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Emily's Awakening


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When she caught sight of Sophie, she'd been putting all of her new clothes away in her wardrobe, and placing her old frumpy stuff into plastic bags for the charity shop. She noticed Sophie lying on her back on a sun bed in just bikini bottoms and sunglasses. Emily froze for a moment, then she crept slowly to the bedroom window and crouched down so that she could peer over the window sill and down into next door's garden. Her heart was pounding as she feasted her eyes on Sophie's body.

Sophie was only fifteen feet away, lying with her head nearest to Emily's window, and her feet furthest away. Emily's breasts tingled, and her nipples hardened, as she admired the way Sophie's large firm breasts fell slightly apart. She looked like a goddess, there was a lustre on her beautiful brown skin, Emily drank her in. Her eyes followed Sophie's toned abdomen down past her navel, and her pussy spasmed as she saw the taut waistline of Sophie's bikini bottoms, stretched between her prominent hip bones, and revealing an inviting gap through which Emily could just make out the start of her dark pubic hair. Sophie's mound rose under the flimsy cream coloured material and left an impression of the cleft between her prominent labia.

Emily was surprised to feel her panty gusset beginning to dampen. She hurriedly undid the buttoned fly of her new tight jeans, and plunged her right hand into the top of her panties. She had to pull her jeans down slightly to gain proper access to her pussy. Her own touch felt amazing, she probed between her slick, wet pussy lips and circled her hole, before moving her hand back up to her clitoris. By now she was groaning with pleasure, the like of which she'd never felt before. Through her half closed eyes she saw Sophie rise from the sun bed and turn to show her glorious breasts, shaped like two large teardrops, before moving out of view.

Emily was more aroused than she'd ever been in her life. She pulled her jeans down to her knees and lay on her back on the bed. At first she basked in the sensational arousing feelings that had spread from her pussy to her abdomen and inner thighs. Then she took hold of her left nipple between the thumb and fingers of her left hand and, with her right hand, masturbated herself rapidly. She became more and more aroused as she imagined lying with Sophie and slipping her right hand under the taut waistline of her bikini bottoms, tangling her fingers in her pubic hair, before sinking them into her wet sun warmed cunt. Now she was massaging her own clitoris with the fingers of her left hand, whilst finger fucking her own cunt and imagining being kissed and fucked by Sophie.

From a place deep within she started to feel an onrushing orgasm, a sensation she'd never felt before on the rare occasions that she'd played with herself. With her long red hair cascading on the pillow, her t-shirt pushed up above her breasts, her jeans pushed down to her knees and her back arched so that her pussy tilted upwards, she came long and hard. Her eyes closed and her mouth contorted as she released years of pent up frustration, triggered by her fantasy of being fucked by Sophie. Now she knew for certain that she wanted to have sex with women.

Later on, in the evening, after she had sorted her clothes, done the weekly cleaning and made herself a cup of tea, she opened her new iPad and searched sex toy websites. She came across 'Love Honey' and marvelled at the size and variety of vibrators for sale. She chose a model in fuschia pink and paid with her debit card, feeling flushed with embarrassment as the 'thank you for your order' confirmation flashed up on screen.

There was something else she wanted to do, and it took her several minutes to pluck up the courage. Eventually, she typed 'lesbian sex' into the browser search box. An overwhelming list of websites came up, so she clicked on 'images' and her screen filled with pictures of women kissing and carrying out all manner of sex acts on one another.

She tentatively clicked on 'videos' and pages of lesbian sex videos arrived on her screen, but she dare not open any of them for fear of inviting a security breach on her iPad, and because it was a step too far for her just yet. She went back to the images and unbuttoned the fly on her jeans again, so that she could play with her pussy while she looked at the pictures. She was most aroused by pictures of clothed or semi clothed women kissing and fondling each other. To her surprise though, the images that really got her masturbating were those that showed one woman dominating or forcing another 'reluctant' woman.

