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Dublin Nights Ch. 03

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Meeting special people.
4.7k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/16/2020
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When I left the terminal at DUBLIN International Airport, I still wondered why Rachel was hanging on my hand. We really hadn't talked that much. And the sex we just had on the plane was kinky, spectacular but just sex. Was she feeling more than it was for me?

I asked her what she was doing here. I found out she was in town for a small three day seminar in one of the hotel/congress locations, and offered to share a cab. I was on my way to a bit more confidential meeting, and did not expect to have company. I wouldn't do her any good in the long run.

While she walked like a model, was boisterous and aggressive enough to be a topmodel, she despised people that credited her career on her outstanding looks.

I am not the greatest, just average of height, commonly known as five by five, and on her nude suede leather high heels she towered as a 6 foot goddess. We mostly exchanged glares when passing through customs and security before finally reaching the holding area and waiting for our luggage. We both had similar dark trolleys having all the necessary stuff inside.

As soon as I smelled the outside air, my body protested. It wasn't really fresh actually, filled with diesel fumes, rotting food and other odors that make up a airport parking lot. Dublin didn't prove to be an exception. Although there was a fresh cold sea breeze.

When I dropped her off at her hotel, we slowly kissed, said goodbye and then she was gone. I had gotten a business card from her, but did not return mine. Ten minutes later I entered my small rental apartment and unpacked. A small place on top of a building near city centre I leased after some fortunate deal.

After about an hour my phone rang and a very giddy flight attendant informed me of the location of my new temporary residency. If I could hurry there, please. Without any delays I redressed, and called for a cab to take me there. Dublin is beautiful if you have the time to explore it.

Some suburbs are amazing pieces of architecture. Others of course not so, development there got stuck due to drug lords and incorrigible corruption. I loved Dublin mainly on the Sunday afternoons, walking at St.Stephens Green and shopping a little. Then onwards to O'Connell street to Eason's.

There is the distinction between north and south Dublin, divided by the river. O'Connell bridge is a perfect hangout to observe people and find new friends. but I will come to that another time.

All of that was forgotten the moment I saw a very happy and waving Mary as I left the cab in the suburbs of Beaumont Woods. The surroundings looked decent enough and I looked forward to a pleasant day. When I walked up, she started kissing me and addressed me.

"There you are. I hope miss Stuckup didn't wear you down. Niamh is still napping and said something that you are her master now?"

Her eyes glowed a bit after that last comment.

"Hello Mary, nice to see you too. It's not only Niamh that knows that I am her master."

The last words I spoke with a more dark and deep voice. Her eyes almost bugged out.

"Whenever someone tastes me, they can become part of me," I explained softly. "It is part of my Heritage sweety, don't think too much about it, just enjoy the ride."

While speaking about general stuff we slowly went into the house. As soon as the door closed I pronounced a couple Gaelic verbs my uncle taught me a long time ago. Mary shivered visibly, so I grabbed her and held her in my arms tightly. A kiss on her cheek accompanied by another sentence of verbal sounds completed her transformation.

"Hush little baby, don't you cry. I just sing a lullaby", my gentle voice mesmerized her ears and mind.

She hugged me tighter and put her head on my shoulder. Slowly I whispered the control song in her ears programming her mind. She swooned in my arms and I swung her around in a salsa-style move.

"You are mine now, my dearest Scottisch rascal!" I proclaimed.

Then I turned my wrist and with a suave move pulled her in my arms tightly. We looked each other in the eyes and I saw the affirmation of my spell.

The house was neat, a comfortable suburban set up with 3 stories, the two upper floors each had 4 bedrooms and one communal bathroom. Down on the ground floor was a large living room with sturdy furniture and a small kitchen on the side.

It had all the usual amenities and a large fridge. A large table with 8 seats divided the two rooms. In the living room a big screen filled the wall, and three large couches filled up the room. They looked sturdy but were actually soft as I noticed when I went down. Yeah, this was really comfortable.

Each couch had an assortment of pillows, some soft, some hard. Mary nestled her body to lay her head on my lap, looking upwards with a dreamy glace. Almost like a puppy like I thought. I closed my eyes for a second and drifted away. My scent left my body and wandered around, spreading itself in this house. Mary snuggled more into my arms. A loud bang woke us both up instantly.

