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Dixie's Downfall Pt. 01

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Dixie's enf adventure has consequences.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/30/2018
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The town of Fort Nimrod was abuzz with its latest mystery. Inside the Rusty Spur there was a picture of a young lady, wearing a Hillary Clinton mask and nothing else, being held spread eagled and spread pussy outside the bar. As if the town wasn't curious enough about who this woman was and how she had ended up in the photo, rumours began to spread that this was not a one off. The town was soon talking about how every so often, without warning, the woman would arrive at the bar, sometimes naked, sometimes in very degrading outfits. She would act as a waitress, serving the patrons beer and humiliating herself for their amusement.

Dixie felt a tingle deep down every time the rumours made it to her. She never thought one of her little adventures would lead to her naked body being famous around the town and the beginning of an arrangement that would let her degrade herself anonymously in front of people every time her desire overwhelmed her common sense. As word spread more and more people began visiting the Rusty Spur and Dixie was thrilled that her humiliations were being seen by more and more people.

Although Dixie enjoyed the arrangement, she was once again pushing her boundaries, today she had decided to go to the bar at 4:00pm, knowing that the bar gets busier the later in the day she went. She knew that at some point she would either have to quit, or this arrangement would go terribly wrong for her. She had already found herself parking further and further from the bar to avoid anyone seeing her truck and deducing the identity of a figure Fort Nimrod had come to know as Hillary Clitton.

Today Dixie had decided to try out a bodystocking she had ordered online, a thin mesh of black covered her body with the exception of the cutaway crotch and nipples, drawing the eye to Dixie's pussy and tits. Aside from that all she was wearing was her iconic Hillary Clinton mask, the dog collar she used to make sure the mask didn't slip off accidentally, and some 6 inch high heels that forced her ass to remain taught for the clients.

As she threw open the doors to the bar a cheer went up among the patrons. Everyone who drank at the Rusty Spur dreamed of being there on a day when Hillary came round and their dreams had just been answered.

Dixie walked straight to the bar where the bartender was already pouring her pitchers to go top up the patrons drinks, the ritual of sitting on everyone's laps and pouring a beer had become a stable part of Dixie's waitressing shifts and it gave everyone in the bar a chance to feel Dixie's body and rub their erect cocks between her legs. On top of this she had a few innovations to make the patrons feel special. For one she poured the beer down her leg and into the glass, then at another patron's insistence, she squatted over a glass and let the beer run between her tits, and roll off her pussy into his waiting pint.

Once she had finished her rounds Dixie went back to the bar, stopping once on the way to pick up a man's whiskey, throw it into her mouth before giving the man a passionate kiss, letting him drink the whiskey from her. At the bar she waited expectantly, her hands running up and down her body, in a world of her own. The bartender beckoned her to one side to have a quiet word.

"So Hillary, you all worked up and ready to make some bad decisions?" He asked. Dixie nodded hungrily. "Good, next Saturday we're having a charity evening to raise money for the local school. We were wondering if you would like to be the guest of honour?" Dixie thought this through, these charity events were always well attended, if she turned up the whole town would be meeting her in this state. However through her horniness she was able to see one bit of sense. If she was there as Hillary, anyone with some smarts to them would notice that Dixie wasn't there and might figure things out. She grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down her concerns. The bartender nodded sagely.

"You have a point. I'll tell you what, I'll say that the event is men only from 10:00pm onwards. That way nobody can work out who you are by whose missing." with the only barrier removed Dixie had no reason to refuse, she felt herself getting wet at the idea of every man in Fort Nimrod coming to see her naked and she let out a little moan as she nodded.

"Well that's great Hillary! Now we need to advertise so hold this." The bartender handed Dixie a large plain white board. Dixie looked at him quizzically. "Hold it up next to you so we can see your naked body and the sign, then I'll take a picture and Photoshop the details of the event on to the board." Dixie put on her biggest grin and held up the board, her mind racing with the possibilities.


A couple of days later Dixie was in town buying some supplies when she saw the picture the bartender had produced hanging behind the counter. Her stomach released a delightful tingle throughout her body as she read the sign she was holding naked.

