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Fantasy Machine

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A group of women live out their fantasies.
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Chapter 1

"They all held me down and took turns fucking me. Eleven huge, sweaty men. All of them! All over me! It was almost too much." Emily was somewhat breathless while telling her story and her friends could see her eyes fog over, not to mention her nipples harden, at the memory of it. Even just watching her relive the episode was a turn on and they pressed her to continue her story.

"For some reason, I found myself in a huge, empty locker room. I could hear all sorts of cheering from somewhere outside, and I look down and all I'm wearing is a tiny, sequined bikini. An a sash around me, wrapped in a bow, that said, 'First Prize'."

"Oh, good lord, Emmy, what do you mean, 'For some reason...'?" Patty chided her friend, though the glow in her cheeks and twinkle in her eyes gave a clue to a more carnal interest in the tale. "Though I can say that feeling sexy in a bikini really would be a fantasy."

"Well, that's exactly what it is. I had no control over what fantasy it put me into, I, I, just, sort of found myself in that locker room. And my body hadn't looked that good since I was in my twenties. The fantasy is complete in every respect. I swear, it felt so real. When they all charged through those double doors, piling in and so high on the adrenaline of their recent win, well, I didn't know what to feel. When they first saw me, they just froze. They stared and I could see their eye go wide; first with shock and then with pure lust. I was so stunned at how huge those bulges in their pants grew that they were on me before I knew it."

"They lifted me off my feet like I was rag doll. They placed me on my back, on a padded massage table. What few clothes I had on were torn away in seconds and their hands were everywhere. I wanted their hands on me so badly. Pulling on my tits, slapping my clit, forcibly holding my legs wide open and choking me as they held me down by my throat. They did all of it and I was soaking wet before they even took their cocks out."

"When they finally did, they scared me at first. I had never seen a single dick that big before in my life. Now, there were eleven of them, wagging in my face, rubbing against my thighs. I couldn't help myself, I reached out and wrapped my hand around one. Or I tried anyway, my fingers could barely reach around its thickness. It felt so real. The soft velvety skin, covering this throbbing, hot dick. It was so unbelievably perfect. I knew it wasn't real, but it felt so real at the time, my mind just went with it."

"So, let me get this straight," Jessica, who had been shifting restlessly in her seat, crossing and uncrossing her legs, interrupted. "You knew that this was artificially generated. Once there, you saw yourself with a different body and were surrounded by men who were impossibly perfect, the whole thing still felt real to you."

"Yes. I think it's part of the process, but wherever you find yourself, whatever your fantasy may be, it feels totally real. If I didn't know any better, I would swear to you that I had been gang fucked by the Green Bay Packers. I can still feel them pushing themselves inside me, stretching me out. I've never felt so full. I can still taste sperm from when the quarterback came in my mouth. It's amazing how real it is!" Emily paused once again and took a long sip of wine from her glass, her breath coming noticeably quicker. She looked around the room and saw that all her friends were looking flushed as well.

"I don't think you should take my word for it. I think you should all try it for your selves. I'm going back as soon as my 30 day waiting period is up."

"Thirty day waiting period? What's that for? Are you sure this is safe?" Lisa, the wall flower of the group, had been quiet, intensely listening to Emily's every word, until now.

"Of course its safe!" Emily thought she may have answered a bit too defensively, but her memories of the experience were so powerful that she couldn't accept that the procedure was anything other than good. "It went through years of testing before being allowed for the public, and it's been in regular use now for six months, without a single incident. I feel fine. No, better than fine; I feel more fulfilled than I have in a long time. Let's face it. None of us are as young as we used to be and we have images to keep on top of that. This machine allows us to be as nasty as we want, in a completely acceptable way, and no one will ever know what we did. Unless we tell people, of course." A wicked smile beamed from her and her friends were convinced.

