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Doin' the Boss Ch. 06

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She takes pleasure cavorting with older man.
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Part 6 of the 16 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 12/26/2002
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(For Rich, Davis and Marty, who always encourage me to tell all).

If K. Linford Little was anything, it was a creature of habit. He liked eating ham and eggs weekends at diners, listening to soft rock and cheering his beloved hockey team.

He loved his family, his work and his weekly golf game at the club.

Oh, and he liked me. Yes, he loved his family, and said he loved his wife, and he still found time to sneak around with me.

My name is Robyn, and I used to work for the man who by nearly all standards is a pillar of the community. He is a Boy Scout leader, coaches Little League, attends Chamber meetings and takes his wife to the Opera...willingly. Oh, and the man many years my senior absolutely loves to have his dick sucked.

That's where I come in. Years ago Mr. Little was my boss and we had a thing. I broke it off when I realized he was using me for my, uh, special talents, while I had thought he would ultimately leave his wife and we'd live happily together. It wasn't to be.

Once apart, I moved on. I continued the single life, complete with some highs and lows before shacking up with a nice guy my age. That relationship was, and is a nice, comfortable one. It is safe, secure and in nearly all ways the kind of relationship any girl would love to be in...except that something was missing for me.

It wasn't attention, because my boyfriend adored me. He'd leave me love notes, send me flowers at work, do all the kind of things a girl loves. It wasn't the sex, because truthfully, it was (and is) superb. He's loving, caring, and I can honestly say that on most occasions I fell asleep after writhing through orgasmic bliss.

Still, something was missing. Looking back, it had to be the covert, living on the edge danger that fooling around with Mr. Little did for me.

As mentioned in an earlier story, after we got back together Mr. Little and I regularly met for fun and games, and at his insistence the majority of our rendezvous were in or near his car. The man was a car sex freak, no doubt about it. Oh, sure, we'd sometime rent a room and get it on behind closed doors, but his, and my to some extent, passions were white hot when we were in a semi-public locale.

It had to be the danger, the threat of being caught. The possibility that someone might spy on us, observing our illicit behavior. Over the years several had, some my accident, but more recently, by design. Our recent in-car naughtiness included me blowing the graying mane man while he was driving down a local interstate highway. He'd ensure my ass was bare and available for observation by truck drivers as I worked on his dick. All the while he'd give me a play-by-play, blow-by-blow, description of the action.

Our most recent get-together illustrated once again how he liked to push the envelope. Not enough to get caught, but surely enough to get to the edge of having someone catch us in the act.

My boyfriend was playing golf when Mr. Little called on my cell phone.

"Hi Robyn, can you talk?"

I assured him I could, and that it was great to hear from him. He was at the local Hilton, attending a financial briefing with his wife. During a break she went to the ladies room while he slipped upstairs to a phone bank and gave me a call.

"I was hoping we could get together Monday for lunch," said Mr. Little, lunch being our code word for food and a quickie.

Unfortunately my Monday was jam-packed, as was Tuesday and Wednesday due to a number of executives being at my office. During their conference I oversaw the "command center", taking messages, making copies, doing whatever it took to keep things moving along.

Mr. Little was more than a small bit disappointed. "Robyn, I miss you."

"I miss you too! But I do have to work. And the boss wants me there."

We spoke for a minute when Mr. Little offered a suggestion. "We're going to be here all day. Want to have some fun?"

"What are you thinking? Isn't your wife there?"

"Uh huh, but I have an idea...can you be here at 2:30? Maybe in a nice skirt and tee top? You know the one."


"Come on Robyn, it will be fun!"

I thought for a minute before offering that it was his ass on the line, not mine. I can't be positive, but something tells me if his wife finds me cavorting with him it wouldn't be a good thing.

"Great, walk through the lobby and sit along the back side of the room, near the elevators. We're in a conference room downstairs so she won't be near you. At our break I will excuse myself and say I have to respond to a couple e-mails. I'll come through the lobby and go to the fifth floor. Meet me there!"

"Do you have a room?"

"No, but there are several chairs and we can sit and visit for a bit."

I knew he had something up his sleeve, because there was no way he'd have me over without at least making a pass. But whatever was on his mind sounded exciting to me.

Over the next two hours I bathed then dressed in one of his favorite outfits. A tight red tee top over a low cut bra that accentuated my modest 32B breasts. Light blue boy-cut panties complete with lace under a black skirt which ended just above my knees. Definitely not prim and proper, but surely not whorish either. More collegiate than downright slutty.

Parking in the underground garage I slipped up the parking elevator to the lobby, stopped at the gift shop for some overpriced mints and a People magazine. I scoped out the room, saw the room elevator bank and the nearby chairs. Checking my watch (2:25 p.m.) I slowly made my way toward the pre-determined rendezvous point.

I hadn't finished the first story about the latest fashion when I caught a glimpse of Mr. Little coming toward me. He smiled but didn't let on that he knew me, and I decided to play along with his spy-like mode. He hit the up button, and once the doors opened went inside. I glanced around, then entered the elevator with my former boss, figuring nobody would notice and we'd ride to the fifth floor together.

