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February Sucks Eggs

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February Sucked very large eggs indeed.
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I would like to thank George Anderson for permission to continue his story. (// and I'd like to thank Randi for her editorial assistance. All errors are mine. Also, thanks to my beta readers and special thanks to the person who inadvertently suggested this iteration of February Sucks.

Thomas and Emma-Louise checked the systems for the twentieth time. Overkill? Not at all. Even one apparently small, insignificant error could kill them, either immediately or at some point down the line.

They had both earned their degrees in Paleontology and had been working together at the National Institute of Chronological Antediluvian Research for several years, in fact since their joint dissertation was published.

They had been a part of Project Oospore for the past 18 months and were working in conjunction with the Project Wellsian team to bring about the ultimate goal of the founders of the NICAR, which was to send researchers back in time to harvest fertilized dino eggs.

At first there had been a moratorium on using the time travel technology, with naysayers holding forth and pontificating on esoteric concepts such as time paradoxes and the disruption of the historical timeline.

There had been an impasse for several years until at the UN-sponsored Time Travel Technology Debate, the anti-time travel advocates put their points of view over and the case for time travel being allowed was put by Professor Gordon Lightfoot, a small, yet feisty Cambridge Don.

He pointed out that if someone had traveled back in time and did something, say, 500 years ago, then whatever they had done would already have happened and would be part of the historical record.

Else why, he said, would not despots such as Hitler have been assassinated by a time traveling vigilante? He then revealed that there had been at least 42 attempts to assassinate Hitler, probably many more that went unreported, and wondered if at least some of those plots had been instigated or organized by people who had traveled back through time?

After his speech, the opposition to time travel faded away and official bodies such as the National Institute of Chronological Antediluvian Research were launched to oversee and coordinate time travel. Although Professor Lightfoot's attitude held sway, time travel was strictly controlled because controlling things is what governments like to do.

The NICAR had decided to send a team back to the Cretaceous Period and obtain some eggs (hopefully fertilized) from up to four dinosaur nests.

Lots were drawn to see which team would be the first to go back and Thomas and Emma-Louise won the draw.

And so it was, two months later they were sent back in time to collect the eggs. "We'll only take one from each nest," Thomas said.

"Yeah, I agree. We don't want to upset their maternal instincts, do we?" Emma-Louise replied.

When they traveled back, they noticed several things immediately. The air was very humid, they were wearing breathing masks to supplement the lower oxygen levels, and the trees and plants that were alien to their eyes were absolutely enormous, as were the flying insects that they saw and heard.

They could hear some crashing sounds and noises from some creatures that were low, booming noises some distance away. "Nothing like the old Jurassic Park movie," Emma-Louise said, giggling.

Thomas shook his head. "Nah, Sis! Clearly not!"

They nervously hunted around in an area marked out on their map as having multiple potential nest sites, as paleontologists had discovered many fossilized nest sites in modern times.

They found four nest sites in reasonably close proximity to each other. "Wonder where the parents are?" Thomas asked, glancing round.

"Probably feeding," Emma said. "Luckily the dinosaurs we're seeking out are herbivores so they won't attack us."

"Yeah, so long as they don't see us kidnapping their babies!" Thomas replied.

They carefully removed one egg from each nest and gently placed them into the incubator they'd brought, making sure they were snug and safe.

They noticed that the eggs, which were about the same size as an Ostrich egg, were still reasonably warm. Emma-Louise remarked about how light they were. "Probably because the last time we held eggs from this type of dinosaur they'd been turned to solid stone, so were pretty hefty," she noted.

"Right," Thomas said. "We have the eggs, now we have one more job to do."

They walked through the Cretaceous Period jungle until they saw a dinosaur that was ambling along, minding its own business. To their shock, rather than looking like a gigantic lizard it actually looked more akin to a really massive bird-like creature covered in bright feathers.

Thomas activated the extra piece of equipment they had brought with them and whistled to attract the attention of the bird-like creature. It turned toward them and began running in their direction. There was none of the lumbering gait that many people had expected of dinosaurs. She, or he, was moving rapidly with a flowing, graceful series of movements.

Before the dinosaur had gotten too close, they activated the time travel device and found themselves back at the HQ of the NICAR.

Thomas turned off the device he had been using, and together they went through into the laboratory, removed the eggs from the portable incubator and placed them, very carefully, into the laboratory incubator.

They left the laboratory and talked outside. Emma-Louise said: "Did you get what you wanted, Thomas?"

