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Drone Metastasis Ch. 04


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"The worst part is that they say they're going to have to do another session tomorrow. Probably because some city executive had sexual relations with an intern or something. Corrupt bastards."

He stepped through the kitchen door as Susan set a big slab of lasagna onto his plate.

"I thought I needed to have a salad tonight..." he murmured, looking up from the food. His eyes were instantly caught by the flashing globe.

He sat down into his chair mechanically, not taking his sight off the inner depths of the sphere. His hand reached out reflexively, cutting a piece of the cheesy pasta, carrying it to his mouth, which worked automatically.

"This is very good," he said softly, reaching out for another bite. "This feels really good."

Satisfied that he would not interrupt the proceedings, Susan went back to the counter and started mixing up the salad. The special ingredient she had put into the lasagna would help to keep him docile.

She rested a free hand over the soft white top which covered her breasts, squeezing one gently and moaning. A gentle buzz from beneath her top rewarded her for her actions. It was so arousing to see her family being brainwashed by the globe! She would need some release herself if this kept up!

The front door moaned again, but this time nobody entered the dining room. Curious, she left the salad bowl she had retrieved from the refrigerator, pacing over to the entryway.

Standing just inside the closed doorway was Zoe, her mouth open. She wore a tight bodysuit, its green surface shining in the muted light of the hallway. Her hair had been cropped short, and her skin was colored a deep blue. The rubbery sheen of a Hivarian.

She held a metallic globe in front of her, her neck tilted downwards so that she could stare deep inside its swirling interior. Standing like a statue, she didn't register the presence of her mother.

"I am a Drone," she whispered. "I must be trained. I must obey."

Pleased at her daughter's enslavement, Susan stepped around to her rear and placed her hands on her shoulders. With a soft push, she guided her towards the stairs.

Her feet lifted evenly, taking the steps without an audible command from Susan. It was as though her body was on autopilot, simply moving based on the unspoken orders coming from her hands.

It felt empowering to be in control of her daughter in this way. It was the most control she had experienced since Zoe was a little girl, and it was frightening in a way.

She knew there was nothing to fear. As she controlled her daughter, so too was she under control. Her exercise sessions had seen to that. The globe had seen to that. Her vibrating breasts were a reward for that. She was being a good slave.

Her body shivered, and she thought of her husband, who was currently having his brain washed at the kitchen table. She knew exactly what she was going to do to him when she had the opportunity.

At the landing, she directed Zoe towards her bedroom, positioning her in front of her mirror. Zoe held the globe in her hands, her lips moving again.

"I am a Drone. This globe will train me. I will be trained."

Susan kissed her above the ear, envious at her state of mind. "You are a good Drone, Zoe. Just like me."

Zoe turned to look at her, eyes unfocused. "Yes, mother. We are good Drones."

Susan shuddered, feeling even more aroused as Zoe turned back to look into the globe, dismissing her presence. She was being trained to be an even better Drone.

She almost ran back down the stairs, her need driving her. When she entered the kitchen, she took in the tableau - Zach had finished eating, his body still vibrating from the orders being given him by the globe attached to his body.

She dismissed him, knowing that he was in good hands. No, what she needed was her husband. He was staring at the globe, too, an empty plate and fork long ago forgotten.

"Don't you want some dinner?" he asked, cloudy eyes moving randomly as they tracked over the globe.

She seized him by the shoulders and pulled him bodily towards the master bedroom. He followed her down the corridor like a pet, making inaudible noises.

Once she shut the door to their bedroom, the haze over his eyes began to clear.

"What's going on with Zach?" he asked, confused. "I don't recall seeing Zoe, either."

Susan grinned and ran a finger over his chest. "Stop worrying about them. They're adults. They can take care of themselves. Much like I want to take care of you."

Unbuckling his pants, she pulled them down with haste, moving a hand inside his underwear to seize his penis.

"What's going on?" he asked again. "You've never been this aggressive before."

She squeezed his member, chuckling as it began to engorge. "Do I need an excuse to fuck my husband? Why are you protesting about being seduced?"

Face sallow, a gamut of emotions ran over his face, finally settling on eagerness. He shrugged. "Yeah, why am I being such a fool? Get over here!"

Her grabbed her by the neck and playfully tossed her onto the bed. She squirmed, sliding her tights down to bare her privates. Running her hands under her top, she shamelessly pulled it upwards at a slow crawl to tease him further.

Growling, he grabbed at her tights and pulled them off with one hand, tossing them aside. He crawled up onto the bed, resting his chest against her thighs, pressing his lips against her nethers.

Sucking gently, he kissed her mons, running his tongue upwards, pressing it into her belly button. She squirmed uncontrollably, eyes rolling. Her strip tease forgotten, her hands lay against the sheets as her hips jerked.

He chuckled and moved further upwards, making a sound of disappointment as he encountered her top. "If you don't get out of this in the next ten seconds, I'm tearing it off your body," he growled.