"Rusty Spur charity night 26th August 2017.

Come raise money for the local school so our children don't turn into dumb sluts like me.

After 10:00pm event becomes men only, and I'll be there to do whatever it takes to get you to reach deep into your pockets."


On the day the Rusty Spur was packed. Dixie had gone to the party with her mum and dad as the big farm families were always expected to attend these charity events. There was all the usual excitements but with an additional air of anticipation amongst the gathered men. Dixie's mind was racing so much that the first part of the evening was just a blur and it seemed like only a moment had passed before the bartender was telling all the women to leave so men could get ready to enjoy tonight's entertainment.

As Dixie left with her mother, she told her that some of her friends had planned an after party and snuck away. She went to the fort where this had all began and used the quiet isolation to strip off. The Hillary mask and dog collar went on, transforming Dixie once again to her most degraded character. Slipping on her high heels she quivered with delight as she walked towards the bar.

A crowd of local women had gathered outside the bar hoping to get a glimpse of the famous naked Hillary of Fort Nimrod, and the screams could be heard far and wide as Dixie walked out of the clearing and towards the bar. The women of the town mercilessly pinched and slapped Dixie, some even tried to pull her mask off, but the tight dog collar held it on, and it wasn't long until the men of the bar came to Dixie's aid, fending off the women and pulling her inside.

The cheer as she entered the bar was deafening. The bartender quickly moved to lock the front door to keep the mass of women from breaking in, while the crowd engulfed Dixie, countless hands caressing and groping every inch of her exposed body. Dixie could barely stand with the sensations but eventually the bartender and a couple of his friends were able to get Dixie out and lift her up onto the bar.

From on the bar Dixie could see everyone, every man in town was looking her naked body up and down while she drank in their glares. The bartender jumped up onto the bar next to her and immediately the crowd quietened down.

"Ok gentlemen, Hillary has very kindly agreed to be here to help our school, so we decided that we need to use this naked body to raise as much money as possible. So we are going to have a charity auction. Each lot related to what Hillary here will do to make you happy." Murmurs broke out among the assembled audience as Dixie began to worry. She certainly hadn't signed up to be a common prostitute. "Nobody here's going to be fucking her," the bartender said, as if reading the collective mind of the audience and Dixie. "But let me give an example of what we will do. The first lot up for auction, one Simon Says. The person who bids the highest in this lot will be allowed to give Hilary one command that she will obey for the night. Bear in mind this is the first of three Simon Says lots up tonight. And I would like to start the bidding at $1." The crowd murmured and remained silent. They knew the bartender had a plan and showing shrewdness they only reserved for these kinds of schemes, none of them bid a cent.

"Nobody bidding on $1. Fine, sold to the handsome bartender. It's always been strange to me that Hilary never says anything, so Simon Says Hillary will read out the lots you are bidding on tonight. You guys want to know the best part, Hillary has no idea what the lots are, so you will hear her discover what's in store for her body as she reads out the cards."

Dixie was in shock, there was no way she was going to read out the lots. The bartender handed her a card with his writing on it and the crowd leant forward in anticipation but Dixie was certain she wouldn't be uttering a peep, right up until she read what the next lot was. The bartender had clearly drafted the cards with the intent that Dixie would read them and the thought of reading this out loud to a room of horny men made her swoon, her body quivered at the thought and suddenly all she could think about was where tonight would go if she played along considering this was only lot two. She thought to herself for a second and decided to talk in a thick and high pitched California accent in the hopes that nobody would recognise her voice.

"Ok everyone settle down, the next lot is as follows: 'I am a dumb whore and need to be made an example of so children don't follow my lead, so the person who bids the highest on this lot will be given a stick of lipstick, and with it can write whatever he wants on my body throughout the night." Dixie's eyes swam around the room as men began to bid higher and higher for the first opportunity to humiliate her.

Eventually one of the old men who Dixie had known since childhood put up the highest bid. The crowd parted as the old man sauntered up to the bar to collect the lipstick. He climbed up to the bar and ordered Dixie to kneel in front of him, so he could easily reach her chest and write the words "Stupid Whore" in big letters across her tits. As Dixie stood up again and the bar read her chest, a cheer spread across the audience and the old man raised his hands in triumph. Dixie then had the next card handed to her.

