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Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 02 Pt. 01

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The slutty doctor looks to expand her skill set.
61k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/04/2023
Created 02/07/2021
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(This story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author's consent. For fans of my stories, they know what kinds of things to expect. This story deals with similar themes as the stories by wannabeboytoy, seducedHylas, and Dark Betrayal, namely cheating, betrayal, and heartbreak. If stuff like that isn't your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't bother reading it. I do not condone any of these actions in real life. This is just a story. Enjoy.)


Dr. Jennifer White had never been a big bar-goer, even in her younger years. But lately, she'd found herself going out for drinks at the end of a long, hard workday, but not for the reasons you'd think.

She'd been going to this bar 'Frost' for a few weeks now, and it suited her needs quite nicely. A trendy new bar nestled in the heart of downtown, it wasn't uncommon to find this place filled with well-dressed young professionals looking to unwind after work with some strong drinks in a crowd full of beautiful people. This was a very popular bar with young singles, and it was also one that might be a bit much for people who'd long settled down with their partner. Not that it was a rowdy college bar or anything like that. It was just that the crowd was very much of a certain type that might dissuade people not of that ilk.

The bar was very modern, taking the name 'Frost' to heart in terms of decoration, with the decor colored black, icy blue, or clear, with them going as far as to have some of the furnishings made of a hard clear plastic that almost looked like ice. The bar could be quite loud as the place was always packed, with each group of people having their own conversations. On top of that, the music could get going as well, making this place slightly off-putting to some who preferred a more lowkey setting. That being said, you'd occasionally see some more familial groups there, treating this place more like a restaurant, so the crowd wasn't always so homogenous. But due to its location in the heart of the city, it found itself as a hot new spot for young, professional singles looking to unwind with some friends, or as a place for those same people to search for potential partners.

Dr. White fit right in among the attractive clientele. Even though this location was a bit out of the way for her, it fit her needs perfectly for multiple reasons. Still dressed well from a long day at work, her heels clicked on the black, stone floor as she approached the bar. Sitting down there next to another young woman and setting down her bag, she smiled at the pretty bartender and ordered a martini. Once the glass was in her hands, she spun around in her chair and glanced at the crowd.

This was her favorite part of this place. The people watching. Coming by here as she had for the last few weeks, she'd been able to hone her skills at perception and human sexuality and use them to read into so many different wonderful stories from afar. She could study people's actions without the bias of their own justifications, and in some ways, she was able to read so much more into people than she could if she'd talked to them. So, for about fifteen minutes, she simply sipped her drink with her back to the bar and watched the crowd with great interest. Finally, as she began sipping her second martini while watching a particular juicy interaction across the room, she couldn't help but speak up.

"Damn... you are something..." she said to herself smiling.

As expected, this drew the attention of the woman sitting next to her. In the whole time Dr. White had been sitting next to her, she'd mostly been on her phone. Unlike some people here, it seemed like she was most likely just wanting to unwind on her own, getting a stiff drink after work. She'd spoken with no one else, came with no friends, and didn't seem terribly interested in socializing. And she kinda gave off the vibe that she would eat a man alive if he approached her with some lame pick up line, so even in a bar of singles, she wasn't being bothered. Which was a shame, because was a true stunner. A petite Asian woman in her late twenties, she was positively drop-dead gorgeous. A stunning face with sharp eyes and smooth, plump lips, she was beautiful enough to be a model. But she had that intimidating sort of attractiveness where it seemed like there was just a drop of evil there, which transformed her good looks from being simply beautiful and instead made her alluring and intensely sexy.

She was the total package. She had long, straight black hair down to her back that seemed perfect and silky smooth. Her fashionable, very expensive looking business suit hugged her fit figure, and despite her slim frame she did appear to have a shapely rear-end and some impressively large breasts. Next to Dr. White, she was one of the hottest people in this bar full of hot people, which really spoke to how intense her vibe was that she was being left alone. She was clearly a woman that didn't suffer fools, which made the behavior of the doctor seated next to her ping on her radar of annoyance. This woman glanced at Dr. White as she continued watching the crowd before turning back to her phone, probably thinking Dr. White was crazy for talking to herself. But perhaps she was in a better mood than usual, because she let it all slide, instead focusing on taking another swig of her very stiff drink.