She focused on a image of two women in short tight dresses, stockings and heels. One of the women straddled the other's pelvis and pinned her arms to the floor either side of her head. The look on the face of the woman that had been pinned down was one of submission mixed with reluctant arousal. The dominant woman had a gloating malevolent expression, overshadowed with the desire to fuck her submissive conquest. Emily left this picture enlarged on screen while she pushed her jeans down to her knees again; she imagined she was the woman pinned down on her back and made herself come for the second time that day. Her orgasm was not as intense as the one inspired by Sophie but it was very pleasurable none the less.


A week later, on a sunny Saturday morning, Emily was looking out of her bedroom window hoping to catch sight of Sophie, when the doorbell rang. She hurried downstairs and opened the front door, to her surprise, delight and embarrassment there stood Sophie holding a plain brown parcel.

"Hi Emily, I think this is for you."

Emily looked at the parcel, the packaging was damaged and it looked like it had been opened, then she looked at Sophie in a tight tube skirt, low cut t-shirt and heels. Her cheeks flushed pink and she looked at the parcel again. She could feel Sophie's eyes on her in her little mini skirt, her pert little breasts with her hard nipples showed through her t-shirt.

"Oh, is it, thank you Sophie, how did it end up with you?"

"There was a card shoved through our letter box to say that a parcel couldn't be delivered because there was no one in, and it was awaiting collection. That was on Thursday but I've only just got around to going to the post office. I couldn't make out whether it was addressed to number seven or number nine so I opened it. There was a delivery note inside with your name on it."

Emily's face turned deeper red as she realised what must be inside the package. As she took it from Sophie's outstretched hand, she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her.

"I'm sorry you've had to go to so much trouble," said a highly embarrassed Emily.

"Don't mention it, I had to go to the post office anyway so it was no real hassle. Is that coffee I can smell?"

"Oh, yes, oh would you er... would you like...?"

"I'd love to."

"Right, well er... come in,"

Emily felt a mixture of acute embarrassment and pleasure at Sophie virtually inviting herself into her house. They both made their way to the kitchen, where the filter coffee, that Emily had made before going up to her bedroom to spy on Sophie, was waiting to be poured.

"How are things since you lost your mother?" Sophie asked a distracted Emily.

"Oh not so bad thanks, I'm getting used to it now," said Emily still eyeing the package that she'd placed on the kitchen worktop.

Sophie knew that Emily was about fifteen years older than her. She had watched her often since coming back home from Thailand, and she'd been intrigued by the recent transformation that she'd seen in Emily's appearance. She always thought of her as the dowdy little next door neighbour who wouldn't say 'boo to a goose,' but lately she'd seen her in heels and tight skirts, looking very smart and desirable, on her way to work at the library. She also knew that Emily watched her from her bedroom window.

"Are you still working at the library?"

"Yes, do you take milk or sugar?"

"No, just as it comes for me thanks."

Sophie noticed Emily glance again at the package several times as she poured the coffee.

"Look, Emily, I hope you don't think I'm poking my nose in where it doesn't belong, but I think we should just acknowledge that we both know what's in the parcel, then we can move on."

"Oh God, oh yes," said a tremulous Emily, "I, er... I, well... I..."

"Emily, it's okay, I've got two of them and I use them all of the time, please don't be embarrassed, your secret's safe with me."

"Oh God," Emily breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at the cool, calm, confident, very alluring young woman and just wanted to surrender to her.

"Do you mind if I tell you that you really seem to have changed your whole look recently? I know it's none of my business but..."

"Thank you Sophie, I've decided to change my outlook on life, it's not something that comes easily, you know, one step at a time, but I'm making progress."

"Well the vibrator is a good place to start, you can have lots of pleasurable fun and find yourself at the same time," Emily blushed again, "I'm guessing it's your first."

"I know you must think I'm a terribly sad old lady but, yes, it is."

"God no Emily, there's a very attractive, sexy little minx in there and you're letting it out to play."

Sophie finished her coffee, raised her eyebrows and gave Emily an alluring look, then she took a step closer to Emily so that she was able to cup her right elbow in her warm left hand.

"Look, I've got to go now, I'm meeting a friend for lunch, but if you ever need any help or advice on how to use that thing," she gestured toward the parcel, "just let me know."

She squeezed Emily's elbow, then lightly tickled her palm with her thumbnail and turned to go. Emily saw her to the front door, every fibre of her being wanted Sophie to turn around and kiss her, but Sophie knew that she'd already got Emily on the hook, and she could feel her eyes locked on to her fabulous curves as she sauntered slowly to the front gate.