Thomas nodded, saying: "I think so. Let's check it out." They were both more than satisfied with the result, and after putting it through the final processes, they felt that they were ready.

"I'm a little nervous about this idea, Thomas. Should we really go ahead with our plan?"

Thomas shrugged. "If we don't, Susan and Michael wouldn't happen and we need to follow through. After all, as Professor Lightfoot said, 'Whatever people had done would already have happened and would be part of the historical record,' so we have to proceed."

They returned to the building, picked up several items of equipment and made their second time travel event of the day, but they only stepped back a relatively short time compared to their previous trip.

They had set their coordinates with pinpoint accuracy and waited at the side of the road, partially hidden behind a billboard.

"I can hear it! Get ready!" Emma-Louise said, excitement in her voice.

"Okay" Thomas said. He aimed the handheld device he was carrying and the Hologramex 3-D projector began to work as he aimed it toward the road.

The throaty purr of a classic car, a Bugatti Veyron Vitesse was heard as local footballing hero Marc LaValliere was driving at speed toward something very rare for him, a second assignation with a married woman by the name of Linda Brown, who he had managed to spirit away from her husband at his happy hunting ground, Morrison's nightclub.

LaValliere didn't consider himself to be a bad man. In fact, the only thing that he liked more than working with the charities he had set up was taking other men's wives and borrowing them. Theoretically he knew that behavior was reprehensible, but there was a highly useful moral blind spot in his psychological makeup that often saw him bedding the wives or girlfriends of other men. And, although this was discreditable, he did get off on making cuckolds of other men.

He rarely if ever wanted to see one of his conquests again, but there was something about Linda, especially in that stunning blue dress when he had first seen her, that really spoke to him in a way that other women rarely did.

Oh, there was no chance of him really taking her away from her husband because he wasn't the kind of man looking for a committed relationship, and he knew that whatever relationship he could have with Linda would be torrid but relatively brief.

He had arranged for a further assignation with her. She wasn't sure it was a good idea; she was working hard to make things up with Jim her husband and didn't want to put their reconciliation at risk.

LaValliere had eased her conscience by telling her it would just be a cup of coffee and a talk about things, that he didn't want her to risk her marriage and that he'd not try to seduce her.

That was a mixture of lies and half-truths. He did want her to talk to her about things (probably), he didn't want her to risk her marriage (probably), but he would try to seduce her (probably).

He was driving over the speed limit, but that was copacetic as the local police always gave the local sporting stars considerable leeway. Also, the fact that he was a trustee of the local police charity board certainly helped somewhat.

Suddenly, LaValliere saw something impossible running toward him, it was a huge dinosaur, covered in feathers. He swerved to the right and his car smashed into a wall.

As suddenly as it had appeared, the very real looking dinosaur flicked out of existence as Thomas turned off the Hologramex 3-D projector.

Emma-Louise flipped open the device she was carrying, which was a perfect clone of a standard smartphone of several years ago. She dialed 911, and when connected said: "Hi! I'm calling to report a pretty bad accident involving a single car. The driver was travelling really fast and then he lost control of the car and hit a wall."

The operator took the details and a fire truck, an ambulance and a police cruiser all arrived on the scene.

The fire crew members used the jaws of life to extricate a badly injured Marc LaValliere from the wreckage of his car. It was only because he was wearing his seatbelt, the airbags deployed and the car was so solidly built that he had lived through the crash.

Thomas and Emma-Louise traveled back to their own time and wondered about what they had just done.

Two weeks later they, and their parents Jim and Linda plus their younger siblings the twins, Susan and Michael, were guests of honor at the Marc LaValliere Wheelchair Football League annual dinner.

It was a glittering event and was attended by the great and the good of the city and also the rest of the country, so important was the Marc LaValliere Wheelchair Football League in American sporting circles.

There was a really very good four-course meal with wines appropriate to each course, and this was followed by a performance by a reasonably good comedian and then worthy speeches praising Marc LaValliere and the members of his committee who ran the charitable side of the league.

Then Marc LaValliere wheeled himself onto the stage in his electric wheelchair. "Good evening, everyone. My name is Marc LaValliere, and I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me over the past decade or so to make my dream of the Marc LaValliere Wheelchair Football League become a reality."

He passed a hand over his face before continuing to speak. "But there's something many of you don't know about me. In my younger days I was an amoral piece of shit." There were gasps and cries of "No! You are a good man!" from one person in the audience.

