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Dude, You Slept With My Mom?! Ch. 05

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Most people have a bucket list; I have a Fuck It list.
10.6k words

Part 5 of the 30 part series

Updated 02/19/2025
Created 08/13/2023
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(Bucket-List Progress: 16/104 = 15.4%)


The next morning, Emily, her mom, and I showered together.

Once we were dressed, we hugged and kissed Lena before she got into her car and headed for home.

Emily and I got to Maria's in time to give her hugs before she left to meet Emily's mom to help her navigate the ramifications of her dad being released from police custody.

As we worked through the morning on the landscaping job, we kept waiting for the attorney to return - so that we could get an update on her mom.

By lunch-time, Emily was beginning to worry. We called Maggie. She said that she was with them, covering the landscaping office phones remotely, with a sign on the door to say that she'd be back as soon as possible.

We were wrapping things up for the day when Mrs. Ramirez returned. She headed straight over to talk to us.

"I'm moving your mom out of the house," she reported. "The judge is being a pain in the ass and I'm not taking a chance on David showing up with a gun that he borrowed from somebody else. I'll keep her here tonight and we'll move her around between the Coffee Club members until I can find her someplace permanent."

"Dad's getting the house?" Emily asked Maria.

"The judge has everything in limbo - which does your mom no good. I'm just not willing to take chances. At this point, yes, I'm just ceding the house to him and looking for something else for her."

"How soon are you taking her by the house to get her stuff?" she asked.

"I'm meeting her and Maggie in a couple hours. You coming?" the attorney inquired.

"We'll run home and shower and meet you there," Emily said.

Emily looked at me, her eyes questioning.

I said, "Of course. You don't even have to ask."

She wrapped me in a hug.

Maria made it a threesome. "You're such a teddy-bear," Mrs. Ramirez told me, stealing a kiss.

Emily gave her a mock glare.

The Latina lawyer responded by laughing at my girlfriend and groping my crotch.

Emily threw her arms around her and said, "Thanks for helping mom!"

"Sweet girl, your mother and I have been friends for a long time. There's no way you could keep me from it."

"Still," Emily said.

"If you keep this up," Maria told her, "I'll just take advantage of your gratitude by stealing your boyfriend for a night or two."

"Maybe one," Emily said.

"Deal!" Maria said, laughing.

"You'll need to clear it with Maggie," Emily warned her.

"<No hay problemo!> Not a problem," she said, laughing even harder.

Emily and I ran home, showered, and headed to her parents' house. When we arrived, there was a squad car in the street in front of the property.

We stopped at the edge of the neighbor's yard, parked the car, and called Maggie to get our instructions. Emily put her on speakerphone.

"Hold tight," Maggie told us. "Can you stay there and let us know when David leaves?"

"Yes," we both said.

"Okay," she replied. "Text or call me as soon as he clears out."

We got tired of sitting in the car and stood outside, leaning against the vehicle, getting some fresh air.

David came out with a backpack and a suitcase. He headed towards the cop car with the two officers. When he spotted the two of us, he yelled at me, "I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter."

"Ignore him," Emily whispered.

"I'm fucking your wife too, buddy," I whispered, glaring at him.

Emily reached down, rubbed her palm against my groin, and smiled at her dad.

"If he was sober enough to remember that," I said.


"Then he can't blame the alcohol for hitting your mom."

"We'll mention it to Maria."

I nodded.

As soon as the squad car pulled away, Emily called Maggie and let them know it was clear. The two of us hurried inside with the moving boxes we'd grabbed from the store.

I taped boxes together as Emily began filling them - leaving the tops open. She had a big marker to write the room name on each one as she packed it, adding a unique number to individually identify each carton.

She took a few minutes and grabbed some things from her own bedroom. These went into separate boxes that would go to my place. She wrote her name on them, and I took those to the truck.

By the time the girls arrived, we had most of her mom's stuff ready. Lena kissed me and went to check on her daughter. Emily explained what we were doing and her mom quickly went through what we had finished, snapped pictures with her phone, and closed up the boxes for Maria and Maggie to carry out. As soon as I had finished taping the rest of the boxes together that we needed, I helped the two of them with carrying.

A half-hour later, we were following Mrs. Ramirez's car back to her house. She would be keeping most of the boxes in the back of one of her garages.

