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Fantasy Machine


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"Thank you for telling me exactly how you want to be fucked, you dirty slut, you. I puzzled over how to fulfill the fantasy that we talked about and I think I have found a way." He walked over to whatever it was under the sheet and began to slide it into the center of the room. Whipping off the sheet with a flourish, he revealed a table of odd design. The top was flat, padded and at about waist height. The rest of the structure was solid, blocky and utilitarian, a weekend workshop creation of stained wood and stainless steel fittings. Before she could examine it closely, he moved behind her and pushed her towards it.

"Get moving, slut, it's time for you to get used." His good-natured tone was at odds with his harsh handling of her body. He grabbed her by the nape of the neck and walked her forcefully up to the table. As the front of her pelvis came up against the table, she could walk no further. His grasp on the back of her neck increased and he pushed forward, bending her over the table, maneuvering her like he would an unruly animal. She found the padded surface warm, accommodating to her curves like another body underneath her. The leather surface did feel like skin and she melted into it, allowing her husband to further manipulate her limbs.

He pulled her arms forward, over the edge of the table, and down, clipping a carabiner onto her handcuffs, effectively restraining her hands to chains connected to its stout legs. She could feel him spreading her legs and then affixing what felt like Velcro straps, binding her knees to two other of the table legs. Her sex was now wide open and on display, the bonds preventing her from covering up or assuming any degree of modesty. Being bound and helpless in this way was crazier than anything that she and Howard had ever done before, maybe crazier than anything she had done before, and she was loving it. She felt wetter than she could remember feeling, and heat and tension in her private areas were making her long for cock, to be filled up and used mercilessly.

Once she was immobilized, she heard a loud crack and felt the sting as Howard slapped her ample behind. She writhed on the table, unable to communicate in any other way her desire to be fucked. To be fucked hard and now. Her hips bucked with yearning, trying to find some stimulation by grinding her groin against the leather padding, as she listen to the sounds of him removing his clothes. First, his hands gripped her round hips, hard enough that she was sure that bruises would remind her of tonight for at least a week. Then, the heat of his cock, as the wide head nudged against her slippery pussy lips. An initial thrust opened her up, stretching her out and forcing a gasp out of her through her gag and tightly stretched lips, and she again settled into her fantasy with a contented smile. Then, another thrust, and her smile became a moan, drool forming around the gag, running down her chin. He felt huge, the width of his shaft filling her beyond pleasure. As the electric sensations from his hot, stiff erection flowed out from her groin, there was a tinge of fear. How big had he become?

These thoughts fled as he began to fuck her in earnest. Even the heavy table shifted under the force of his screwing her, each thrust bumping her cervix and stretching her further open. Soon, she felt the build up of tension begin to unfurl into an intense orgasm and her whole body shook from the climax. He kept pumping vigorously into her through one orgasm and into another, until she was limp, helpless as his huge cock probed deeper and deeper inside of her. Finally, he pulled out and walked away, leaving her breathless and boneless, captive on the table.

He returned soon enough and she heard the snap of something (plastic?), and then felt a cold, gooey substance being rubbed into her asshole. As sated as she was, her eyes widened when she felt his thumb being pressed into her little, brown sphincter. She had always feared anal sex and refused to let any man even try playing with her ass. Now, she could feel the thick digit slowly open her rear and she was utterly unable to prevent it or protest. Her worry turned to pleasure soon enough, however, as he moved his thumb expertly inside of her, turning circles inside of her, making her looser and more open. The feeling was a dirty pleasure that she probably never would have allowed herself, but now wondered why she had waited so long. Soon, he was pushing his entire thumb inside her, circling it around and then pulling it almost, but not quite, all the way out. When it was almost out, he would try to gape her ass wider, loosening her butt hole and pouring more lube into the opening, until her passage was so slick that she felt anything might slide in there. She was about to find out when he abandoned the use of his thumb and the head of his cock began to push against her virgin entrance.

