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Exploring Addie

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A young ladies body gets explored.
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Authors Note; My first essay about Addie lacked structure, correct grammar, and punctuation. I decided to update Addie's story and correct these issues, presenting it in a much more manageable reading format. Although the storyline remains the same, the report should be much more enjoyable to read.

Exploring Addie-Revised Addition

I was not overly excited after having met my new roommate. After suffering for several years through many different types of personalities, I understood there would be issues with all of them.

The most recent, a young girl Addie, looked to be twenty or so, with short blonde hair, about five feet three inches tall, and maybe 100 pounds soaking wet with no breasts. I even wondered if she had any nipples but keeping my interest to myself; the question would have to wait for a more appropriate time. Sometimes, she appeared somewhat "boyish."

The idle conversation kept us occupied for several weeks. Addie usually wondered about the house in loose clothing, the type of clothing you would not give a second look at. She worked at a cafe most of the time and typically spent her off time relaxing in front of the TV or reading. She was a pleasant person and usually kept to herself. Only occasional greetings were exchanged between us as we passed each other while at home.

Lately, I had begun to notice that she became somewhat irritated at times, as if she had an itch that would not go away and seemed to be bothersome to her, so she would get up and retreat to her room. A short while later, she would reappear all recharged. I thought she must be on some medication to help keep this annoyance under control.

We were both usually busy with work which did not leave much personal time. I knew no dates or interested parties calling her in the two months she had been here. Both of us became very comfortable roommates and seemed not only to get along but trust each other even so, at this time, there was no private personal interest in each other.

Last Saturday, while tending to her chores, Addie suddenly jumped up and went to her room as she had many times before. A short while later, she reappeared, rejuvenated. Shortly after lunch, it happened again. She muttered in disgust as she returned to her room. I kept my distance when she returned a half hour later. The look on her face seemed to be a bothered one.

We settled back into our routine. The rest of the day passed uneventfully.

I felt sorry for her having to undergo the seemingly annoying issue she suffered from several times daily. I finally got up the courage to ask her, "what exactly is irritating you so much?"

"Oh, it is so damn bothersome; I hate it! It's never-ending and retains total control of me! I am so tired of always having to intervene to discipline the troublesome annoyance."

"My body suffers from too much blood flow to the vagina irritating it, making me very uncomfortable down there several times daily. The only way I have found to get relief is to masturbate; believe me, this process gets old after several years! I have almost run out of creative ideas to keep myself content for more than a few hours."

I was in shock; my brain could barely comprehend what I had just heard. Offering assistance or advice just seemed inappropriate, so I just listened intently.

"It would be nice to have help occasionally, but my body is so gross that I dare not bother anyone."

I looked back and jokingly stated, "well, if I can be of any assistance, call."

"Seeing my quirky female parts would give you second thoughts!"

What did she mean by that? She could not be that different from other females.

What could be so gross? Later that evening, Addie walked into the front room and asked for my assistance. Sure, I thought I would help move a heavy object or something of that nature. Upon entering her room, I found her in that irritated state again.

Addie was nervous, or was she? She stood there with her back facing me, dropped her sweat pants, and pulled off her loose shirt, leaving her only in underwear that looked more suited for a boy than her! Upon further investigation, a rather strange lump was suspended by the briefs between her thighs.

What was that?

Addie turned and said, "I need your help, please."

She slipped off her boyish undies, looking at me with keen interest and a need to be comforted. There in front of me, my questions were answered. She has nipples, barely, but absolutely no breast growth, just like a pre-teen boy's chest would appear.

Her hairless, blood-enlarged pussy appropriated my attention. But wait, something was dangling below her vagina. What was that? Her labia were like no other I had seen. I had never seen them hang down and fold over in such a manner, like the wings of a butterfly!

Addie yelled, "I told you I was a freak!"

I immediately wanted to explore this. Was this what she thought was so objectionable? Addie was very nervous as she gently laid back on her bed. She reached her arms out sideways and grabbed the sheets firmly as she slowly raised her knees to expose herself. I sat between her legs, getting my hands closer and closer, when she looked at me and sighed, "would you kiss me down there, please?"