"He doesn't stand a chance," Dr. White said, speaking to herself once more, causing the young woman next to her to look up again. Feeling the Asian woman's withering gaze on her this time, Dr. White turned to face her. "Oh, sorry," she said, smiling warmly, unintimidated. "I'm a sex therapist, so I just love people watching, seeing how people behave and interact with someone they are trying to seduce. It's... it's really fun," she stated with a knowing smile, giving the woman next to her an almost sisterly look. At first, the Asian woman had seemed deeply disinterested in any explanation Dr. White was about to offer, but after hearing what she had to say, she actually perked up. Say what you will, but being a sex therapist was a great conversation starter, and the Asian woman was on the hook. She set her phone down and spoke up.

"Oh yeah?" she said, following the doctor's gaze. "What do you see?" Dr. White glanced at the woman next to her and smiled conspiratorially before bringing her into the conversation.

"You see over there?" Dr. White began, pointing across the room. There stood an absolutely gorgeous redhead with some very noticeable features, namely some supremely large tits, which she highlighted in slinky black dress.

"The redhead?" the Asian woman asked.

"Yeah," Dr. White replied, glancing at the woman next to her. "So, I've seen her before, and she's this total maneater. Every time I see her, she's flirting with a different man, and from what I've seen, she's very good at it. And the guy she's talking to?" she said, gesturing to the guy near her. Unlike the redhead, this guy wasn't a regular. Clearly, he'd been brought along with some coworkers, as he was with a group of guys dressed in business suits. She'd kinda peeled him away from the pack and took over his attention. "You see how he looks kind of nervous?" Dr. White asked, and the Asian woman nodded. He was a handsome guy, very handsome in fact, handsome enough to fit right in at a place like this, but this did not look like his scene in the slightest. "That guy doesn't want to be here, because he's married. I saw the ring on his finger." The Asian woman nodded again. "He seems like the good, straight-arrow, married type, loves his wife, is devoted to her. You know the type I'm talking about?" Dr. White asked, and the other woman nodded once again. "He wants to seem like a good, cool guy to his coworkers, which is why he's here. All his buddies are single, and they probably razz him for being the only married guy among them. They probably think he's kinda boring and square, but they are gonna think a lot more of him tonight after he goes home with that redhead."

"No way..." the Asian woman said, in disbelief that that cute guy would cheat on his wife. Dr. White nodded confidently.

"He has no idea what he's dealing with, with that one..." she said, gesturing at the redhead. "She's been working it like a pro. Smiling, preening. Feeding him drinks. Touching his arm softly. Tugging down her dress when he's not looking to get the good married man to stare at her breasts. He's only talking to her to be polite, and he's clearly flustered by her, but deep down he wants it. The good ones always do. The best sex is the forbidden shit, and that redhead's bringing him to the dark side."

"You really think he'd cheat?" the other woman asked. Dr. White nodded knowingly.

"Girls like her have done it all. And when they reach that point where all the normal stuff seems boring, they begin looking for the next challenge. The next thrill. And it always ends up with them exclusively going after married men. Always. For little minxes like her, that's the ultimate. That one's not gonna stop till that married man's dick is buried inside her. That's the endgame for a slut like her, cause it's the best. Trust me," Dr. White stated firmly.

"Really? Is that, like... kosher for a sex therapist to say?" the other woman asked with an unsure smile, as if she was afraid she was being tricked into agreeing to something she shouldn't, something forbidden that shouldn't be said out loud.

"You learn a lot in my line of work," Dr White said knowingly, feeling a bit looser thanks to the drinks, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly as she looked at the woman next to her, holding her gaze firmly. "Things that don't always line up with societal norms and conventional wisdom. Truths that are just so fucking hot that even someone in my position can't deny it." The Asian woman had clearly believed that the sex therapist was springing some sort of ethical trap on her, but sensing both in her gaze and from the heat in the sex therapist's voice at her last statement that she wasn't being lied to, she spoke openly.

"Okay, yeah! I totally fucking agree!" the Asian woman said with a conspiratorial grin, leaning towards the sex doctor so she wouldn't be overheard. "Holy shit, it's the best! Every time I've hooked up with a married guy, it's like ten times better! Like, it's not even close. Knowing a guy would betray the woman he loves most just to get in your pants... and that he's trying to take all his worst, nasty fantasies out of his system on your body and not his wife, so you know he's giving it his best... it's incredible! Girl to girl, that shit always makes me fucking gush! But I can't really talk to anyone about this, because some women have a real problem with women like me fucking married men. There's like... only one girl I can trust to tell something like that to. I work in a fucking legit, hardcore corporate office... I had enough people that hated me there. Before I got my promotion, this would have been the type of thing that would have been enough to tank me. If someone at the office had found out I'm willing to fuck married men, the rumor so would have gotten out, and that would have been enough to tank me with the bosses. Luckily, I'm a little beyond that now, but still... people have really strong feelings about a woman whose down for that type of thing."