As soon as Lena's things were packed away, we all went to grab some dinner. As we waited for the food to arrive, Maria went back over the plan with the group. Emily and I told the attorney about her father's comment and our observations. After that, we talked about anything except Emily's dad for the rest of the evening.

After dinner, Emily and I headed to my place. Maggie headed to hers. Lena and Maria headed to her house. As we drove, I noticed that I had a text from mom. I hadn't been to the house since graduation and she wanted to see me.


The next morning, Maria and Lena both came out to help us with the landscaping. We'd worked for an hour or so before Emily's mom looked at her younger near-twin and complimented her on how hard she was working. She gripped her daughter's bicep in her fingers and gasped. Emily giggled.

We worked for a few more minutes before Maria asked me if I could come inside and help her move a bed. Emily's mom started howling in laughter. When Emily asked what was going on, I told her that those were the words that Maggie had used to get me into her house for the sexual encounter that eventually turned into my bucket-list.

"Well," Emily said, grinning. "Go on, then."

Maria took her gloves off, and held her hand out to me. I pulled my gloves off, handed them to Lena - who laughed - and then followed the attorney into the house.

I warned her than I needed to wash my hands and she informed me that we'd be fucking in her shower.

I followed her into the master bedroom, lay my clothes next to hers, and followed her into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and pulled me under the steamy spray.

We cuddled together. She tucked my prick up into her gap and I slowly fucked her as we touched and kissed. When she told me she was ready, I grabbed her ass in my hands, lifted her up, waited for her to reach down and line us up, and then dropped her onto my cock.

For a few minutes I just held her tightly and flexed my hips to fuck a couple inches of my prick in and out of her. Maria Ramirez was a gorgeous woman and I was so thankful for all that she was doing for Lena. I told her that. She kissed me lustily and told me she was ready to be fucked.

I took her ass in my hands again and slid her up and down my length. As she asked for more speed, I gave it to her. When she begged me to slam her cunt onto my cock with reckless abandon, I did as she asked. She hung onto my neck as I fucked her.

The second time she came, I felt her hot spray splash onto my groin and I roared as I came inside of her.

After I had finished, she warned me that she had just started taking birth control pills again - with the hopes that we'd be able to spend more time together. I kissed her and hugged her and told her to work it out with Maggie and Emily - but that I was more than happy to cum inside of her as often as she wanted.

We finished cleaning up and returned to the yard. Maria left her gloves in the house. By the time we joined Lena and Emily, Emily's mom was tuckered out.

"This is hard work," she told her daughter.

We hugged her mom and gave her kisses and then Emily told her to go take a nap.

"I don't need a nap," she growled.

When we took our lunch-break, Maria leaned out of the garage to tell us that Lena was sound asleep on the couch.

By the end of the day, we were a little more than half-way done with the Ramirez job. I had no clue how much she had negotiated with Ron for the project, but she (obviously) wasn't hurting for money.

I didn't have an evening "session" scheduled so we checked in at the house before we headed home. Lena asked what our plans were and I told her that we were going to shower and then grab a burger at the diner mom worked at. She asked Maria where she was sleeping - to which the lawyer responded that she'd be staying with her again. Maria told her to go with us and have a good time.

"I doubt I'll let the boy fuck me again," Lena confided to her friend as she got ready to leave with us. "I'm still not walking so good."

"Tell me about it," Maria said, giggling.

The two of them hugged and Emily's mom hopped into the landscaping truck with us. Emily shoved her over by me and then scooted close, we wrapped our arms around her as I drove back to the office. She laid her head against my side and patted my leg, leaving her hand at the edge of my lap as I navigated through traffic.

"What are your intentions towards my daughter, young man," she asked me, smirking a little.

"I intend to tarnish her virtue as often as possible," I reported, "and - if she has anything to say about it - eventually marry her. I think she has one or two kids planned as well."

She leaned up and kissed my cheek. Then she leaned towards her daughter and gave her equal treatment.

"I would never have dreamed of this strange relationship we're in but I'm so thankful for both of you," she said.

"Knock that shit off, mom," Emily told her. "You'll have us all bawling."

Lena's arms reached around behind us and she gave us a squeeze - keeping her arms there for the remainder of the trip.

