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Fantasy Machine


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"Ah, certainly..." Josh stared dumbly from Lisa to Mr. Edwards and back again, still lost in his embarrassment and deeply confused as to Mr. Edwards' presence.

"That means, Josh, that you should be on your knees." As he stood mute, mind tying to wrap itself around just what this was turning into, Lisa added, "Now!"

He dropped to his knees, too far into the interview (is that still what it was?) to disobey. "Excellent. Now, if you would just crawl over to Mr. Edwards and help him remove his pants."

As he once more did her bidding, she enjoyed the view of his heavy ball sack swinging as he moved on all fours, his lube slicked ass glistening in the mid afternoon sun that streamed in through the large windows. Once he was at the feet of Mr. Edwards, he knelt and clumsily undid the large belt buckle and button, unzipped his zipper, and pulled his pants down the hairy tree trunks that served as the man's legs. The man's cock, still not fully erect, was the largest that Josh had ever seen. As thick as his wrist and easily nine inches in length, it snaked out of the front of his boxers, nearly slapping Josh in the face. He looked at the veiny monster and licked his lips, wondering if he would need to service Mr. Edwards. He really did need this job and he had thought that he was willing to do anything to get it, but now, he felt uncertain as to how far he would go. He was still considering his options as he slid the man's boxers down. Mr. Edwards had removed his tee shirt while this was happening, so he now stood, completely naked, towering over Josh.

Lisa had taken an assortment of sex toys and laid them out on top of her desk. One of these was a moderate sized, suction cup dildo that she affixed to the seat of one of the hard wooden chairs that was in the office. She positioned the chair so that it was right in front of her desk. "Come here, Josh." Still wondering what direction this was going to take, he crawled over to her. She smiled down at him, pleased that he crawled without her having to ask. "Stand up. You are going to lower yourself onto this dildo, until it is completely in your ass. Do you understand me?"

"Uh, I guess so." He looked at the fake cock in dismay.

"That answer simply will not do, Josh. You do want to work here, don't you?"

Catching on quick, he answered, "Yes, Ma'am."

"Good. Now, your ass isn't going to fuck itself. Let's see if you've got what it takes."

Now thankful for the excessive lube that was still leaking out of his butt, he positioned himself over the phallus. Slowly lowering himself, he used one of his hands to place the tip of it at the entrance of his anus. He gradually put more and more of his weight on it, until he felt it begin to slide up inside him. It was thicker than Lisa's dainty fingers and seemed to stretch his sphincter impossibly wide as he felt the mass filling him. Soon, it began to slide over his sensitive prostate and he felt his balls contract and his own cock stiffening. Inch by inch, he settled himself down onto the dildo, stuffing himself full of cock, while Lisa and Mr. Edwards watched, amused at his debasement.

"Mr. Edwards? Would you help Josh here?"

Josh had been so focused on humiliating himself in front of these two that he looked up suddenly to see what she was talking about. Before he could react, the massive bulk of the man moved in front of him, blocking out his view of anything else. Two huge hands were placed on top of Josh's shoulders and the whole weight of Mr. Edwards' frame pushed down, fully impaling Josh on the rubber penis. He gasped, then squawked, as it completely filled him, stretching him wide open. To Josh's utter embarrassment, his cock hardened even more, a drop of precum oozing out of the tip.

"Excellent! Mr. Edwards, if you would please take your seat." At her command, the large man sat in her seat, behind the desk. She walked directly in front of Josh, the scent of her perfume and of her arousal mixing and making him feel a bit dizzy. "Now, Josh, you've been doing great so far. Don't blow it now. You are going to do exactly what I do. You see, its not enough to show that you can take a good ass fucking. I need to see that you enjoy it." Looking down at his erection, she continued. "It seems that you do like taking one up the butt. Now, grab your cock. That's right, both hands. Just wrap them right around the shaft there." Reaching behind her, she grabbed the lube once more and poured an ample amount over Josh's shaft, letting it run down, covering both it and his hands. "If you would be so kind as to help me remove my butt plug, with your teeth, if you please, we can get started."

