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Fantasy Machine


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Pulling over to the side of the road, she suddenly realized that her dress was far more revealing than was normally her style. The last few hours began coming back to her, the cocktail party and her purposefully dressing to get attention. Her husband's attention primarily, but dressing up this way always made her feel extra sexy, so a few other heads turned in her direction wouldn't have bothered her any. Then the fight happened, her husband accusing her of always wanting sex and flirting with the other men to get him jealous. So what if it was true, she did it all for him, just to get a little of the attention he used to show her. She was planning on giving him a night to remember, but then her temper had gotten the better of her and she stormed out. Now her fuming had obviously affected her driving and it looked like it was going to cost her.

After rolling down her window and getting her license and registration out, she attempted to pull her top up higher to minimize the scandalous amount of cleavage she had on display. It was no use, however, her black, sleeveless top was designed obscenely small and, had her boobs always been so large? Her black, pleated mini skirt, sheer, black hose held up by a matching garter belt and stiletto heels completed the outfit. She loved how men looked at her when she wore such sexy clothes, their sidelong glances never failing to make her feel hot and bothered. Such had been the night, which was great while her husband was beside her and they were in a room full of friends. Now she was embarrassed to be seen like this. What would the officer think about her?

"Good evening, ma'am. How are you doing this evening?"

Startled by the masculine voice so close beside her, she turned to the left following the commanding, deep bass. There at her eye level, the first thing she saw was the outline of the police officer's impressive cock as its contours strained against the tan fabric of his slacks. She blushed when she found herself momentarily unable to take her eyes off his crotch. Forcing her eyes upward, her gaze ascended over his flat abdomen, his broad chest and even wider shoulders, until she was finally looking beyond his square jaw and pale, blue eyes. He had straw colored hair and a youthful face that would have looked boyish were it not for his serious expression.

"Is there a problem officer?"

"Would you step out of the car, ma'am?" Though the phrasing was that of a request, it was spoken as a command. The uniformed man opened her door, as if to underscore the directive.

She stepped out of the car, her high heels sinking into the loose gravel unevenly, shifting her off balance. She had to reach a hand out to support herself, staying upright, but unsteady. The night was warm, but a sudden, cool, evening breeze blew through her skirt, causing her to realize that she wasn't wearing any panties.

"Have you had anything to drink tonight, ma'am?"

"What?" She was caught off guard by the question, still struggling to recall more of the evening. It was a cocktail party, so it seemed likely that she had been drinking, but she couldn't quite remember. And why wasn't she wearing any panties? What sort of naughtiness had she been planning? And now to find herself pulled over, at night, on a lonely and out of the way stretch of road, by one of the best looking cops she had even seen. She felt an immediate rush of blood to her groin, making it feel warm and swollen. "No. Well, maybe just one, but I'm perfectly fine to drive, officer."

"We'll be the judge of that, ma'am." He looked back at the parked police cruiser and motioned with one of his arms. With the glare from the flashing lights and the windshield, Patty couldn't make out anyone in the vehicle, but then the driver's side door opened and out stepped a large, black man, also dressed in a brown and tan police uniform. She didn't fully realize how large he was, until he walked all the way up to her, and his dark eyes looked at her hungrily. The other police officer had his flashlight out and ran the beam like a spot light up and down her body. Looking at his partner, he asked, "What do you think, Mel?"

"I think someone's looking for a party." The black man's voice was so deep that it seemed to vibrate deep within her. That, combined with the desire she saw burning in his eyes, made her grow moist. There was not another soul in sight as the night grew darker on that lonely stretch of road and it made her feel an odd mix of vulnerability and disinhibition.

"Have you searched the suspect for weapons or contraband, Officer Thompson?" The black police officer turned to his partner, the hint of a smile on his face.

The first officer was looking at her with frank lust. "No, I have not, Officer Fredricks. I thought I might need, um, back-up. Ma'am, would you please turn around and face your vehicle." She turned to obey, her mind racing, trying to catch up with what was happening. The whole situation seemed to be escalating so quickly, that she was at a loss of what to do except to obey. "Now place both of your hands flat on the roof and spread your legs."