Spurred into action, Susan gladly grabbed the fabric and pulled it up, sliding her shoulders through the arm holes. This left her clad only in her velvet black bra, her breasts feeling tight within the fabric's embrace. It had stopped vibrating, hiding its true nature.

Her body was so ready for this. She was obeying two sets of commands from two masters, and it was turning her legs into jelly. Her desire to obey was so raw that her entire body felt tight, ready to pop.

Jack ran his hands under her back and unclasped the strap, laying his body over her before she could remove it. He kissed her fully, wet lips engulfing her own.

His hands ran under the bra, cupping her swollen flesh and fondling her nipples. She moaned under the assault, body on the precipice. She was so hot that she could almost feel an orgasm coming on already.

As his lips slid over hers with a wet pop, she breathed heavily. "If you don't fuck me right now, I swear I'll find a way to make you regret it."

"Do you really mean that?" he said, hovering close to her face.

His dark presence was barely visible in the darkened room, but the smell of his musk was overbearing. "What will you do for me if I pound you raw until you squeal, you dirty slut? You want this, don't you?"

He squeezed her breasts, pulling his hands up to lift the bra away, exposing her tits. He tweaked her nipples, callously playing with her flesh.

Her body shook uncontrollably. "I'll do anything, anything!" she shouted.

"I'll hold you to it," he said smugly.

When he first thrust inside her, it was heavenly. It was almost enough to make her forget her new allegiance.


Zach wasn't sure what was happening to him. His body felt good all the time, but he knew that something was wrong with him. He didn't even remember most of dinner, but he had vague memories of going downstairs.

The taste of food lingered in his mouth, but nothing made sense.

He knew that he was still locked into his VR suit, which was more than a little unusual. Normally, when playing, he set regular alarms which gave him enough time to change out when he needed to go get food or to get chores done.

This time, the alarms hadn't sounded. Nothing had intruded on his session except for a feeling of warmth and uncontrollable arousal at his crotch.

Now he was stuck in a small room which looked like his bedroom. His old movie posters and figurines were still there on the walls and the shelves. Dirty laundry and books were scattered over the floor, and his pad was where he had left it the night before, sitting next to his alarm clock.

He would almost have believed that this was real life, except he had already tried to leave the room multiple times, without success.

Each step he took outside the room would cause him to get increasingly dizzy. His vision would fade and he would wake up on his bed.

After the third attempt, he stopped trying. He wasn't an idiot - it was obvious that he was trapped in this facsimile of his room.

What was worse was that his interface was also nonfunctional, so he was unable to log out. That was very strange, and shouldn't be possible given what he knew of standard VR safeties.

Frowning, he picked up his pad and scrolled through the news stories. It was working the same as it would usually do in real life, which wasn't all that odd - VR had the proper firewalled connections to the outer net, so it was perfectly safe to browse the news and look up guides.

There had been some isolated problems in the past, but they had been resolved quickly. Nobody wanted to deal with physical consequences caused by virtual issues.

And yet here he was, trapped in this prison and unable to leave. This should have been impossible. It was really quite disturbing.

The news feed on his pad loaded, a list of stories about local and planetary happenings. A music star was being berated about some comments he had made on his messaging feed. The usual drama.

This seemed interesting, though. A trade deal had been declared with the Hivarians. He popped open the block text, reading the press release.

The emperor had apparently negotiated a trade deal, and the reporter was gushing that this must be a sign that an alliance would be signed soon.

A picture was included with the article, showing the emperor with his strange cybernetics shaking hands with a blue Hivarian. She wore a striking hat made of bright white feathers, a matching scarf wrapped around her neck.

There was mention deeper in the article about shipments having already been started, but he dismissed this as propaganda. That could only be possible if the Hivarians were completely confident that the deal would be made.

He backed out and looked at the next article, eyes widening. It declared in bold letters that the emperor's daughter had been ransomed!

Surprised, he clicked on the text. Adeline had been missing for over a month, and most people believed that she had been captured by the Ultharians.

He skimmed the text, vaguely registering that she had been recovered by the navy after being adrift in a life pod for an extended period.

Near the bottom was a photo of her waving to a crowd. He zoomed in close, surprised at her skin color. She looked like one of the Hivarians!

That didn't sound right to him. Why had the pirates altered her body to make her look like a new species they had just met?

A soft knock came at his door, and he looked up, his heart suddenly racing. This was likely his captor, and he wasn't sure what to expect.

Some sort of horrific spider monster? A demoness? It could literally be anything in this virtual space, and he had nowhere to escape to.

The reality was something far more dangerous. The door creaked open, a slender leg slipping through.

The woman was entirely naked, a physical representation of his dreams come to life. Slender thighs, a large butt, and smooth, rubbery skin.