She turned around, shoving her ass right in his face, spreading her own ass cheeks with her two hands. Feeling completely mortified, yet undeniably turned on, he craned his neck forward and delicately placed his teeth around the lip of the gem that was snugly inside her ass. It took a bit more force than he would have guessed to remove it, but soon it slid out with a wet sound. The sensation of the large obstruction being removed from her ass caused her to shudder involuntarily as a jolt of sensation flooded her. Looking at Mr. Edwards' huge cock standing at attention like a flagpole caused a new gush of heat from her loins and she lightly stroked herself, fanning the flames of excitement. Turning around, she almost laughed out loud, looking at the pathetic figure of a man that Josh seemed at that moment. Eyes bulging and face red, as a dildo filled his virgin ass, both hands gripping tightly onto his lubed up dick and her glistening butt plug clenched in his teeth. She would have felt bad for the poor boy had his stiff cock and swollen head not announced just how aroused he was. An evil smile crept across her face. "You be a dear and hold that for me, just like you are now. We'll be done soon."

Walking around her desk, she positioned herself over the fat member that jutted out of Mr. Edwards' lap. Reaching between her legs, she grabbed ahold of the thick shaft, enjoying its hardness, the heat that emanated from it, and guided the large helmet of its glans against her own back door. Setting her weight down slowly, the huge member glided into her easily, until she found herself fully impaled on the mammoth shaft. Even with the rectal stretching that her butt plug afforded her, and the copious quantities of lube that she had injected into her own anus, the girth of the meat now inside her made her feel impossibly stretched, filled, the engorged cock pulsing deep inside her and creating a warmth that was more than just body heat.

A stifled moan escaped her lips, before she could get control of her desire, moisture leaking from her. She slowly flexed her muscular legs, sensuously fucking herself on Mr. Edwards' dick. Mr. Edwards, clear in his role of living sex toy, braced himself against her movements, hands gripping the sides of the chair tightly, feet planted, immovable on the thick shag of the expensive carpet. Breathing coming quicker now, almost a pant, Lisa snaked a hand between her legs and let it play within the soft folds of her pussy. She smiled, feeling the beginning build up of yet another orgasm, that she was about to carefully tease out of her swollen clit and her tight ass, engulfing the impressive Mr. Edwards.

"Copy me." She looked directly at Josh, wanton lust on her face, her voice breathless, sultry. "I want to see you bouncing up and down on that cock, and work those lovely hands over your dick."

He did as she said, his own mind clouded by his arousal, an array of new sensations flooding over him. He stared back at her dumbly, drool escaping his lips, teeth still clenched around the gem of the plug, still warm from Lisa's ass. The pain from his own ass being stretched beyond anything he had previously experienced had diminished, replaced by the thrill of his ass being stuffed. The dildo slid over his sensitive prostate, causing his cock to stiffen and swell in his hands. The ecstasy of his self-pleasuring combined with the erotic sight before him to cause his balls to squeeze, a load of cum yearning for release. He could feel an eruption of his cream building, soon to be uncontrollable.

Sex had transformed Lisa into a Goddess. She was a wanton force of nature, hell bent on getting herself off, self-control and dignity thrown to the wind. Bouncing up and down on the slick meat pole, the stretching and gliding of flesh over flesh stimulating the nerve endings of her asshole, her eyes looked glazed over, mouth agape, full breasts moving in a liquid, hypnotic fashion. Her breath, her voice coming out in a staccato manner, grunts of pleasure mixing with words.

"Uh, uh, stroke it, fuckin' stroke that dick, asshole, jerk it, uh, fuck, fuck, I'm coming, coming, fuck, uh, UH, OH, FUCK! Fuck!" Words disintegrated into inarticulate moans, animal sounds and growls, as the muscles of her thighs tensed, ropes of sinew becoming outlined underneath smooth skin. Her one free hand reached up to tug roughly on her hard nipple, while the other kept moving in steadily quicker circles, rubbing her stiff clit and engorged labia.

The scene was too much for Josh, his own hand working magic on his own cock. Jets of sperm burst forth, scrotum contracting spasmodically, forcing hot cum to shoot in a geyser-like, falling to coat Josh's chest and abdomen. One or two globs of the stuff even went high enough to spatter on his cheek and forehead. Drool had spilled from his parted lips to drip down his chin, further wetting his chest where it mixed with his own goo.

