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Emily's Choice Ch. 05

Story Info
Emily comforts him after his punishment.
4.1k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 11/13/2004
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Before he finished drying himself off the door to his bedroom was thrown open and slammed against the wall. Two women he'd never seen before entered as he quickly wrapped the moist towel around his bare waist. One, a woman taller than his six feet with blond hair wrapped into one long braid that ended at her waist, came to face him. Another, a darker skinned Hispanic woman with a firm, rounded body followed her.

The blonde, who introduced herself as Eileen, looked him up and down and, noticing his erection, shook her head contemptuously. "You have an appointment with Ms. Raymond," she informed him. "Elizabeth and I are here to escort you. I strongly suggest you come willingly. If you do not, you will be forced and I can assure you that will not be pleasant."

Stunned, he agreed to go with the women, though he was unsure where he was going, who Ms. Raymond was or what she wanted with him. Sharon had warned him he was to be punished and he expected another spanking from her when she returned, but the two women ordering him around took him by complete surprise.

When they placed a hand on each elbow to direct him, he shook them off. This irritated the women and caused Eileen to turn him to face her partner and apply several hard spanks to his bare bottom. Elizabeth held his eyes as she did, noticing both fear and shame in his gaze. When they resumed their positions, his bottom was reddened with the clear imprints of a woman's small hand tattooed across his muscular cheeks. He was sniffling silently and his walk slowed to a penitent ambling but he made no further sounds or displays of rebellion.

They walked throughout the large home, in rooms Richard had never before seen. There was a large ballroom, an oak paneled study and plush living room that was new to him. In each room maids, cooks and wait staff, that were all female busied themselves in their tasks. Most looked up to view the naked man being led by the two women. A few openly ogled his shaved, swinging cock and some even smiled at the recently punished state of his behind. Familiar with Mrs. Burke's disciplinary beliefs, they knew what the boy was experiencing.

As they walked him outside, he noticed several women, at least a dozen or more, lined up on either side of a wooden frame. A strap ending in what appeared to be a manacle hung from either side of the frame. When he came closer he saw Ms. Willis and Ms. Donnelly among the women assembled. A tall woman with black hair and runner's legs stood behind the frame watching him approach.

The two women by his side stopped when he stood in the center of the frame. Immediately the black haired woman reached for his hand, lifted it and locked the manacle securely around his wrist. When she finished with both hands she finally addressed him.

"Richard, my name is Ms. Stevens. If you're smart and do as you're told you'll be lucky and won't have to see me too often. I'm what you would call the disciplinarian for the Burkes." His face paled when she spoke the word and he began to fully realize his situation. "For years I've dealt with any disobedience from not only the staff on the grounds but the husbands as well," she smiled. "Oh, most of the ladies choose to take up that duty themselves, but when they are too busy or find they're not up to such a task they call on me. I'm best at getting through to boys that have disregarded the effects of other punishments." This last comment was directed pointedly at him.

She stepped back and retrieved a thin stick with a black strap hanging on the end. Richard had never seen anything like it and it sent a shiver through his naked body. Did she plan to use that on him? Already he began quaking.

Ms. Stevens noticed this and addressed him. "There's no use shaking boy, you've got this coming to you and you'd best accept that." She walked behind him to admire the well toned buttocks and strong back. Running the supple leather through her palm she addressed him one final time, "This will hurt like the blazes boy and you'll be begging and crying helplessly before it's over but I hope you'll take something from it this time. I'd hate to have to make this a regular appointment."

She walked in front of him and appraised his captured body with eagerness. Despite his efforts, Richard's cock expanded, spurred on by the group of women eyeing him. Ms. Steven's words rang in his head but that, along with the cool morning breeze, did nothing to lessen his arousal. The thought of what was to come made him afraid but his penis seemed more interested in the attentions of the women. For the past week he noticed he'd had less and less control over his urges. This was a frightening realization to Richard, one that he hoped didn't continue.

