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Feminization Retribution

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A wife drags a husband turned woman through a mall.
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"Caroline! I can explain," I tell her.

"Explain?! Explain what, exactly?!" she shouts, "I caught you in our bed with another woman!"

"In my defense you were supposed to be gone for longer," I say.

"What kind of defense is that?! I'm your wife. That woman should never have been here! In our home! In our bed!" At this point Caroline starts to sob and through her tears says, "I loved you. I thought you loved me too. Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of our marriage. How could you do this to me?"

This was starting to become a drag, but I can't let it show, "Please. It was a one time thing. A failure in judgment. I do love you. I'm sorry."

She just sits on our bed and sobs for a moment before saying, "Please just leave me alone. I need time to think. I'm going to sleep in the guest bedroom. You can sleep anywhere else." She stands up and walks to the guest bedroom.

I sit down and think about my situation. All in all, things aren't so bad. She didn't say she forgave me, but she didn't kick me out of the house either. Maybe with some good charm and some romantic evenings I could win back her good grace.

Once I'm forgiven I'll be good, for a while. I'll be careful, but I know myself. I'm not a one woman man. I can't be beholden to one girl. Caroline is smoking hot and amazing in bed. Those are the only reasons I married her and the only reasons I'm still married to her. Next time, I'll be more careful and she'll never find out. I mean she finally caught me and with only one of my other girls.


Something smells nice. I open my eyes. It's morning. The sounds of cooking can be heard from our kitchen. I get up feeling nice and refreshed. Despite what happened yesterday, I actually feel pretty good. Caroline must be cooking breakfast. I'm in luck. She's probably already going to forgive me and is making breakfast to prove it. I head downstairs.

As I enter the kitchen Caroline puts down two plates of food, one for her and one for me. There are also two steaming hot cups of tea. She sits down and so do I. There's a brief moment where neither of us say anything.

Finally, she says, "I love you. As long as you promise to never betray me again, I'll forgive you."

I hold her hand in mine, look her in the eyes, and say, "I love you too. I promise it will never happen again." This has been so easy.

We both eat our breakfast and it's good. She really went all out. The tea is great too. Caroline just looks at me and smiles as I finish the tea she's made. Now done with breakfast I ask Caroline, "What's next? I'm all yours today. Whatever you want."

Before she can answer I feel a weird sensation. I can't explain it, but it causes me to double over. I look over to Caroline for help, but her expression has changed. She is looking at me with pure contempt and anger. What is she mad about? I reach for my phone to call 911, but she grabs it before I can. I stand up, ready to take it from her, but the feeling grows stronger, to the point that it overwhelms me.

In a monotone voice with angry undertones Caroline says, "Yes. You will be all mine today."

The sensation starts to turn into a horrible burning feeling and my whole body becomes sensitive. This causes even the feeling of my clothes to be too much and I hurriedly remove them. This only alleviates the feeling a little.

Now that I'm naked I look to see what's wrong with me. My eyes widen when I see two large tits growing out of my chest. I grab one with my hand only to notice my hand is small and slender. My arm has no hair and I realize that all my body hair is gone. I touch my face and feel that my beard is gone too. My brown hair comes into vision and I realize it has gotten longer and is continuing to grow. I look over at Caroline for help, but she is smirking and looking down at my crotch. I follow her gaze and see that my penis, the large size of which has always been a large source of pride for me, is shrinking and it keeps shrinking until it is gone completely. A vagina starts to form where it once was. The feeling finally goes away and the changes seem to be over.

"What's happened to me?!" I scream. My new voice is very high pitched and it kind of makes me sound like an airhead.

"What you deserve," Caroline says,

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, "You act like you know why this happened."

"I do know why," she says, "I'm the one who set it up."

"So you did this to me?!" I scream.

"No," she says, "You did this to yourself."

I look at my two giant tits and the pussy between my legs, "How could I have possibly done this to myself?"

"I'll explain," she says, "I'm a witch. You did not eat a normal breakfast. I made both your tea and your food using my magic. In your tea I put a potion that would change your gender. In your food I put the activator. An activator that would only go off if you lied to me. Now tell me. Was that the first time you cheated on me?"

