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Emptying Thomas Ch. 06

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Wife Creampies Husbands Butt.
3.6k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/27/2021
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Diane surveyed the situation in front of her. Thomas was still in the sling, blindfolded, gagged, and limbs secured in place. His ass was still occupied with a 52-inch square-peg dildo. His cock was caged as always but at the moment a bit of tubing worked to collect the massive loads of cum she had fucked out of him. Diane checked the collection bin and saw that she had milked nearly a full cup, perfect for her later plans. Thomas looked Zen, in another world of pure bliss and pleasure. Diane had milked him for more than two hours, his ass had been assaulted by her massive dildo, and he had rarely ever looked this happy. She took his balls in her hand, weighing and fondling them, finding that finally she had milked him completely dry. His little, tiny cock stirred in it's cage but no more cum leaked out, he was empty once again.

She removed the tubing, storing the container of cum for later. She unlocked the restraints on his limbs, took away the blindfold and ungagged his mouth. He looked sated, the lust entirely removed from his horny-ass. "How did you enjoy that, my love?"

Thomas' response was quick and earnest "That was extremely intense, I loved every second of it. When the snake was really vibrating, I felt like I was orgasming for what seemed like an hour straight. It was almost more than I could handle. But right now, I'd kind of like to get this thing out of my butt."

Diane removed the bondage-tape that held the base in place. She had waited to remove the dildo until her husband was un-blindfolded, she wanted him to see how much cock he had just taken in his bowels, she knew that he would be proud of himself. Diane slowly started to withdraw the dildo, sliding it out a few inches at a time. She pulled the dong straight up and out, that way Thomas could look down and see more and more of the dong coming from his ass, his eyes bulged as she pulled more out, by the end it looked like a magic trick, the incredible-infinite cock. Finally, just the tip remained, Diane paused for a moment so that they could both take one last look and absorb the massive length that had been inside Thomas just a few minutes ago. Finally she gave one last tug and the fat head popped out of his butt, leaving him gaping and oozing lube.

"This place has an awesome outdoor shower if you want to get cleaned up. Dinner will be delivered shortly. Let me help you out of the sling." As Thomas stood up, they embraced and shared a passionate kiss, their lust may be sated for now but their romance was stronger than ever. Without another word, Diane directed Thomas out of the backdoor of their cabin, and he saw the shower.

It was a beautiful setting, deep in the woods, surrounded by century-old trees. He took a moment to listen to the bird sing and the wind soar through the leaves before he went to the shower. The cool water began to wash over him as he looked out at the beauty of their retreat. He saw that the shower had a built-in enema nozzle, he turned it on low and saw the water trickle out. Taking the nozzle firmly in hand he inserted it into his ass, feeling the warm water start to fill him up. He didn't need a full cleansing, he just felt like he had a gallon of lube still running around in his butt and he wanted to wash some of it out.

Suddenly he saw a car pull up along the path to their cabin. He panicked for a moment before remembering that this was apparently a kink-friendly place. When a person emerged in a full gimp-suit he felt truly at ease. The gimp moved to the trunk of the car and started to remove and set up a rolling-cart. They filled it with foods, carefully arranging each item to what seemed like a pre-set specification. When done, the gimp looked towards the cabin and finally saw Thomas, still standing in the shower naked. The gimp was clearly not ruffled in the slightest, apparently the sight of a chastity-caged man washing lube out of his ass was not an uncommon sight at this place.

Thomas turned off the water and started to towel off. The gimp started to wheel the cart towards their cabin. Thomas walked back inside and saw that Diane had welcomed their new friend inside. She was inspecting the meal and looking over their bill. Thomas noticed that the gimp doing their best to not stare at the 14-inch strapon that Diane was sporting. Apparently, everything was satisfactory. She signed it, the gimp curtsied, retreated to their car, and slowly drove off.

On the cart was a delicious looking feast. Tartare, brioche toast, fois-gras, caviar and other delicacies. Thomas had not eaten since the day before and he was quickly salivating. The pair exchanged a silent look and immediately started to hedonistically devour their meal. Sex was not the only thing that got them groaning and moaning with pleasure. "Diane, this is absolutely delicious. Thank you for planning this special trip. These last six-months have been really special, I love being your cock-locked anal toy."

Diane put her arm around his shoulders and gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek. "We've been married a long-time and I've loved every moment of it, but this year has been the best. I can't wait to keep spending my life with you."