Mr. Little immediately put his arms around me, and we joined in a kiss, and all the while I wondered if the doors would open and we'd be caught. Up we went, his hands caressing my ass while he ground against me.

We were interrupted second later as the elevator came to a halt, and we quickly moved to opposite sides of the small compartment. I observed we had stopped on the 11th of 12 floors. So much for stopping on five.

Exiting the elevator and seeing the coast was clear, Mr. Little resumed kissing me, a task he loved but I adored. He has such kissable lips.

"Aren't we a little bit vulnerable here?" I asked, glancing around the vacant floor.

He took me by the hand and we walked several yards, stopping at a vestibule which housed several vending machines and a picture window with a few of an outside parking lot and a large intersection. Again my former boss pulled me close and we passionately kissed.

I felt his manhood expand against me, and I remember thinking how lucky we were the coast was clear, probably because it was the middle of the day. I reached down, stroking his cock through his trousers, an act which brought a moan to his throat.

"Um, Robyn, that feels soooo good," said the man before restarting his lip lock.

We kissed for a couple minutes before we broke our embrace when I thought I heard a door close. Nonchalantly taking a few steps to the hall and looking both ways, Mr. Little whispered it was all clear. Seeing nothing he moved back to me and unzipped his pants. Out came his cock.

"Suck it," he begged.

So be it! I slipped down onto my haunches and licked the dick from stem to stern before ovaling my mouth and sucking his dick into the wet orifice. It was a slow suck, as I moved my lips slowly down the dick before stopping with about four inches in my mouth. I moved my head back, and then down it once again as Mr. Little groaned.

Looking up, I noticed the man looking around, watching to make sure we weren't being observed. He looked down, then out the window.

Licking his dick, I was startled when I heard him say we were being watched from below. I quickly stood, looked out the window, and sure enough there was a Mustang convertible with two guys in the front seat, one gesturing at our window to his buddy.

Opps, we did it again!

While I knew they couldn't ID us, I didn't feel comfortable being out in the open in front of the window, and pulled Mr. Little's hand as I rose then strode away from the window, laughing.

"Good thing they didn't have binoculars!" I said, shaking my head. Mr. Little laughed, muttering something about not wanting to share me with them.

We walked down the hallway, past room after room which, if we had a key, would have let to me finishing my job. We turned the corner and walked some more before Mr. Little opened an exit door and pulled me inside.

I entered the stairwell and twirled around, proudly displaying the tops of my thighs as the black skirt flipped and flowed. Flippant, I held onto the railing with one hand, lifting my skirt with the other.

"Wow! You look great. I love those panties," said my former boss. "Are they new? From Victoria's Secret?"

"I knew you would honey. They are from Frederick's, and I bought them just for you!"

Noticing his smile, I stepped up to him once again and put my arms around his neck. Kissing his cheek, I whispered, "Anything special?" Then I kissed his lips and let my tongue play with his.

"How about your specialty? I have to get back downstairs."

Ah yes, the wife. What's a girlfriend to do when the little woman is downstairs? This time I slipped down to my knees on the cold, hard, floor. His fly was still unzipped --- it's a good thing nobody saw us walking down the hallway --- and I reached into his pants and slipped out his semi-hard cock.

The manhood jumped at my touch, and lengthened as I licked the tip. "Um, he likes me," I cooed, swirling my wet and hungry tongue on his cock.

Gazing upward, I locked eyes with Mr. Little who was intently watching my every move. I worked the base of his dick with my hand, coating my face with his dick. Some of his sticky sauce made its way to my cheeks.

"Oh, you vixen," he sighed, placing his hands around my head. That gave me a clue to what he really wanted, so I slipped his dick to my lips then slowly sucked it into my hot, wet mouth. I bobbed my head as he tightened his grip, beginning to rock with the action. Looking up again, I noticed his head was back and he was luxuriating with the blow job like he always did.

Stroking the base of his fully extended, pulsating cock, I continued to work on the tip of his manhood. Mr. Little loved my cocksucking and I did everything within my power to make sure he enjoyed every second.

"Oh Robyn, oh Robyn, you're the best," said Mr. Little, speeding his action. "Suck it, baby, suck it."

He was beyond the point of no return, and I knew at this point my hand did more of the work than my mouth. Seconds later I was rewarded with one, then two then three spurts of hot man sauce, most of which ended up deep in my mouth.

Covering his dick, I swirled my mouth all over his cock, taking the last of his sticky residue. Holding his cock steady, I swallowed his cum, making sure he could feel me doing it. A small bit dabbled on my cheek, and I left it drying there.

Once clean, I tucked his dick back into his pants and rose from the floor, putting my arms around him. "Um," I cooed, wet kissing his lips and exchanging cum with spit.

"Oh yea, Robyn, that was masterful."

He didn't know how good it was! I would have told him, but we heard the door below us open, and pair of Hispanic voices was heard talking as we high-tailed it out of the stairwell and back into the hallway.