"OK guys, it's another Simon says lot. So think of something good and bid high!" The crowd broke into murmurs and suddenly Mr. Stockdale, the retired teacher who in the past had taught Dixie Grade 4, piped up with a $1 bid. Once again everyone assumed he had a good idea and didn't bid against him, giving Dixie mixed feelings about how cheaply her humiliation was going for. The former teacher stood by Dixie in front of the audience and announced.

"I was thinking that you need to thank everyone who gives money to this great cause, so Simon Says every winning bidder gets to feel your breasts." the crowd was unimpressed but murmured in agreement, but taking charge, Dixie decided she could up the ante herself.

"Come on Mr. Stockdale, you can do better than that, how about Simon says every successful bidder gets on of these." Dixie grabbed her former teacher and pulled him into an embrace, her mouth connecting with his and her tongue going wild. After the initial shock had faded, Dixie felt Mr. Stockdale's hands drift down onto her exposed bottom, she then felt lipstick tracing the outline of his hands onto her skin, and made sure the kiss lasted long enough for the artist to finish the job.

Once she had finished Dixie climbed back up onto the bar, and was handed another card. Getting into the mood of the event, Dixie opted to read the card aloud right away, not preparing herself for its contents.

"Just because I'm a degraded whore doesn't mean that I can't be useful, for the highest bidder on this lot, I will wash your truck naked, at a time and location of your choosing." Immediately bids started to roll in and minds raced to think of the best time and place for Dixie to be exposed. Dixie was much happier with how much her humiliation was valued at in this round and eventually the winning bidder was the owner of one of the local restaurants. Dixie beckoned him forward to receive his thank you kiss, and then the bartender asked him where and when Hillary would have to clean his truck.

"As y'all may know I got myself a stall at the tri-state fair in Amarillo next month, you need to do whatever it takes to get the punters to your stall, and I think a naked Hillary Clinton washing a Truck is definitely something the people at the fair will wanna see." The crowd cheered while Dixie's body blushed all over. This crowd will look like nothing compared to the number of people who will get a look at her at the fair. She was lost in her imagination of what that would be like when the bartender handed her a new card.

"Oh, ok everyone it's the third and final Simon says, think it through this time and remember I have no shame." In a clear and determined voice, a man from the crowd stated his bid of $1. All eyes turned to the large man at the back, one of the largest and toughest ranchers from Dixie's ranch, nobody dared bid against him. Once he won the he strode up through the crowd, picked Dixie up off the ground and took the passionate kiss for himself, leaving Dixie flustered and excited. He then turned to the crowd and told them his idea.

"We need a reason to keep the bids coming and raise more money for the school, so Simon says that the entire time the bidding is happening, Hillary will be masturbating." Some of the crowd started to wonder if that was a bit much, if this rancher had gone too far, but Dixie had been desperate to relieve her sexual frustration for a while now, and giving her an excuse to take care of herself was just what she needed. She grabbed the man and gave him another passionate kiss.

Dixie stood on top of the bar and gestured for the next card, meanwhile the old man with lipstick got to work writing "fuck hole" with an arrow down to her pussy. The bartender handed her the card to read out.

"OK gentlemen, this is the penultimate lot. The highest bidder among you lucky gentlemen, will get a lap dance from Fort Nimrod's biggest slut. And don't forget, unlike other lap dances I'm not going to force you to keep your hands by your sides." As soon as she had finished reading the card Dixie tossed it to one side, sat down and began working her fingers in and out of herself in between wildly fingering her clit. The first wave of pleasure cascaded over her but this just made her hungry for more, the bidding, the crowds, the thought of having to do a lap dance, all was lost in building up that knot of humiliation and lust and preparing to burst it into a tsunami of pleasure.

Just as Dixie's pleasure built to breaking point she saw the bartender's fingers snapping in front of her, ruining the moment and drawing her attention to the winning bidder. She was directed to a very happy looking man she recognised as the tour guide for the fort. Her whole body was tense with frustration as she stood up and walked over to him, giving him a deep kiss.