After their meal they went to their back porch and settled in a nicely cushioned couch. They talked, laughed and gave each other loving looks for a few hours, gradually watching the sun disappear behind the horizon and the lightening-bugs start to light up the forest. After a while Thomas became keenly aware the Diane was now looking at him with a bit of lust in her eyes. She hefted her cock and started to stroke it. "How about we make love one more time before bed?" Her tone was seductive but Thomas could tell that she had something unique in mind.

"My ass has been empty for two hours, it's practically starving for your cock." He jumped up and took her by the hand, leading them back inside their cabin. Diane stopped him, lifted his arm and made him do a twirl and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Go get on the bed on your back, I want to look at your pretty face while I fuck your butt." With that she went to grab a few items and Thomas went to the bed. He laid on his back, put a pillow under the small of his back, and drew his knees up to his chest, offering his butthole up for his wife's cock.

Diane returned with a few items that she dropped onto the other side of the bed. She then showed him one particular item -- the key to his chastity cage. "You've been locked up for six-months. Besides a minute or two of cleaning your cock has been constantly caged. You have not had an erection the entire time and I've trained you to cum exclusively through your butt. Now I want to see what has happened to your little dicklet in that time." She took his member in her hands and started to unlock his cock.

Thomas was nervous, he had no idea what to expect. The last time he had a penis-gasm it was disappointing, he loved that he didn't have to worry about his dinky little penis anymore, he loved that his butt was now his sex organ. But his inherent curiosity was peaked. Diane slowly removed the various parts of the cage. They both looked on at his tiny penis, it was totally flaccid, just a nub, barely a half-inch long. Thomas imagined that if he let his pubic hair grow that it would quickly over-grow and totally obscure his little nub.

Diane started to touch his little cock, slowly manipulating it with two fingers. For the first time in months, Thomas felt some blood start to flow to his little dick. Slowly he started to get hard. The sensation was strange, alien, foreign. It was not unwelcome though, he was getting a little pleasure from his wife's manipulation. After a few minutes his cock felt rock-hard, like it had enough blood in it that it may explode. He looked down and was shocked at what he saw. Before their chastity journey he had had a four-inch member. Now, his cock was barely two inches long. It was thinner, the head barely distinguished from the shaft.

His already tiny cock had shrunk. He had only had four inches to start, now he'd lost more than two of them. Thomas started to panic, he started to feel unease at his situation. Then suddenly Diane spoke. "I've read about this happening. Apparently, the tissues that store the blood when the cock is erect can contract when you don't have an erection for too long. It's not permanent, if you stayed out of the cage, you'd go back to only having a tiny cock instead of a miniscule one in a few days." Suddenly, Diane plopped her giant strapon cock down, it hit the inside his left leg, nested next to his tiny member and the head flopped and landing on the middle of his abdomen. He knew what she was trying to communicate, hers was the real cock.

"That said, I have to say Thomas that this sight makes me extremely horny. You know I've never cared about your tiny cock, but I absolutely love your big clit. And even though it's smaller, that doesn't mean it has any less nerve-endings." With that Thomas saw his wife's head dip down, she licked his cock-lit from base to tip. Waves of pleasure came over him, his sensitivity was off the charts. She kept licking, drawing circles and patterns with her tongue. Thomas' eyes rolled back in his head; this was a new kind of intensity he had never experienced. After a while, Diane surfaced and whispered in his ear "I could lick your big-ole clitty all day, but I want to get my dick is aching for ass-pussy."

With that she moved off to grab the lube and started moistening her big shaft. He noticed that this strapon had a massive set of balls, he stared at her as she rubbed her cock. Subconsciously his hand went to his crotch, he felt his little-tiny penis and his spine tingled with excitement. He didn't jack himself; he didn't move his hands like he was touching a penis. Instead, he rubbed it with one finger like he was figging a clit, he was rewarded with further waves of pleasure. His unease at his shrinkage faded, now he was embracing that Diane had transformed his little cock into a sissy-clitty.

He felt close to a new-kind of orgasm. He looked at his wife, she was stroking her superior cock, watching him as he touched himself. Suddenly his pleasure broke and overwhelmed him, the nerve endings in his clit exploded and he convulsed in pleasure. Full-body, mental, clitoral, he didn't know how to describe or make sense of the ecstasy he was feeling. His mind went numb, he bucked his hips in time with each wave.