"Dinner is ready!" shouted a very smug looking Niamh.

She held the two lids she used to make the loud bang. She regarded the both of us lovely entangled on the couch. I rinsed my eyes and looked around. The smell of good cooking hit my nostrils and I took it in with a deep breath.

"Mmmm. Someone has outdone herself!" Mary pronounced next to me.

She stretched her arms, making her breast infinitely larger in my view. The stirring in my loins announced that all parts of my body were fully active. Slowly retracting myself from the lovely Scottish girl, I stood up to look around.

"On your left, master. The bathroom is upstairs" she sounded out.

I nodded and moved in that direction. What I didn't know probably was that this boarding house was filled with good looking women students. And Air Hostesses, flight attendants and some nurse from the nearby Beaumont Hospital. The obvious signs were ignored by my clouded brain, somehow I was not able to collect my thoughts.

Going upstairs took some real physical effort on my part, which was strange because of my good health. I saw the door at the end of the hallway open, showing a toilet and I went for it. After reaching the door, it jerked and snapped closed as soon as I was clear of it.

After doing my business there, and washing my hands very carefully, I noticed the small candle burning in a corner. Something was off, but I couldn't tell what. The green flame just vibrated, going rounds on the surrounding oil. I smelled soft and caressing odours, like velvet gloves tickling my insides.

Some soft voices were coming out of the walls. I grinned knowing that besides Mary and Niamh, there were other ladies at home. Smiling about that, I was dumbfounded when the door leaped open.

"Let me kill 'em, he has it in!", a redheaded fierce looking woman drove into the room, quickly followed by a couple other women.

She looked furious and kept cursing while coming for me. I was scared shitless, she was wielding some knife but was held back by another unknown female. The other women were trying to stop her as well. Finally she was held back by Mary, who managed to wrap some pieces of sweater around her and hold it tight. This restrained her enough to let a big busted brunette take the knife from her. A very soft looking woman on the left grabbed another arm before it hit me.

"Calm the feck down Saorsia," Mary kept saying while pulling on the sweater.

"Niamh, get him out of here" demanded the brunette.

"Stop Saoirsia, he won't be of use if he is dead!" Maria exclaimed.

A strong pull on my arms took me outside the bathroom. Beautiful women were standing around. I was aroused, scared, anxious and confused. Some pressure on my chest heaved while she took me away. WTF?

"Master, easy, just follow me please."

Niamh's gentle voice reached my ears. I meekly followed her to the 2nd floor into the first room on the left. She sat me down on her bed, as I noticed the pictures in the room. This was her room and her private area. She sat next to me and slowly took my head in her arms.

"Master, please relax. There is stuff going on, and you need to relax. Just relax, slowly for me."

She said it in such a melodic rhythm, it was like she sang to my heart. All frustration and anxiety left my body and I felt like I connected with her on some primal level. I fell backwards into some soft pillows. She stroked my hair gently and whispered soft and relaxing words. I fell asleep within a minute.

From sleepy slumbering to fully wide awake in 0,1 second. I bolted upright and moved away from the bed. The pinkish color around me showed me a garbled view of the world. My senses took in all the information and only one solution came to my mind. I was caught by a coven!

I had a splitting headache but managed to think straight and spoke some gaelic protection spells and then time seemed to slow down even more. For a moment I thought I saw green and blue flames licking around the walls of the room.

Where was I? I remembered the cul-de-sac the cab took me to. The neighbourhood was not really well known to me, as it was built in the last 10 year of the ever expanding city.

But underneath the pinkish vale it looked like I was wandering in some ancient woods, surrounding a hill. And on that hill was a light shining to the sky. Some humming sound became louder the more I walked to the hill, and after clearing some trees and bushes, an amazing view appeared.

A circle, lit by a blueish flame, held a group of women in its light. I had to squint my eyes in order to perceive more details. They were humming proverbs, or some poetry that had rhythm to it. Or it was an ancient dialect I wasn't aware of. Slowly remembering the lessons my uncle gave me, my legs stopped me.

I reluctantly sat down near them, and crossed my legs under me. Then I opened my arms wide and took a relaxing yoga pose, offering an open mind.

