating happiness.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed, her bare arms reaching around Ángel's back. "You're finally awake!"

"Uh, who--" Without warning he was silenced by the woman's tits shoved in his face, each one bigger than his head, and the only thing between him and her nipples was her black bra. Some part of him wanted to struggle, but the soft feeling of being pinned against her body was quite possibly the best remedy imaginable for what he had gone through.

The woman closed her eyes as she squeezed away at him. "Mm... I thought I would lose you... You were frozen solid when I found you out there..."

A strange feeling of relief washed over Ángel as he lay there completely still in the woman's warm grasp. What he had thought was the grim reaper couldn't have been any more different, and oh, how happy he was that such was the case. She had saved him from a certain death. This strangely affectionate, sexy, busty woman was his savior. Who knew how much trouble she had gone through in order to bring him back to health, and who knew how much time she had thrown away just for him. All because he had been stupid enough to drive his car through a blizzard.

But before long, the feeling of getting choked blocked out any deeper thoughts. Ángel let out a muffled scream into her bosom, hoping that some of the noise would escape the huge amount of titty-flesh. Thankfully she wasn't as clueless as one might suspect, pulling away from Ángel upon hearing his protest.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she said. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine..." Ángel mumbled, his hair ruffled and his nose filled with the scent of woman. "Where are we exactly?"

"In my hunting lodge." The woman slid her legs off the side of the bed and sat up, her back turned to Ángel as she reached for her gray turtleneck sweater draped over the nightstand, then slipped it over her near-bare upper body. "I carried you here. Thankfully you're pretty light."

"So that really was you that I saw? With the gun?"

"Uh-huh. Was out hunting when the blizzard came along to ruin it. But that's okay, 'cause I found something better than any deer or hare."

Ángel was, stupidly, about to ask her what she found, as she turned around to wink at him. His dark cheeks blushed as his still-thawing brain caught up. Being 'something better than a deer or hare' should go without saying for a human being, but the tone of her voice and wink seemed to hint at something more. It was like she had found something precious.

"You're really lucky I happened to be there, you know," the woman added, putting on a pair of knitted socks. "Any longer out there and you would've been a goner."

"... Was it really that bad?"

She scoffed at him. "Are you kidding me? It's a miracle that you survived without a hospital visit."

A shudder visibly coursed through Ángel's frail body. "Thank you..." he mumbled, his mouth covered by the blanket.

"Come again?"

"Thank you," he repeated, louder. "... For saving me."

The woman smiled as if she were about to tear up. "Don't mention it, hun," she said, reaching out to run her fingers through his black, messy hair.

Ángel stared at her, his heartbeat akin to that of someone in love. Was this the perfect woman? She was more beautiful than anyone he had ever seen, even with what others might call imperfections, like the slight chub on her cheeks, a pair of bushy eyebrows and minor signs of aging in the form of a hint of wrinkles around her eyes and mouth. Furthermore she seemed equally kind and sweet despite Ángel being a complete stranger in her house. And to top it off, she was living as a hermit from the looks of it, hunting in the cold, snowy woods all by herself. A perfect mix of beauty, kindness and toughness.

... And of course, she had a huge pair of tits that she wasn't ashamed of shoving Ángel's face.

"What's your name, by the way?" she said.

Ángel continued to stare at her, before realizing what she just had asked him. "Oh... It's Ángel." Like always, he made sure to pronounce it in his native tongue. He wasn't exactly a huge fan of the name, especially not in this part of the world where its meaning hardly was something that conjured up images of someone masculine, and Ángel was feminine enough already.

"'Ahn-ghel'? As in 'Angel'?"

"... Yeah, it's Spanish for Angel." Well, so much for that.

"That's so adorable!" the woman said, both hands clutching her chest. "Can I call you that instead?"

"Umm, sure, I guess..." said Ángel bitterly.Only if I can call you Goddess, he wanted to say deep down, but realized how stupid it would have been. Still, it wasn't so bad. While his nickname embarrassed him, hearing it from the lips of a beauty like her actually felt a bit like an honor. A thrilling,arousing honor.

"Great! My name's Linda."