"Oh, people will hate you for it," Dr. White said with a laugh. "Because if you do it right, it fucking stings. But that kinda makes it better. The harsher the cut, the better the taste. Just imagine proving yourself better than another woman so completely that even her soulmate likes you more than her. Imagine how satisfying it is that even the wronged wife can take one look at you and know, in her heart of hearts, that her husband made the right choice. That another woman is just better than her." The Asian woman's eyes flashed with sinful lust at the idea, as if the doctor was speaking her exact language in a way few ever had. She couldn't hide a small smirk from crossing her lips, both at the wickedness of the conversation, as well as hearing this professional sex therapist make this bold statement. "But the trick is... it's not just about fucking married men. Because the type of married man that's out there looking to cheat... they're no fun. What's the sport in that? The key is finding the type of married man who would never cheat on his wife, who loves her more than anything, and then convincing him to cheat anyway. Because you are so much better than her that even he can't deny it." The Asian woman couldn't hide the shiver of lust that went through her at these words. Dr. White hit it on the head, her words describing her feelings to a T. She glanced back at the busty redhead and the married man, that guy seeming like the exact type she was describing.

"You really think he's gonna do it?" she asked.

"No doubt," Dr. White said, sipping her martini. "You wanna bet on it?" Dr. White asked. The Asian woman shrugged.

"Sure," she replied.

"Ten bucks they leave together," Dr. White began. "Twenty bucks that he's pumping cum into her tight pussy by the end of the night. One-hundred bucks that he knocks the little slut up. One-thousand bucks that they get married by the end of the year." The Asian woman laughed at this, a big smile crossing her beautiful face for the first time, a very wicked smile. There would be no way for them to get resolution on most of these stakes, but that didn't really matter.

"Deal!" she said, holding out her hand to shake. Agreeing on the terms, Dr. White shook hands with her. The Asian woman glanced around at the occupants of the bar.

"Any other things you see?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the sex therapist sitting next to her.

"Oh, I see lots of things..." Dr. White replied coyly. She looked around until she found something juicy. "Over there..." she said, gesturing to a standing table near the dance floor. There stood an older woman, a very beautiful older woman. Well styled black hair. A gorgeous face, with lips in a perpetual sexy pout. Smooth, creamy skin. Dressed tastefully sexy in tight, dark jeans, a leather coat, and a button up top which left an impressive, yet classy amount of smooth, juicy cleavage exposed.

"Yeah?" the other woman replied, seeing her.

"You know who she is?" Dr. White asked. The other woman shook her head. "She's a judge. A pretty famous one too. Talk is she's about to become a federal judge. I've seen stories about her before I ever saw her here. She's this amazing figure. Ivy League grad. An incredible lawyer. Accreditations out the yin-yang. Devoted to her job. Never married. She's presided over the biggest cases in the area for years. She pops up on TV when they need legal advice. And she's known as a real fucking hard-ass. She is not one to be crossed. She's tough, but fair. And she's a big champion for women. I mean... she's the total package. She's great!"

"Okay?" the other woman said, unsure why she was getting the biography of this other woman.

"I was surprised to see her here, but it seems as if she likes coming here with some of her coworkers from the court after a long day." Dr. White stated. "She's this total pro, so it's funny to see her in a place like this. But she's still a woman, and no matter what she might claim otherwise, you'd expect her to want some attention. Even the most accomplished women in the world still crave hot sex, and at the end of the day, that puts her at the same level as all the other women here. She comes here with peers, or friends, but she never really seems to show interest in them. But..." Dr. White began, leaning in closer to her new friend, ready to share some juicy gossip. "You should just see how she perks up when she's talking to a younger guy."

"Really?" the other woman asked, amused.

"Yeah! She's this highly respected hard-ass professional. A judge. But at the end of the day, when she wants to unwind, she just wants to get demolished by big, young, hard dick." Dr. White stated.