I felt semi attached to my body and left it, looking down at it. Now it seems I was in ghost-mode. Maybe watching me was best. I looked at the column of light.

Gasping slightly when a tendril slowly detached itself from the main beam reaching into the sky. Then see it fall slowly down like a leaf leaving a tree. I was looking at me and the reactions my body did. Like becoming a commentator.

'He' shook his shoulders. The silence was palpable after the women stopped humming while the small thread started hovering above him. It curled into a circle, then a second one and descended deeper over him. Like a lasso it engulfed him and the curls slowly twisted around his wrists. Suddenly he became very warm, his head coloring red, and he opened his heart to take it in.

Like a feather he felt himself lifted and sucked into the beam of light.

"Whoa...what's happening?"

"Silence!" A hard feminine voice sounded.

"I am Peter, I come in peace."


Peter relaxed his shoulders. From training he knew this was going to be a long session. He sighed and started focusing his thoughts.

He retraced his steps from the last time he was in the spiritual world, when he fought a battle against two pookah's that were after his niece. A smile came to his face when he pictured her face. Sinead was her name, and she was a siren. Or at least she sounded like one. He giggled inwardly. Sinead and he grew up together around Tipperary.

Long walks through the valleys, and he fondly remembered walking across a small forest. Sounds of all kinds of birds were around them. Suddenly Sinead started whistling and one by one the birds flew around them. It was a magical afternoon and when he extended his arms, some birds that were balsy landed on them. He admired their looks, their colors and their sound.

Each little bird had something special to offer. Either some small feather they plucked with their beaks from their wings and dropped in his open hand. Or they changed slightly in color, be more variable. After a while some bigger birds came, and he felt their weight on his arms when they landed.

He distinctly remembered a big yellow one, with almost golden wings. Her facial traits made him think of his aunt Eimhear. She did not offer anything but used her beak to bite him. Painfully but not that really hurting. Like she really needed his attention. He shook his head, and tried to wave her off. She now bit him harder, and tried to make him turn to the left. At least that was what caught his attention finally.

There a big black raven appeared out of nowhere. The other birds that surrounded them immediately took off. The yellow bird however stayed on his arm. The black raven slowly came drifting towards him. He closed his fist on his left hand. Keeping the feathers that were dropped in them safe.

He put those in his trousers, then removed the small pieces of branches and leaves in his right hand, and tucked that away too in his shirt. He took some deep breaths, to ready himself for whatever the black bird was bringing to him.

The yellow bird seemed to slowly dim in brightness, and he pulled her in with one arm. She took position on his right shoulder. A rumbling sound neared this enclosure, and he looked at the circle with the women. The beam of light started to slowly wind down too in brightness.

Some of them shivered visibly and he felt weakness, and pain. Bad memories seem to surface and he remembered the last battle. Whatever that black bird was doing, he was having none of it. He stretched his legs, and moved slowly around, placing himself between the circle and the black bird.

He gestured his arms in slow tiny circles, and proclaimed a protection spell. A light curtain of a blueish vale surrounded him and the circle of women.

The bird spread out his wings and put his claws out forward and tried to pierce through the curtain. It dented, but slowly veered back in position. It also did something to the bird, as his legs became surrounded with a blueish flame. It tried again and again with its claws out to penetrate the blue veil, igniting the flames more.

He felt pain and looked to his right shoulder. A small trickle of blood was visible, the claws of the yellow bird were holding tight to his shoulder. The color was dark yellow, like the bird was transforming.

He growled and hissed at the black bird, while still circling around the women, trying to protect from Blackies attacks. His blue veil was shrinking, and he felt a cold draft on his back. The yellow bird on his shoulder was barely moving, and its head was turning greyish. With a flash he knew what to do. He took a deep breath and prepared himself. When Blackie came again at him, he dropped the veil. Meeting no resistance the bird hit him in the face with surprise. He grabbed the claws with his right hand and grabbed it by the neck with its left hand.

Suddenly it was consumed in blue flames. It shrieked and tried to wrestle away, its beak biting in his hand. He gripped tighter and squeezed it, till no sounds were audible. On his right the yellow bird screeched and fully returned its bright yellow pattern with golden wings. It bit at the wings on the black bird, which was still covered in blue flames. He felt his energy draining and the saw red and yellow flames appear at his feet. It was warmth engulfing him, so much heat rising from his toes upwards.