Marc shook his head with a smile on his face. "No, I can assure you that I was an amoral piece of shit. See... what I would do was go to nightclubs, hotels and the like and target married women and do my damndest to steal them from their husbands for the night. I actually used to get off on turning the wife into my own personal slut du jour and their poor, innocent and loving husband into my cuckold."

The audience was stunned, spellbound by this dreadful revelation. Marc, after a painful pause, continued.

"But one day, one evening, in fact, I was on my way to attempt to convince a wife to cheat on her husband again, I saw something heading toward my car. It was fucking huge. It looked like a dinosaur but it was covered in feathers. Instinctively I swerved out of the way and smashed into a wall.

"I was taken to the Central Hospital in a pretty bad way. They operated on me almost as soon as I arrived. Apparently, they stemmed bleeds from several parts of my body and operated on my spine, an operation that almost certainly saved my life. However, I had lost the use of my legs.

"As you can imagine, I was destroyed. My career as a footballer was over, as was my career as a lothario. At first I felt bitter, but lying on my back recovering from my surgeries, I began realizing that my accident was really a blessing for me. I took stock of myself and I realized that I had become a person who I did not know very well and who I did not like in the least.

"Eventually I came to understand that I had fallen far short of my potential. I wanted God back in my life, so I asked for the Catholic hospital chaplain to start visiting me and taking my confession.

"Eventually I left the hospital and went into a rehab center where I was taught how to cope with being a paraplegic. I had wronged so many people, but now I knew it was time to put things right. I set up what was to become the Marc LaValliere Wheelchair Football League, which now has hundreds of teams all over the country, with thousands of people like me, confined to wheelchairs, able to participate in the greatest sport the world has ever known, American Football!" He punched the air and the audience erupted in cheers and applause.

"I'd also like to thank Jim and Linda Brown for their wise counsel and help over the past ten years. I wronged them very badly and they chose to forgive me. I'd also like to thank my Godchildren, Susan and Michael for being such wonderful kids and their older brother and sister, Tommy and Emma. Though these days, they prefer to be called Thomas and Emma-Louise. But as their crazy, crippled honorary uncle, I get to call them Tommy and Emma!"

He paused and said, "Come on, honey! Come out here, please!" An attractive but slightly plump woman came out to applause as Marc said: "And I'd like to thank my wife, Donna, who I met at a wheelchair football game when she was with her brother, who was playing in a match. Donna and I have been married for five years and for that, I believe she deserves a medal!"

"Also, I'd like to thank God for sending me that dinosaur, because if that hadn't happened, I'd most likely have been shot by a justifiably enraged husband or died of an STD. I... I... I don't know how God arranged for me to meet that dinosaur, but I'm glad he did and I'd like to thank whomever it was who performed that task on the Lord's behalf."

There was a very long, standing ovation for Marc, and Tommy and Emma hugged each other and sobbed with joy and relief.

They'd been shocked when Marc had started visiting their parents in his wheelchair and when their father had forgiven him. They were, to use a British expression, absolutely gobsmacked. Especially when their parents joined the board of Marc's wheelchair football league and worked with him to make it the outstanding success that it had become.

They decided to tell nobody about their part in the apparition of the dinosaur. Well, at least not yet. Besides, they had a paper to write about their exploits in obtaining the eggs and they wanted to visit the dinosaur chicks who were growing bigger every day.

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AmbulAmbul4 days ago

Totally unbelievable; I have a hard time not thinking that the author had a big grin on his face as he wrote this farce, clearly, it seems, intended to poke fun at all the February Sucks sequels.

oldtwitoldtwit4 days ago

Well that was or is different from the normal take on here.

Silly fun read

RuttweilerRuttweiler30 days ago
The best, most improbable wrap-up…

… to an exhausting series of mostly improbable and mostly unhinged sequels to an improbable original tale.

This follow-on has the distinction of having the only overall positive outcome of any of the sequels. I hope this is the last.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 2 months ago

Strange but interesting and I was entertained. Different than any other on this story!!!

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Jim forgave Marc and joined the board of his charity? Somebody better travel back in time and relight the fires of must be cold down there if this has come to pass.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I think someone should travel back in time and stop you from writing this !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Well, that was different. I wonder who the "twins" dad really is?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

WAY OUT. A really different take on the original.

GardenshedGardenshedabout 2 months ago

I get sucked into these stories, it will never end. It certainly was different and well written. Thanks for writting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Jim and Linda chose to become heavily involved in LaValliere's charity even though their association with it would serve to solidify her reputation as a cruel, backstabbing slut and his reputation as a hapless, wimpy cuckold? Yep, that makes perfect sense.