"N-nice to meet you, G--... I-I mean, Linda," Ángel stuttered awkwardly. Could he not even go five minutes without saying something dumb?

"You're not from around here, are you, Angel?" she asked, smiling as she tasted his cute new nickname on her tongue.

"No. I moved here a couple of years ago."

"Well, where are you from?"

Ángel went quiet for a second, assessing the question. "Are you asking about my ethnicity?"

"Yeah, I guess," she said with a shrug. "If you don't mind. I'm just curious."

"That's okay," said Ángel. "I'm a native South American. Wasn't born there, though."

Linda rose from the bed and adjusted the waistband of the pants she had slept in. "Wow... You're really not built for this type of weather, are you?"

"You can say that again..." He flashed her a smile, but it quickly faded into a face of pure awe. The reason being the sight of Linda's thick, curvy body, hugged by her tight clothes that showed the outline of her hips that were just as impressive as her bust. The gray turtleneck sweater and the pair of black sweatpants that she wore made her seem like someone who cared more about comfort than a flashy appearance, but even so, no form of clothing could truly hide the erotic shape of her body. Her ass was absolutelyhuge, and with Linda turned away from Ángel, he could freely bask in the glorious view of her pants sinking into the cleft between her meaty buttocks. Such plumpness paired with her casual wear made her look motherly in a way, even more so considering her unstyled, wild curls of hair and her faint wrinkles. Incredibly, her waistline seemed to have been spared from carrying any substantial amount of fat. It wasn't hourglass-narrow, but it was more or less flat.

Another thing Ángel noted was her height. He would have needed to stand next to her to know for sure how much she towered over his five foot two frame, but she looked almost six feet tall from where he lay. With such a robust build it couldn't have been too hard for her to haul Ángel's comparatively tiny body through the snowstorm.

Linda headed towards the door. "I was thinking of making some tea or something," she said. "You want some?"

"Oh, sure."

"Wanna stay in bed? I can bring it to you."

"Actually, I think I'd rather get up," Ángel said and sat up straight. But just as he was about to throw the cover off, he noticed something... odd. Namely that he was completely naked.

"What's the matter, hun?" Linda asked, having noticed his unease from where she stood in the doorframe.

"You... undressed me?"

"Well, yeah. I had to get you out of those frozen clothes and into the shower."

Ángel looked at her with his mouth open in shock, as if having been violated. He wasn't sure if it was necessary to go as far as to strip him of his underwear, but Linda looked sure of herself, smirking at him innocently. Ángel felt a hint of irritation as a result. Even if her intent was good, couldn't she at least be a bit bashful about it? Though perhaps that was just how people were in these northern parts. That would explain the faceful of tits Ángel was greeted with upon waking up.

Linda tilted her head at him, still smirking. "Something wrong?"

"N-no, I was just a bit surprised..." Ángel said.And embarrassed, he thought. Unsurprisingly, he wasn't exactly proud of what he looked like, but only when he was completely in the nude did his biggest insecurity become visible; his tiny dick. And not only had Linda seen it completely flaccid, she had seen it after he had been subjected to a damn blizzard. God knows if it even surpassed one inch in that state...

"Aw, feeling a bit on edge, are we? I'll get that tea going. Should help." Linda exited out the door and turned left down the hallway outside, but stopped to peek her head back inside the room. "Oh, I prepared some clothes for you at the foot of the bed, by the way. Your hair tie is there as well."

Ángel nodded. "Alright."

And so Linda made her way through the hallway and into the kitchen. She stopped by the sink, leaning against the wooden countertop that framed it as she took a deep breath. With a trembling hand she reached for her electric kettle and began filling it with tap water, the mere sight of it reminding her of the shower she had given little Ángel the evening before. Although, much to her shame, the reminder was quite welcome.

Okay, Linda, calm down, she heard a voice in her head say as she stood there, putting down the kettle and flicking the switch on, her heart beating harder and harder.You're just trapped in your cabin with a sexy, tiny, foreign boy with... gorgeous black hair; a pretty, girly face; an adorable, high pitched voice... a smooth, thin body, and... and a... round... soft... little bubble butt...