She was colored a shocking blue, her head entirely bald. A shiny, metal circlet was clasped around her neck, 'D10' embossed on its surface.

Gravity defying breasts appeared bolted her chest, the size of large grapefruits. Her peaked nipples were capped purple, as if painted.

He swallowed deeply. He was in trouble.

"Simone?" he asked, breathless.

The woman chuckled, a deep velvety tone stroking his body. His penis throbbed in his pants, giving him an unwanted erection. He was forced to shuffle and try to hide it in the gap between his underwear and his leg.

He shuffled back on the bed, eyeing her lascivious figure. This hadn't been the first time he had fucked his sister's best friend in virtual reality, but this was far more immediate.

He knew that in reality he would never stand a chance with her, but she was here, now, and very clearly wanted a piece of him.

He also knew very clearly that this was incredibly wrong. This wasn't reality, and this wasn't Simone. If he took her here, it would only be his imagination running away with him.

"Who are you?" he asked, trying to regain control of himself.

The woman walked to the foot of the bed and placed her hands on her hips, thrusting her chest out. It was very distracting, but her forced himself to look up at her face.

She pouted. "Don't I look amazing?" she asked. "Like a dessert you wish to taste?" Her lips smacked together.

He swallowed carefully, keeping his eyes level, running them over the creases in her skin to keep himself focused. "Who are you?" he repeated.

"Why are you so terrified?" she asked, ignoring his question. She turned and paced, stopping to look at his prone body and bending to one side.

She chuckled. "I'm just a woman. A Drone, too, yes, but still, just a woman."

His mouth was dry, as if stuffed with cotton. "What does that mean?"

"If you spend all of your time in video games, they become your reality. It is quite predictable. " She shifted her hips again, turning her head to look at him coyly. "That is why Hive wisely decided to infiltrate VR. Among many of their plans, this one is quickly coming to fruition."

"What is Hive? What is Hive's goal?"

She leaned over, displaying the swell of her breasts swaying gently. "What kind of a man are you?"

He gulped, but didn't reply, staring at her face intently.

She sighed and straightened up. "It matters not how virtuous you behave. The result is inevitable. What point is there in being intractable?"

He still said nothing. He wanted an answer, no matter how much his dick wanted to plumb her depths.

He knew full well it was futile in the end. She had him at her mercy. Beyond acting like a limp fish, there wasn't anything he could do to escape his fate.

Not that he necessarily wanted to. Fucking her willing body would fulfill one of his dreams. He just wanted an explanation.

"Fine," she sighed, climbing onto the bed, sitting with her butt perched on her ankles. "Like all annoying so-called heroes, you wish an explanation."

"It's very simple. One has taken her revenge on the Emperor, and the logical conclusion is for Hive to take over the Empire. Only then will her position be secured. Hive will be supreme."

Zach shuffled back on the bed, trying to put some distance between him and the Drone.

"One? Who is she?"

"Her to whom we pledge our loyalty as Drones, of course. Our ultimate ruler. Our Queen of Queens."

She looked reverent, joy suffusing her features. "We owe everything to her."

She leaned over and crawled up to him, looming over his body. "Soon you will love Her, too."

He shook his head, but had run out of room. Unless he intended to roll off the bed quickly, he was trapped.

She wrapped her legs around his, running her ass up his thighs. The moment had passed. She had him in her hand. Even he had to admit that he was giving in. It was too late for him to escape.

"This doesn't really matter," he gasped, looking her over as she wrapped her hands around the lip of his pants. "This isn't actually real."

She tugged hard, licking her lips at the sight of his shaft jumping up to attention. "You can try to rationalize this all you want. Yes, of course I am just a simulacrum, but you would be a fool to believe that this is just a figment of your imagination. I am your reality, and soon, Simone will be too."

She licked the base of his shaft, running the edge of her tongue all the way up to the head. His penis flexed, a drop of liquid squeezing from the tip.

Grinning, she pounced on top, draping her breasts over his legs as she swallowed his length. Her throat pulsed, vibrating around his flesh.

He hissed, the intense pressure around his dick increasing. It had only been a few moments, but he already knew he was lost. It simply felt too good, and he had little experience with holding back.

"Oh shit, that's amazing," he huffed, his lower body on fire. "Fuck, don't stop."

Her throat thrummed, stroking him as if she was a living sex toy. It was an unnatural sensation, only possible in this virtual world.

It was enough to ruin him. His penis spasmed and he orgasmed. Reality and the virtual blurred and combined for him, making it difficult to tell which was which. All that mattered was the warm mouth sliding over his member. She kissed the tip as if it was a popsicle.

"Good boy. You are obeying just as we anticipated."

She wrapped her lips around the head, sucking as she sunk her head back down his shaft. She smiled as she watched his agonized expression of pure pleasure. She knew that he belonged to Her.

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wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 4 years ago

I love the imagination in this. You've created a vibrant and interesting world here! Keep it up!

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