Patty paused, biting her lower lip nervously and looking back and forth at the two uniformed men that loomed over her. How had she come to be in this situation? Seeing little alternative that wouldn't get her deeper into trouble, she resigned herself and assumed the humiliating position. To make matters even worse, her heels sank even further, causing her to lean even further and spread her legs even wider than she had intended. This awkward new position caused her full breasts to hang down, almost bursting free of her top, and the hem of her skirt to ride up, revealing even more of her long, stockinged legs. She could feel the eyes of the two men roaming over her and, as her heart beat faster, she felt a wetness between her legs.

"Don't move, ma'am, I am just searching you for any concealed weapons." The white officer spoke as he went down on one knee, placing his large hands around one of her dainty ankles. He slid them slowly upward, rough hands over smooth silk, following every contour of her shapely legs until they disappeared under her short skirt. Suddenly, the man gave an appreciative whistle and exclaimed, "Well, looky what we have here."

He stood up and, using his nightstick, lifted the back of her skirt. Patty could feel a chill as her full, round ass and now wet pussy were exposed for the two police men to see. She heard the black officer, Mel, presumably, softly say, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about." As embarrassed as she was at her current predicament, she warmed at the appreciation that these two men were showing towards her. "At least someone gets to see my Brazilian." she thought to herself. She went rigid as the officer rubbed the thick, wooden baton over her swollen labia, partially from the shock of a strange man touching her there and partially from the sudden sensation of pleasure that shot through her body.

"Not only is she not wearing any underwear, but she's wetter than a wife on her wedding night. Look, she's adding a whole new coat of polish to my nightstick. This must be an exciting night for you, darlin'."

Patty reddened at the statement. She couldn't deny the response her body was having to these two handsome, young men in uniform. While she was very nervous from being half naked, and maybe in trouble with the law, in the middle of nowhere, she had to admit that she was unbelievably horny. Her mind still worked frantically to figure out just what was going on, just what she should do, but it seemed unable to catch up to the events at hand. As the heat of her desire continued to grow, she also wondered how long before her mind was too clouded with lust to even think straight.

"You know, I've been a cop for a while now," It was the black officer, Mel, that spoke. His voice still deep, but now he was speaking very close to her, his hot breath tickling her neck. "and I only know of one type of girl that runs around without any underwear on. Whores, ma'am. Only whores don't wear any underwear. Are you a whore, ma'am?"

Still her mind raced. She wanted to scream, "No!" but could she really deny it? She was dressed as slutty as she could ever remember. A part of her brain told her that she didn't even own an outfit like this, but that information was lost in the more enjoyable thoughts of what these men might do with her. Her most private parts were on fire, longing to be touched so much that even the night air was making her wetter by the second.

"Cuff her, Jeff."

"Wait! What? What's going on?" The thought of being handcuffed, even more helpless than she had been, caused her panic to rise and she started to turn around. Officer Thompson stopped her with a firm hand on the middle of her back, pushing her even more off balance and against the car. She heard the metallic rattle of the handcuffs and she did not resist as he clicked them around one of her wrists and then pulled her other arm back to secure them both.

He roughly pulled her upright and began to walk her briskly to the rear of the car and pushed her so that she was face down on the trunk, her large boobs and face pressed against the cool metal, the tips of her toes barely touching the ground.

"Wait! This is a mistake!" Finding her voice, she began to babble frantically. "You don't understand. I'm a wife and a mother. I don't normally dress this way. This was for a party."

"Sure, ma'am. For a party." It was Officer Thompson who spoke now. "I'm not calling you a liar, but I've yet to see a wife and mother look as fine as you do, not to mention driving around back roads in the middle of the night. What were you looking for out here? It might go a bit easier on you if you played along. We can be nice, right, Mel?"

"You can be nice, Jeff. Me, I'm just being a police officer." Patty heard the sound of a latex glove being stretched over his huge hands. "Just part of the process. I gotta check you for any foreign objects. I'm sure you understand."