She was so slippery that a single thrust was all he needed to bury his thick shaft in her ass to the hilt. She felt every inch of him slide into her, expanding her little behind even further. Never had she felt so full of cock, her husband's penis working its way up her colon. Another orgasm hit her, her own husband mercilessly driving himself into her asshole. She was locked up so tightly that she was unable to do anything but take it. His roughness turned her on, her helplessness turned her on and climax after climax shook her, as her dripping juices stained the carpet of their living room. After what seemed like hours of hard dick pushing into her dirtiest entrance, she felt him grip her tight, pulling her hard against the forward momentum of his pelvis. His manhood seemed to expand, filling her even further, and then a warm flood of cum entered her bowels, the warmth of another orgasm spreading into her guts and throughout her entire body. She lay, spent and satisfied, on the table.

He withdrew slowly from her, savoring the feel of her sphincter gripping him on the way out. Finally out, she could feel the ejaculate leak out through her thoroughly ruined ass. She heard him walk around, picking up discarded clothing and getting redressed. Wondering if the fantasy was over, she was a bit dismayed when he eventually walked over to the couch and picked something up, bringing it over to the head of the table.

"Phwew. That was awesome! I'm sorry I couldn't wait, but I am your husband. I only think it fair that I was the first to use you. I'm sure no one is going to care about sloppy seconds. Hell, I'm sure no one is going to care about thirds or fourths, either." Through her post-orgasmic haze, she wonder what Howard was talking about, but then he began pulling something over her head, giving her something new to wonder about.

It was some sort of rigid box that fit over her head. At first, she was plunged into total darkness, but then some sort of illumination caught her attention. There was a screen just inches in front of her face, some sort of smart phone attached to the inside that, now that it had been turned on, was transmitting from some kind of camera that showed their entire living room. The angle looked down upon her naked form, pointed towards where her butt was facing. When she saw the front door as the center image, she was horrified, realizing that her bare slit and leaking anus would be the first thing anyone would see if they walked in. She struggled a bit at that point, not sure anymore that she wanted any of this to happen, but the table and restrains were too well made, so she surrendered to her predicament.

"Testing, testing, one, two, three." Her husband's voice crackled into the box, transmitted through one of the smart phones. "Can you hear me okay in there, hon?"

"Wait! Wait! We need to talk about this!" She screamed, her voice sounding loud inside the small enclosure, but the gag in her mouth made her plea unintelligible.

"I know, you told me about this part. I never knew you were such a little whore. Well, you're gonna get plenty of cock tonight." She tried to imagine what he possibly thought he heard when she heard the doorbell ring. "There's one now."

Through the camera, she saw Howard walk towards the door. His body blocked her vision of who was there initially, but after the normal pleasantries, he turned to reveal two men who followed him inside. As soon as they saw her, they stopped and stared in amazement, their eyes going wide. They immediately made a beeline for her helpless form. Now that they were close, she recognized them. One was David, their son's football coach, a solidly built man, only about 5' 7" tall, but so broad and muscular that he seemed taller. He wore a black tee shirt that stretched taut over his chest, loose fitting blue jeans over combat boots and his salt and pepper hair was trimmed in a crew cut. Next to him was a tall, lithe, black man, Carl, their son's martial arts instructor. He had on the traditional white pants that he wore in his dojo, but only thin, white, sleeveless tee shirt that showed off his flat abdomen and hard, corded muscles of his arms.

They looked at her exposed, hairless pussy and slick asshole, beaming appreciatively at them both. No one wore a smile bigger than Jerry's, as he stared and gestured towards her freshly fucked opening.

"Don't be shy, fellas. She belongs to us for the night." Jerry smacked her ass hard, and the men seemed hypnotized by the erotic giggling of her firm rump. Then, he slowly pushed two thick fingers into her wet pussy, causing her to moan into her gag, drool already running down her chin. "Have a feel."

At that moment, the doorbell rang again and Howard left the men with a wink to greet even more visitors. The men needed no further encouragement and proceeded to take turns squeezing her ass cheeks, stroking her swollen labia and pushing their own fingers into her slippery holes. Though not quite yet ready for another orgasm, the feeling of these different men touching and caressing her sensitive and private parts turned her on until she was dripping wet once more. She tried to keep her attention on the front door. "How many people did he invite?" she thought to herself, but then the men stopped taking turns and she felt several hands at once on, and in, her.