I had never done that and was quite embarrassed to tell her so. After all, how bad could it be? As I moved closer, Addie's body language made a noticeable change. She started to pulse and lifted her torso towards me.

"Blow on it, she murmured." I blew a soft, warm breath at the top of her slit. She jerked, and so did I! All of a sudden, her blood-packed clitoris appeared below its hood. It seemed to have a mind and what appeared to be a head! I had never seen one grow so fast! I reached out my tongue and provoked the tip of it. As Addie held tightly to the linens, her body answered me with several violent jerks and a sharp scream!

My knowledge of female parts was minimal, but I was amazed to find how quickly the extra blood flow made her clitoris grow to an inch long, near the size of my little finger! It was staring at me like an alien, pulsing as if to say, help me!              

She whispered, "I told you it was gross!" My inner desire was to suck on it, so I placed my mouth over the pulsing demon without touching it, let out a warm breath, curled my tongue around it, and gave it a quick suck.

Her body was jerking and shivering; strange sounds emanated above me as I took the entire clitoris and tried to suck the blood out of it! A spring of warmth came over me when I withdrew my mouth. As I licked the throbbing member, Addie arched up into the air summoning her engorged pussy to send fluid out. Every lick sent a stream of juice in response. She was amazing! How many times could a person do this? I had to find out!

Addie was in another world; her body pulsed and vibrated as screams of joy and pleasure escaped her breathlessness. This demon had taken possession of her. Her body was savored, reaping the benefits of manipulation by someone other than herself. It was heaven, and she could not stop even if she wanted to! I could tell the rest of her vagina felt abandoned, so I buried my tongue deep inside her, twisting and curling it, sucking the entire vagina in one large mouthful.

Her lovely labia cradled each side of my face. Multiple eruptions of lady juice plastered me as she entered a new dimension. Addie lay still spread eagle, utterly void of muscular power. There was no doubt a new goal had been met. She was dwelling on top of the pleasure mountain. How long could she maintain this enormous pleasure?

Every slight twitch of my tongue that teased the pulsing demon brought forth screams of penetrating gratification and a seemingly endless supply of liquid sex. Her beautiful labia were begging to be attended to. I pulled on them gently; a new moan sounded. Her body responded by arching up again, placing those soft lips up front and center to do as I please; she was way beyond any control.

A few fingers inside her and some gentle tugging on those beautiful labia lips renewed her appetite. Addie's body started jerking violently, humping up and down, when a stream of nectar shot out. She sat up, pulled my clothes off, and mounted me.

Sitting atop my body, staring down at me, she grabbed her throbbing button with two fingers, started stroking it like a penis, and then rotated on my throbbing member. I had never seen this before or experienced it.

Addie laid her head back and closed her eyes. She had just entered another world. Her juices flowed freely down my body as she came while massaging her desiring button. I erupted like a volcano. The warmth of my liquid gushing inside gave her one final body-quaking orgasm.

Her tool was still hard and proud as she collapsed on me and fell over lifeless, seemingly in eternal bliss. I had never seen anything like this; the demon was still pulsing. Did this indicate she needed more? I dare not touch it.

Sitting at the table eating my cereal the following day, I could not evaluate precisely what had happened last evening; it was all a giant blur. Addie entered the room in tears, so embarrassed.

"I can't believe I did that to you! I can't understand why my body abandoned me so quickly! I have no control over this demon! I told you I was a freak!"

She was horrified at what she had done to me, exposing me to her alien female body parts and taking advantage of her new roommate. I listened intently. Addie was impressed that I had not bolted as the previous two males she had asked to aid her. They both ran off immediately upon viewing her body, realizing this was not a typical female.

Addie confided in me that her attempts to quell the demon were primarily accomplished with a vibrator and mild finger action; she had never before experienced such an uncontrollable and overpowering phenomenon. "My clitoris has never grown so large or been that sensitive to touch."

