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Dragon Clans Pt. 02

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Novel follows the adventures of Michael Dane.
2.4k words

Part 33 of the 33 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 09/15/2008
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"I waited too long," Ian said to no one in particular. Pacing around the room Ian was very aware that his inaction had caused Michael undo pain.

The sun had set hours ago, and the fatigue showed as Ian pulled up the video one more time before turning in.

It showed the pain and suffering of a man bereft of hope.

How many of us could hope to begin to understand the pain of this kind of loss?

How many of us could come through with our sanity and humanity intact?

Ian closed down his computer and walked slowly from the room.

The castle, built in the 8th century, was part of the legacy.

If you were called this is where you lived, the castle and the surrounding grounds had been the home of the chosen for the last eleven centuries.

Each step that Ian took was a step another had taken before him; each step was an echo of one that would come. The past, present and future lived in the halls of Nogardshire Castle. If a place could have a soul then surely this was that place.

Closing the heavy oak door Ian slumped against the frame. Time was finally beginning to catch up with him. Ian looked in the mirror across the room and could hardly recognize himself.

Always athletic and energetic, Ian Norris Smyth, the Lord of Nogardshire had lived an interesting life.

Born to Colin and Margaret Smyth, Ian's childhood was as good as could be expected during that time in England.

Colin was a hard working blacksmith, Margaret worked as a midwife; together the three of them lived in a 2 bedroom flat on Woodlea Rd just south of Clissold Park.

Ian grew up knowing what it was to be loved. Knowing that hard work and sacrifice were required to keep a steady path and make ones way in the world. Those lessons were as true then as they were today.

The cognac had a satisfying warmth going down as Ian absently admired the unique Baccarat crystal decanter of the 'Black Pearl' Louis XIII. Limited to only 786 carafes it was a unique gift that Ian appreciated more that he could ever tell Millicent.

He wished Millie were here now.

Times like these were always easier when she was at his side. Someone to talk with, someone to hold, someone who knew him and the burdens he bore.

She would be back from Istanbul tomorrow and he would fill her in, until then it was just he and Louis.

As rain lashed at the windows, Ian settled into the chair by the fire, hoping its warmth would drive away the cold clammy hand that had grabbed his heart as he watched Michael screaming over the coffin of his family. ...............

"My Lord" Cedric said for the third time as he shook his masters shoulder.

The sun had been up for quite some time and Ms. Millicent would be home in less than an hour, 'his lordship would want to be presentable when she arrived,' Cedric thought.

Ian stirred, his dreams had been convoluted, images of the past; battles waged on mist laden fields, a journey by ship across an azure sea. Meaningless and yet, at the same time...feeling...familiar.

Cedric smiled down at Ian as the last vestiges of sleep let loose their hold and his eyes opened.

"Oh god, its you Cedric, what time is it?" Ian asked as he rose slowly from the chair, his muscles screaming in protest at being held for too long in the same position.

"Almost 8am," Cedric replied as he opened the curtains and let the diffuse light from the overcast day spill into the room.

It was a quintessential Lords room.

Dark cherry paneling covered the walls, high arched windows let in the eastern light. An oversize canopy bed dominated the center of the room across from the massive stone fireplace.

"Could you bring me some coffee and a muffin please?" Ian asked Cedric as he moved into the bathroom.

"Of course sir" replied Cedric, closing the door as he left the room.

The hot water felt good, easing the tension out of Ian's muscles and reviving his spirit.

'Michael will survive,' he thought as he lathered his body.

'It will be a tough few weeks but in the end he is a survivor and will put this loss into perspective. Coming out the other side of his grief a stronger person,' Ian reflected as he rinsed off and stepped from the shower.

The stone floor was cold, a shock from the steaming shower, toweling off he looked at himself in the mirror.

'Not too bad for the number of years put on the old body,' he thought, reaching for his Acqua Di Parma shaving gel he looked over his body as he lathered his face.

At 6'1 Ian was tall for an Englishman, dark close-cropped hair with just a hint of gray, a lean silhouette that still had a fairly well defined musculature for a man of his years.

