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Elsa's Delight


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Later that night, Ivy had turned in early. She went to bed around nine or so. Anna was playing the video game that Elsa had bought for her for her birthday. She was playing online with her friend from school and having a great time.

Elsa walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, her hair still damp from the shower she had just taken. She went to her room and could hear her sister talking over the headset. She went to her dresser and pulled out a clean pair of white, cotton panties. She let the towel fall to the floor and stood in her room completely naked.

After putting the panties on Elsa examined her 32C breasts. She grabbed a breast and began massaging it at different spots. She always made it a habit to check for any deformities. Her grandmother had passed away from breast cancer several years ago and ever since then she always checked for lumps when coming out of the shower.

Not feeling anything, she went to the other breast and began examining it. As she did she kept listening to Anna's voice carry over through the thin wall that separated their rooms. She mostly spoke in a soft, sincere tone, but every once and a while she would raise her voice to shout to someone online. It made Elsa giggle.

Not feeling any lumps, Elsa let her hands fall to her sides. She noticed her nipples had become erect. She lifted a hand and grazed her index finger across one. A sense of pleasure coursed down her spine causing her to shiver. She did it again, but to the other nipple. Again, she shivered.

She went to her closet and grabbed a t-shirt. She threw it on and went back to her dresser. She grabbed a pair of sweatpants and put them on. She bent down and picked up the towel and wrapped her hair up in it. She sat down on the bed and picked up her book from earlier - the lesbian erotica book. She stretched out on her bed, laying on her side, and propped her head up using her hand. She opened the book and began to read.

Getting a page through it she began hearing Anna's voice again. It was soft. As she listened she remembered back to earlier in the day. Your lips are worth kissing... That same phrase played in her mind several more times until Elsa pulled herself out of her mind. She noticed her book had closed on itself and she was rubbing her breast. Her nipple was poking through the fabric of her shirt and it felt so good to rub it. She continued to rub the nipple through her shirt as she lay on her back.

Your lips are worth kissing...

Elsa quickly sat up. She shook her head and felt the need to talk to her sister and let her know what had happened earlier was an accident.

Or, was it...? Did I want to kiss her? Did I subconsciously want it to happen so badly that I forced myself into the kiss without even realizing what I was doing?

Elsa shook her head.

Of course, not! She's my sister! I just need to talk to her and let her know it was all an accident.

Elsa got up and left her room. She walked to her sister's door and lifted her hand. She was about to knock when suddenly she stopped. Do I really want to tell her it was accident? Maybe she didn't think it was an accident either? Why would someone say their lips are soft if they didn't want to kiss them again? Elsa stared down at her chest again. Both nipples had become soft and were no longer poking out from under the shirt. No, I have to tell her it was all an accident!

Elsa knocked on her sister's door. "It's open," Anna shouted. Elsa opened the door and stepped inside her sister's room. Anna glanced over at Elsa. "Oh, uh, hey, I'll be back soon." She was speaking into the headset. Anna took the headset off and set it down on the bed next to her Playstation 4 controller. "Hey, Elsa, what's up," she said getting up and hugging her older sister. She offered Elsa a spot on her bed.

Elsa sat down. "Oh, I..." She suddenly lost her nerve. She looked at the TV and forced a smile. "I hope you're enjoying your new game."

Anna turned and looked at the screen and then turned back to Elsa. "Oh, I love it! It's the one I've been wanting. Thank you for getting it for me." Her voice was soft and charming.

Elsa blushed. "Oh, it was no big deal. I called mom and asked her what you had been wanting and she told me, so I decided to get it for you."

"Well, it's a lot of fun," Anna said.

"Good, I'm glad..." They both went silent. Elsa's eyes were anywhere but on Anna. Anna broke the silence.

"You didn't have to get me the game."

Elsa's head popped up. Her eyes caught Anna's. They were green just like their mother's and just as gorgeous. She could have stared into them for hours. Instead, she enabled herself to speak. "Uh, what? What do you mean?"

Anna inched her way closer to Elsa. "Just having you home was enough," she said in almost a whisper. Anna rested her hand on Elsa's and it was so soft and so warm she could have just melted. Her breasts began to tingle and she felt her nipples hardening. "I missed you," Anna added. She then latched onto her sister and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you, too," Elsa whispered. She could feel Anna's hot breath against her neck. It was sending tingles down her back. Her skin became ridged with goose bumps. The kiss. The kiss! Just mention the kiss from earlier!

