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Drinks & Kinks

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Hot college girl playfully duped into erotic blind date.
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**This is my submission for the Literotica 2022 April Fools Day Story Contest. It's simple, short, and fun. Please vote if you enjoy it. Happy reading!**


"Nicole, stop eye-groping Rowan and ask him out already," Brooke muttered through clenched teeth.

She was lying on the weight bench at our university gym, attempting a sixty-pound bench press. I was spotting her and peeking at my crush. Rowan was lifting free weights with his buddy David on the other side of the room. Rowan had dark hair, bright gray eyes, and a lean build. David had blond hair, green eyes, and a sculpted torso.

"What makes you think I'm capable of asking a guy out?" I sighed and grabbed the bar before Brooke hurt herself. "Why are you trying to lift sixty pounds anyway?"

"Summer break is almost here. I want to be buff for the beach," she panted.

"Being hot isn't good enough? You have to be buff too?"

"Yes. Why is that so hard to understand?"

"Oh crap, the guys are coming over here. Pretend we know what we're doing," I whispered in a panic. "Okay, Brooke, you can do this! Ready?"

"Yes, mam, coach! Let's do it, coach! Grrrr..." Brooke growled and heaved the bar out of its cradle like a madwoman, then she almost dropped it on her neck.

I gasped and grabbed it to prevent an injury. David and Rowan saw the mayhem and rushed forward to grab it too. They effortlessly hoisted it back into its cradle.

"Crap, thank you," Brooke breathed.

"You're welcome. Are you okay?" David asked.

"I'm good. Did you guys know that was going to happen?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No. We were coming to ask if you were done with your set so I can do mine before my spotter leaves for class."

"Oh, right. I'm done," Brooke chuckled and moved out of the way.

She stood by the bench and tossed her long dark hair behind her shoulders. She was giving David a flirty smile as she ran her fingers through her shiny tresses, pretending to straighten them when they were already perfect. Brooke knew how to get attention.

"Would you ladies be interested in some lifting pointers? I'm a part-time personal trainer," David grinned.

He was stealthily checking out Brooke's black leotard. It advertised her busty chest perfectly.

"Yes, actually. I would love that," she nodded.

They continued chatting as Rowan and I stood awkwardly around them.

"Hey, uh... you're Rowan, right?" I stammered, surprising myself with my boldness.

"Yes, and you're Nicole, right?"

"I am. You're in my Tuesday and Thursday morning class. You usually have your head down when I walk in."

"Not always. I really like your perfume. That's how I know when you get there," he grinned.

"That's also how he knows when to look up to see your ass," David chuckled, earning a punch in the arm from Rowan.

I chuckled as they gave each other murderous glances. My face felt hot as I admired Rowan's pretty gray eyes and messy brown hair. I was flattered that he knew who I was and often checked me out when I wasn't looking.

"Well, I need to get to class," Rowan said and started to leave.

He was obviously done with the embarrassing situation.

"Don't run off. I need a spotter. Your class doesn't start for an hour," David protested.

Rowan gave David another murderous glance.

"Kevin is at the front desk. He can spot for you. I have to finish an assignment before my class starts. I'll see you later. It was nice talking to you," Rowan said to me before he hurried out of the weight room.

David rolled his eyes and shook his head at his friend.

"Sorry about that, ladies. Despite his looks, Rowan is not a social butterfly. He is a nerdy caterpillar trying to spread his wings after losing forty pounds."

"Really? We have more in common than I thought," I mumbled.

I had also lost a lot of weight since starting a consistent gym routine with Brooke. She declared that I had achieved a perky blond cheerleader look, but it clashed with my normal antisocial behavior. I kept my messy blond hair in a ponytail despite protests from Brooke. She said tossing my hair around and getting it in my face was sexier. That advice reinforced my ponytail habits.

"Crap, I still have Rowan's campus ID. He's going to need this, and my phone is in the locker room," David grumbled as he pulled a card out of his pocket.

I looked through the front glass and saw Rowan stop for a drink of water at the end of the hall.

"He's at the water fountain. I'll take it to him," I boldly volunteered.

I grabbed the card and jogged out of the weight room. I caught Rowan at the top of the stairs that led to the basement locker rooms.

"You're going to need this," I smiled as I handed him the card.

"Oh, thank you. You seriously saved my morning. I would have lost twenty minutes tracking this down once I realized it was missing."