One of the men would spread her butt cheeks wide open, stretching both holes and making the skin around this area taut and extra sensitive, while another man delicately stroked her pussy lips. She gasped at the over load of sensation and felt her entire pelvis twitch, preparing to tense for the next building orgasm. Then, one of them, Carl, said, "Fuck it, I gotta have a taste of that beautiful snatch." and pushed David out of the way, to bury his face into her crotch, his tongue tracing crazy patterns on her flesh.

Though panting with naked lust, she scanned the video feed and could see three more men walking into their house. Ed, their gardener, with his sun-darkened skin, broad back and meaty hands; Jason, one of Jerry's coworkers, and Rich, One's of Jerry's friends from his college days. They all gathered close to watch Carl feasting on her pussy while she squirmed helplessly, the object of desire for a group of horny men.

"So, remember," Patty could hear Jerry addressing the group and she did her best to listen, despite Carl's probing tongue bringing her closer to the edge. "This is my fantasy of watching a bunch of guys ravage my wife. I want you to all call her Patty while you're drilling her. Although slut and whore work equally well. And no condoms. I want you to fill this bitch until she's dripping with cum." She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was so shocked at the thought of being called a slut and a whore that she began to get up, but then the restraints held her firm and the helpless nature of her situation came back to her. Her forced immobility, Carl now sucking on her clit and the certain knowledge that she was about to be used by a group of her friends triggered a new orgasm and she shuddered on the padded table to the cheers of several men.

Suddenly, Rich exclaimed, "Hey, if you're done eating her out, I'm diving in." Carl, ever the polite one, stepped out from between her legs, the bottom half of his face shiny from her wetness. They all watched Rich tear his clothes off right there. Patty had met him a few times at summer BBQ's, and while she found him attractive, she was unprepared for how in shape he was. His white, collared shirt, now thrown at his feet, revealed a flat and chiseled chest and abdomen. He undid his belt and pants, letting them drop to a pile around his ankles, allowing an impressive sized cock, still only semi-hard, to slap against his stout and hairy thigh. He stepped close and she could feel the warmth of his body between her legs. He started rubbing his swiftly hardening dick against the skin around her pussy, sliding his velvety head around her clit, sending chills of pleasure through her.

The feeling of something so smooth and soft, turning to a rigid piece of steel, caused her own flesh to go through its own engorgement and by the time Rich's purple and swollen head began to push inside of her, she could not have been more ready. Which was good, because his dick was noticeably larger than her husbands and stretched her insides in areas that had never been touched. He grabbed the round flesh of her hips and started poking around slowly, trying to experience the warm, gripping cunt from one angle and then another, so deep that it could have been a pelvic exam. Patty's moans and pants could be heard by everyone, even through the gag and the box over her head. They only became louder, as Rich's movements became more rapid. Like a locomotive slowly building up steam to climb a hill, his thrusts became deeper and faster, until, far from pulling against her restraints, Patty held on for dear life as it felt like Rich was trying to shove his entire body into her.

Finally, she couldn't focus on anything, as yet another massive orgasm washed over her, making her feel dizzy. The animalistic grunts that came from her triggered Rich's own release and her pussy was flooded with his hot seed, as the pulsations and spurts mirrored the spasms of pleasure that coursed through her. She could no longer make out all the things the men were saying, merely a joyous and lustful roar, as several hands caressed and squeezed and slapped.

Rich pulled out, and Patty could feel his spent fluids spilling out of her. Her crotch was soaked and a gentle breeze sent a chill through her, but not for long, as the heat of another body pressed up against her backside and another hard cock shoved itself inside her. It was David. "I didn't even see him undress", she mused to herself briefly and then his steady thrusts in and out of her sent her head into the clouds once more. He didn't feel as big as Rich, but he was thick and lasted longer, meting out his strokes in a sensuous rhythm. When she came, it was a small and subtle crescendo, unlike the mountain peaks of ecstasy that she had been driven to, but at this point, anything more was almost too much. He filled her with another sack full of sperm, leaving her warm and content.