They quickly agreed to go together, after Emily's waiting period. In stark contrast to most of their other get-togethers, they did not linger over wine, or even finish the bottle. Making excuses about having to make dinner or their child's sport's meet, they quickly said their goodbyes and left. Every single one of them headed directly to their bedrooms and made use of whatever sex toys they had on hand. Patty started to use her rabbit vibrator, but then decided it wasn't enough and inserted her stainless steel butt plug to help her finish the job. Jessica used a nine-inch long, dangerously thick, silicone dildo. It was so large, not to mention veiny and knobbed, that she normally needed a few minutes to get wet enough to truly enjoy it, but that afternoon it slid right in and she brought herself to two orgasms imaging what her fantasy might be. Lisa attached a pair of nipple clamps on herself, tightly pinching her impossibly hard nubs, causing her to grow wet before she had even removed her panties. After that, she traced her labia and clit delicately with a small, bullet vibrator until she came again and again.

Emily, still in the grip of her persistent memory, took out her two largest dildos. One was a seven inch, slightly knobbed creation made of multicolored glass, while the other was a full eleven inches, a veiny, black monster made of silicone. She laid them in front of her and used her fingers to massage lube deep into her pussy and ass. She grew wet anticipating how much these artificial cocks would stretch her out and was incredibly slick by the time she inserted the first one. Laying on her back, she slid the glass one into her ass. Circling her tight sphincter with the cool glass tip, she allowed her back door to warm up the hard, thick knob, pushing it slowly, but firmly inside her. After fucking herself for a while in the ass, imagining a behemoth of a man using her for his enjoyment, she then imagined that he had friends, and took the larger shaft deep inside her pussy. She made herself cum this way, losing track of time, until the sound of her husband coming through the door brought her back to reality and she scrambled to get dressed.

Their busy lives slowly took back over, but their thoughts were never far from their up coming appointment. They had all called and confirmed a reservation for four as early as would be allowed. The few times they talked in the intervening time, it was only about the appointment. What would they wear, should they get drinks before, would they be in any shape to get drinks after. The anticipation made them surprisingly horny, and their respective husbands found them unusually eager for bedtime. It seemed to take an eternity, as do all things that we must wait for, but inevitably the day came and they all set out for Dr. Amazo's Fantasy Factory.

They dressed up for the occasion. The women had told their husbands that it was a girls' night out, so the men kissed their cheeks and told them how sexy they looked as they walked out the door. One or two of them were surprised at the aggressive pawing and the hungry stares; they had considered their relationship to be beyond that stage. They had forgotten how much they had appreciated the attention. Then, the excitement and anticipation for their night to be took over and it drove all other thoughts from their minds. "Don't wait up." they all told their men, though one or two gave a whispered promise that they would wake them up, once they returned. The pleasantries dispensed with, they got into their respective rides and met in the lounge that was the usual precursor for those visiting the factory.

The got their drinks and made chit-chat, just like any other night they got together, but there was a tension in the air that no one mentioned. No one needed to, they could all feel it and there was really nothing to say. They were about to have their fantasies fulfilled. Not just the fantasies they normally thought of and talked about, not the run-of-the-mill, "I'd love to have a few minutes alone with George Clooney" or the "Did you see the way those construction workers were looking at you?" type of fluff. Not just the fantasy that everyone talks about when asked about their fantasy, no, this would be theirs and theirs alone. What would that reveal about a person?

Their drinks finished, they elected for a round of shots and then their party was called. Since Emily had been here previously, she knew the way and led them out of the lounge and to an adjacent building, simply referred to as The Factory. A handsome and athletic man, dressed in a uniform that straddled the line between hospital scrubs and doorman's uniform, met them with a warm greeting. He smiled as he held the door open for them. They were soon greeted by a tall woman, in a similar uniform. She was just as attractive as he was, perfectly done up. She led them through corridors of soft carpeting, tasteful earth tone walls and soft music piped in from overhead. At last, they were shown into a spacious room, with chairs around a conference table of a richly polished, dark wood and instructed to take a seat.

Through a long window opposite them, they could see into the next chamber, which was filled with an immense piece of machinery. The entire thing looking like a prop from a science fiction movie. Technicians fiddled with dials and gauges, consulting various screens and performing functions that were complete mysteries to the four women, but looking very official while doing it. The only clearly recognizable fixtures in the room were four chairs. They looked like oversized recliners, with numerous wires and cables connecting them all with the rest of the construction.

