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Fetish Focus: Diapers and Wetting

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Two women exploring peeing and wetting diapers together.
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Greetings perverts, degenerates, and other depraved kink addicts!

All characters in this story are grown adults over the age of eighteen.

As with most things that I write, this series takes place in a happy alternate reality where people don't worry about std's, or the need for birth control.

This is the start of new series of fetish and kink focused short stories.

No sequels or continuations in this series, although I may use some of the same characters from time to time.

These short stories will each highlight a different kink or fetish that I want to explore in story form, or that a reader requests.

Nothing within Literotica's story submission guidelines will be off-limits for you to suggest.

Although I can't promise that my writing skill will be up to tackling all suggestions, I promise to at least consider every request.

Anal, bondage, exhibitionism, voyeurism, roleplays, group sex, threesomes, swinging, swapping, sex toys, masturbation, romance, science fiction, and horror are just a few of the topics I'd consider putting into a story in this series.

If you have a suggestion don't hold back!

Feel free to suggest character names, scenarios, places, and things like time of year or holiday settings.

I hope you enjoy this first entry into a familiar kink of mine. And if diapers and wetting aren't your thing, keep checking back because I want to stretch outside my comfort zone and really explore with this series!



"It's too cold, Izzy." Shelly laughed. "I don't want to get out of bed."

"I feel the same way." I agreed. "It's too warm and cozy right here to face the day."

She snuggled against me, and I felt her hot breath on my neck.

I closed my eyes and stroked her hair, thinking back to what we'd done last night.

After a double date with a lot of teasing and sexual banter, we had ended up going down on each other's dates, before letting them each fuck us doggystyle while we kissed each other with cock on our breath.

We'd let each one finish in our mouths, one after the other, swapping, spitting, and sharing each load of semen with a lot of moaning and tongue play.

The best part was the guys thought this was a spontaneous event created by drinking, flirting, and dancing.

They had no clue that Shelly and I had swapped partners before with other guys, and that we sometimes slept in the same bed, masturbating together, or fingering each other, or even orally pleasing each other when the mood struck us.

Last night had been fun, but after the guys dropped us off, at our respective apartments in the same building, I'd left my seventh-floor apartment and knocked on Shelly's door down on the third floor.

She had happily let me in, and it turned out she was as in need of a romantic and soapy shower as much as I was, and with lots of scrubbing, giggling, and kissing, she and I got cleaned up.

Afterwards we'd crawled into her bed with soft music playing and cuddled ourselves to sleep.

And now we'd both been awake just a few minutes, reluctant to get out of the warm bed.

Eventually though, the pressure in my bladder and the fact that I'd slept so soundly convinced me that I couldn't afford to stay snuggled up under the blankets for much longer.

I stirred and started to slide out from under the covers, but Shelly reached out and took my hand.

"Are you going to make me a cup of coffee with cocoa and just a hint of vanilla?" she asked sweetly.

"If that's something you want this early in the morning." I laughed. "But not right away. I have to pee first."

"Wait!" she grabbed my arm as I started to move away from the bed.

I stopped, one foot on the floor and half sitting up, feeling her fingers gripping my arm as I stared at the outline of her in the dark room.

"Can we do what we did a few weeks ago?" she whispered.

"What was that?" I whispered back at her.

"When we peed together?" she answered softly.

We hadn't spoken of it since, but a few weeks ago, with a candle providing the only light in the room, Shelly and I had showered upstairs in my apartment, lathering each other up and spending a long time kissing under the hot water.

Like last night it had been as much romantic as it was sexual, but halfway through I'd pulled away from her soapy embrace.

"I'm sorry but I have to get out for a minute." I'd murmured. "I have to pee."

"I just pee in the shower when I have to go." Shelly whispered. "It's easy to clean up, it saves water, and it's fun in a naughty sort of way."

"What are you saying?" I'd asked with a giggle. "Are you suggesting that I should pee right here?"

"Sure." She grinned. "We're past the point of being shy with each other."

"Isn't that weird?" I asked. "Peeing so close to you?"

"You can pee on me if you want to." She said, dragging her finger in small circles around my nipple. "Besides is it any weirder than laying on the dining room table with your legs spread so I could sit in a chair and lick your pretty pink clitty?"

"Right here?" I asked again.

"Right here." She said, stepping close and pressing her body against mine. "And I'll prove it's okay."

She spread her legs slightly and pressed herself against my thigh, put her head on my shoulder, and I heard her sigh contentedly just before a sudden rush of warmth ran against my leg.

I peed in the shower all the time when I was alone. Even at the gym I'd be behind the curtain in my own shower stall, taking a certain satisfaction at saving time by emptying my bladder under the relaxing flow of the hot water.

But until that exact moment I'd assumed it would be weird to be close to someone else while they were peeing. Especially if any of their pee might get on me.

Instead though I held her tight and closed my own eyes, loving the feeling of her hot piss against my skin.

Eventually she was done, and she slid herself quickly up and down as if she was wiping herself on my thigh before pulling back to look me in the eyes.

She gave me a quick kiss, and pushed her leg between mine, moving her thigh right up against my soft pussy lips.

"Now you." She whispered.

I took a deep breath and gave a push, and she moaned as she felt the warmth of my piss flood out onto her leg.

She leaned forward and kissed me again, and this time she pushed her tongue into my mouth, and I moaned with her, thrilled at the sensation of pissing on my best friend.

I sucked on her tongue as I felt her press tighter against me, the hot water pouring over us both and my piss splashing down our legs and swirling around our feet.

And now, a few days later, she was asking for us to do that again.

"You want to get in the shower?" I asked.

"No." she answered with a mischievous grin. "I bought something a few days ago and wanted to share them with you. It's really nasty and fun."

She slid off the bed and reached under it, pulling out a box, and opening the top of it.