Rest, unfortunately, was not to be hers. Though dazed vision, Patty watched Jason slowly unbutton his shirt and lay it over the back of a chair. Not only was his torso tightly muscled, corded muscles standing out on his arms, but black, tribal tattoos covered most of his body, unguessed at underneath his clothes.

"You said everything is ... open to us?"

Jerry chuckled at that, clearly amused at his wife's helplessness. "Yep. She's completely ours to use. Stick it anywhere you want." Patty felt so dirty, so exposed, to be an evening's entertainment for so many men.

She watched excitedly as Jason stepped out of his pants. His cock, already stiff and standing at attention, had slipped out the front of his boxers. It was slightly larger than her husband's, a little over nine inches, thick and veiny, a drop of precum glistening at the tip. He grabbed a bottle of lube from a nearby table and, pouring an ample amount into his hand, began to jack himself off, coating his sizable dick with the slippery liquid. Taking his time, he positioned himself at her backside, and pressed himself at her still tight sphincter.

After a lifetime of never having tried anal sex, her virginal ass was about to take its second cock of the night and she was worried about becoming sore, but she found herself, once again, panting as he slowly worked himself inside her. In went the swollen head, stretching her open, painfully at first, then came a wave of pleasure as he gradually inched his way deeper. Finally, all the way, he rutted around her butt, moving only about an inch of his thickness, but in a circular motion that made her feel like she was opening up even further.

Two more orgasms came, each in rapid succession as he widened her anus from the inside. Two more pairs of hands were spreading her cheeks wide, allowing Jason even deeper access than her husband had been able to achieve on his own. It felt like his dick was all the way up into her guts, and she bucked on the table as the muscles of her O-ring clutched around his shaft, trying to milk him with her rectum. She couldn't believe his staying power, as his dick slid relentlessly in and out of her behind, and she slipped into a daze. Her body felt like it was vibrating, a hum that pulsed from her very center. Finally, through the haze of lust that possessed her, she detected a change in his rhythm. A quickening of pace, the thrusts no longer mechanically steady, but urgent and irregular, until he drove himself so deep and she soon felt the spasms of his cock as it unloaded yet another man's goo into her. The next hour was fuzzy, as man after man used her for their pleasure. Not to mention hers. Never had she cum so much and her entire body was deliriously tired and sore from the orgasms that were torn from her. After the mad rush to all get a piece of her, the action died down to a constant succession of dicks inside her. She could watch one man slamming into her now well used holes, while the rest stood off in a little group, laughing jovially. At one point, she thought she saw her husband handing out little blue pills to the rest of the guys. "Oh, my god! Is he giving them Viagra? Will this night ever end?" As the thought went through her head, she didn't know whether it was a complaint or a fervent hope.

The next thing she remembered was her restraints being unfastened and her spent, sticky body being lifted off the table. She had been fucked so many times, had so much cum pumped into her, that she could still feel their hard cocks inside her. Jerry had wrapped her in a blanket and was massaging her aching limbs as she fell fast asleep. She slept more soundly than she had in years, but strange noises going on around her caused her to wake. Opening her eyes, she saw that she still sat in the soft, reclining chair, wires and electrodes still in place, two people she had never seen before, in white lab coats, looking at her with amused smiles on their faces. As they helped her out, she couldn't believe that her friends were still in their chairs and, evidently, in their fantasies.

She watched them, fascinated by their subtle moans, flushed faces and lips slightly open in expressions of pure pleasure. Patty blushed once she realized that this is what she had looked like, in front of these technicians that were complete strangers to her. "Still," she mused, "I certainly got my money's worth", and she took a chair to wait for her friends.

Chapter 3

Jessica was driving on autopilot until the flashing lights showed up in her rear view mirror. She felt vaguely disoriented for a few panicky moments, before she remembered that she was driving home. She couldn't imagine what she could have done to get the attention of the police, but given that she couldn't even remember why she had taken this lonely and out of the way route home, it could have been anything. Forgetting a turn signal, blowing through a stop sign, whatever it was, it was just one more thing in an already frustrating night.

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