"Hello and welcome to Dr. Amazo's Fantasy Factory." They had been so entranced by the other room and the activity buzzing about that they were taken unawares by a tastefully dressed man with well groomed, salt and pepper hair. After his abrupt introduction, he launched into an obviously well rehearsed talk about the history and some of the technical aspects of the procedure, but none of them really heard a word of it. Which was unusual, since they truly had been interested in these things, but they were too caught up in their expectations, in their "what ifs, and, of course, the hum of the machine itself. It wasn't loud, barely background noise, but it was deep. They could feel the vibration straight down to their cores, where it made their insides feel warm and moistened their knickers. It seemed to be whispering a promise to each one of them and they blocked out the kind, old man's talk just straining to hear it.

They were soon led to the other room, and instructed to take a seat. Each of them sunk into a soft, oversized chair, wires and cables attached to their bodies with Velcro and adhesive gel. The technicians fiddled with some controls on the chairs and they automatically reclined, the women finding themselves laying nearly flat on their backs with the huge piece of machinery looming over them. The vibration could be felt so much stronger here, in the same room with it, and it felt more like a rumble, a tiny earthquake deep inside, or the hint of thunder. Perhaps thunder was a better term for it, the taste of ozone flavoring the air and a tingle to the skin, as if the atmosphere were charged. There were some words from the technicians, a good bye, a good luck, a warning, perhaps, but then darkness and the sound of hot oil and the smell of fried chicken.

Chapter 2

"Well, fuck me!" Patty thought to herself, as she surveyed the room. She was standing in her own kitchen, in front of her own stove, a pair of tongs in her hand as she stared down at a cast iron skillet of sizzling, golden oil and her very own buttermilk fried chicken. The normalcy of the entire scene was what triggered her disbelief. "This is my fucking fantasy? This better be some damn good fried chicken."

She looked around the room, searching for anything out of place, anything different from her actual home. At first, it all seemed the same. The windows, with their corn colored curtains, let the afternoon sunlight in, giving everything a golden hue. The smell of the chicken was delicious, and the only sounds other than the crack of the oil were the chirp of birds outside and ESPN on in the living room. It seemed like a completely normal Sunday afternoon. Then, she started noticing little details. The kitchen was nearly spotless, for one thing, which was not usually the case when she made her fried chicken. The cast iron skillet was also different, larger than the one she actually used at home, ergonomically designed and perfect for fitting her pieces of chicken without crowding them. There was also the matter of what she was wearing.

Or not wearing, as was the case. Other than her red and white striped apron, she realized that she was completely naked. Still, as fantasies go, she thought this one was shaping up to be rather ho hum. She paused for a second to see if she was getting turned on by the sting of hot oil, but she was neither horny, nor was any of the oil spattering. The chicken appeared perfectly done, a deep golden brown straight out of an advertisement. She used tongs to dish the pieces of chicken onto a paper towel lined platter and turned the stove off. A voice called out, her husband's voice, adding to her dismay about the banality of her imagination.

"How's the chicken coming, hon? Are you almost ready?" Perhaps there was a touch more bass to his voice. She was still struggling to pick out the thread of this fantasy, but there seemed to be so little deviation from reality that the subtle changes were lost on her.

"Exactly what am I getting ready for?" She called back, but then looked up in shock as her husband appeared in the doorway. "Now this is different." she thought to herself as she looked at the virile, handsome man in front of her. Clearly, this was her husband; the wavy blond hair and rakish smile she fell in love with were still the same, but this was her husband twenty years ago. The soft bulge around his midsection, the one she was so used to that she had almost forgotten it was there, was gone, and a new bulge, one slightly lower than his midsection, had grown considerably.

"You look just as beautiful as the day I married you." He moved close and wrapped one of his arms around her waist, pulling her forcefully into a passionate kiss on the mouth. She felt her breasts crushed against the solid wall of muscle that was his chest now, as his tongue played with hers. A pleasant tingling and warmth started to develop in the core of her, as she warmed to the fantasy. He released her abruptly, deftly untying the apron strings that held her only garment on. It fell to the floor, leaving her suddenly naked. He swatted her on her ass as he walked by her and opened the refrigerator.