"You're welcome. I um... hope you get all your work done before class."

"What? Oh, right, my work," he nodded with his brow furrowed.

We stood there for an awkward moment, waiting for the other person to continue the conversation. It was sad and funny how much we were alike.

"Nicole... would you like to, um..." he started, then stopped.

I stared at him expectantly as he tapped his ID card against his thigh, trying to continue formulating what he wanted to say. The anticipation of what he might say was too stressful for me, so I decided to plan an escape before my nerves got the better of me.

"Well, uh, I need to get back to Brooke so we can finish our workout. It was nice chatting with you. I'll see you in class," I announced while slowly backing away.

"Yeah... I'll see you in class," he nodded.

I turned and scampered away after that. I heard Rowan let out a sigh before he retreated down the stairs. I also sighed in frustration. My crush was trying to ask me something, and I ran off like a coward. I should have given him more time, but I was an antisocial chicken to the core.

The rest of the week was a continuation of my cowardice. I planned to be bold and sit by Rowan in class Tuesday and Thursday morning. I wanted to give him another opportunity to say what he was planning to say at the gym, but I stepped into the lecture hall and got cold feet. I panicked and scampered to my seat on the opposite side of the room as fast as I could. Brooke rolled her eyes at my behavior. Four days passed, and I had failed to say one word to Rowan since we spoke at the gym. Brooke called me pathetic and ordered me to accompany her to a new downtown bar at the end of the week as punishment. The reviews were phenomenal, so I sighed and agreed to go with her.

Friday night rolled around, and concern was setting in as we entered the front foyer of Drinks & Kinks on Main Street. We were affronted by a display case full of lewd stemware. I had seen my fair share of kinky stuff on my fun nights out with Brooke, but this place was on a different level. The crystal champagne and wine glasses were shaped like breasts, cocks, testicles, vaginas, open mouths, and even butts with their cheeks spread wide. They looked tacky and expensive. Brooke said the bar was new-age artsy, but the fact that she dragged me there on April 1st compounded my concerns. We were supposed to meet classmates for casual drinks, but Drinks & Kinks seemed more kinky than casual. Brooke had also insisted I wear my cutest little black dress for the occasion. I did as she requested and wore my flowing blond locks down my back instead of in a ponytail. My anxiety was running extremely high, to say the least.

"Nicole, lighten up. You've seen these body parts before," Brooke chuckled when she noticed my wide-eyed stare.

She was handing over her credit card to a well-dressed hostess. My eyes widened more when I saw the cover charge.

"Why does it cost so much to get in? Is there a concert too?"

"Not exactly," Brooke grinned.

The hostess led us down a dimly lit hallway covered in erotic art. The images weren't derogatory, at least. They appeared to be a celebration of the enjoyment of sex. Men and women were represented equally as they performed sensual poses and sex acts. Their bodies were painted in a variety of colors and designs. They wore playful Venetian masks over their eyes to hide their identities.

Our journey ended at Room 3. The hostess led us into a small dining room with one table. There were cushioned benches on each side of the table. More erotic art was displayed on the walls over antique red and gold wallpaper. The back wall was hidden behind a red velvet curtain. A waiter entered after the hostess left and introduced himself as Kent. He explained the drink and tapas menu before taking our first order of the evening. Then he retreated, giving me a chance to question Brooke.

"What have you gotten me into? Who are we meeting in a place like this?"

"Nicole, relax. Have a drink, and try to enjoy a new experience. I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't think you would enjoy it."

"No, you've been vague about it because you knew I would say no to drinking in a place like this."

"Nicole, someone asked me to bring you here. They'll be joining us after our first round of drinks and tapas."

"Who is it?"

"I don't want to ruin the surprise, but I promise you won't be disappointed. Have I let you down before?"

I sighed and gave up on the interrogation. Brooke knew how to push my buttons, but she also knew how to have a good time. Brooke helped me step out of my comfort zone when I really needed to. The first round of drinks was accompanied by delicious surf and turf tapas. I had no complaints about the food or service. Our second round would be served after the main event.

"The main event? What's that supposed to be? And where are our dates?" I asked as Kent cleared our table.

Kent laughed when he realized Brooke hadn't spilled the beans yet.

"Nicole, chill. You're about to find out. Please keep an open mind. You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but please give it a chance."

"Do what?" I demanded.