As Ms. Stevens pulled the coil of leather through her hands, Mrs. Burke came towards him and held him in a warm embrace. It surprised him and he felt waves of warmth come from her. With a kiss to his cheek and a whisper of reassurance in his ear, she rested his face against her bosom. Speaking to him, she said she would be right here and though he won't enjoy his punishment, she will help him through it. He could only swallow and nod into her soft, full breasts.

"Where's Emily?" he looked up and asked.

Her face showed a pleasant surprise and she stuttered for a moment before answering. "She couldn't be here honey, I'm sorry." One finger stroked his cheek lovingly , "She said it would be too much to bear. She's grown quite fond of you."

Richard filled with happiness and knew he would take any punishment if he could only see this woman everyone raved about, the one he was supposed to marry. Released from Mrs. Burke's chest, he stood proudly and, in the moments before the first stroke of the whip fell, realized he hasn't ever met Emily and knew very little about her. Nevertheless, he felt overwhelmed with affection for her- the Emily Burke he would meet, serve and love. His fear and anxiety was replaced with a resolution to be the best man he could be for her. He would take his whipping with pride and wear the stripes with a sense of devotion for his woman.

Mrs. Burke released him and noticed the resolute expression on the boy's face. Ms. Stevens was behind him now and Richard heard the whistle of leather cutting the air before it ever landed. It bit into him with a snap and forced him to grunt rudely. He had a high tolerance for pain and though he knew he'd ultimately be forced to cry out from the whipping, he restrained himself from doing so so early. The leather landed without pause on his bare flank and he gritted his teeth to the sky, feeling warm tears spill from his eyes. He could feel the eyes of the collected women on him that only frustrated his feeling of shame and weakness. They watched him expectantly, as if hoping for him to burst or break down pleading. He swore not to do such a thing. If he was anything, he was a man and a strong one at that. He'd endured many things at the hands of this family and he promised himself he wouldn't break but prove his strength as a man. He'd fallen too far this week and that would end.

Still the whip fell, continuing the licks of pain against his unprotected ass. He whimpered with each stroke and soon his whimpers turned to cries. In time he gave up all previous promises of outward strength and gave in to the inevitable. He buckled and screamed out with each kiss of the leather against his skin. Tears spilled freely and he didn't care who noticed.

Each of the women studied his every reaction, every jerk of his body when the whip landed. They'd seen such punishments before but all of the women had grown close to the boy and felt nothing but sympathy for his pain. Diana noticed the boy's tears and felt the beginnings of her own. He was a good boy, and would make the perfect husband but knew he had some habits that needed to be broken. This was necessary for his future happiness but still it was difficult to watch. His now limp penis shook with each application of the leather. For such a large organ, it was the smallest she'd ever seen. It looked like it was trying to crawl up inside his body to escape the whip.

Ms. Stevens was the only one that seemed to enjoy the event. Her lips curled into a smirk of triumph as she mercilessly laid the whip against the boy's unprotected body. While the rest of the women jumped from the sounds of the leather attacking his body, she seemed to revel in it.

Emily stood on the top floor balcony overlooking the courtyard. She was invited to watch the punishment; in fact it was expected of her but she declined, knowing it would be too much for her to bear. From all she had seen and read about the boy, he seemed perfect for her. She already felt a closeness with him and knew his whipping, which always turned out to be more drastic than expected, would bring out something she didn't want to see. She could hear his wails from the balcony and the tears she cried mirrored his own. If she were closer she knew her reaction would be much worse, and not fit for a woman of her standing.

From the distance she watched Ms. Stevens happily flay Richard's naked body. She was good at what she did, and her body moved rhythmically without pause during the punishment. His body was swollen red and bruised beyond anything Emily was capable of. Even from the balcony she could see his pain and hear the desperation in his wails. This was beyond anything she could ever administer to him.

She found herself wincing with each blow and was certain the other ladies witnessing the punishment were as well. His body twisted with each impact but after the second dozen he only hung loose and cried out. His pitiful sobbing was unmistakable and tore at Emily's heart. She wanted to run downstairs, out onto the lawn and stop this whipping but knew that would only cause her to lose him. Once a punishment was agreed upon, no matter how severe, it is carried out in the Burke house. Her mother made sure of that. By the time Ms. Stevens' whip went slack Emily found herself bawling with him.