We speed walked down the hall, and looked back as the stairwell door opened. Jumping inside the elevator we kissed again before I thought better of it and hit the second floor button. I exited there, allowing Mr. Little to head downstairs and back through the lobby and to the meeting, where hopefully his wife didn't realized his hair was tussled and a wicked smile was upon his lips.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
a great story

That was a great story as always my dick is hard , when my lover gets home tonight we will have hot hot sex, I have one of many stories and I find the telling of them to you really cool actually hot . This story ended up in the coke machine room, ice machine too. I was and still am a business man. I had a next door business which some times I would slip out the back door and go next door for a cold beer which the owner, Donie would have in the back room where his company built air conditioned ducts for the air conditioners they installed. I was around 35 or 36 years old . While drinking the cold beer and shooting the bull, a beautiful young woman of around twenty or twenty one came in the back room. My eyes buged out she was beautiful ,ample, not big brests, small waist and great hips ass and legs. Donnie introduced her as his wife Laura. Small talk ensued and she left swinging that great ass . I told my self no , no , no. I am not going there . Well I did go there and it was a great love afair . I bought a jet boat and was at my shop around midnight polishing my new toy . A new ford cougar pulled up and guess who? Laura got out, looking like a million dollars before taxes . She had been out parting with some of her girl friends and had a lot to drink . She was real flirty and wanted to use the phone . This was before cell phones. We went into my office and she looked at me with one of those looks that you girls have in reserve just to make a guy crazy with lust. I stood still while she came closer and ask her to stop and go home to her husband . While trying her best to suduce me I was sucessfull in geting her to leave. I went back to the boat shineing. The phone rang . Loura was on the phone and said that she was lost . I thought that she was too drunk to drive home so I got her to read the sign posts which told me where she was . I went down to the location . I got in the car with her she slid over and kissed me sliping her wonderful toung in my mouth . Well needless to say dick got hard and I ask what she wanted with me ? I want you to fuck me baby she said . We got into my Bronco and went to two motels and since it was Saturday night we found no rooms but the second motel had only the premo pent house so we took it . We went in and looked around , I really was hot but for some reason did not want to start a sexual realation ship whih my next door buisness neighbors wife. But here I was . I kissed her lips while propbing her mouth with my pointy tung. I unbuckled her belt , unziped her bluejeans , slid my hand down the inside of the pink panties to her pussy . It was so wet my finger slid easily down to the bottom of her pussy then curved into a hot hot wet cunt. She moaned ever so softly . While swirling my toung in her mouth I led her to the couch, just behind her and sat her on the couch pulling off the tight jeans and panties. I kissed from her knee to her hot wet steamy pussy and spent around fifteen minutes sucking her liips and clit. I unzipped my pants and out sprang my rock hard dick . I pulled her but to the edge of the couch and stuck my dick in to the balls with one stroke . To say she was hot as a jar of manoyse was a understatement . I fucked her about a dozen strokes then stoped and we went up stairs to the bed room . Each step off came her shirt , my boots. her bra, my shirt, sucking on the wonderful teats of hers . My pants, all of her clothes , all of mine we went on to the steps of the stairs. A king size bed was in the bed room . I laid her in the middle and slid in between her legs with my dick sliding up her slit to my balls. My balls were on her butt . I started fucking the best I had ever done hard but not too hard ,fast but not to fast , from the tip of my cock to the balls for a long time . Laura said " I am cuming , I am cuming ," I increased my stroking , untill she ask me to stop. Then she said to my suprize " I am sorry for coming " I told her that was what it was all about . She said after two marriges and many lovers I was the first to get her to cum . I said lets try some thing else . I lowered my head down between her pussy and slowly and softly licked on her lips of her pussy and dove in to her pussy hole with my toung then circled her clit . She screamed with another orgasm . I slid up to her mouth and french kissed her . Then I fucked her pussy for all I was worth , she moaned again loudly " I am cuming again" I came and came for all I was worth. We layed together for a while then she ask me are you through with me . I said just for tonight . We cleaned up together in the shower and I took her to her car . She gave me her phone number at home . She told me she was off tuesday and for me to call . I did and every Tuesday and Friday we fucked sucked ate and licked each other for six years . She married twice more but fucked me on the side through all marriages . I would have married her but it was not in the books . I really loved her and boy did we have fun. If you have time e mail me . I have a life time of stories . I was such a bad boy . really a big whore. Brushy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Please don't stop

You remind me of a former lover who couldn't get enough. A little bit of danger seems to turn you on. I know you write about being almost caught, being caught, and such. Is that all for real? It sure seems so and it turns me on so very much.

My g/f has finally come around to a little semi-public sex after reading your stories, so thank you very, very much!

I vacation in Sea Isle and it turns me on to know I may have run into you at the Ocean Drive Club.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

You are unique, wonderful and love your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
The Hit Parade

I stumbled upon your stories and am so happy I did. You understand what it takes to make a man tick. I almost thought I was Mr. Little for a moment there, wondering what I would think up next for you to do. Have you ever done him at a Mall? Just wondered.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 21 years ago
always great stories from you, robyn!

i really love your stories. i really understand the covert aspect - security in love, and love of something outside the secure. oh, i love the love of it...


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