Dixie pushed the man into his seat and began grinding on him, her pussy was desperate for stimulation and this was the best she could manage. But no matter how much she rolled her body over his and how much he traced her with his hands, she never got any closer to the release she was seeking. In frustration she even sat on his lap, letting his erect penis rub deeper and deeper into her through his trousers, but it just kept her more and more frustrated. This was not so much a lap dance but more a frustrated grind fest and it wasn't working. In the end Dixie settled into the knowledge that there was one lot left and she could finally get the big finish she craved using that.

Until then she decided to use the rest of the lap dance to keep herself at boiling point through self-humiliation. She began to guide his hands around her body, making sure he knew every curve and experienced for himself just how wet she was. Then she moved her hands down into his underpants, feeling his erect cock in her hands as the bar cheered her on. She then lent in for one more sensuous kiss before going back to the bar and eagerly awaiting the final round of bidding.

Dixie could barely wait, once the next round of bidding started she could finally give herself the Earth shattering orgasm that she had been on the verge of for a long time. The bartender handed Dixie the card with the final lot on it, she snatched it out of her hand and began reading it as quickly as she could.

"For the final lot, as all of you know there is only one line I won't cross. But for one lucky patron, I will give you more than I am willing to give anyone else. The winner of this lot will take this Polaroid camera with me into the women's toilets, and get a picture of me without my mask. Not only will you know who I really am, you'll also have a nice memento to blackmail me with." Dixie's eyes widened with fear, if she hadn't been so horny she could have read the card to herself first then quietly told the bartender she wouldn't do that, but the whole bar knew what was on offer now and they were not going to let Dixie back out.

Dixie turned to the bartender and looked at him pleadingly, but he just smiled and look to the audience who were eager to start bidding. She sat down in frustration on the bar, and suddenly felt the movement of lipstick on her inner thighs, her dread and trepidation feeding into the knot in her stomach. While fear had paralysed her mind her hand acted on its own, moving down to her pussy and finally working its magic on her. The whole world faded away as Dixie's body was rocked by the most intense orgasm she had ever had. By the time she had finished and could return to her problem, the bidding was well underway.

The honour of knowing the secret identity of Hillary Clitton attracted all kinds of bidders, but in the end it was always going to go down to the wealthiest of Fort Nimrod who owned the great farms who got the status of knowing. As Dixie snapped out of her lust she saw the current highest bidder was Darren Thompson, owner of one of the largest pig farms in Texas, a man who himself clearly loved his bacon. A bid then came in from Beauford Jester, a thin reedy sheep farmer who was always taunted by the other farmers for his wussy choice of livestock. The next bid was the one that scared Dixie the most, her father was also in the running to know her identity. Not only was she at great risk of her father finding out, it also reminded Dixie that her father had seen everything she had been through tonight and didn't know it was his daughter being a whore for the town.

The bids kept rising, nobody even noticed that Dixie had stopped masturbating as they were all caught up in the clash of the 3 titans of the town. At the $1000 mark Darren pulled out. The bidding had now become a fight between beef and wool.

"Come on Beauford, do you really think people are buying more wool than steak? Save us both the hassle and pull out now. $1100!" Dixie's father mocked.

"Ever since I bought those alpacas I've been rolling in it, you need to move with the times old man, $1200!" Beauford retorted. The anger was at boiling point and all Dixie could do was watch these two men bid over her deepest darkest secret.

Eventually Beauford decided to go all in on the bid, hoping to shock Dixie's father into not raising the bids any higher.

"$3000!" He announced staring at his adversary across the bar. Dixie's heart fluttered as she saw he dad's will falter. He then replied.

"You know what, I have a family to look after, you can go home alone and tape that Polaroid to one of your alpacas while you're fucking it, I'm out." Dixie's nerves immediately evaporated, her dad wouldn't be finding out the horrible things his baby girl had been up to tonight. Dixie tried to remain calm as she walked across the bar, and gave Beauford a passionate kiss confirming him as the winner.


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