"No," I bring my hands up to my mouth in surprise. I answered her truthfully before I had time to think.

There is a pained look on her face, "I sort of figured that, but it still hurts." She sits down and makes a very forced laugh, "I can't believe I married you. I'm such an idiot." She starts to get angry and looks at me and shouts, "I had to swear off magic for a year after I married you! That is my coven's custom. After the year was up I'd have been able to share my magic with you, but it turns out you're an asshole." She pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath before saying, "I might regret this, but I have to know. How many times have you cheated on me and were you planning on cheating on me again?"

"I've lost count and yes." Again I answered without thinking.

This time she seems prepared for the answer. If it pains her at all she doesn't show it. She says, "Yeah. I figured. Oh, and for the record that potion that caught you in the lie is also forcing you to tell the truth. Any question I ask you will be answered and will be answered truthfully. Don't worry though. I put a very small essence of my soul in it so it will only apply to me."

I stare at her, scared of the implications that I'd meet other people as a woman.

She stares back at me with pure anger and says, "We're through, but you need to pay first. I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget. I'd suggest you do everything I say otherwise, I'll never turn you back into a man."

"But you will?" I ask.

"As long as you do exactly as I say I'll turn you back into a man when the day is over," she says.

"You'll really do that?" I ask.

"You'll be a male again once the day is over," she confirms, "You know. You look very pretty, but I think we can do better." She puts her hands up and begins chanting a strange language. Her hands begin to glow as I feel that strange feeling again. My breasts, which had stopped at around a C cup, begin to grow again. At the same time I start to shrink. When it ends my breasts are gigantic, and they seem especially big on my even shorter body.

"That's better," Caroline says. She stands up and it feels like she is towering over me. "I made your breasts a G cup and your height is 5'4"." She is so much taller than me now that it must be true. I was over six feet and she is only 5'10". Now she is taller than me and I have bigger boobs than her. Hers are only a D cup.

"I can't let you have it too easy," Caroline says, "You can borrow some of my clothes for now. Though I doubt they'll fit you very well. Why don't you go up to the bedroom where you violated my trust and find something to wear?"

I walk upstairs and the longer I walk away from her the angrier I get. How dare she put me through this humiliation?! So I cheated on her. She could have just divorced me and moved on. The stuck up, petty, bitch.

I refuse to listen to what she says and so I head over to my dresser. I grab a pair of boxers and pull them up. They immediately fall down. I'm so much slimmer than I was before. I sigh and head over to my wife's dresser. I grab a pair of her panties and put them on. They fit, but not too great. When I move they ride down my ass, not covering it properly. I realize that my ass is also bigger, bigger than Carolines. I grab a pair of her pants and have the exact same problem, but at the very least I manage to squeeze into them. It'll work, even if I have to avoid bending down or I'll show the world my ass. I grab a simple T-shirt of hers, but after putting it on I realize my huge tits force it to be a crop top. I instinctively go for my own shoes only to realize they feel like clown shoes due to my much smaller feet. I sigh again and go for a pair of her sandals, which humiliatingly, fit my new feet quite nicely. I walk back downstairs.

She is waiting by the door, her purse on her shoulders. "Women take forever to get ready. I was waiting for you for hours." She smirks at me and says, "Come on. We have places to be."

"You want me to go out? As a woman?" I ask.

"Yes. Now let's go," she says, "Or do you want to stay as a woman?"

"No, I'm coming," I say.

We go outside and get in her car. She is driving and she doesn't tell me where to. The entire car ride is just awkward silence. After a little while she pulls into our local mall. She gets out and I follow her. She walks into the mall and then into one of the many clothing stores inside. Inside the store I follow her to the feminine underwear section. Caroline grabs a bunch and then she has me follow her to the dressing room.

Inside the dressing room she says, "You are going to try on all of these." She sits down on the seat inside and puts the underwear she grabbed down next to her.

"You're staying in here?" I ask her.

"I'm the one who will decide what you wear. So yes, I'll be staying and watching," she says.

I remove my pants and my underwear and go to put on the first pair of panties she picked out, but Caroline insists that I get completely naked. I take my top off too and try the first pair on. As I check myself out in the mirror I realize that I am extremely hot. I would totally do me if I were still a guy and I saw a woman looking like this. Caroline has me move onto the next pair of panties. We spend a while in there as she has me try on tons of panties, thongs, and g-strings.