"Addie, I thought you were beautiful; your tiny chest, your beautiful hanging labia, and the sex fiend with a mind of its own inside you have educated me into another universe. I never realized someone could possess such extraordinary qualities! You are different but not a freak!"

A sense of understanding suddenly appeared beneath the seeping tears on Addie's face.

"Do you think so?"

"I know so; only a special person could enjoy such ecstasy as you can."

"I had no idea a female could squirt like that. Is that normal?"

"I'm not sure; I have never done that before."

"Let us explore this more."

Addie smiled back and whispered, "yes, I think we should!"

Over the next several days, Addie returned to her daily routine. When her itch came during work, she retreated to the lady's room to resolve it. At home, she followed the same pattern, trying to emulate the tremendous mountain of pleasure using several of her tools.

Although enough to repress her itch, Addie's attempts failed to achieve the monumental relief attained by an outside source. Once her body started jerking, her muscle control fell short of being able to continue self-manipulation. Help was needed to conquer this demon.

On Thursday evening, Addie walked in wearing only her boyish undies and carrying a small pouch. Her petite chest was bare as it could be, with the two little nipples standing at attention. The bulge between her thighs just beneath the briefs garnered my attention quickly.

"Since I have no breasts worth concealing, I had hoped you would not mind me being topless and comfortable at home."

"Not at all!" I have to ask you why you wear boyish briefs instead of panties?"

Addie replied, "panties fail me. The narrow width of the fabric crotch area will not hold my labia in place for long. They eventually will fall out of the panties on either side and then hang down my legs, making it gross and uncomfortable. Thongs or sexy panties are a waste of time. The two-inch inseam on the briefs contains the freak folding lips of skin, making my day accident free."

Addie needed to talk; her body twitched with energy and sported a concerned look.

"I need you to retake command of my body," Addie blurted out. "I have tried to imitate the high you gave me, but I have failed."

Slowly she reached over and grabbed the small pouch she was clutching, walked over to the dining table, and opened the package. Two vibrators were removed, one average size and another small one with a string cord and four lengths of a soft line.

Addie slipped out of her briefs, turned away from me, reached over, and grabbed the table's far side, leaving her labia hanging for joy while forcing the inner side of her pleasure compartment open. The cool temperature of the wood table top provoked her tiny nipples to harden immediately.

"I need you to tie each hand to a table leg, please." Her split cavity was positioned perfectly over the edge of the table. She then spread her legs out enough to reach the last two table legs.

"Tie my ankles to the legs, please. I do not want to be able to move or stop you!" I granted Addie's request with pleasure. The view of my roommate tied to the top of the table in such a vulnerable position gave me many new ideas.

"Two more things, I need a cloth for my head to rest on, and finally, no matter how much I scream or plead you to stop, don't stop until I have passed out!" I grabbed a stool and sat behind her sex chamber. I immediately noticed an issue; her labia were folded over each other, covering most of the essential parts like a protective cocoon. I attempted to fold them back, but it was useless; they just fell back into position.

"I'll be right back, Addie."

I returned with my fix in hand, Gorilla Tape, which has super sticking power! Taping each labium to an inner thigh worked perfectly; now, I could concentrate on the rest of the task. My fingers started exploring her interior. After a quick flick of her hood, the clitoris immediately greeted me. Addie jerked and moaned with pleasure as I rolled her huge clit between my two fingers.

The sound of the vibrator humming sent shivers all over Addie's body and legs as she pulled against the soft restraints. Once the vibrator's tip made it to the head of her clit, several screams of joy rang out at the far side of the table. Addie's body was jerking so hard I could barely keep the vibrator in place.

"Oh God, Oh God, don't stop, oh, that feels sooooo good," she cried!

I ran the vibrator around her cherry red urethra, now swollen into what appeared to be a small penis. As the vibrator moved around the newly formed head, it pleasantly responded with several squirts of joy. Addie was struggling for breath between continuous gyrations. She had lost control of the demon again! She could not have screamed stop, even if she wanted to.

The invader eventually found its way to her inner chamber. Her entrance was teased for several minutes as she appealed to the manipulative device to continue its job. Addie screamed, "fuck, Oh God, Fuck me, please!" My duty was to assist, so the purring device was rammed inside in one continuous movement!