Kent hit a switch on the wall as he exited the room. The curtain on the back wall began to rise, revealing a white stage encased in glass. Inside the glass box were two white tables loaded with bowls of paint. On the other side of the glass box was another dining room like ours, and two familiar faces were staring in our direction.

"Hey, it's Rowan and David. They're our dates?" I asked in surprise.

"Yep," Brooke grinned.

I watched in confusion as she stood, locked the main door with a sliding bolt, then began removing her clothes.

"Whoa, what are you doing?"

"I'm stripping. Then I'm going in that box to paint David with edible paint. You're supposed to paint Rowan while he paints you," she chuckled.


"Surprise! Your dinner date is part of your dinner!" she laughed.

"Oh my God, Brooke. Of all the crazy shit you've tricked me into doing, this takes the cake. Did you seriously believe I would go through with this?"

"It was David's idea, not mine. Patrons are normally paired with strangers, but the bar makes exceptions for blind dates. We didn't want to do it alone, so we agreed to set you and Rowan up. You've been looking for a way to break the ice with Rowan all semester. Here's your chance."

"Brooke, a first date involves coffee and awkward conversation, not painting each other naked with edible paint!"

"You and Rowan are too much alike. You would never ask each other out without intervention. Now you can skip all the awkward conversations and jump into foreplay."

"Oh my God..." I groaned.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You two can sit and watch David and me have fun," she shrugged.

I watched in disbelief as Brooke revealed her luscious body to the room. She quickly pushed her thong to the floor and entered the box through a glass door on the left. David was grinning as he stripped and stepped into the box with her. I stared at their exhibition in disbelief for a moment, then I glanced at Rowan through the glass. He looked as stunned as I was by the main event. Our eyes met a second later, and a range of crazy emotions tore through me. I felt embarrassed, aroused, guilty, and scared. What if he rejected me and refused to go through it with me? That thought surprised me. It meant I was willing to go through it if he was. Despite the insanity of it, I was hurt by the thought of him rejecting me. Also, I would never forgive myself if I didn't try to have fun with the man I had been crushing on all semester. I was still ashamed of myself for running away from him at the gym.

I cursed under my breath and stood. David and Brooke were already turning their bodies into modern art as I began to strip. I met Rowan's gaze through the glass as I removed my bra and dropped it on the floor. He sprang to his feet at that point and began to strip like there were ants in his pants. I burst out laughing as he fought to get out of his clothes. I knew he was being silly. It was a tremendous relief to know he had been waiting on me to decide if I wanted to do it or not. I gulped when he straightened up and met my gaze again. We stared at each other's nakedness for a moment, stunned and excited by the strange turn of events. Rowan was even prettier without his clothes. His workouts were paying off.

My stomach was turning nervous flips as I stepped over to the box and opened the glass door. A fruity blend of sweet smells wafted from the room. Rowan and I stepped in together and approached the paint table while trying to keep our eyes in respectful places. We acted busy and curious to avoid acting rattled with anxiety. A picture book of artistic recommendations was lying open between the paint bowls, so we gave it our full attention.

"Ah, nice of you to join us," Brooke announced. "Before you start, there is a prize for whoever does the best body art tonight. So try to create something nice."

David was busy swirling bright purple paint on Brooke's tits, making them look like oversized grapes. Rowan and I looked at each other and laughed. We had made it into the box together despite our social awkwardness. I was not expecting to be standing naked with my crush in a body-art box on April Fool's day, but there we were. It was actually a triumph for both of us.

"Nicole, I want to thank you for not running away when you saw this. I almost did, then I saw you were my date. That convinced me to stay. I swear I didn't know David was planning something like this."

"It's okay, Rowan. I feel the same. I would not have done this with someone else. We were both expertly tricked," I sighed.

"Yes," he nodded. "Yes, we were. This is what I get for not asking you out for coffee. Um, would you like to go first?"

"Sure," I nodded and examined the paints.

Having an assigned task helped me ignore the fluttering in my stomach. Each bowl was labeled according to its flavor. The body art book even recommended certain flavor combinations. I ignored that part and picked up "lemony" yellow. Rowan and I were blushing furiously as I dipped my fingers in the paint and began drawing on his abs. I felt tingly as I touched his soft skin. I tried to keep my eyes on my work, but I couldn't help noticing the stiffness my touch was causing. I decided to work higher on his chest in an attempt to ignore how obviously erotic the situation was. I met his eyes as I turned his chest yellow. We were both grinning like fools and trying not to laugh.