"Now, get into the living room and wait for me there." She practically ran into the next room, giddy with excitement. Now things were getting hot. Perhaps she was a bit boring for fantasizing about her own husband, but if that was his new cock she felt poke into her thigh, then she felt entirely justified in her mediocrity. The living room, just like the kitchen, looked identical to her own in real life. There was some new piece of furniture in the corner, but it was covered with a sheet, so she couldn't make out what it was. Then she noticed an array of items spread out on the couch. She recognized that many were latex and rubber and, was that a dildo? Before she could examine them further, her husband walked in carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

He poured them both a glass and handed one to her. Setting the bottle down on a nearby table, he raised his glass. "Here's to you, darling! I can't imagine marrying a more beautiful woman!" Clicking glasses, they both drank, emptying the glasses in one gulp.

"Oh, honey, that's the most romantic thing you've said to me." Patty thought her heart would burst, she seemed so full of love for her husband right then.

He took her glass and set them both down. "Now. Get down on your knees."

Giving head was not one of Patty's favorite things to do, but there was something so authoritative in his voice that it excited her to obey. She dropped to her knees and watched expectantly as he unzipped himself and pulled out a quickly growing erection. Her heart began to beat faster as she watched his thick and veiny pole grow. Her estimates of his size changed from seven to eight to over nine inches of stiff meat, as it continued to lengthen, until the bulbous, purple head waved just inches from her face. As mesmerized as she was by the huge cock in front of her, a wave of fright at the thought of trying to fit her mouth around it made her give pause.

Evidently impatient at her indecision, her husband placed his hand on her head and gently, but firmly, pulled her head into his groin. She opened her lips wide, stretching them around his glans, as he shoved himself further inside her.

"This is completely unlike Jerry." She had a moment to think before the monster shaft had crammed itself as far as it could into her tiny throat. Her mouth watered as he began to pump himself inside of her, coating his cock with copious amounts of saliva. The domineering way that he was pleasuring himself with her turned her on like he never had before and she felt a heat and a slickness between her legs. She felt as if she were in a trance, countless minutes passing, her entire being completely immersed in becoming an instrument of his pleasure, until he pulled himself out of her.

She gasped for air, as strings of drool descended from her chin to coat her ample tits. He knelt down, so that he was at eye level with her. He looked into her eyes, deeper than she could ever recall. "Thank you." His eyes were filled with love. "All these years and you've never shared the deepest part of yourself. At least, not until now."

She was a little curious as to when the fucking was going to start, and this new line of commentary didn't fill her with much confidence. She was so ready now and she wanted to be filled, oh so filled.

"I should have realized, I know that now." He stood up and walked to the couch, picking up a pair of handcuffs and a ball gag. Walking back to her, he continued. "I'm so glad you trusted me enough to confide in me. Stand up."

She got to her feet, very confused as to what was going on, and so was too stunned to offer any resistance as he handcuffed her hands in front of her. He held the rubber ball of the gag up to her face and smiled expectantly at her until she got the hint and opened her full lips so he could place the ball inside. He then secured the straps around her head. She had to admit to herself that the accessories were pretty hot and the restraints were thrilling. She loved Howard so much, but he was so wishy-washy in bed, always too accommodating. After eighteen years of marriage, sex had become more of a dull routine than the adventure she had remembered. Now, breathing only through her nostrils, the cold metal around her wrists sent a chill through her, she thought that this was certainly different.

He stood back to admire her new look. She couldn't remember when she had seen such a look of raw lust in his eyes. In anyone's eye's for that matter. How long had it been since she had been looked at like that? Her thoughts were interrupted when Howard started to circle her, a predatory movement that was completely unlike him. Stopping behind her, he encircled her in his arms. A quick, loving embrace, accompanied by kisses along her neck were over so quickly she had to wonder if she imagined them. The next second his hands were grabbing handfuls of her soft flesh, roughly groping her wherever they pleased. One grabbed hold of a stiff nipple and pulled firmly, stretching it out, opening her eyes wide. The other reached down between her thighs and ground against her bare pussy. She groaned at the sudden assault to her erogenous zones.

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