She watched as her mother took the beaten body of the boy and held it to her. The older woman whispered to him and rested his head peacefully on her shoulder. Emily saw the cheeks of his ass were striped and the swelling was visible from her spot on the balcony. The tight muscles beneath throbbed, still reeling from the torture he had received. The women all watched silently and when Emily saw Diana wipe away a tear, she felt better knowing others felt just as she did.

Before they finished their embrace, Ms Stevens began releasing his limbs from the frame. As each one was unbuckled it dropped heavily to his side. When he was fully freed her mother held him tightly to prevent him from falling. On her mother's command Diana came forward and helped the boy's arm over her shoulder. With Ms. Stevens taking his other, and their arms clutching his midsection they supported and walked him out of the courtyard back into the house. The small crowd mingled silently for a time, taking in what they had just seen, before retreating inside as well.

Emily waited, giving him time to collect himself before entering the nurse's office where Richard lay. He was face down on the bed, hands beneath the pillow his face was buried in. His naked rear was covered in uneven parallels of raised welts. Dressed in the extra nurse's uniform, Emily played the part, sitting by the bedside and resting her hand on his shoulder. When he felt her touch he jumped, an obvious reaction considering the lashing he had just faced.

"Shhhhh," she whispered, wanting nothing but to comfort him. "You've had a terrible beating and all you should do now is rest."

He raised his face to look at her. Tears still dripped from his eyes and his cheeks were swollen from the sobbing. The words caught in his throat, all he could manage was to mouth his surprise, "You?"

Her fingers trailed down his tender body, resting on his swollen ass. He was hot to the touch and a slight layer of sweat covered him from head to toe. "You've been punished and now it's over with. You don't have to worry anymore, just relax and let me take care of you."

"But why?" Tears were beginning again. One fell slowly, leaving a thin trail of moisture.

"You broke the rules one too many times. The lady of the house has no patience for men that frequently disobey." She'd heard this speech from her mother since she was a child and had long ago grown accustomed with the idea. "A man that gets his way is sure to ruin a family, a home, a business, whatever he is allowed to. Keep a man respectful and well behaved and there's no telling what he can accomplish."

"But...but whipping me like that?"

"It worked, didn't it?" She patted his back tenderly, regretting the cold tone she used to disguise herself. She'd been around when her sisters' husbands were trained and saw how hard it was to keep out of it as they were supposed to. When it was her turn she knew it would be too difficult for her to not have a hand in her husband's training. Being the youngest of a family with four daughters, she was that much more spoiled than her older siblings and got away with more than they ever had.

He was turned away from her now, staring at the opposite wall. With his attention elsewhere she was able to examine him more thoroughly. His body was magnificent. Lean, strong muscles covered his frame. Each movement caused them to flow together, creating the masculine image she enjoyed. His rear end, now tortured and bruised, was nonetheless his most endearing quality. Round and tight, it gave off the perfect picture of male beauty. She imagined the nights it would press against her while they slept or- better still- lay meekly across her lap awaiting her chastisement.

Taking the ointment from the nurse's stand, she squirted a thick dollop onto each of his asscheeks and began to gently rub it in. He jumped at this but, with a word, she calmed him and he resumed his position face first in the pillow. The skin of his rear was still warm from his whipping. Most likely it still stung so she used the utmost care not to irritate it further. With each movement she heard him suck in quickly as if he was still being punished. She couldn't help but sense the irony in the action; her loving touch being associated with pain and punishment. It summed up her ideal relationship.

"This will help you," she reassured him. "It will make you feel better and speed up the healing."

He looked at her and nodded. "I trust you."

Emily could see the tears in his eyes and she fought to keep hers back. Seeing him like this really affected her. He seemed like such a kind boy. Why did he have to always push the limits?

Caught in her thoughts, she didn't hear him speak and asked him to repeat what he said.

"Where is she?"

"Who, sweetie?"

"Emily," he said. "That's her name right- Emily? They say I'm supposed to marry her."

She couldn't look at him, she focused on his butt and kneading the salve into his worn skin. "She's here. She's not allowed to see you." Surprisingly, a lump caught in her throat.