Elsa didn't want to, though. She didn't want to ruin the moment. She just wanted to hold her sister and smell her. Oh, the wonderful aroma wafting from Anna, the pleasant scent of wild cherry that had been her signature scent since starting high school.

"You smell wonderful," Elsa whispered lovingly.

"You do, too," Anna whispered with the same adoration in her voice.

She pulled away from the hug. Their eyes were fixated on each other. Anna leaned her head forward slightly, and without knowing why, Elsa did the same. Their foreheads touched. The tips of their noses brushed together. Again, without having any reason as to why, Elsa said, "You have beautiful eyes."

Anna's lips stretched wide across her face. She bit her lower lip gently and blushed. "Yours are beautiful, too," Anna said her voice so low and soft that Elsa thought for a moment that Anna was perhaps being romantic with her. Then, it dawned on her that she was being romantic with Anna.

Elsa pulled away. Anna didn't seem to notice the urgency. She kept staring at her older sister with her big, green eyes. "I need to talk about that kiss from earlier," Elsa said, reluctantly, with a hint of panic in her voice.

Anna shifted her eyes. "What about it?"

"I didn't mean it," Elsa said. Liar! "It was an accident." Liar! "I'm sorry it happened." Liar! Liar! Liar!

"I'm not," Anna said softly, turning her head away from Elsa.

Elsa felt her heart skip a beat. "Excuse me?"

Anna shrugged her shoulders and then chuckled. "I get it, I mean; I know it was an accident. It's just... it meant something to me."

"It... what?"

"Your lips on mine were just... they felt perfect. I know it was an accident, but even so, I've never felt that way about any other kiss I've had. Your lips are worth kissing..."

There it was. She said it again. My lips are worth kissing... Elsa's heart was pounding. Her hands had grown clammy. She held on to her bated breath. She looked up at her sister. "I need to go."

Anna reached out and grabbed Elsa's hand before she could leave her room. Elsa turned back around, eyes darting from one side to the other. Anna got on her knees and crawled to the edge of her bed. She rose up, straightening her back, and was at eye level with Elsa. They stared at each other not saying a word.

Elsa's heart was drumming in her chest. She was sure even Anna could hear it as much as she could feel it. A lump had formed in her throat and no matter how many times she tried to swallow, it would not go away. Her cheeks were blazing and then Anna mouthed the words, "I love you."

Without warning, Elsa knocked Anna back on the bed and attacked her lips with her own. All inhibition went out the window along with any clarity Elsa may have had as she could no longer resist her sister.

Anna's hands were all over Elsa's back and being on top Elsa wasn't sure where to put her hands, so she slid them across the bed all around Anna. When her fingers went through her sister's hair she stopped and closed her fists. She had two handfuls of hair and she lightly tugged on them. This caused Anna to gasp, parting from their kiss. Her head tilted back and Elsa began assaulting her sister's chin with her lips. She moved lower planting kisses all along her warm neck.

Elsa had no idea why she was doing what she was doing, but she loved it. In that moment, it felt good—it felt right.

Anna kept her hands swimming across Elsa's back and when she found the hemline of her shirt she crept her fingers up underneath. When her fingers grazed Elsa's skin, Elsa let out an audible moan. Anna inched her way up Elsa's back pulling the shirt up with her hands. Elsa got on her knees and lifted her body slightly. The shirt lifted easier and then her breasts fell out. Anna brought her hands to Elsa's chest and she began massaging her sister's soft, ample flesh.

Elsa lifted her head and let go of Anna's hair. She brought her face forward and they stared at each other. Anna lifted her head and their lips met once again. Their tongues met this time and they did their best to invade each other's mouths, Elsa proving victorious.

Both girls moaned into each other. Anna massaged Elsa's breasts and then began twisting her sister's nipples. Elsa broke away from the kiss, a string of saliva collecting at Anna's lower lip, and let out a deep moan.

"God, I love you," Anna groaned.

Elsa brought her lips back to Anna's. She knew this was all wrong despite how right it felt, but she couldn't stop herself. She loved her sister and until this moment she hadn't known that that love was more than just platonic. It was romantic.

Elsa pulled away from Anna's lips. She stood up and stared down at her sister. Her hair was scattered all across the bed beneath her. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips glistened with saliva. She could even make out the tiny dents in the shirt where her nipples were poking through.