At home, we tried to tempt her to join us in the shower but she assured us that she knew it was just a trap to get us to abuse her poor body some more. She headed to the bedroom to sit and wait for us. When we entered the room, we found that our laundry had been pulled out of the dryer, sorted, folded, and stacked on the bedcovers. Lena giggled as I gave her a naked hug and leaned down to give her a quick kiss.

Once the two of us were dressed, we returned to the truck to head to the diner. On the way there, I asked Emily if she thought we could take over paying mom's house payments. She said that the utilities - which were the only recurring bills that I had - weren't much at all. She said that, unless mom's payments were something astronomical, it should be no problem.

We stepped inside of the diner and were told to sit wherever we wanted. I knew which tables were mom's, so I headed to where I usually sat. I snagged two menus from the rack on the way by. I didn't need one but that would give the others time to decide.

Mom was busy, as usual, but headed our way with three menus in her hand.

"Oh!" she said, when she saw that we didn't need them.

I stood to hug her.

"Chrissy?" Lena said.

"Lena Matthews?!"

Emily's mom stood and hugged my mom.

"It's Kruger now - at least for the time being."

"I knew that! Shit! You and David having trouble?"

"If you look at her cheek, you can still see a little of the bruise he gave her last week," I told my mom.

"That fucking asshole!" my mother gasped. "How do you know my boy?"

"I believe your son and my daughter are trying to turn us into grandmothers," Lena told her.

I grabbed Emily's hand and pulled her out of the booth.

"Mom, this is Emily. Emily this is the hardest-working woman on the planet."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, young lady," mom told her. "You're as beautiful as your mother - who doesn't look like she's aged a day since we were in school together. If my son does anything you don't like, you have my permission to set his testicles on fire."

Emily laughed and said, "Thank you Mrs. Fowler. Your son is a big teddy bear and I love him to death. My dad pulled a gun and Sam punched him in the forehead and knocked him out. Thankfully, the cops were just pulling up at the time."

Mom's eyes shot open wide. She looked from me - and then back to Lena. She took her hands in hers.

"I'm so sorry, Lena, honey."

Lena hugged her again and said, "Thanks, hun. I'm just glad Sam was there. He's the perfect gentleman. You should be very proud."

Somebody a couple tables over cleared their throat and held up their coffee cup. Mom glanced that way, excused herself, and headed off to deal with her other tables.

The next time she hurried by, I asked her what time she got off. She had an hour left. I asked her if we could meet her at the house and she said 'yes'. I told her we'd grab some take-out and see her there.

I left $10 on the table and we went back to the truck. I took my lovers to mom's favorite pizza place. Since we were starving (at least Emily and I were) we ordered just about one of everything. We walked out, a half-hour later, with pizza, wings, cheese-bread, and toasted raviolis. Mom liked all of those things so I figured we were covered. Everybody else said those items sounded good as well.

We got to the house and I let us inside. I loaded the dishwasher and started it, grabbed clean plates and some paper towels, and got everything spread out on the kitchen counter. The four-person table my mother owned wasn't big enough to hold our meals at the same time as the makeshift buffet. Mom, sis, and I had always gotten by. Lena and Emily noticed that things were a little cramped but they didn't say anything.

Other than the items in the sink that I had set to washing, the rest of the house, as usual, was spotless. It wasn't the biggest or the best house but it was ours. As I sat with Lena and Emily, I thought again about the idea of finding mom a smaller place.

I had asked Emily about picking up the mortgage because - as we had moved Lena's things - I had begun to realize what a pain in the ass it would be to force her to relocate. I was making good money and didn't have to pay rent or a mortgage - at least as long as I was working for Ron. It made sense to help mom out. Maybe we could even get her down to only having to work one job.

When mom arrived, fifteen minutes later, she collapsed onto the couch. I grabbed her a plate with a little of everything on it. I also snagged her a paper towel and a soda. I brought it to her. The rest of us filled our plates and joined her in the living room. I stuck Emily between me and mom and Lena took the recliner.

"When we're done eating," I asked my mother, "can you grab me the payment book for the mortgage?"


"I'm not paying rent. I should be helping you. My utilities are my only bills. Honestly, other than when Emily and I eat out, I don't have much for expenses at all."

"We're too tired," Emily added, "after landscaping all day, to get too adventurous at night."