He channeled the energy to his arms as he felt exhausted. The blue flames went up, and became a roaring fire. He didn't even wonder why he did not feel anything. The black bird in his hands changed its colors, the black being burnt off. It morphed for his eyes from a raven to a sparrow hawk, a nice navy colored one. It hung almost dead now in his hands, and he loosened its squeeze a bit. The yellow bird sang loudly, almost deafening.

He felt how the warmth became overwhelming, engulfing his body. More birds came flying out of nowhere. He fell down on the ground, near the circle and one of the women stood. She walked towards him. He recognised Niamh. She held a wet cloth to his face and he closed his eyes.

More wetness, more heat. He felt waves of joyness cursing through his veins. He felt hands on his body, touching, caressing, stroking him. And so much pleasure! He saw the faces of numerous women appear in front of him, each one smiling. Some were old, some were young. He felt like they were kissing him with their soul. His body vibrated almost continuously, that he was aware of. And then darkness came.

A light beeping next to his head sounded. He opened his eyes. Some grumpy sounds left of him made it clear he was not alone. Instead he felt something very warm sticking to him.

No wait, somebody was spooning him! He felt his hardon the next moment and a soft hand stroking it to full length. He pushed back, driving it between her soft bottom cheeks.

"Oh Peter... not again" a surly voice answered his unspoken thoughts.

He slid his body down hers and opened his eyes to take in the feast. She was absolute gorgeous and had long dirty blond curly hairs around her face. Her breaths, nicely filled with C-cups heaved with every breath she took.

A smile shine of sweat covered her body and he now noticed that the bed he was in, was drenched. The sex odour his nose the next moment, and his head swayed. So many different tangents hit his nostrils at once.

She slowly got up and pushed him backwards. She hovered on all fours above him and then slowly kissed his frontal lobes, descending to find his mouth and they kept at it for what felt like hours.

Then she stopped and he was able to get air inside. She however put out her long tongue and started licking his neck, then his chest, and then went down south. The moment she curled that around his Jonathan he almost screamed in joy. Without hesitation she took it in and swallowed his hard on completely.

He grunted and this felt painful and also arousing at the same time. Amazed by her prowess he just let it all go and within two minutes of her hard work, it came to an end. He did not ask or warn her, he just blew his seed into her warm mouth. She had felt the shivering in him and prepared herself, and swallowed everything he offered. He looked down, and was caught up in her gaze. Her eyes lighted up a bit yellowish as she swallowed his semen. She licked around his penis until every drop was gone. She smiled warmly at him.

He was still looking in her eyes, and slowly faded out. The curves of her eyes, the soft hairs of her eyebrows. Her strong cheekbones, the nice sun tan on her body. And what a body it was. He put his hand on her head and pulled her towards him and kissed her on the lips which surprised her. He let his finger trace her head, neck, torso. Slowly circling the areoles on her breast before travelling down.


Both our heads turned sideways to the origin of the voice. He became me in a flash, like transcending my ghost-like viewpoint, to instant physical reality.

"Oomph" I chuckled, feeling pressure in my head and on my body.

"Get off him, Aoife. You had your fun last night like the rest of us. Master needs his rest"

Niamh looked a bit disheveled. Her hair was tousled, and wet. Small drops fell to the floor. She had a large towel twisted around her upper regions and held it with one hand. She bent over and pushed some clothing out of the way, before entering her room. I recalled being brought here by Niamh the day before.

"What time is it, and eh... what day?" Looking around for my stuff.

"It is around 11 in the morning. Mary and I fly out at two to New York," Niamh started. "My sister here, who took my place while I was in the shower will sort you out for the day"

I nodded and stood. My gaze fell on the mirror in the corner. Some black stuff was on my side. I tried to push it away, but it seemed to be stuck to my body. Niamh handed me a towel and pointed at the door. Behind was a small bathroom, consisting of a shower, a sink and a toilet. As soon as I stood under the head, rain fell down on me. That was so refreshing, I felt immediate strength returning in me. I drifted away again and saw the black stuff wash away with the water.


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