Caroline puts a few of the g-strings and thongs on one of those shopping baskets and we head back out to the floor. Caroline points to a female employee nearby and tells me to ask her something.


I can't believe I have to ask something so embarrassing. If I want to be a man again I just have to suck it up and do it. I walk over to the female employee and ask, "Can you take my measurements?"

Caroline is having me hold the basket that has nothing but thongs and g-strings in it. The employee briefly glances in the basket, then smiles at me, and says, "Of course. Just come with me."

We walk to a secluded area of the store. I start to feel really self-conscious about this. Don't all women know their bra size? Do I seem weird for not knowing? I try and think of an excuse and end up saying, "I just got implants and I'm not sure what my size is."

She just says, "Oh, I see."

I feel so stupid. She didn't care at all. I just seem like some dumb slut who wanted bigger tits and is too dumb to know what the size even is.

In this secluded area I take my top off and she measures my tits. It feels so weird, having this complete stranger touch such a private part of my body. When she's done she says, "Your breasts are a G-cup. Would you like help locating some bras for your size?"

"No, I'm good. Thank you." I quickly put my top back on and head back to the main part of the store to find Caroline. I locate her after a bit.

"I did it," I tell her.

"Great,' she says, "While I waited I purchased your underwear." In the basket is the g-string and thongs and she says, "I'm going to have you be an easy girl. One who wears thongs and g-strings because she is a slut who is always ready for sex."

"Let me guess," I say, "We are going to get bras next."

"No," she says, "Didn't you hear me? You are an easy girl. A bra would just hold you back."

"Then what was the point of getting my tits measured?" I ask.

She just smiles and ignores me. Instead I follow her to the non underwear section. Again, Caroline grabs a bunch of clothes and then has me follow her to the dressing room. Inside she has me strip again. She hands me one of the g-strings and tells me I'll be wearing it the rest of the day.

She starts me with the tops. The first is a simple top that covers my breasts well and has spaghetti straps holding it up. The next is a crop top that doesn't cover my stomach. She ends it with a tube top that practically only covers my breasts.

For the bottoms she has me try on only skirts. First she starts with a simple flowy one, but this is immediately followed by mini skirt after mini skirt, each one shorter than the last. Once I've tried everything on she tells me to stay here while she purchases the clothes.

When she returns she hands me the clothes she intends for me to wear for the rest of the day. This includes the black g-string, a neon purple crop top, which is held up only by my massive tits, and a black mini skirt. Though really it should be called a micro skirt as it barely covers my ass. To the point that with every step, it rides up a little giving anyone behind me a view of my ass.

Caroline looks at me in my new outfit and says, "This is great, but I feel like it's missing something. Oh! I know. It's the shoes. Come with me."

I follow her to a department store that focuses on shoes. As we walk there I notice a lot of people are looking at me. I get looks from lustful men and jealous women. I don't like it.

In the shoe store Caroline picks out what can only be described as stripper heels for me. They are purple and have a six inch heel. She buys a pair my size and has me wear them. I've never worn heels before and after one step, I trip and fall.

I say to her, "How do you expect me to walk in these?"

"That's your problem," she says. She laughs and says, "You'd better adapt quickly though. You'll wear them all day, otherwise I won't change you back."

I stand back up and slowly, carefully walk over to her. She says, "I'm getting hungry. Let's go get lunch."

On the way to the food court I realize I need to pee. I tell Caroline this and she just points in the direction of a woman's bathroom. I head inside and enter a stall. Inside I sit down and pee as a woman for the first time. I have to wipe afterwards and the whole process is just so humiliating.

As I wash my hands afterwards, two other women enter the bathroom. As I go to leave I hear one of them loudly say the word slut. I saw my appearance in the mirror as I washed my hands. I have to agree with them. I look like a slut.

Once at the food court Caroline and I sit down with our food. She has me eating a simple salad while she gets to eat whatever she wants. I hate how every man seems to stare at me with lust and ill intentions. While we eat I hear someone shout "Caroline!"