"Feel her biceps, Chris. She's been working with the boy and she's a beast."

Mom wiped her fingers clean and squeezed Emily's arm.

"Damn, girl!"

Emily giggled.

"Wait. You work with him all day and spend your nights together?"

Emily nodded.

"How long have you been doing this?"

Emily looked at me.

"Probably since graduation. I don't know. Almost three months?"

"And you don't hate each other?" mom asked.

"She's too cute to hate ... besides ... she's ... uh ... really good at ..."


"I do NOT want to know," mom gasped, blushing.

"Come on, Chrissy," Lena said, chuckling. "You remember what we were like ..."

"Which is exactly why I don't want to know what my son and his ... Wait. I thought you didn't like anybody from your class. Wasn't Lena's daughter in your class?"

"Emily and I have that in common," I told my mother. "We don't much care for the rest of our classmates."

She nodded and finished off her wings.

"Can I get you something else?" Emily asked her.

"No, thanks, hun," she replied. "Every ounce I eat goes straight to my hips."

"Tell me about it," Lena sighed.

"You have extraordinary hips, sweet lady," I told her.

Mom's eyes shot from my face to Lena's.

"Your son is quite the charmer, Chrissy. We'll just have to wait to see whether or not his stocking is filled with coal."

Mom wrinkled an eyebrow at me but I just shrugged and laughed.

"I don't know if my mother was a terrible flirt when you and she were younger," Emily said, "but she's very taken with Sam - as am I."

"I won't give you two any ideas but your mother and I caused our fair share of problems when we were your age," mom told her.

Mom was finished eating. I took her plate to the sink and brought her another drink.

"Could you grab that coupon book?" I asked her.

"I'm really not sure about this," she told me.

"I'll leave the book with you. Just tell me the amount and the due-date. I'll bring you a check ..."

I stopped and turned to Emily.

"Do I have a checkbook?"

"No," she replied, giggling.

I turned back to mom.

"Get the coupon book and your checkbook. I'll get your routing number and account number and start an automatic transfer between my account and yours. I'll make the deposit for whatever day you pick and then you can just issue the payment from your account."

"Sam ..." she said, slightly exasperated.


Seeing that I wasn't going to change my mind, she harrumphed, got up, and went to her bedroom. She returned with the items I had asked for. I asked her what date she wanted the transfer to happen. She picked a day that would give her some lead-time. I signed into my bank account on my phone and set up the transfer.

"Done," I told her.

"This is so weird," mom said.

"It's about time your lazy-ass kid helped out around here," I told her.

"Sam. You have never been lazy. You were almost no trouble."

"How many jobs are you working?" I asked her.

"Two. I gave up the job at the hotel."

"Just the diner and the house-cleaning service?"

She nodded.

"Can you give one up now?"

"They're both part-time. The hours are fairly regular. I'll probably just stick with it."

"Then start building a retirement account," I told her. "You can't work for the rest of your life."

"Lena, when did our kids outgrow us?" mom asked her friend.

"I haven't outgrown you," I said. "I've just been busy working and haven't been to see you."

"You sound like an adult though. What happened to my little boy?"

I walked over scooped her ass up in my arms and held her to my chest like a little kid.

"Holy fuck, son!"

She started to wrap her arms around me but I knew where that would put my face - in comparison to her chest - I dropped her to her feet and she hugged my neck. It was still a little awkward but it was far better than it would have been. It had been a while since mom and I had hugged. It was nice.

"I can't believe how much you've changed," mom whispered, as we clung to each other.

"Sorry for not visiting," I told her.

"I'm rarely here - you can't take all of the blame, young man," she replied.

I released my hold on her and she let me go with a kiss on the cheek. We returned to our places on the couch. Emily took my hand and squeezed it. I pulled her onto my lap.

"I'm just gonna throw this out there and you two can talk about it and - if you don't like it - we can forget I mentioned it," I said.

"What's that?" mom asked.

"We're currently moving Lena from house to house to hide her from David."

"Shit!" mom gasped.

"If Emily and I beef up the security and defenses here, what do you two old school chums think about keeping an eye on each other."

"Who are you calling 'old', young man," Lena growled.

Mom laughed.

Emily kissed my forehead and we waited for the two of them to think about it.

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