Finishing his morning ritual, Ian stepped into his closet. Pulling on a Stefano Rici button down with his favorite pair of faded Levis and his Bragano loafers he felt normal once again.

Cedric had left his coffee and he absently sipped at it, replaying the funeral in his mind once again. "Michael will be fine," he said to the air as he strode from the room looking forward to feeling Millie in his arms.

Ian stood next to the helipad as the Eurocopter Calibri EC120B circled and came to a light stop 20ft away.

And in the next moment she was there, stepping out of the passenger door, Millie waved to the pilot as she walked over to Ian.

'God its been to long,' she thought as she had to contain her first impulse to run into his arms.

When she finally reached him they fell into an easy embrace.

She could smell the Acqua Di Parma Colonia, feel his heart beating next to hers, 'gods why did she go on this trip, two weeks was too long not to be at his side,' she thought as she pulled him closer.

Ian felt better the moment Millie was in his arms, how many times had they been in just this pose, one or the other of them coming home.

The separations were starting to wear on both of them.

A lifetime spent hopping around the globe tending to various problems was the status quo. Now she was back and all he wanted to do was get lost in her deep brown eyes, revel in suppleness of her thighs, feel the caress of her tongue battling with his.

But he would have to tell her of the incident first, he was already going to catch hell for not telling her a week ago when it happened, he felt it best to wait and tell her in person.

Sitting in the grand salon overlooking the maze Millie could sense that something was wrong. It had been two weeks and she was aching for Ian but he had insisted on a chat, that could only mean something had happened with Michael.

"Last Thursday Sasha was hit by a drunk driver" Ian began.

The blood drained from Millie's tanned face as he continued.

"She was medivac'd to Shands Hospital and underwent emergency surgery, they tried for hours to save her and the baby, but in the end her injuries were just too severe and she died on the operating table," Ian's statement hung in the air.

For almost twenty years she and Ian had followed Michaels progress, watching his life from afar. They would rejoice at his accomplishments and commiserate with him when life didn't go as planned.

"How is he holding up?" Millie asked in a wavering voice.

"Not well," Ian responded, shaking his head, running his hand through his hair.

"He handled the accident and the arrangements well, he was a pillar of strength for Sasha's parents," Ian said, with more than a little pride in his voice.

"That is until the funeral," Ian continued as he pulled up the video on his laptop and spun it so Millie could watch it.

Millie sat silently for a few moments after the video ended, she had never seen anyone in as much pain as Michael and she wondered what the ramifications would be.

"Who caused the accident?" Millie asked as she wiped a tear that slid slowly down her cheek.

"My people are checking on the individual involved, it seems random, the man was driving on a suspended license and was going to court in three days on another drunk driving charge. I should have Cole's full report latter this afternoon but I believe it is just a random accident." Ian said as he moved over to sit next to Millie.

Millie was a mass of conflicting feelings, on one side she felt such sorrow for Michael and his loss, on the other she felt an un-abating rage against the fool who had caused this much pain.

Ian pulled Millie close to him and held her, she began to cry and her tears brought forth his own.

Though they had never met Michael in person he was a large part of their lives and to have him going through so much pain pierced them to their souls.

As they clung together, purging their sorrow the tears began to subside, still holding each other Ian's lips found Millie's

Their passion sprang forth with a fury neither was expecting, those first tentative kisses quickly built to a passionate dual between their tongues for supremacy.

Their sorrow was channeled into their love and passion for each other, within its fire nothing could survive but love and hope.

Ian's lips traveled down Millie's neck, gently biting the taught muscles, eliciting a low moan from Millie and starting her juices flowing. His teeth lingered at her neck, pulling insistently on her delicate flesh enflaming her passions.

Ian's hands found her breasts; tearing off the light silk shirt and bra his fingers twisted her nipples.

Millie caught her breath as Ian's hand began to roam over her body; the heat from his hands on her breasts drove her passion to a higher level.

"Gods Ian, please hurry I need you inside me," she moaned as Ian slid off the couch to kneel in front of her.

Ian spread her legs, looking up at her supple breasts, wondering at the passion he felt for this amazing woman.

His hands traveled up her stocking clad thighs, feeling the heat rise as he approached her silk clad center.