After a moment he looked at Diane. She had a devilish grin on her face, still stroking her strapon. He then looked down at his cock. He had orgasmed, but not a single drop of cum had come out. It touched the slit to feel for just a drop of cum and found it completely dry, not even a small ooze of precum. He didn't understand what had just happened.

He looked at Diane confusedly, she just kept leering at him, lust taking over her mind. "That was weird, I felt like I came, but there's no cum and I'm still really horny so I don't know what that was."

Diane had been waiting for him to speak. This was her moment. "Of course there's no cum, Thomas. Clitty's don't cum, they just give you pleasure." Diane knew the truth, though, she had thoroughly drained Thomas' cum a few hours ago with the colon snake, his balls and prostate were as dry as a desert. She suspected that Thomas understood that as well but decided that she wanted to lean into the role-play.

"Your clit may not cum, but my cock sure does." With that she started to let Thomas in on the surprise that was this new dildo. She had taken the cum that she milked out of Thomas and loaded it into the balls of her strapon dildo. That led through a tube up the shaft. The best part, it had a probe that inserted into her own pussy, when she squeezed her vaginal muscles, it caused the cum in the balls to slowly seep out the tip of her cock. If she squeezed hard enough it even shot out. She could literally cum with this cock, it was a miracle of sex-tech engineering.

She squeezed her pussy, jacking her cock, and saw some of Thomas' cum emerge from the head. Milky-white fluid, dripping from her massive tool. Thomas stared straight at it, fixated, obsessed. He wanted that cum inside of him and he wouldn't wait any more. He maneuvered himself to give Diane the perfect angle into his butt and she took it.

She pressed the head against his sphincter, seeing the first drop of cum help to lube and moisten his entrance. He was a loose little butt-slut, but with a cock this big it was always going to get some resistance at first. She looked down at his butthole, saw it struggling not to shut out this massive invader but to welcome it in. With one more push the head popped in, she was inside him. She marveled at his taut anal-ring, gripping her giant cock as she pushed more of it inside him. Thomas started to moan, the pleasure from his rectal assault already starting to overwhelm his mind. Diane looked down to see that his little clit was still erect. 'Time to really make him cum like a woman.' She thought.

As she pushed more and more of her 14-inches inside his butt she dove in to give his mouth a ferocious kiss. She pushed more, he kissed back passionately. Their way of fucking may be kinky, but it was still an act of love for them. Finally, she felt her hips bottom out, she was fully inside. She decided to squeeze her cunt a bit. Thomas felt a jet of cum in his butt, the thought drove him wild. "Enjoy this, Thomas, I'm going to paint your colon white." With that she started to withdraw, halfway out she slammed home again. The fat length of her shaft constantly shifted, stimulating his prostate and causing jolts of pleasure to shoot from his ass, up his spine and directly into the pleasure centers of his brain.

Diane settled into a rhythm, sawing in and out of his willing butthole, forcing a sexy moan every time she bottomed out, a sigh every time she pulled out. Eventually she reached for the hitachi magic-wand and brought it to her husband's little clit. "Let's see if you enjoy a blended orgasm now." She switched on the wand and immediately Thomas was sent to a new level of nirvana. The pleasure in his rectum swirled in vicious eddies with the ecstasy coming from the vibrator. His clit, his g-spot, everything wrapped together in a new sensation of pleasure. He couldn't tell orgasm from not-orgasm, he was melting into the bed, his mind was slipping away into the abyss. Diane loved putting him in this state, he was a pure-play thing at this point, a rag-doll she had total control over because she dominated his sexual pleasure.

She started fucking with earnest. Taking nearly all 14 inches of her cock out before slamming it all the way home. She timed her strokes perfectly, a steady rhythm and assault on his prostate and rectum. Her own orgasm was slowly building. This was such a hot scene; she wouldn't be able to hold off long. She bucked into him, saw that with every stroke she took Thomas to a new level of sexual heaven, a new surge of pleasure.

Suddenly she saw that he was going to orgasm. The thought sent her over the edge and she felt her pussy start to convulse, her juices flowing freely into her harness. "I'm cumming in your butt, I'm cummmminnngggggg" She yelled the words, they echoed through the cabin. As her pussy convulsed, more and more of the cum she had in the dildo's balls shot from the head of her cock and went deep into Thomas' butt. The thought that she was dumping a giant creampie inside her husband's ass drove her orgasm to yet another level, heights she had never thought were possible.