"Why not?"

"It's tradition. This is the way the Burkes have married for generations. That way the women keep the authority in the family business, as well as in the home."

"That stinks. Dumb tradition." He plopped back onto the pillow, he chin resting on his folded hands.

"Now, now Richard we'll have none of that," her thumb traced along his warm crack, helping to calm him. "You were just punished, don't think I won't spank you as well." She smiled at him and rubbed a hand across his cheek. "Be a good boy for me, hmmm?"

He took to her touch, closing his eyes and sighing. Already he was becoming compliant to her will.

Having his body rubbed so soon after a whipping would really sting and she knew how hard it must be for him to hide the pain from her. He was quiet then and Emily thought he may have fallen asleep as she continued to stroke his body. Her hands slid from the heft of his bottom to his long, muscular thighs. They had not received as much punishment as his bottom had though they still bore the marks- long thin bumps like contrails against the otherwise placid skin of his legs.

As he rested she stroked him slowly, working her way from his thighs then up to his neck where her fingers curled around the stressed muscles, relieving them. His breathing slowed to a delicate pace. He turned his head to face her, his eyes looking up adoringly. "Thank you," he whispered.

She smiled curtly, an action she found difficult under the circumstances. She would rather take him in her arms and console him as a woman should. Despite their differences in stature he was hers and she had great plans for him. Under her hand he would grow and thrive. He would obey, not from fear of the whip but true love that she would nurture at every chance.

"Is she real?"

Emily was lost in the peaceful motion of stroking his bare back and merely looked at him.

"Emily- is she real? I keep hearing how wonderful she is from everyone but I've yet to see or even hear from her. Does she even exist? Maybe this is just a bunch of extremely well off deviants that like tormenting others."

She bristled a bit at this but shook it off. "I know her very well and I know for a fact that she's very aware of you and keeps up with your progress."

His eyes were wide and she brushed her fingers lightly over his lips. "All you have to do is learn, obey and be patient and she'll see you as soon as she can. Now," she nudged him playfully, "Turn over."

Without a thought he did as told. As she expected he was erect and his cock sprang up after being compressed beneath his body. He lay back with his arms at his sides and closed his eyes, his cock pulsed in time with his breathing.

Though not the first time she'd seen him naked, it was her first chance alone with him. It was then she realized the affection she had grown for the boy. He seemed so delicate and sweet, all the while being stubborn and rebellious. His face was gorgeous and his body strong. He exuded manliness but never gave into the machismo so common in men like him.

With steady hands she placed a palm on his lower abdomen, just below his navel. The other rested on his chest, her thumb slowly rubbing his nipple. He was becoming more comfortable with her touch and without any show of concern she was able to stroke him from head to toe. She concentrated on his upper body, kneading the muscles of his chest and the lean tightness of his belly.

He made a sigh that subtly turned into a groan. As the side of her hand pressed into his muscles, she stroked downward, eventually finding his organ. Carefully she held his balls and allowed herself time to examine them. They were larger than most, tender and covered with silky skin. She held each one between her thumb and forefinger, personally measuring each one. She was gentle with him, already considering him her property, yet she didn't want to scare him off. He was in a delicate place and she must do whatever it takes to bring him over as hers.

Her grip loosened on his balls and she grasped his swollen length. Sitting up straight, she gazed down at him as she began pumping him through her barely closed fist. Both of his hands gripped the pillow beneath his head and his head swayed from side to side, lost in the sensations she brought to him.

"Lay back," she advised him. "Don't ignore what you feel." She didn't want to bring him to orgasm, she merely wanted to test his threshold. His file marked him as overly sensitive and, while she liked that in a boy, she didn't want it to interfere with his duties as hers. That was his foremost responsibility.

She squeezed his shaft, forcefully and then delicately before releasing him with a gentle brush of her fingers. His head swelled to a deeper red and his breaths became moans with each motion. As one hand stroked his shaft torturously slow, the palm of the other circled the very tip of his swelled knob. When Emily took her hand away a thin line of precome trailed from the tip of his cock to her hand. With a soft, almost bored sigh, she rubbed it into the tight skin.


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