I turn to look to see who it is and see Alice. I sigh. She's just some stupid annoying bitch who's been friends with Caroline for years. She's so nice it makes me want to throw up. I've always dreaded our interactions and I've always hated her.

Alice is with another woman who is very clearly pregnant. Both women are holding the hands of a very little girl who can't be more than 3 years old. It's weird, I thought Alice had a husband named Shane. Maybe they broke up and now she's with this woman.

They walk over to us and sit down. The little girl goes over to Caroline and shouts, "Aunty Caroline!"

Caroline hugs the little girl and says, "It's nice to see you too, Nat."

The little girl points at me and asks, "Who is she?"

"Oh, she's an acquaintance of mine. Her name is Rose," Caroline says.

My name is Rodney, not Rose. I want to say this, but don't want to sound like a crazy person in front of them. I hold back my tongue and just say, "Hi."

I look at Alice and the other woman who give each other a knowing glance. I'm not sure what it means, but I don't like it as it seems to be at my expense.

Caroline and Alice walk away along with Alice's daughter. The other woman says to me, "Hi. I'm Shayna. You must be Rodney."

"What?!" I ask, surprised.

She keeps her voice low and says, "I'm really Shane."

"Wait. Alice is a witch too?" I ask, "She turned you into a woman as well?"

"The way you say that makes it sound like you think she did it to me without my asking," she says.

"Does that mean you asked her to?" I ask, "You wanted to be a woman?"

"Yes," she says, "I like being able to be both." she rubs her pregnant stomach and says, "Alice and I like to explore stuff. We agreed that after Nathalia was born I would bear our next child."

"You're a freak," I tell her, "You, Alice, and Caroline are all freaks. If turning back into a man wasn't being held hostage by Caroline I would have nothing to do with any of this."

"That's sad," Shayna says, "You should have more of an open mind." She walks over to the others. They talk for a bit without me before I walk over to them. As I do I hear Alice say, "I set up what you asked." Alice, Shayna, and their daughter walk away, returning to whatever it was they were doing before.

"Come on," Caroline says, "We have several appointments to get to." I follow her to a place that does both tattoos and piercings. When we get there she says, "Normally, you'd need to get an appointment in advance, but I had Alice work some magic so we won't have that issue anywhere we go today. Just go inside and tell them your name. She'll ask you for a verbal agreement. Just say yes." Caroline then says some strange weird things, but nothing seems to happen, "I've made it so only you can see and hear me. That way I can be there with you for your appointment."

I head inside and walk up to a counter. A woman with lots of tattoos and piercings is at the counter. "I'm Rose. I have an appointment," I tell her.

"Rose, yes," she says, "Since you're asking for so much today, legally I need a verbal agreement to go ahead with it all."

"Yes, I want it all done," I say, becoming increasingly worried about what it is.

"Okay, follow me," she says.

We walk to the back of the store and into a room. This whole time Caroline has been right beside me, but the other woman hasn't seemed to notice at all. Caroline sits down on something that doesn't really seem like a chair while the artist has me sit down in front of a mirror. She starts by piercing my ears. It hurts a little. It's not bad, but it hurts more than I thought it would, especially because she tried numbing my ears first.

She moves to my belly button afterwards, which feels embarrassing. However, my embarrassment is completely overshadowed by the intense pain from the piercing. The numbing agent didn't work at all. I want to scream from the pain, but I can't. I notice in the corner of my eye Caroline is smiling. She must have done this.

Next I have to take my top off so she can pierce my nipples. Without the numbing agent working it is intensely painful. Though it is nothing compared to what's next. She has me lower my skirt and g-string. She pierces my vagina. The pain is so bad. I feel tears come to my eyes and I want to scream so badly. Over in the back Caroline is laughing.

With that done the artist asks, "This is pretty hardcore for someone who's never had any piercings before. What made you want to do all this?"

"I, um, lost a bet with my girlfriend," I lie.

"Wow," she says, "You really keep your word. You are pretty honorable, huh?"

"Yeah, heh heh, that's me, honorable," I say.

"Before we move on you should just chill here a bit," the artist says, "We'll do everything you want I assure you, but too much at once might shock your system."


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