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Everybody's Callgirl - The Husband

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I join my wife for onstage sex.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/09/2024
Created 07/31/2022
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(You'll want to first read the Literotica entry "Everybody's Callgirl", about my wife's mostly-nude role in a sex comedy. That story is her interview in a local arts newspaper about her starring role in the play.)

Nobody interviewed me, so here's my side of the story. I'll give you my view of her performance, a bit about the actress herself, and how I feel about her having sex on the stage. But first, a bit on the theater: three dozen or so seats are set up in a U-shape around the small stage, so everyone gets a close, intimate view, so intimate they don't need a sound system. Every member of the audience sees, hears, and even smells, everything taking place on the stage. The house is dark, while overhead spotlights follow the action.

The stage company itself is cutting-edge, producing very risky plays for small, adult-only audiences. Cast and stage crew are drawn from the local community. The entire enterprise is well supported by the community, and, once the word gets out, most performances are sell-outs.

About my wife: at middle age she's extremely attractive and sought after by local thespian organisations not only for her looks and willingness to be appear fully nude, but also for her acting skills and dedication. Often, she'll take time off from her regular position in a marketing firm to make time for acting.

With all the excitement she was bringing home after each rehearsal, we both looked forward to opening night. In our years together I've enjoyed many stories about her sexual adventures from before we'd met, and now she was hinting that some of those experiences could be useful for getting into her new role.

Opening night she got me a front-center seat. Because I'd read the script, I knew in broad terms what to expect: she'd appear nude, which was nothing new, and act out some sex scenes--nothing new there, either. But by the end of the second or third scene I suspected they had modified the script to relive some of those sexual adventures she'd told me about from before we met!

As this was an adult comedy, or "sex-farce", most of the scenes were humourous. Like the one where we see her trying to fit a penis into her rear with one already in her vagina. If you saw the play then you remember the crowd roaring as the three sweaty naked bodies kept sliding over one another, sometimes falling off the bed, swapping positions, mounting and unmounting each other. The dialogue alone is funny enough to elicit wild laughter, as the three plan how to fit their parts together, then shout back and forth trying to find the correct holes. With my wife wedged between her two lovers and limbs flying every which way, the bed suddenly breaks under the weight of the three. They tumble around on the floor trying to re-connect body parts, and finally end up in awkward positions with my wife impaled on one gent as we watch the other steering into her from behind, then they set up a steady pace until the three collapse into a heap, exhausted from their orgasms. A very adult game of "Twister", without clothes! As mentioned, the stage setting is very intimate, so I can see and smell sperm, sweat, and fluids everywhere. I know the sweet scent of my lovely wife's arousal, and now so do all the other theater-goers!

She'd entertained me with her stories many times, with both of us wondering how I'd have acted if I'd been there. So now here I was, along with the rest of the audience, as she relived these events from her past! In actual flesh-and-blood, not just a narration, she was doing it again, right before my eyes! And lots of other eyes!

That's how the play unfolded, scene after scene of my lovely nubile wife romping around the stage, nude or quickly becoming so. The male actors mostly remained clothed, only taking out their penises to insert them, or nude if the scene called for it. Her bare breasts are just large enough to jiggle delightfully as she moves, but small enough to not need support. Her nipples seem to be erect for the entire performance, and the arousal between her legs is hard to miss.

As we drove home after that first performance, she told me she had indeed gotten permission to change much of the script so she could perform in the flesh what I'd missed of her earlier life. She knew I loved hearing her stories but that I was skeptical of some of the wilder ones. So this was her chance to prove the events true.

Before arriving home she asked how I felt about her performance. Not just the fact of it, but what she was actually doing. After all, she'd just spent two hours on public display, so how did I feel? Well, I told her that until I saw that first penetration I'd assumed the sex would be simulated, and now I was shocked to see that the sex was real. Then a second cock, followed by a third; in total I counted twelve different ones actually entering her, with most leaving a deposit. I admitted an initial jealousy, which might have stuck if she'd been with only one man throughout the play, but when I saw her with additional ones I was relieved: there wouldn't be much chance for emotional involvement! This made her feel better about me accepting her onstage nudity and sex, since we hadn't discussed any of this before that first night! There'd be several more stagings and she needed to know now, if I was OK with it before calling in an understudy, or at least making her performance less explicit.

I told her I was fully onboard with it, that I really enjoyed watching her perform, and why I was relieved that she was having sex with multiple actors rather than just one.

Now home, we talked some more about her "pre-me" life. I once again told her how much I enjoyed hearing of that time in her life, and now instead of fantasising I could, for the next few weeks, actually watch her doing the things she'd spoken of!