26thNC26thNCabout 2 months ago

Story had a little bit of really strange to it, but , except for Jim reconciling with Linda, it was entertaining. The kids did mess “Uncle” Marc up pretty nicely.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

m2017 and other nay sayers, why work so hard to be negative? Just cause you flunked yer high school writing project is no reason to nit pick yer way though live. How bout growing the f—- up?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Thank you. I loved this light, clever take. A five fer sure 🤙🏿

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 2 months ago

Matt, never let them see you are bothered

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Why do authors embarrass themselves even attempting to redo the February pathetic story?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Another new variant of this overused Feb-suks tale, could be the slut wife shooting herself feeling the guilt of her immature sluttish behaviour. Ot the suicide is only for the idiot cheated husband ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Total nonsense. After hundreds alternative versions of the cheating-cuck original, there is really no need for adding others.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNiceabout 2 months ago

It was different, but not worth the time I spent reading it. The basic premise of the storyline about a woman purposely humiliating her husband was completely ignored...and "they lived happily ever after" might as well have been the next line. Reconciliation only works in this storyline with some serious remorse by Linda, and not only did she cheat, but the writer makes clear Linda was going to cheat again. So, how does that end in a reconciliation? The time travel angle just isn't original enough to pretend the rest of the story makes no sense. 1 star.

NoBullAlNoBullAlabout 2 months ago

Waste of time!!! Farcical is probably a good description for this piece of nonsense!!!

robinhodrobinhodabout 2 months ago

It's an insult to a great story. Rubbish piled on rubbish.

Sorry, I do appreciate the effort.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 2 months ago

So, are they waiting for the statute of limitations to expire on their timeline manipulation? Is attempted murder an exception to the statute of limitations? Are Susan and Michael Jim’s kids, or Marc’s? This spin is certainly unique. Forgiving Linda is one thing. Jim forgiving asshole just doesn’t work. And heavily involved in Marc’s foundation is completely out there.

FabGMxFabGMxabout 2 months ago

Ok, it was a new, fun and almost over the top spin/take on the original. Mr Mattblack demostrate why is one of the most veteran writters of the site.

But... the more i read and think, more plot holes i find. Some point the fact that rather to stop the affair, the children only TT to stop a 2nd redevouz without explination of that, Jim are still a couple... with its more agravating by the fact that Linda was willing to cheat again, one can do the math and by the time of this 2nd ocasion, Linda was trying to reconnect with Jim. So we dont even know if Linda was the unremorseful bitch of the original or actually a person with feelings beyond narcisism.

Marc its the one who presents the bigger headache, the transformation to a good and totally responsable person -its a new one in the whole saga of spinoff- however, that transformation feels misplaced with the whole circunstances and specially of the story. Almost feels like two fics when the scenes of Marc start.

The end its the worse. There is no way that Jim will acept that his family take Marc as an "uncle" that was not just pushing, but absolute shit.

Again with more reads, the less i like and more flaws in the logic of the characters i found, I give 3***

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 2 months ago

It was very creative and very out there as well as funny. There was only a phrase or two that felt a bit off, like did we need that part where Marc corrects himself to say the twins prefer "Thomas and Emma-Louise"? Do people actually talk like that? I've read a few of your stories and you do sometimes have pretty awkward dialogue, but other than that one phrase that stood out, the rest of it was fine. Anyway, pretty good story, 4/5 from me. Gave me a chuckle.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanabout 2 months ago

That was the most ridiculously delightful version of FS i have come across. What a imaginative take lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Well, that was different. 4****

mndhanson017mndhanson017about 2 months ago

Seems Jim is a cuckold in this, I would have understood if the kids were trying to save their parents' marriage, but they didn't. I don't see how Jim and Linda could still be together, even making Jim as a councilor as someone said, sorry, but no, if Linda forced it, it's just showing that she cares more about her lover than her husband, this didn't do anything. I don't understand how people fail to make Jim a man of his word, he said "one and done", I don't think you all understand what that means.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Far out man! Hit me again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Where you high when you wrote this?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Yeah, no. Not at all. Zip. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I don’t know how to present this.

The alt stories score % wise 1/3 to 2/3 higher than original.

LOVE slap-hapy-papy#9

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago


muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 months ago

a second assignation - ???? Doesn't really matter, Linda will always be unforgivable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Ah not. No forgetting betrayal.

Barkinbeast2010Barkinbeast2010about 2 months ago

Odd but entertaining story, still disappointed has I usually enjoy your stories, it’s been touched on already. Why did the kids of Jim and Linda travel back in time to stop a second meeting between Marc and Linda when with that technology they could have travelled back to the original event and stopped it?

