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Dragon Clans Bk. 01 Pt. 12


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Even as he thought it, the lie of it stung him.

Watching her moving around the flat, talking animatedly on the phone across a room, she seemed fine, hell she seemed way better than fine and this fact.... bothered him.

Not because he wished she were hurt, rather that he was more than simply relieved that she was ok.

He was pondering the nature of the duality of his feelings when she stepped through the small door onto the patio.

Staring at him for a moment, Tera looked at the ground as she spoke "I haven't had a chance to say thank you for this morning, what you did was amazingly brave," pausing while looking up into his eyes. Her features hardened just a bit as she continued "amazingly stupid as well Mr. Dane, you should never have tried to save me, I am trained in these types of things, it was fool hardy for you to take the actions you did. Now that I have lectured you, I really do appreciate you saving me." she finished.

The look on her face conveyed a sense of need and things unsaid as she stood turning away from him to look out over the city in the slowly dying light of the day.

Michael rose and crossed to her side. "May I see where you were shot," Michael asked, his voice quiet, no sense of demanding more one of not being sure if he wanted her to say yes.

Reaching to the hem of her shirt Tera pulled it up on the side facing Michael.

He looked down at the small-discolored spot on her side, surprised at how it was almost not noticeable.

Without thinking his fingertips played softly over the small scar, causing Tera to catch her breath. He lingered for a moment, noticing the supple curve of her almost hidden breast beneath the shirt before the moment passed and she dropped the shirt back into place.

"Nigel has requested that you have a bodyguard for the next few days till we can be sure we have rounded up the rest of the cell, I volunteered if that is ok with you," Tera said as Michael looked into her eyes trying to gauge the truth of the statement.

"That's not really necessary, I am pretty good at taking care of myself, I appreciate the offer but I really don't think I need protection," he said.

The thoughts of her staying with him only fueled his previous questions about the duality of his current feelings.

"It's not really a request Mr. Dane, due to the severity of the situation, we insist that you have a bodyguard till we are sure the situation is in hand," she said, taking a chance, hoping that a hard line would help him to see things her way.

Walking behind her, almost touching her back with his chest he bent his mouth to her ear, his throaty whisper caught her off guard. "You had no trouble calling me Michael in the river, lets dispense with the Mr. Dane. Grab what you need and let's go, there are steaks in my refrigerator that need to be cooked...roomy"

She spun and watched him as he went through the patio door, her whole body quivered at the thought of his breath on her neck, what was she going to do about these feelings. She shrugged and followed after him, she did after all have a body to protect.

Michael smiled as he walked down the steps, feeling good about taking a bit of control in what had become an out of control situation, his smile widened as he heard the door above him open and Tera follow him down the stairs.

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superfeluously_esuperfeluously_eover 10 years ago

I disagree with Jedi Khan below. A copy and paste into Google will explain everything you don't know. Further the act of looking it up will ingrain into your mind what it is. The details remind me of a Tom Clancy novel which is awesome.

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_eover 10 years ago

Again this is a fantastic story.

Though I have a question. First for this example, lets call Ian and Nicholas gods. So if the rule is that two gods are free to war with each other but a god may not war with a person in ascension to become a god.

Nicholas has already made 3 attempts on Micheal's life. He further told Ian of his purpose before Ian reminded him of the rules. Nicholas reluctantly conceded but then vowed to have Micheal's heart in his hand.

Now at the point, where Ian had Nicholas dead to rights, why didn't he order the 3 snipers to fire and have Ian do his thing to kill Nicholas? Surely these actions are justified because gods can war with each other all they want and Nicholas is not the least convincing when he says he will leave Michael alone until his ascension. So why the inaction?

Thanks for posting

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Too-to, loose-lose, haven't used them correctly ONCE! Are you TOO good TO use a proofer? Your LOOSE use of grammar may LOSE you this reader, and votes. You're to BEAR in mind poor grammar makes you look BARE butt silly.

Jedi_KhanJedi_Khanabout 16 years ago
Needs work...

Mostly editing and formatting. Also, I had tried to put up a comment on Chapter 11, but something went wrong with that, so I'll repeat what I wanted to say in that comment in this one. You need to warn the readers, or at least provide a clear, defined boundary, when you switch to a flash back or to different locations or people. You did a bit better in Chapter 12, but 11 was problematic. Also, you have displayed a tendency to specifically name an item, rather than give a general name or a description. For example, in Ch. 11, you used "Ducati 696" to "describe" the vehicle that Tera used to get to Michael's place. What the hell is a Ducati 696? A motorcycle? Car? Truck? Bicycle? Please don't use the specific names of items because not everyone knows what they are and most don't want to waste the time trying to find out. Either give the specific name followed by a general name, like Ducati 696 motorcycle or the Sigarms R93 rifle, just give a general name, or give a description that could allow the reader to visualize the item. Still, despite all this criticism, the story is interesting enough for me to keep reading, it just needs to be improved upon.

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