Of course, the rest of the town was also enjoying her nakedness, and watching her having sex. After the first few performances, whenever we ran into acquaintances who'd seen it, she confidently explained to them that while on stage she is "in character" and not herself, although everyone knows otherwise! She might tell others she is merely playing a role, but truly it's her body on display and being penetrated, her orgasms witnessed for the price of a ticket, and her own raw sexual emotions revealed. She is truly herself, and I love it!

Another thing I really love is that when we get home each night, rather than feeling exhausted she feels energised from all the sex and we both enjoy making love before drifting off to sleep. Some nights she cleans up first; other nights I take her as she is and deal with the mess later.

The play ran for about a dozen more performances. After watching the second and third stagings, I noticed that some men in the cast were different from evening to evening, and I asked to try out to be one of her stage lovers. I figured I could be at least as competent at sex with my own wife as the others were! She agreed it might be fun, so she arranged an audition, and soon I was part of the cast pool, called to appear in one or two acts for a few of the remaining nights.

If you've seen the play or at least read the review, you're familiar with the dozen or so scenes. I declined acting in those involving group sex. One scene in particular, where I did not appear was the "beach party" with her being spit-roasted, that is, naked and doggie-style with one group of men queued up in front to use her mouth and another lined up behind, taking turns at her vagina. The men were in swimmers, each unsheathing his cock as it came his turn at the hole of his choice. As her husband, I didn't want to be simply another man in a queue. By the way, this was the reprise of the day I first met her: at a beach party where she was the only woman naked, having sex with several men when I happened to be walking by.

As you know, the other scenes had my wife in all sorts of sexual situations with various numbers of men. In each scene her role was a girl-for-hire, in keeping with the title of the play. Although prostitution was the vehicle used for explaining how she was with so many men, in real life she's never taken money or other favours for sex. For her it's always been recreational, purely for enjoyment. And from my seat on nights I wasn't in the cast, I could see that she was truly enjoying it! As was the audience!

Watching my wife naked and having full sex in front of an audience night after night is a unique privilege. Not just the nudity sometimes seen on stage, but naked to the extreme of displaying herself openly, under bright lighting, and not just fleetingly. I don't feel jealous sharing this privilege with an audience, partly because she reserves some parts of herself just for me. For instance, she never lets anyone else kiss her on the mouth, a special privilege saved for me alone. And because she's so aware of our relationship as husband and wife, whenever another actor's penis or tongue is in her vagina, she tries hard to find me in the audience and gives me a quick wink or smile. Likewise when an actor is playing with her nipples.

She told me a few "fun facts" from the rehearsals and tryouts:

...Once word got out about the scene with the two inexperienced lads, practically every eighteen-year-old in town showed up to have a go with the sexy MILF!

...For the scene where she chases the mint-sucking client off the stage, at the first dress rehearsal she ran out through the wrong door, exiting into a busy street in broad daylight naked except for a bra. The door locked shut behind her so she had to sneak around to the front entrance.

...Unbeknownst to me, the cast had placed wagers on whether I'd be able to perform with my own wife once in front of an audience. (At tryouts I showed them I was quite capable, thank you.)

...The scenes had to be re-sequenced after the first performance, once it was learned that Mauricio the Makeup Man needed a bit longer to remove the buildup of fluids in her vagina after any scene where she was shared by a large number of men. And that after a while he found that a turkey baster was useful for this task. Eventually they simply followed those scenes with the ones calling for someone to perform oral sex on her, and the problem took care of itself.

...I learnt that she usually spent entire rehearsals nude, rather than bother changing in and out of costumes that would be coming off anyway. Except for the final dress rehearsal, where she did have to practice stripping out of the costumes. This of course drove me crazy, knowing that inside that building she was the only one naked amongst fully clothed cast, crew, and onlookers.

...Just for fun, one of the backstage men kept count of her orgasms, and came up with 38 one night. One of the female stage hands corrected him, saying that as a man he had missed four additional ones!

My own "anecdote" from behind-the-scenes": To be in the play, I had to try out just like everyone else. I was told when to be at the theatre, and once there here's what I saw: In a robe and standing to the side, my wife was waiting whilst the director explained to us twenty hopeful men how this afternoon's trials would be conducted. Each of us, in an order selected at random, would penetrate her in three different positions: from above (man on top), from below (woman straddling the man), and from behind (doggie style), followed by the man giving her oral sex. The purpose of the test was to expand the pool of men available for the rest of the play's run. The men had to be acceptable by cock size and fit, ability to maintain an erection, ability to hold back an ejaculation until the end, and ability to perform amidst onlookers. My wife had the final say on the first item; the rest were up to us men.