Addie's 100-pound body responded by rising six inches above the table in shock; her extremities tried to release themselves with no such luck. All she could do was wiggle around on the table while her hardened nipples rubbed against the cool wood of the tabletop. Her eyes had rolled back, and her mouth was wide open, trying to grasp the reality of the situation with any breath she could accept.

The more petite vibrator was turned on and placed against her anal opening. It clamped shut like a steel door. "No, not there!" Addie screamed, trying to figure out how she got into this position.

"Addie, my instruction was plain; no matter what, don't stop!" Soaking my fingers in the abundance of lady juice, I started to massage the rear opening while listening to Addie plead her case. "Please, NO, I never wanted that, just my pussy!"

The giant vibrator continued its job, keeping her body in a perpetual state of bliss. With the continued manipulation of my fingers at her anal opening and an occasional flick of her sensitive spots, Addie had no choice but to give way; the demon took over! She arched her bottom up as high as possible, as her anal cavity relaxed with a nod of acceptance. I thrust the vibrator in. Her rear opening clinched shut right behind it.

"Fuck, fuck, my ass." Addie's body took over. Crazy gyrations, jerks, and muscular contractions rendered the table useless as it scooted across the floor with her securely attached. I grabbed the Gorilla tape, tore off a three-foot strip, reached under the table top between her legs, and secured the tape to the underside of the table. I then stretched it up over her pussy and anus and secured the far end to her back.

She was now taped with both vibrators inside and had no hope of ridding herself of them until battery depletion. The demon was in control. All Addie could do was lay there and grant her wizard's wishes. All Addie's cavities were full, vibrating and producing an abundance of fluids to keep them happy!

Addie had no choice but to ride the wave of ecstasy; after all, she could not even move a single muscle as she lay in eternal bliss. She had never had all erogenous cavities full and energized before. Her head lay in silence with eyes closed while the demon still produced slight muscle contractions over her entire body as the last ounces of lubricant drained past the width of the tape. I stood up, wondering if her demands had been met, laying there tied and taped to the table with vibrators running.

I grabbed my throbbing shaft and exploded all over her bottom; she never moved! By noon the next day, Addie woke up to a strange sensation. Some form of strap held her pelvis to the table across her pussy. She also realized her body cavities were still occupied. Her mind was in a blur, trying to figure out what had happened. I asked her if she was ready to be untied.

"Yes, please."

"I must first remove the tape."

"Tape, she shrieked."

"Yes, I had to find a way to control those uncooperative labia and also needed a way to keep the vibrators from being ejected."


I ripped the long tape strap from under the table and between her legs. As the tape ripped past her vagina, it pulled on the clit. Addie jumped and screamed, "Fuck! That smarted!" She could not make up her mind; was that torture or decadence? Whatever it was, she would keep that to herself for now!

I removed the two spent vibrators. As I reached to remove the tape holding her labia, I called out; this might sting a little. "What?" I zipped the tape off her thighs. As I pulled on it, Addie's body rejected the torture and relayed a signal that this felt good!

I will remember this. Addie limped to her room and spent the rest of the day there.

After spending some time alone, Addie realized she was comfortable letting the wizard take control. She had never soared so high above the clouds and knew she had no desire to remain grounded again. Addie felt she was ready to be explored! She came in the following day, naked, refreshed, and smiling.

"So, you had a good time," I asked.

"It was unbelievable; I had no idea one could feel so good! I hope you don't mind if I stay undressed at home; it just feels natural." "Not at all; you pay half the rent! I had a good idea you enjoyed last night's activities."

"I would not trade that for anything," Addie stated.

"Good then, I have some ideas I think you might like. The unknown is always exciting!"

"Yes, it is. It certainly is!"

A week later, Addie stepped in for breakfast. "I can't stand it. I have a giant itch again." That was my signal. "Addie, do you trust me?"

"What do you mean? I guess I do."

"Good, because I think much more exploring needs to be done."

"How? Doing what," Addie replied.


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