Anna propped herself up on her elbows. "What's wrong?"

Elsa couldn't answer. She finally managed to swallow the lump, but realizing she loved her sister was just all too much. Her hands were shaking and her eyes were glistening. Her lower lip quivered. "I'm sorry," she managed to say and then she bolted from her sister's room. She went straight to her room and closed and locked the door. She stood up against it and began crying.

She slid down the length of the door and as she sat on the floor she buried her face in her knees and wept. "What have I done," she cried.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Elsa jumped.

"Elsa," Anna said softly. "Elsa, let me in, please." Elsa could tell Anna was on the verge of crying herself. "Please, Elsa," she whimpered, "please, let me in."

"I'm sorry," Elsa cried out.

"I love you," Anna cried to Elsa. "I love you so much."

Elsa could feel her heart being tugged. She wanted Anna just as much as Anna wanted her. She loved her sister and that was it. "What will mom think?" Elsa cried.

"As long as we're happy," is all Anna replied.

The door opened. Elsa's eyes were red and wet. Her cheeks glistened. Anna's eyes were red and wet as well. She ran a finger under her nose and sniffled. Elsa reached her hand out and Anna took it. "I love you," Elsa whispered, her voice still quavering.

"I love you, too," Anna whispered, the signs of her crying still apparent.

Elsa pulled her sister into her bedroom and closed the door, holding her younger sister up against it. "What about your friends online?" Elsa asked.

"Oh, they can wait," Anna replied softly, trying to elicit a smile from her sister. It worked as the corner of Elsa's lips lifted. She, then, cupped her sister's wet cheek and brought her lips to Anna's. Anna put her hands around Elsa's waist and pulled her in close. Their passion filled the room.

Elsa turned and led her sister to her bed without parting their lips. Anna's legs hit the mattress and she fell back, bringing Elsa down on top of her. Their bodies were melded together as their hands traveled all over each other and their tongues danced together in each other's mouths.

Elsa pulled back from the kiss, staring down at her sister with passionate eyes. "I love you," she gasped.

"Show me," Anna said, breathless in the moment.

Elsa's lips returned to Anna's. Anna brought her arms up around Elsa's neck and she wrapped her legs around Elsa's waist. She wanted her sister as close as possible while they made love for the first time.

Elsa broke through Anna's lips with her invading tongue. They traded saliva as their tongues danced with one another's. Their lips smacked as both lust and passion filled their beings. Elsa wanted so badly to take it slow and make sweet, passionate love to her sister, yet at the same time she wanted to strip herself of her pants and her panties and ride her sister's face until she gushed her cunt juice all over Anna's pretty mouth.

Anna parted herself from her sister and their lips disconnected. Anna sucked on Elsa's tongue as it slid from her mouth. They gazed into each other's eyes lovingly. Elsa brushed a strand of hair from her beautiful sister's face and tucked it behind her ear. She caressed Anna's sodden, red cheek and leaned in slowly, kissing her again.

Gently, tenderly Elsa lowered her hand from Anna's cheek. It went over her shoulder and down her arm. She took Anna's hand in her own and gazed into her emerald green eyes. "You're so beautiful," Elsa whispered.

Anna's flushed cheeks grew redder at her sister's passionate words. She smiled. "You are too," she whispered before lifting her head to kiss her sister again.

As they kissed, Elsa's hands found their way down to the hem of Anna's shirt. She fidgeted with it and then without a second thought her fingers went under and she made contact with her sister's belly. Anna shivered and cooed beneath her sister as Elsa's fingers made contact with her skin.

Their hearts were pounding in their chests. Their breathing had become erratic despite still being lip-locked to each other. This was all new to Elsa and while she loved her sister, she knew that what she was about to do was very taboo. She brushed away the thought, though, as this was what she ultimately wanted. She wanted to make love to her sister. She wanted to feel her lips against her own. She wanted to feel Anna's hardening nipples between her fingers. She wanted to taste her sister's sweet nectar.

Elsa's hands traveled up Anna's shirt. Her fingers traveled over Anna's toned abs and then brushed along the edge of Anna's bra and she couldn't help but smile. She parted from their kiss. "Can I...?"

Anna scooted out from under her sister and sat up. She immediately took her shirt off revealing her toned belly to her sister and her orange, lacy bra. Elsa's eyes widened and her mouth hung slack. She stared with bated breath. Her pussy was on fire and she could feel her wetness soaking through her cotton panties.