They stared at each other for what seemed like a long time. Gasping, flushed, each glistening in the sunlight that still flooded in through the emend office windows, a mixture of sweat, lube, drool and, in Josh's case, sperm coating their bodies. Slowly, Lisa's vision seemed to dim, the light fading making the objects in the office, soon, even the walls, appear fuzzy and indistinct. The muscles of her pelvis were still twitching, the orgasm that had so strongly gripped her reluctant to let go, when she realized that she was sitting in a comfortable recliner, surrounded by men and women in white coats. They buzzed around her, taking electrodes off her, sly glances of amusement at her state of arousal. There was a slight amount of embarrassment at total strangers seeing her in such a state, but she still wasn't sure what was real.

She could still feel that fat cock invading her ass, making her feel more full, more excited that she could remember. She still felt the power at the sight of the pleading, the obedience in Josh's eyes, the control she had over him. The acrid smell of sperm that she had compelled Josh to shoot all over himself. It all faded in seconds, the bittersweet sense of loss taking a little longer, but still leaving, Lisa remembering who she was. The fantasy was becoming a dim memory. As she tried to stand, two assistants helping her on her shaky legs, only one thought stood out in her mind.

"How soon can I come back?"

Chapter 5

Waiting through the induction procedure was difficult the second time around. When Emily first went through the procedure, she was nervous, unsure of what to expect. The attachment of wires and electrodes was new and mysterious to her and, to be perfectly honest, it was more than a little frightening. Now, she couldn't wait. Her panties were already damp with excitement and she fidgeted in her seat in anticipation. Finally, the technicians placed the blindfold over her eyes and told her they were ready, instructing her to relax and breath deep. Then, in an instant, it was over, the blindfold removed and the white coated workers fussing about her, wiping off the gel from the electrodes and helping her up. In front of her stood four men, just like last time.

She had had several fantasies in her time, but she never could have guessed which one would have been dominant, which one the machine would have plucked from her secretly perverted mind. And she never, ever could admit to her friends what was actually playing out in the secret hiding place of her desires.

The four men before her were her husband, Bill, and the husbands of her three friends. All eyes were on her and they burned with a primal heat that made her weak in the knees. Her husband was the first to embrace her, the others remaining politely patient. After a tight hug and a passionate kiss, he turned her around so she could look at her friends, all of them breathing heavily, squirming in the cushioned chairs and wreath of wires, lost in their own private fantasies and oblivious to their own husbands staring as well. Bill held Emily, one hand holding her firmly to him, his palm on her lower abdomen, the other hand cupping one of her large, firm breasts. His hardening cock ground into her ass from behind. Soon, the other husbands began touching her, too, hands groping her tits, her ass, sliding up her legs and planting kisses on her neck, all mere feet from their own wives. She felt so bad, so naughty and so wanted, she relaxed into their collective embrace as she felt the blood rush to her groin. Her husband released her, stepping back so that he could access the zipper on the back of her dress. Roman, Lisa's husband, took the opportunity to take her face in both of his strong hands and kiss her full on the lips, tongue sliding inside her warm mouth and playfully probing. The kiss left her breathless and her eyes remained closed a full second after he broke it off. When she opened them, her husband was sliding her dress down and it fell in a pile around her ankles. Her eyes were locked on Roman in front of her, watching as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, peeling it off to reveal a broad, hairy chest and toned abdomen. An immense bulge protruding from his pants demonstrated his own excitement as he watched her being undressed.

To her right, Mark, Jessica's hubby, had already stripped, his tall, lean body, smooth and tan. He sported a seven-inch, veiny cock that was already hard and pointing directly at Emily. To her left stood Jerry, also naked, lewdly rubbing his nine-inch monster and leering at her with a lustful gleam in his eye. In an exhilarating sensation of dèjá vu, she looked at the men surrounding her, her best friends' husbands, known to her for years, and melted at the hunger in their eyes, as she stood before them wearing nothing but black, lacy bra and panties.