In one pull her shredded panties fell away, he was assaulted by the scent of her desire, the need in her body language.

His head slid between her thighs, the silk made his journey effortless and tickled his ears as his lips and tongue sought out her sweet nexus.

Millie grabbed Ian's head and pulled him to her.

His lips danced over her lips, taking them into his mouth he pulled and stretched them. Spreading them with his fingers he found her hard core and took it between his teeth.

Millie gasped as her first orgasm washed over her, tightening her muscular thighs around his head.

Ian's tongue danced over Millie's captive clit, keeping up the pressure with his teeth giving his tongue an easy target.

Over and over his tongue swirled around her clit, the pulsing motions of his teeth kept her passion rising, orgasm after orgasm wracked her body. Millie cried as the passion took her, wave after wave of bliss rolled over her body, the orgasms taking her beyond herself, merging with the universe and becoming a being of pure feeling and emotion.

Ian's need could be ignored no longer.

In one swift motion he rose, kicking off the loafers and throwing off his pants he knelt again between Millis thighs.

Millie lay their panting; a light sheen of sweat coated her body as she began to come back to herself. Looking down she watched as Ian's rigid member throbbed at her entrance, a drop of precum falling from its tip, feeling like molten lava when it struck her engorged clit.

Rubbing the head of his cock over her wet nether lips, he savored the anticipation; knowing that in a moment he would be inside her liquid heat.

He played his dick over her clit once more and then entered her in one long slow thrust.

No matter how many times he entered her they both believed it felt just like the first time, full of wonder, excitement and unyielding passion.

His thrusts were deep and urgent, he stretched her, as he always did and she screamed in pleasure as he thrust into her, making them one.

Ian caught one of Millie's nipples between his lips and bit down hard, the dueling sensations pushed Millie into another orgasm.

His thrusts became frantic, feeling as if he didn't get further into her, his soul would be lost, faster and faster they moved together, her rising to meet him, Ian thrusting deeper and deeper within her.

Their moans echoed in unison and soon they were both pushed over the edge, floating in the warm embrace of their shared orgasm they clung to each other, enjoying the moment of oneness, understanding that they were and always would be...one.

Lying on top of Millie Ian felt better than he had in weeks, it was too long away from her, too many things had happened. Without her at his side he was incomplete.

Millie's hands moved over the muscles of Ian's back, sliding over his sweat slick skin she could not imagine feeling happier or more complete than at this moment.

Naked and hand in hand Millie and Ian walked up the stairs to Ian's room, a hot shower and hot fire were the order for the evening.

Half way up the stairs Ian pulled Millie to him, their lips meeting in a sensuous loving kiss that imparted the deep commitment and understanding between them.

"Tomorrow I'll put things in motion to get Michael here, if he passes the trials you and I need never be parted again," Ian whispered in Millie's ear as he held her close.

"If he is ready then he will step into your place, but whatever happens Ian we will be here for him." Millie replied into the nape of his neck.

Parting, they shared a long look, seeing in the other that part of them that made each of them...complete.

Climbing the rest of the stairs they understood that for them and Michael the future was unfolding faster than any of them might have hoped.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Left Hanging Again !!!

Good Story !!! But a major lack of respect for your readers as you perfect your craft . Happening way too often. If you are not dead etc. post a prelude and let readers know before you just abandon a story.You want loyal readers and comments stop being an asshole !!!

Hale1Hale1over 13 years ago
Trouble with numbering

This needs to be relabeled as Bk 1 Pt 2. Wish it were that simple, thanx for your writing.

mokkelkemokkelkealmost 14 years ago

this is a very intriguing start. really curious how this will develop, seeing how many chapters there already are i have enough reading material for a little while again :)

Jedi_KhanJedi_Khanover 16 years ago
Better written than the first chapter...

but the lack of answers and the creation of more had me contemplating the possibility of not finishing the chapter. At least we found out how Sasha died, but that question wasn't on my list of questions, so it doesn't matter. Again, some editing work is needed, although this time less is needed than on the first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

This is just amazing! Great story! Can't wait to see what happens next. VERY impressive writing!

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