She removed her robe and took her place on the bed set up for the purpose. She spread her legs and the first man mounted her. I drew number twelve, so for the first hour I watched as eleven men in turn penetrated my wife in the prescribed ways then performed with his face between her legs. After each man, the towel underneath her bum was replaced. As she tried out each man, she dictated her observations to a young lady who took notes and filled out a data sheet. All the while, stage crew, other actors, an electrics team working on the lighting, and drama students from the local college were circulating through the area, casually observing the goings-on. My wife kept talking the whole time, mostly to the note-taker, sometimes to greet a newly-arrived observer she recognised, or, quite often, to pause during an orgasm, and a few times to tell me how things were going.

She remained nude the entire time, but each man disrobed only as it came his turn. She stuck to the routine: first, on her back to take in the next cock, then flip over to impale herself on his upright cock, then bend over to receive it from behind, then finally on her back again to receive oral. All very clinical. We were told to hold back our ejaculations, but not all could hold it for the final coupling Two of the men were unable to produce erections, even after some oral help from my wife, so they were rejected. Three ejaculated prematurely and were cut. The ones whose cocks didn't move well inside her were also eliminated, and one who wouldn't put his face to her crotch was asked to leave.

As the twelfth to lie with her, I found her warm, sweaty, and very well lubricated. I controlled myself until taking her from behind, and that's when she and I climaxed together--it was beautiful! Then she flipped onto her back, spread her legs, and I feasted on the warm wetness she'd accumulated. Everyone here knew we are husband and wife, but we still earned a round of applause!

Exhausted, I sat and observed as the last of the twenty performed. Later I learned that there had been a similar session that morning and another was scheduled for the evening! Besides being multiorgasmic, my wife seems to gain energy from sex!

I took these anecdotes as comic relief from a situation that might otherwise have become tense for her, or uncomfortable for me.

As for her co-actors, I know most of them. This is a small town and everyone knows most everyone else. I'm proud that of all the good-looking women in the city, mine is the one they most wish to have sex with. And if they're successful at tryouts, they get their wish! Indeed, many of her friends and mine answered the cast call. When we get together socially we have much to talk about! I like that at parties and get-togethers nearly every one present has seen my lovely wife naked and most of the men have enjoyed intercourse with her. Seems that the whole town is familiar with her orgasms! Quite often the discussion consists of several men sharing stories of their stage experiences with her. She happily joins in the conversation, joking about the sex with each of them, but she tactfully avoids any comparison of penis sizes. After witnessing their husbands having sex with my wife, the other wives can't really object. They all know this is for the sake of art.

Nobody thinks of my wife as the town whore. Rather, they respect her as a beautiful, dedicated, skilled actress willing to take on daring roles.

One scene I eventually did was the one that opens with her reclining on the hotel room divan, naked but for a sheer negligee, short enough that she's obviously ready for business. She's anticipating the arrival of the next client for her sexual favours. She answers the door but is surprised to find a client of a different sort: a work colleague who'd been trying to locate her to sign a contract for the firm where she is the CFO! To keep him quiet about the mixup, she pulls him (me, most nights) into the room to have sex on the divan. So I get to have sex with my own wife, right there on the stage, under the eyes of anyone who has bought a ticket. On nights when I'm not in the cast, I'm in the audience watching her do this with some other man. He gets to kiss her everywhere except on the mouth!

If asked, I'd say that my favourite scene is the final one, the one where she's alone in a hotel room after her customer has left. The house lights go dim. Propped up on cushions she's bathed in the warm glow of the single spotlight, her nether lips flushed and vulnerable, still parted from recent penetration. Lying there provacatively, she is raw, wanton sex personified. The sweet scent of her arousal hangs in the air. The audience gasps as she expertly fingers her very visible clitoris and tenderly masturbates herself to a quiet orgasm. A lovely smile comes across her face and she becomes the very definition of contented feminine beauty. The audience sees a woman displaying and manipulating herself, and all share the intimate moment of her climax.

But with her eyes locked on mine alone, she and I share a very private moment of intimacy between husband and wife.

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Hotstuff1PHotstuff1Pabout 2 months ago

Nice part two to this sexual adventure. Good view point and an unlikely play but a wonderful story and fantasy. Which is why we are here. 5 stars.

Norway_1705Norway_17053 months ago

5/5!Thank you! Thespian sex-farce, with a so difficult “naked twister”, is so humorous and hearwarming! This is the real difference between acting on stage, and fake acting for movie camera.

Yes: a man will count each ... newcomer. 1, 2, 3, twelve… and 38!. It is just Math. Maybe he keeps a database sheet.

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