"What's her type?" the Asian woman asked.

"Kinda like the... d-bag... finance bro. You know what I mean?" Dr. White asked.

"Trust me, I know the type," she replied from experience, adopting a somewhat regretful tone.

"Like, she should be married to a lawyer, or a professor, or the best surgeon in the state. Yet, what gets this amazing, scholarly, highly acclaimed judge off is having nasty sex with arrogant young jocks," Dr. White claimed.

"Really?" the other woman asked, surprised.

"Now, I haven't actually seen her leave with anyone, but she's too smart for that. She has an image to maintain. But... like, she was introduced a week or so ago to some... baseball player. I think he's the new first baseman for the team around here. I'm sorry, I don't know sports too well. But what I do know is that this guy has a reputation for hooking up with any girl he sees, and if I know that, then she knows it, so she should know better. But I could just see her gushing over him from the second they met. They didn't leave together, but I guarantee they've hooked up since then. Guarantee it." Dr. White stated. Almost on cue, a younger guy was at their table, seemingly the friend of one of her coworkers, and the change in demeanor in the judge was noticeable from across the bar. The two women seated there shared a knowing look.

"What else you see?" the Asian woman asked, smiling conspiratorially, clearly fully into this conversation now. "Oh, and I'm Stacy, by the way," she said, holding out her hand again.

"Oh, I'm Dr. White... uh, Jennifer," Dr. White replied, shaking Stacy's hand again. She turned back to the crowd again. "Let's see... oh, over there." This time, she pointed to two women talking. A pretty brunette and a taller, statuesque, slightly older blonde. Stacy nodded once she saw them. "The shorter girl, the brunette... she'd better be careful, cause she's in real danger of eating the blonde's pussy tonight."

"Really?" Stacy asked, surprised but amused by that assertion, as neither of the women gave her that vibe.

"I'm positive," Dr. White boldly claimed. "They've chatted before, and became fast friends. The blonde... I get the vibe she's been around the area for a while, but the brunette... I think she's new in town, happy to have found a friend. However, the blonde, she's not looking for a friend. I've seen her here without the brunette... she's pretty shameless in her tastes. It's no mystery she likes other women... but the brunette... she hasn't quite caught on to that. She's just happy to have someone to talk to. Nice... sweet... eager to please. The blonde doesn't care. She'll take advantage. She'll have the brunette eagerly licking her cunt by the end of the night. And I bet... fuck... she might be taking it even further," she said, putting her fingers on her chin, as if considering new information. "She might even have the brunette rimming her asshole too." A moment of silence fell between them as Stacy studied the doctor. Then, she burst out laughing.

"You can't be serious about all this," she said, her gorgeous face lit up with amusement. "I don't get that vibe at all. They just seem like... friends. You gotta be bullshitting me."

"Hey..." Dr. White began, shrugging her shoulders. "This is my superpower." Stacy shook her head and smiled.

"Okay, I don't know if I believe you fully, but you are way more fun than most of the people here. Let me get you another one..." Stacy said, nodding at the doctor's drink.

"I can't say no to that," Jennifer replied with a smile.

Over the next few hours, the two women got to know each other very well, trading stories and adventures. Stacy still seemed skeptical of the doctor's predictions involving the people around them, but she kept pushing her for more, wanting to see if she'd break her act and admit she was a fraud. But Dr. White wasn't a fraud, so she didn't break, sharing her opinions on all sorts of people in the bar. Like the handsome, hardworking married waiter that clearly wanted to suck on the older blonde bartender's massive tits, an assertion formed by a mere passing glance he stole at her... or to be more accurate, the glance he stole at the bartender's massive round melons. Then there was the group of young people that came in for a friend's 21st birthday party. A good-looking young man was the birthday boy, and he was out with three girls, his girlfriend, his female cousin, and his cousin's best friend. He seemed to be having a good time, but he seemed uncomfortable by all the attention. Or, as Dr. White speculated, uncomfortable to be here with his girlfriend because he only had eyes for his cousin, judging by how much more interested he seemed to be talking to her than his girlfriend. The cousin and the friend seemed to be very aware of this fact, judging by how they were dressed to impress in front of this so-called happy couple, and they planned to make a move together as a unit. And soon. Then, judging by the glances the birthday boy was stealing at each of their expansive cleavages, their move would be successful. And his girlfriend would never see it coming.


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