"What is...?" I started to ask.

She got back into the bed, pushed me down onto my back, and shoved my thighs apart.

She pressed something between my legs and against my cunt, and I realized she was holding a diaper.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "You want me to pee in a diaper?"

"I want us to pee together here in the bed." She whispered. "We'll use the diapers to absorb the naughty mess."

A thrill ran through me as I thought about what she was saying. Our peeing together a few weeks ago had totally surprised and aroused me.

"What if it overflows?" I whispered.

"That's what the washing machine is for." She grinned.

She rolled onto her back and pulled me on top of her, pressing the diaper against me and fastening the tabs around my hips.

"I really have to go." I protested. "A lot. It'll leak."

"It's my bed and I don't care." She said. "I'll make sure to clean you before you go home. Now kiss me."

I leaned down and kissed her, feeling her fingers strumming against my thighs as I straddled her, almost like I was riding her in the cowgirl position.

Her tongue was flicking against mine, and I could tell that she was sexually aroused. These weren't the soft kisses we often shared in bed. She was horny.

As bad as I had to go, I couldn't get comfortable in this position, after years of being conditioned to not pee if I could feel anything that felt like clothing between my legs.

"I don't think I can go like this." I whispered. "It's too weird."

"Shhhh." She pressed her lips to my ear. "Just lay still with me. It'll happen when it happens. Just let it build up."

I put my face against her neck and felt her fingers still moving softly against my thighs while we lay still together.

I loved the heat of her body, and the intimacy of getting ready to share something so naughty and so personal with her.

I concentrated on feeling how full my bladder was, and suddenly I not only wanted to piss right here, but I needed to piss right here, for and with Shelly.

"It's close." I whispered softly. "I can't hold it anymore."

"Go." She whispered. "Pee for me."

And then my control was gone, and I felt a rush of heat as my piss flooded into the diaper, spreading along my cunt and touching every bit of my diapered skin with hot fluid.

"I'm going." I panted.

"I can hear it." She said.

And I could too, thrilling to the sound of hot piss flowing against the soaked inside of the diaper.

And then I was done, and she was pushing me away from her.

"I can't wait." She said. "I need to go too."

She handed me a fresh diaper as she got to her knees, and I rushed to help her get it into position.

"Just hold it." She moaned. "Catch it if you can."

She held one corner of the diaper and I cupped the bottom, holding it under her, and as I watched a sudden hiss of her hot urine erupted from her and splashed into the diaper.

I held the diaper up against her and leaned closer to suck her nipple as we listened to the sound of her soaking the inside of the soft cloth.

I stared up the look of relief and arousal on her face, and I felt my insides twist with lust.

At last, she was done, and still straddling the diaper she kissed me.

We were both panting and breathing heavily, and she pulled away from me and grinned.

"I need to cum." She said. "And I want you to cum too."

She took the diaper from me and put it on the floor, and pulled her Magic Wand Sex Toy from her nightstand.

She pushed it against the crotch of my wet diaper and moved close to me, pushing her own slit up against the rubber ball on the head of the wand.

She flicked the button and it started with a loud hum.

"Fuck!" I screamed, starting to move my hips.

I was surprised at how aroused I was and how quickly my body was responding to the wand.

"I always cum fast with this." She moaned, thrusting against the toy as it rode against both of us.

"Yeah! Yeah!" I panted, unable to form any other thoughts.

The vibrations from the toy plunged through the wet diaper and caused my clitoris to jump, and the wet heat just spread against me even more and caused me to moan.

"I can't wait!" she groaned. "I'm going to cum already!"

"Me too!" I roared, closing my eyes and grasping her hips as my own orgasm erupted.

We screamed and rocked together, and then she turned the toy off and collapsed on top of me.

"That was fucking nice." She giggled.

"You're depraved." I said, smiling in the soft morning light.

"Says the slut wearing a diaper full of piss in my bed." She said, reaching out to pinch my nipple.

"Be nice." I said, rolling away from her. "Or after you make my coffee, I won't let you change my diaper and help me get dressed."

She raised an eyebrow.

"You want to put another one on?" she asked.

"I think we both should." I said. "And see how long we can last before we wet ourselves. The one who lasts the longest wins."

"That sounds kinky." She said. "What does the winner get?"

"To piss all over the loser later tonight." I grinned.

"Better and better." She said with a laugh. "We'll both need another shower by then anyway."

"Shower?" I asked. "Who mentioned a shower? We're going to wear our diapers shopping and buy a mattress cover and some plastic sheets. I intend to win, and I intend to piss all over you right here, in your own bed."


If you enjoy peeing and watersports, please check out some of my other stories.

If you have ideas for other kinks I could write about in this series leave me a comment here or drop me an email.

Remember though, I will not even consider your suggestion if it does not fit into Literotica's story guidelines.


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GoldenDelightsGoldenDelights4 months ago

Loved this story and I really hope you write the sequel you have certainly left it open

IdyutIdyutover 1 year ago

I like the use of diapers and not get mired in AB play. Very Omorashi and fun pee play.

gforce746gforce746over 1 year ago

Fetish Focus is such a great series idea focusing on fetish and kink short stories! And a perfect to choice kicking it off with "Diapers and Wetting" I thoroughly loved it! Water sports being one of my fetishes, your writing perfectly captured the very erotic nature of this kink. Like that you are inviting readers to submit ideas on their Fetishes/Kinks for you to write about, in your incredibly amazing erotic literary talents! Anxious to read the next in this series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Absolutely love it, my two live in fuck buddies like to do this sort of thing then invite me to fuck and suck their brains out, the final finish for me to piss on them in the bath and them to piss on me. Love it, so sucking fucking kinky and hot. Depraved Cunt crazed fucker, Lancashire, UK.

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