Try as she might, staying calm was impossible. And from the way things were looking, it was doubtful that she would be able to keep her thoughts to herself. Living in this desolate, lonely place was her choice, and while she handled it quite well, she still needed human contact from time to time. With someone as strikingly erotic as Ángel, that need had reached critical levels the moment she had stripped him naked.

But it waswrong to feel that way... right? The poor thing might very well have been traumatized after what he had gone through. He didn't need the affection of a stranger. He needed rest. Warmth. Comfort. All of which a bed could offer. But then again, so could a tight hug against a pair of big breasts. Arguably better than a bed.

Linda sighed. It was a good thing she chose to wear her thickest sweater, otherwise her most unusual sign of arousal would have been at risk to be seen. She could already feel her bra growing damp. Her pants on the other hand, though thick and loose-fitting, were more likely to give it all away. At this rate, Linda's throbbing secret would come untucked whether she liked it or not...


Ángel stood in front of the mirror next to the bed, inspecting the new set of clothing he had been made to wear. A beige, knitted sweater, a pair of black sweatpants and thick socks, all of it far too big to fit his tiny body. He groaned as he tried to pull the neckband of the sweater together only to have it widen back out to its original size when he let go. Why couldn't he have borrowed a turtleneck like the one Linda was wearing? Now he would have to walk around with his upper chest and most of his shoulders exposed. That wasn't how aman was supposed to dress! Such clothing should be worn only by women like Linda, so that their... big, jiggly breasts could be displayed...

The soft touch of the cloth suddenly had Ángel shuddering. Only now did he realize that what normally filled in the garments were the supple curves of an absolutely gorgeous woman who remained a stranger to him still. It was already quite weird to wake up next to someone living alone in the middle of nowhere, but even weirder how her beauty and kindness had turned the dire situation into something so pleasant. In what felt like the blink of an eye he had gone from being moments away from certain death to exchanging pleasantries with a stranger as if nothing had happened. Panic and urgency had vanished in the woman's presence, to the point where Ángel's normal life that awaited him at home felt unimportant.

Perhaps it was time to get serious. He had so many questions to ask her, from why she was out here all alone under such bad conditions, to whether or not she would be able to give him a ride back home. After all, his own car was out of the question, and who knew if there was even any reception out here to contact authorities or family with. Maybe Linda didn't even have a phone. And speaking of phones, where was Ángel's? Had it even survived the cold?

Well, he himself was certainly warm and cozy now, and in no real rush to go anywhere just yet. He wanted answers, but he could get those answers over a cup of hot tea, and then maybe spend a bit more time relaxing with Linda before his inevitable trip home. The mere thought of it excited him; how this entire scenario was like something out of a erotic novel. An inexperienced, foreign boy taken in by an older, white woman with enough ass and tits to easily suffocate him by accident. Sure sounded like a better way to go than freezing to death under a blanket of snow.

Unfortunately, the reality was that someone like Ángel had zero chance with a woman like Linda, especially now that she had seen his naked body. It was probably foolish to fawn over her in the first place. It would only hurt him in the end; a reminder of how small, feminine and undesirable he was. Hell, the decision to move to the suburbs of his current apartment had not been halted in the slightest by the idea of missing out on any downtown partying with girls. In fact, he had almost given up on dating as a whole at this point. And that was probably for the best, seeing as how a girly boy like him would only stand to be ridiculed by any girl with somewhat normal standards.

Giving himself a couple of light slaps to the face, Ángel tried his best to shake off his pitiful negativity. He tied up his hair into a short ponytail, then headed out into the hallway and looked around. To the right of the bedroom he had emerged from was a door with a lock, suggesting that it was most likely a bathroom. To the left, the hallway continued past another door and led to what had to be a living room judging from its size. Probably with a kitchen connected to it as well, if the sound of boiling water was anything to go by.

He walked down the hallway and entered the huge room, a warm fuzziness hitting him instantly. The part to his right was a lounging area with a coffee table in the middle, illuminated by sunlight from a series of interconnected windows reaching all the way to the high ceiling. The small yard outside and the forest that surrounded it glistened in the snow, and it was the perfect view to enjoy from the cozy living room that was similar in decor as the bedroom. Rifles, skulls, antlers and pelts hung all over the place, many of them above a stone fireplace so big you could stand upright inside it.

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