"Touch them," Anna whispered.

Obliging, Elsa brought her hands up and gently rested them upon her sister's clothed breasts. The lace was soft and the fabric was warmed by her sister's body heat. She could feel Anna's nipples poking through the bra and it drove Elsa crazy. Saliva accumulated at her bottom lip and then she drooled.

Anna giggled. She reached up and wiped the saliva from Elsa's chin. She licked her thumb tasting her sister. "Tasting sweet," Anna moaned.

Elsa pushed Anna back and pressed her lips to her sister's. She kept her hands firmly planted on Elsa's bra-covered breasts and massaged the mounds as they made out. Elsa burned with desire. She wanted her sister and she wanted her now.

As they continued to kiss Elsa's hands left her sister's breasts. Elsa's fingers grazed across Anna's abdomen and Anna giggled, though it was lost in her sister's mouth. Her hands made their way to Anna's pants where she unbuttoned them. She pulled away from Anna's lips and slid off from the bed. She pulled at Anna's pants, sliding them down her legs the best she could. Anna lifted her hips and the pants came off much easier. Elsa tossed them behind her and dropped to her knees. She held Anna's left leg in her hands.

"Can I...?" she asked again.

Anna stared down at her sister and nodded her head slowly, they're eyes never parting.

Elsa pressed her lips against Anna's calf. Anna let out a soft sigh as a tingling feeling went up her leg. Her pussy ached and she desperately wanted Elsa to touch her, kiss her, lick her! Her breasts were flushed and full as her excitement was unable to be contained. Elsa kissed her calf again, this time moving closer to her knee. She lifted her sister's leg and kissed the bend of Anna's knee. A soft moan escaped Anna's lips. Elsa continued making her way up Anna's leg. She stopped when she reached Anna's inner thigh.

Elsa gave her sister's thigh a soft kiss. Anna released another soft moan. Elsa parted her sister's legs and gazed upon the orange, lacy panties that she wore. In the center was a dark spot which had accumulated with her wetness. Elsa kissed Anna's thigh again, moving closer to her center.

With each kiss inching closer to her sister's cunt, she could smell her sister's aroma. It was magic; it lured her in; she couldn't escape it. Her nipples were as erect as ever and her pussy had completely dampened her panties. This was it. She wanted to taste her sister!

Elsa felt her sister's skin become rigid with goose bumps and she smiled softly knowing she was doing an excellent job. When she reached Anna's panties and brushed the tip of her nose against Anna's wet spot, Anna groaned.

"Just do it," she demanded with a moan.

Elsa closed her eyes and inhaled her sister's sweet scent. Her mouth watered. "I love you, Anna."

Anna sat up on her elbows. "I love you, too, Els—"

Anna let out a loud gasp. Elsa had curled her finger under Anna's panties and exposed her pink pussy. She had pressed her lips against Anna's pussy and sucked on her lips, collecting her sister's juices on her lips and her tongue. Anna's head fell back, her strawberry blonde hair splayed out all across the bed beneath her. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as pleasure coursed through her entire being. Her elbows gave out and she was lying flat on her sister's bed once more.

Elsa sucked at her sister's pussy. She reached up with one hand and cupped her sister's bra-covered breast. She massaged and squeezed the soft mound and played with the erect nipple. Anna squirmed and thrust her hips into her sister's hungry mouth. She began grinding it along Elsa's tongue and lips.

Elsa dug her tongue between the folds of Anna's cunt lapping up her juices and sending wave after wave of pleasure through Anna. Anna balled up her hands tightly pulling at the sheets beneath. Elsa licked up Anna's slit and as she reached her sister's clit she ran the tip of her tongue across it. Anna sat up sharply letting out another loud moan. Elsa feared that Anna's moans would awaken their mother, but in this moment she couldn't let fear stay for long. She had her sister's pussy in her mouth and she wasn't about to stop until Anna was cumming all over her mouth.

Anna slowly fell back to the bed. Elsa sucked Anna's clit into her mouth and Anna sat up quickly again, letting out a loud shriek. Elsa pinned the clit between the roof of her mouth and her tongue. She ran her tongue across the erect nub causing Anna to nearly convulse with pleasure. She gritted her teeth and arched her back. Elsa continued to play with her sister's nipple while sucking her clit. Anna bucked her hips again nearing her first orgasm.

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