She tightened up her body, bracing for the impending invasion, but his touch was surprisingly gentle. Jeff, the white officer, had his hand on her upper back, bracing her against the vehicle, making sure that she couldn't move. Since, with both hands restrained, she had no leverage, she couldn't do much more than squirm. The other man, Officer Fredricks, had one of his gloved hands on her ass, spreading one cheek out to fully display her engorged pussy and twitching, pink, puckered asshole. With the other hand, he used two lubed fingers to rub the swollen labia around her slick opening. She gasped at the contact, a warm wave of pleasure causing her to gush.

"Wow, you weren't kidding about how wet she is. You're all ready for work, aren't you? How many dicks do you take in a night?" The question seemed rhetorical, as he started to push his fingers inside her, rather than wait for an answer. They felt incredibly large as they eased their way inside her, stretching her insides and filling her satisfyingly. She let out a low moan, before she realized it, feeling guilty about how turned on she was, about what these men might think about her. "You're loving this, aren't you? There's no way you popped a kid out of this sweet pussy. It's so fucking tight."

He continued to push his fingers into her, making circular sweeps around the slick walls of her love tunnel. Then he would slowly pull them out, savoring the way the muscles of her vagina seemed to clutch at them, before plunging them back. He pistoned them in and out of her slowly, but forcefully, the wet sounds competing with the increasing volume of her moans and whimpers. At first, she was frightened by the situation she had found herself in, but her lack of control, the sheer helplessness in the face of what these men could do to her, made some part of surrender to the lust that had been building within her all night. She could feel her orgasm building, the probing fingers teasing it out of her, but all too soon, the officer withdrew, leaving her with a feeling of emptiness.

"Now, this next part will be a little harder for you. I suggest that you just relax as best you can and deal with it, because it is going to happen." Patty wasn't sure what he was talking about, until she felt the chilly lubricant being rubbed around her sphincter. Before she could even think about how she felt about having this huge man stick his finger up her ass, while she was handcuffed and face down by the side of the road, he gave a firm push and her butthole was stretched open around the thick digit. He was gentle for his size, and professional in his explorations, but it had been a long time since anything had entered Patty from this end. Memories of wilder times in her youth rose to the surface, of other men, other objects, that used to slide into her ass, and she started to cum, her anus contracting around the gloved finger, as she jerked and gasped on the trunk of her car.

"Damn, I think we've got a live one here, Mel." The officer put more of his body weight on top of her, just to keep her from falling off the car. Mel, his finger still inside her ass, all the way up to the third knuckle, just chuckled. "It looks like that is a fact. Keep a hold on her, Jeff, I'm going to try something new."

Patty was just catching her breath, when she felt even more fingers invading her. The index finger, that remained far up her butt wriggled mercilessly, and then two other fingers slid into her now sopping pussy. The feeling of being filled was incredible. Held down and handcuffed, she had her second, and stronger, orgasm as Officer Fredricks pumped his fingers in and out of her. She thrashed and moaned, legs rigid and straight out, toes curled, spasms of joy taking control of her. He didn't stop until she lay quiet and spent, a glistening trail of moisture and lube from between her legs dripping off the surface of the car and onto the side of the road. Eventually, he pulled out of her and her post-orgasmic brain distantly registered the sound of latex gloves being pulled off and thrown on the ground. Then the man was at her ear, speaking low, as if telling her a secret. "Now, I got no problem with you being a whore and seeing as I didn't find anything illegal, I don't see that we need to make a big deal about this. But, it is our job to take you downtown, to book you where you'll probably spend the night in jail. Hah, and our jail? You don't want to spend a night there." His breath was hot against her again, but this time he was leaning on top of her prone form. She could feel his weight, the solid muscles of his chest and abdomen, the improbable size of his hard cock as it pressed into her thigh. "Now, I think my partner and I could be persuaded to look the other way. We could just drive on and pretend that we never saw you, but we're gonna need something from you."

She felt a large hand grab a handful of her ass and another, from the other side of her, reach underneath and grab a handful of her breast. "Being a whore," he continued, "I think you know what that is."