Thomas could feel the cock spurting inside of him, he felt like a gallon of sticky white cum was filling him up, swirling around his colon and rectum, stirred up with the lube by the cock that kept pistoning in and out of him. She had milked his ass dry and was now pumping all of that cum back up his butt. Diane's strokes were erratic as she worked through her own orgasm but they brought him no less pleasure. He was orgasming in a constant wave, breaking over and over again in and endless pool of pleasure. With every shot of cum he felt deep in his butt, his orgasm prolonged. He imagined the sensations Diane must be feeling and that kept his orgasm going. The wand on his clit kept humming away, adding another complex layer of pleasure to his sensations. They were cumming at the same time, and each was so enamored by the others orgasm that they mutually reinforced each other, making the orgasms seem to last an eon.

Diane lost control of her body, the wand felt from her grasp and rattled down to the bed. She collapsed on top of Thomas; their chests mashed together; her cock still buried all the way in his butt. Her pussy still squeezed and convulsed, forcing more and more cum to flow deep in his butt. They breathed heavily, their bodies mashed together in a pile of humanity, an outsider would have been unable to tell where one person ended and the other began.

They stayed that way for a long time. Panting, trying to regain rational thought, but overall feeling fully sexually satiated. After almost a half-hour, Diane started to withdraw her cock from Thomas' butt. She savored the final stretch, loving the sight of his stretched-out hole, covered in milky, frothy cum. It gaped, trying to wink itself closed but unable to tighten. It would stay like that for a while. She watched as a globule of cum and lube emerged from his gape, oozing out onto the mattress wet spot. He'd be sleeping in his own cum all night and would love being a little cummy piggy wallowing in his cum-sty.

She then retrieved the cock-cage, cleaned him up a bit and put his cock back in its rightful place. Then she went and grabbed some panties that she bought just for this occasion. She maneuvered them up his legs and seated them. She pulled the panties over the cage and saw it nuzzle into place.

"You're going to be farting cum out all night, the seat of those panties is going to be soaked by morning." He shivered at the thought, he could feel his anus starting to return to its normal form but knew that she was correct, he could already feel a distinct wetness between his butt-cheeks, the cum would be a constant companion while he slept.

Diane started to lower her harness, eventually letting the weight of the giant dildo fall to the floor. The pump that was in her pussy slipped out with a squelch; her wetness was indescribable. She stood there naked, considering whether she wanted to sleep that way or if she wanted to grab another strapon. Thomas started to position himself in the bed, drawing up the covers and getting comfortable. This was just the first day of their sex-iversary vacation and he was already exhausted.

Diane was as well, she decided to stay naked and hopped in the bed. In no time at all, she was spooning her husband. She reached towards the seat of his panties and felt their cummy-wetness. Diane kept her hand on the seat of his panties, proud of the load she dumped in him. Reaching around, she felt how his balls were empty, his caged cock once again flaccid. She returned her hand to his butt. His balls were emptied of cum, but his ass was full of it. She loved this. Evidently, he did as well, he wiggled his butt around at her caress, encouraging her touch. "I love you dear." She cooed in his ear. "Love you too. Also, you need to show me how that dildo works tomorrow." Diane giggled and pulled him closer.

The cabin had a remote, Diane broke their cuddle for a moment to use it to turn out the lights. They settled into a comfortable position and each of them was soon asleep.

To be continued.

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spinpole2001spinpole20017 months ago

Wow great story, Ican't wait for more chapters!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Great story. Some of the dialogue was overly formal and unnatural but the rest of the story was very erotic and engaging. So great to see a story about a kinky couple who can play monogamously! I don’t know why so many writers need to bring others into a marriage to write kink. Thanks for sharing.

MomsnGurls4meMomsnGurls4meabout 2 years ago

Excellent story ! Being a guy with a small penis, and loving Domme women, Diane would be my perfect Wife. I'd be her little butt-slut in no time, and love every minute of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There were a lot of good parts. I just think that a couple doesn't have to resort to humiliation to switch roles a little. Although this was way more than a little!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Is this gonna get updated mate?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

too bad no more sequel a story that ends too early

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It would be nice if she tried on clothes in a cubicle and what her strapon is under her dress and she makes him suck it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really good story. I loved the way it developed, a wife loving her husband but wanting more. Show him with love what he wants.

And who is wearing a strapon under her dress

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wow! Great.

Sabre1985Sabre1985almost 3 years ago

Really good story. Loved how it developed, a woman loving her husband, but wanting more. Lovingly introducing him to what he comes to crave.

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