Still behind her, her husband placed his hands heavily on her shoulders and forcefully guided her to her knees. The circle of dicks converged upon her and she automatically parted her lips letting one slide into her wet and willing mouth. She took the two on either side in her hands, barely fitting around their thickness, reveling in the hot, hard lengths of meat. Her own husband's cock rested on the back of her head, ominously weighty, and she could feel him wrap it in a handful of her hair as he began jacking it with her silky locks. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the shaft filling her mouth, her tongue caressing every inch, savoring the feel, the taste. Working to make it harder, bigger, coating it in her drool, she would then let it slide out of her and turn her head to suckle at another. Each got a turn in her, bumping her tonsils, causing her to gag and produce more saliva, until they were rock solid and slick.

She felt so small and dainty, on her knees before a circle of much larger men, but there was also the feeling of ultimate power that accompanied her subservient posture. These men were on edge, all paralyzed in their pleasure, she, the object of their desire, giving freely of herself, her orifices open to their masculinity. Soon enough, these thoughts were abandoned, washed away in the rising heat of carnal need that turned all consciousness down in a primal urge to be fucked. Before she knew what was happening, she was pushed down on all fours. Two pairs of hands literally ripped her panties off her as she arched her back, presenting a wet and puffy pussy longing to be filled.

Instantly, one of the men thrust himself inside her. She didn't know who and she didn't care. Her low moan of pleasure was muffled by another, as he availed himself of her mouth once more. She braced herself as she was assaulted from either end, as four more hands removed her bra and explored her breasts, grabbed at her ass and reached underneath her to rub her sensitive clit. The sensory overload was too much for her and she felt the first orgasm burst within her, her moans becoming screams, soon choked off as the fat dick was shoved further down her throat. Her entire body shook and tensed, the peak of the climax passing on, but the aftershocks vibrating through her in a warm blanket of satisfaction. In a motion so fluid it could have been choreographed, the two men who had been ramming her from either end withdrew and the two others took their place, filling her up once again.

Grunts and gasps filled the room, as she enjoyed the men using her from each end. The man gripping her hips and slamming into her from behind, thrusting again and again. He slowed, whether to delay his own orgasm or to savor the silky feel of her cunt as it clutched and grasped his rigid shaft, she didn't know, but the change of sensation wrung another orgasm out of her. Gradually, steadily, the pressure built, like a sneeze or a yawn, until she was helpless to do anything but let it come, to take over her body, as she shook from the intensity of it. Her wildly bucking hips had their effect on the man as well, as the sight of her round, white ass bouncing erratically on his cock, combined with the warm wetness of her flesh enveloping him, triggered his own orgasm. She could feel the pulsing waves from the penis deep inside her and the sperm that splashed even deeper, coating the inside of her with his seed. A gush of wetness, from their combined fluids ran down the insides of her thighs and dripped onto the floor. The two men withdrew and she collapsed in a heap, exhausted.

Then they used her individually, each for their own pleasure. The first rolled her onto her stomach and roughly spread her ass cheeks, diving his face into the heavenly divide and probing her pink sphincter with his tongue. He lavished his attention on her twitching and sensitive butthole, lapping and pressing, coating it in his saliva. It was not nearly as pleasurable as someone sucking on her clit, but it was so wrong, so dirty, that the act excited her almost as much. Abruptly, he stopped and she soon felt a fat thumb, slippery with lube, forcefully pressed against her tiny opening. All at once, it seemed to open and invite the intruding digit in, closing around it in a tight embrace. She felt delightfully full as he began swirling around inside her, stretching her butt, opening her in whole new ways.

The empty feeling when he pulled his thumb out was short lived, as she soon felt the flared head of his dick press up against her back door and, with one savage thrust, anally penetrate her with a grunt. His cock felt huge as it slid up her butt, expanding her rear more and more with every inch. There was a little pain, but the pleasure was so intense that the discomfort was just a part of it. The man was so turned on, as he gasped and puffed while pounding away, impaling her on his rock hard erection that seemed to reach up into her gut.

"Oh, yeah, take it you bitch! Your tight ass is gonna make me cum! My wife never lets me in her ass, you dirty slut! Take it! TAKE IT!"

A vague part of her mind recognized the voice as Lisa's husband and conjured up the image of his muscular arms holding her down, his hard gluteal muscles contracting as he slammed into her over and over. The image enflamed her even more and she came again, her sphincter squeezing around him as he exploded, pumping spray after spray of hot cream into her butt. Before she knew it, he was getting off her and someone new was rolling her over onto her back.

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