Suddenly, his weight was off of her, and she immediately missed the warmth of him, the pressure and the feeling of rippling muscle on top of her. Then, she heard a belt being unbuckled and the sound of a zipper. Her loins yearned to have him fill her, but she felt a moment's trepidation. He had felt impossibly large through his pants. Could she take something that large inside of her?

The bulbous head nudged at her pussy, sliding deliciously along her silky, wet lips. An initial probe put just the first inch inside her, widening her even more than his fingers. Her pelvis tightened around him, a fresh stream of lubrication soaking the rest of his shaft. He stayed there for a minute, gyrating his hips slowly, allowing her tight snatch to accommodate to his girth. She felt his two huge hands encircle her waist in a way that made her feel tiny. He pulled her back, impaling her on his meaty pole. The fit was so tight that she could swear that she could feel every ridge and vein that contoured the surface of his shaft. Finally he stopped, the entirety of him crammed inside her, right to the base. She was amazed she hadn't split in two.

Starting slow, he slid in and out of her with a steady pace. His arms pulled her back towards him and his buttocks would clench, bringing his groin forward, expanding her pussy as it widened to fit the huge dick. Then the motion would reverse and her tightness would almost push him out of her. Gradually, he increased his pace, until he was pumping in and out of her at a frantic rate. She felt the shocks of her car being tested as he thrust his entire length into her, the weight of his body crushing her in the most wonderful way. When he was inside her, it felt like she had an arm stuffed up her, stretching her out. Ruining her. She gasped at her rough treatment, helpless to do more than utter guttural sounds as she was fucked senseless. Helpless to stop yet another orgasm from shattering her mind, devolving her into a piece of flesh for their cocks.

She lost track of time, but soon heard the man on top of her grunt and felt the swell of his member stretching her insides even more. A flush of heat expanded inside her as the man released a flood of sperm that drenched her womb. Her vagina was still pulsing as he pulled out of her, a stream of thick, white cum spilling out soon after. She lay limp and exhausted on the trunk of her car, her deep, heaving breaths being the only movement. Her mind had barely begun to reform when she heard another belt being unbuckled, another zipper coming down.

"Damn, Mel, you stretched that bitch out. That cunt looks wrecked. I'm not one for sloppy seconds, so I'll just have to use her other hole." It was the other officer speaking.

Her frazzled brain didn't quite realize what he was saying, but she soon felt his hands on her waist, the flared head of his cock pressing against her prelubed butt hole. The man gradually settled his weight down on top of her, his dick working its way inside her, opening her ass as his manhood sunk into her hot flesh. It had been so long since anyone had ass fucked her, her husband treating her like a princess in all ways, including sex. Now, these two men had her handcuffed and were treating her like a whore. She was in heaven. It was all so dirty, so brutal. Despite her exhaustion, she could feel another orgasm building deep inside her.

"Holy shit, she's tight. Fuck, I'm 'bout to bust a nut right in her shitter." He continued to pump his dick inside her, each stroke thrilling her to her core. She began to moan again, the fullness in her ass causing unspeakable pleasure. Soon, her car was bouncing again, the rhythmic motions of the officer's body pressing Jessica against the metal of the trunk, his weight forcing air out of her with each thrust. As she came, harder than she thought capable of after so many other orgasms, she uttered gasping moans, her ass contracting around the fat shaft that had invaded it. This was all too much for the officer, who offered up his own moans of pleasure, as his load was emptied into Jessica's previously tiny rectum.

He pulled out of her and she could hear the zipper, the belt and then a fleshy slap that might have been a high five, the two officers laughing and joking with each other. They left her lying on the trunk of her car, the cum from two men, complete strangers, leaking out of her. Car doors slammed, one right after the other, and the engine started. Headlights suddenly bathed Jessica in a bright, halogen spotlight and she mentally marveled at the view of her they would have. Would this moment be immortalized by a dash camera? Regardless of her thoughts, she was too tired, spent from sexual exertion, to even move. Soon, she heard the crunch of gravel and she was left, face down, handcuffed and with her freshly fucked ass for anyone to see, on a dark and lonely country road.

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