Considering all the pain, hurt and humiliation dumped on their father that night and in the months / years (really it would have taken years to get over that and repair the marriage, if Jim could have even done that) surely his kids who you would think would want to save their father from that and the damage the original event did to the family would want to do that for him.

But instead they decide to stop a second event, we’re Linda had arranged to meet Marc against n (showing Jim was wrong to forgive her anyway) - they must have been more for their mother has they let her keep the memory of the fantastic night she had and the ‘best sec of her life’. Says a lot about Jim’s kids!!

So, no for me it’s just a no, I don’t think Jim would or should of forgiven her for that night, and if he learnt what his kids did I think he’d also question why the second event and not the first before kicking his treacherous kids to the side.

Hopefully your next is better

MarkTwineMarkTwineabout 2 months ago

Reconciliation was bad enough. Having Marc become the beloved uncle was a bridge too far. You took a bad story and shoved it down into the fetid refuse at the bottom of the barrel.

Carnes8004Carnes8004about 2 months ago

Great view of the subject, 5* ! After this, you deserve a nice cool Lager and a steak & onion pie. And if you are in the north near Old Colwyn, you could perhaps, lift your glass. "CHEERS MATE" 🙂 Have family spread from there to Warrington in Cheshire. Used to run along the Prom from Old Colwyn towards Llandudno and returned. Part of my military training. Ha ha remembered once I surprised my wife by walking down to the beach and came up behind her in my Class A US Army uniform. She was wondering why people were looking at her. Would have made a mess of my uniform if she had been in the Bay with the kids. Thanks for that memory. STAY SAFE.

DazzyDDazzyDabout 2 months ago

….out there….creative.

chytownchytownabout 2 months ago

***Thanks for the read.

rodryder44rodryder44about 2 months ago

Diddly-poop! The Marc deVallier in this story was switched at birth with the real Marc. This is definitely a different ending to the original February Sucks. But give readers a break. MattblackUK may as welll had Maec spirited away by alien abduction.

Eveready1999Eveready1999about 2 months ago

American football players are not called "Footballers".....

njlaurennjlaurenabout 2 months ago

Not bad, pretty funny actually. I give points for the dimosaur being portrayed accurately ( dinosaurs did not go extinct, birds are the most successful species of dinosaur, anyone who has ever had a parrot could tell you that), and having professor Gordon Lightfoot ( discoverer of the Edmund-Fitzgerald contraction) .

H. JekyllH. Jekyllabout 2 months ago

Ahhh! You fooled me! I was expecting a weirder time travel paradox, and you got me with the bait-and-switch from dino eggs to unintended consequences, as in "there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip." By far the wryest version of the February Sucks stories.

Because it's so different, it reminds me of the very first sex-oriented time travel story I ever read, decades and decades ago. A time traveler decides for reasons I don't recall to kill his father just before the time traveler would have been conceived. The guy comes back to the present and lo-and-behold, he still exists! The last lines are:

"'Well, I'll be a son of a bitch.' And in a manner of speaking, he was."

ChopinesqueChopinesqueabout 2 months ago

Delightfully creative.

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 2 months ago

And did Jim get a DNA test on the two newest kids? I gotta stop, my blood pressure is spiking, and Mrs. Bear is calling our kids to come take my computer away.


LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 2 months ago

You get 3 stars for a completely unique take on the story. - 3 for the absolutely most ridiculous ending in the history of "Loving Wives', and "February Sucks" stories. so zip. Nada. nothing zorch, to quote my high school math teacher. Talk about stupid! Ridiculous!! I said that, didn't I? And I've read some of your stories before, , Sad, sir. Just my opinion. The Bear is upset for wasting his time. Do better, sir.


clarkgarbleclarkgarbleabout 2 months ago

One of the weirder ones of the census variety. I’ll give you that.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 months ago

Tis quite a bit different. Took three quarters of the way thru to gat a handle on way it was relevant. Then it went fairly well. Thanks for your writing and oiling my brain.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 2 months agoAuthor

Oh. We have been visited by the bad fairy in the comments section. How thrilling that we live in their head, 24/7.

BigBlueKatBigBlueKatabout 2 months ago

Sorry, but there can be no reconciliation and damn sure no collaboration for Jim. 1*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Mr Black, what on Earth were you smoking when you wrote this?

Must have been some really bad shit. I suggest you quietly dispose of it, if you have any left.

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