"So, uh, what are you making?" Rowan asked.

"Uh, a hunky loaf of cornbread?" I chuckled. "Well, corn muffins, actually. I'm going to use orange next to make them look baked. It's a plan, but it's not a good one. Do you have a plan?"

"I do, actually. Shall we work together?"

"Go for it."

I paused so Rowan could pick up the bowl labeled "cherry tart" red. I watched as he dipped his fingers in the paint and touched them to my left breast. I shuddered as he swirled cold paint over my skin, making my nipple hard and pointy.

"Hmm, that will have to be the cherry stem," he observed, making me chuckle.

We found a rhythm as we painted together. We would tell each other to pause for detailed work. My painting was a mess. The ab muffins turned out okay, but his pectoral muscles were changed into doughnuts at the last minute. Rowan was doing way more detailed work than me. He was making me into a martini glass. My left breast was the cherry. My right breast had lips and a straw painted on it like a person was drinking a martini. Rowan knelt in front of me to paint the glass stem down my lower belly. My mound and hips were at the bottom of the glass. I shuddered when his wet fingertips brushed over my clit, covering it in blue paint. I had to concentrate on taming the rush of arousal that simple touch caused. I was glad I shaved the night before, creating a smooth canvas.

"Sorry," he whispered in embarrassment.

"You don't have to apologize."

I looked down into his big gray eyes as he smiled up at me. He stealthily slid his fingers over my clit again, making me wobble a little.

"It looked like you enjoyed that," he whispered.

"I did," I confessed.

He held me in his gaze and boldly slid his wet finger between my legs, using it to smear blue paint over my swollen lips. I had been hoping he would go there. It was a relief and a thrill to dive into something erotic so quickly with him. I moaned when he pushed his finger into my warmth and massaged just inside my opening. He was making me extremely hot.

"Mmm, that feels amazing. Are we allowed to do this?" I whispered.

"They are," he shrugged and glanced to his right.

I looked over to see David sucking Brooke's right nipple, turning his mouth purple. His fingers were working between her legs, massaging globs of vanilla white paint into her pussy. Thick white streams were dripping down her inner thighs. She was clutching at David's arms and panting with her mouth open. She looked like she was about to cum, and my body ached with arousal at the sight. Rowan felt my pussy squeeze his finger, so he gently worked another digit inside me. I groaned and chewed my lip as he massaged my horny tunnel.

"You are so beautiful, Nicole," he whispered before he leaned in and licked my clit, making me gasp. "Mmm, blueberry jam," he mumbled.

I groaned and wobbled as his warm lips suckled my sensitive bulb. His tongue was gently flicking against it, making my eyes roll back. His fingers moved deeper inside me, opening my inner muscles as they clutched his digits. I hadn't been that horny in a while. I suddenly wanted him to pull me to the floor and ravish my pussy. I watched as David worked Brooke to orgasm. She cried out and shook as he vigorously groped inside her.

Rowan felt my growing need and slid two more fingers inside me. I groaned and ran my fingers into his hair as he pushed deeper, spreading my pussy lips open with his knuckles. The pressure against my sensitive skin was incredible. He fingered and licked me until my knees were shaking. I pulled his hair and gasped as my pleasure peaked. My pussy tightened on his hand as an orgasm stole my breath. The spasms were like a delicious kick as they shook my body again and again.

"Oh God, yes," I groaned as I struggled not to fall on the floor.

Rowan groaned as he tasted my flood of arousal. He pulled his fingers out of me and spread my legs wider so he could get his tongue inside me.

"Mmm, fruity pussy," he mumbled, making me laugh.

I enjoyed his tongue as it lapped into my drenched warmth. He kept my pussy twitching with tingly aftershocks.

"Wow, thank you, Rowan. I needed that. I have an idea. Stand up for me."

He licked inside me a few more times before he stood and wiped blue paint off his mouth. His cock was eagerly pointing at me. I couldn't wait to get it in my mouth. I dipped my fingers into the "vanilla ice cream" white and smeared it on his shaft. His cock flexed happily as I stroked it. I could feel his pulse thumping fast against my hand. His breathing was excited as I dropped to my knees and licked his tip. The paint was delicious. I took his meat into my mouth, eager to suck him clean. He groaned as I stroked him with my lips and tongue. I grabbed his base and pumped him in sync with my sucking, making him tense.


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