Emily closed the front door and breathed out a long sigh, she could feel the dampness in her panty gusset. She went back into the kitchen and opened the package, the vibrator was seven inches long and had several settings. She quickly inserted the batteries and made her way upstairs to her bedroom. She lay back on her bed and peeled her panties off, then picked up the vibrator, she was still highly aroused by Sophie's surprise visit and what had surely, she wanted to believe, been an offer to fuck her with the vibrator.

She pulled the hem of her miniskirt up to her waist, opened her legs wide and played the vibrator around her pussy. It was a highly pleasurable experience and took her mind off the possibility, as a virgin, of feeling pain when she inserted the device into her vagina for the first time. She set the vibrator at about three quarters power and teased her clitoris and labia. A deep arousal built inside her as she felt the power of the instrument reverberate through her pussy. Eventually, she became so turned on, that she decided to insert it into her vagina. She started hesitantly and played it around the entrance, then she gritted her teeth and pushed it half way into her cunt. She was relived that there was no pain, just sheer pleasure.

The powerful instrument took on a life of its own and completely overwhelmed her, she'd forgotten to use the gel that she'd ordered with the vibrator, but she was so wet that she didn't need it. Now with the full length of the device inserted into her clenching wet cunt, she rode herself to a glorious orgasm inside sixty seconds; she'd hardly had time to imagine Sophie using it on her. She felt like she was floating on the ceiling, after a while, she came down to earth and caressed the magnificent sex toy in her right hand. Twenty minutes later, she switched it on again, and this time had a long fantasy about being on the receiving end of Sophie wearing a strap on cock. She'd seen them on the 'Love Honey' site and had been highly aroused at the thought of being on the business end of one.

Two more orgasms later, it was early afternoon, and she realised that she'd made herself come four times in two hours or so. When she hadn't been coming, she'd dozed and fantasised about Sophie, and Miss Silverdale with her long blonde hair. She found herself wondering where Miss Silverdale was now and what she looked like. She was only about six years older than Emily, so she'd be in her early to mid forties now. She knew that she'd moved to a different school, in neighbouring city, shortly after she had left school herself.


The following Friday, Emily received a surprise visit at work. By now, she'd become used to her new look, and the fact that she turned heads for the first time in her life as she walked to the bus stop. On this morning, she'd managed to sit next to the attractive girl that she'd had a crush on for some time. Emily's tight pencil skirt clung to her thighs, and it was just possible to see her suspender clips protruding through the material. The girl half smiled at her, but Emily realised that there wasn't the slightest glimmer of interest from the pretty commuter.

When she arrived at work, she made a coffee and got on with her duties. In the past week alone, she'd had one young man ask her for a date, and another older man press a piece of paper, with a phone number written on it, into her hand. She'd politely refused the young man, and thrown the older man's phone number into the waste paper bin. They were both regular customers, so she took it as proof, if proof were needed, that she no longer looked dull and uninteresting, but had transformed herself into a desirable woman.

Just after eleven o'clock, she was checking out books to a borrower, when Vivian Roseberry swept through the double doors and approached the desk.

"Hello Emily, how are you today?"

Hello Mi... Vivian, I'm very well thank you. Did you want to see Mrs Fensome? I'm afraid she's out this morning."

"No, it's you I came to see."


"Would you mind finding Penny and asking her to run the desk, so that we can have a little chat?"

"No, of course not," said a curious Emily.

Penny was found, and Emily and Vivian took themselves off to Mrs Fensome's office. Vivian was wearing a very stylish and expensive fitted skirt suit, she sat down at a coffee table and motioned Emily to sit opposite. As she crossed her legs, she revealed an expanse of thigh, and the beginning of the welt of her stocking. Emily sat with her knees together, and her hands on her lap, trying to hide the impressions of her suspender clips; in case they were all too visible through her skirt.

"I must say that you look very well turned out Emily, very professional. The modern librarian needs to look business like yet approachable."

"Thank you."

"You're probably wondering why I've come to see you?"


"Well, you remember that I told you about new opportunities at the Central Library?"


"Well there'll be two new senior librarian posts advertised at the end of October, and I think you should apply."


"Yes, we need some new blood, so I'm ensuring that all of our brightest prospects have an opportunity to apply." This was a lie, Vivian had deliberately not spread the word to other possible candidates, she wanted to entice Emily to the Central Library, and now that she'd seen how desirable she looked in her heels and skirt suit, she was even more interested in grooming her for sex.

"But first, I'd like to give you the chance to improve your CV."

"Right, yes okay."

Emily was beginning to realise that this was no ordinary career development discussion, she could see Vivian casting her eyes over her body. Her breasts were held firmly in an underwired lace bra, the pattern of which was just visible through her crisp white blouse. She removed her hands from her lap, and watched Vivian breath a little more deeply, her eyes lingering on her suspender clips, which did indeed protrude through the taut material of her pencil skirt. Vivians eyes then dwelt on Emily's shapely calves and high heels as she deliberately and slowly crossed her legs, showing just a glimpse of her stocking tops. Emily was certain now that Vivian found her very desirable.

"I've booked you onto a one day assertiveness training course in September, and a three day senior management course in early October. These will be good for your development whether or not you apply for the jobs, but I'd really like you to apply."

"I will Vivian, and thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, I'll be sure to attend those courses as you suggest."

"Good, good," said Vivian Roseberry with a satisfied smile. She was almost on the point of making a pass at Emily now, but she managed to resist, and brought the discussion to a close.

"Remember to call me if I can help you in any way, any way at all."

"Thank you Vivian, that's very kind of you."

"It's important to me to see that my staff are well looked after," she said with a meaningful look as she swept out of the room.

Emily felt a little giddy at all of the seductive attention she was getting, first Sophie, then several male customers and now Vivian. The men were irrelevant, but she hoped very much to be dominated in bed by Sophie. She was currently away for two weeks on an all expenses paid holiday resort inspection in India; Emily was looking forward to her return. Vivian was fast becoming an enticing prospect too, but she was in no rush, her vibrator and it's attendant fantasies fulfilled her for the time being; one step at a time.


A month later, in late September, Emily had bought even more clothes that showed off her figure. She'd also attended the assertiveness training course, and she'd made love to herself with her vibrator almost every night, and several times at weekends. She'd also put her name down on the list for the Libraries and Communities Department Christmas Party, an event she hadn't attended for the last fifteen years. On the one occasion that she had attended, she'd been so painfully shy and lacking in confidence, that it had been torture for her, made worse only by well meaning colleagues' attempts to get her to 'join in.'

That was the old Emily, now, ten weeks after the death of her mother, and eight weeks after reading her mother's intense but sorrowful letters to her female lover, the new Emily was firmly on course to bring joy and fulfilment to her life. She realised that she would never have any children, she was the only child of only children, so she was determined not to allow herself to waste away by getting old before her time. She'd cared for her mother for years, but now it was her time to awaken, to blossom and seek out pleasurable experiences. She didn't know whether she would ever fall in love, but she felt that, in time, she could have rewarding and fulfilling friendships. Above all, she was ready now for the touch of another woman, and she hoped that woman would be Sophie.

Sophie was away again for a week in Indonesia on another fact finding tour for her company. She'd seen Emily when they'd both arrived home from work at the same time one day, and she'd promised her that they'd catch up when she returned. With a sly grin, her parting shot had been along the lines that she'd inspect Emily's vibrator to see that it was working properly. As soon as Emily had closed her front door, she hurried upstairs to check for herself, and came very quickly, with her skirt around her waist, whilst watching her stocking clad thighs quivering at the strain of raising her orgasmic cunt as close to the ceiling as possible; with just her head, shoulders and heels in contact with the mattress.

One evening just over a week later, a taxi drew up outside her neighbour's house, and Emily sneaked a look through the curtains at her front window. Sophie stepped out of the taxi, looking very sexy in a tight woollen knee length dress that clung to her buttocks. Her high heeled ankle boots and perfect arse, were all that Emily could see as she leaned back inside the taxi to retrieve her jacket. She paid the driver, picked up her two heavy looking bags with ease and strode to her front door.

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