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Finsub Samuel

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Is this what he seeks...?
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Disclaimer: I don't want to waste anyone's time, but this story may not be for everyone. Not all Finsubs are into the "normal" humiliation route, and some need a more gentle approach. This story is for those who like it slow and gentle. My next one will be one of humiliation, demand and verbal manipulation ;)


Samuel Cohen, a man in his late-50s, was happily a married man to his beloved wife, Elaine. He was a powerful CEO and founder of his own company who enjoyed the success that he had accomplished in his professional life, as well as the success he had with his family. With an impeccable reputation and notable achievements, Samuel Cohen has left an indelible mark on society, his contributions in various fields have earned him widespread recognition. He had three beautiful adult children who were thriving in their own career paths, and even his wife had an amazing career too. They were the picture of success for all those that looked to them, but Samuel always felt like he was missing something, or that maybe he was an impostor just pretending to be powerful.

In the quiet hours of the evening, Samuel sought solace in the captivating stories on Literotica, an online haven for literary enthusiasts who preferred a different type of content. Among the countless new stories, one new name seemed to post a story that interest him. Melissa, known as the mysterious and alluring writer who went by the alias Goddess Melissa, seemed to have managed to peak his interest as he saw her name. Samuel clicked on and started to read the stories that she had wrote, and found himself looking in the mirror through her stories. Her stories possessed an enigmatic power, leaving readers spellbound with scenarios that they were able to relate to on a more personal note, one story even seemed to have been written about a past relationship of his own.

That night, Samuel delved into Melissa's tales, his imagination ignited by her artistry with words. There was an ethereal quality to her writing, as if she possessed an intimate understanding of his deepest desires and secrets. It was as if she had unraveled the very fabric of his soul, exposing its intricate tapestry to the world. He couldn't help but read her stories multiple times, and even found himself thinking about contacting her.

Driven by an irresistible fascination, Samuel yearned to reach out to Melissa, to connect with the woman who seemed to know him so intimately. From her stories, it seemed as if she found great joy in the act of exploration, and learning just how to reach her goals in order to get what she desired the most out of people. He found that the next day, he could barely keep his thoughts from returning to her stories, making him question if he should talk to her or not. Throughout his day at work, he found his mind trailing off anytime he was left alone, he knew he had to talk to her.

Samuel couldn't help but want to contact her, he craved to know what she was thinking and if there was more to her stories. That night, after his wife had gone to bed, he went to his computer to read her stories again. Did she merely write of stories that she thought of, or was it from experience and personal desire? Unable to resist any longer, Samuel composed a simple message to Melissa, typing a cautious "Hi." He stared at the screen for a moment, unsure if it was enough, but he was at a loss of words, and unsure of what else to write. He looked around on the site to see if he could find information that could help him talk to her. Samuel was able to find her web link to a gift registry, he didn't hesitate to send an initial $150 to her, with the comment 'Please accept this gift, I would love to talk'. Samuel was apprehensive on if she would reply, but he did add his name into the message for her to see.

Hours later, while Samuel slept restlessly, Melissa replied to his greeting. The time zone difference between them made communication a delicate dance. When Samuel awoke the next morning, he went into his home office, ready to work that day, he felt he had too much on his mind to actually go into his main office. His heart swelled with excitement as he discovered her message waiting for him, Melissa had reciprocated his message offering a brief but proper sounding response, that simply said 'Greetings'.

Samuel wasted no time in replying, expressing his joy at hearing from her and sharing how profoundly her stories had touched him. He poured his emotions into his words, relaying the intimate connection he felt with the characters that lived in her writing. With trembling hands he pressed send, unsure if he had shared enough, or maybe it was too much. Something about her stuck out to him, and he found himself drawn to her for unknown reasons.

To his delight, Melissa's response was quick to follow, he must have caught her at just the right time. She voiced genuine pleasure in knowing that her stories reached out to him. Stating that she was not one to air her business, she did let him know that her Findom stories were all ones of truth. The simple exchange between them, lasted only briefly before Elaine tapped on his office door. He quickly minimized the conversation, all while looking up at his wife. She was simply letting him know that she was off to work, he got up so they could say their goodbyes, then quickly he returned to his screen to see if Melissa was still there.

Their conversation evolved from brief exchanges to lengthy discussions about their respective lifestyles, and just idle talk to get to know one another.

He shared with her that he was the CEO of his company located on the west coast of the US, and some small details of his family. Samuel told Melissa that he is married, and has three kids, he even said a few hobbies to see if they had any in common. With how many emotions were in his head, he didn't realize that she wasn't sharing too much of her own information, nothing more than what was already visible in her profile for everyone to see. Melissa did tell him her age, country, and that she was married, but she seemed more intent on hearing what he had to say.

Melissa possessed an uncanny ability that encouraged people to share more with her, and she always focused on absorbing every word uttered. She paid meticulous attention to his stories, gathering fragments of his past, present, and even his deepest desires. A virtual portfolio of Samuel's life began to form in her mind, a collage of memories, preferences, and secrets.

Samuel was surprised that she had let him take up so much of her time, he felt like a teenager with a new crush, but it was not quite the same. Though Melissa didn't share much information, he honestly didn't mind as just conversing with her was giving him quite a bit of satisfaction. The mystery that surrounded her had his full attention and he just wanted to have her around more. Shortly after their conversation ended on the first day, he found himself looking at his phone repetitively to see if she tried to talk to him. A notification came up on his phone from his money app, it was a request for money. Puzzled, Samuel opened his phone, and went into the app, he saw it was from Melissa. She was requesting an additional $150 gift, the only notation in the request was a simple smiley face. Before he realized what he was doing, he sent it to her. He hadn't committed to her yet, but he found that he wanted to stay in her good graces as he spent more time talking with her.

The depth of their connections grew with each passing day even though they were short and not for any constant period of time. Each day he went to her wishlist and gifted her at least something, though if it was something small he would gift another thing throughout the day. It seemed almost as if she was as busy as he was, and that she messaged every now and then when she could. Or maybe she was only responding when she felt like it... Samuel found himself sharing memories he hadn't spoken of in years just as a way to talk to her more. He wasn't really sure what he was wanting to come of this relationship, but he just knew he wanted to make her happy. During the week, their conversations were more like playing message tag back and forth, though she seemed to always make it a point to give him as much attention to detail in her response length as what he sent her.

Melissa still didn't share too much about her personal life, but she did share that she had gone shopping and had purchased a few things using the gifts he sent. Samuel had felt the need to send her a gift each day, though he was getting quite nervous about his wife being curious why more transfers were happening from the joint account to his private account. He usually had expensive hobbies, so he knew at first she wouldn't think anything of it, but he knew that he was going to have to do something to keep his tracks covered. It wasn't that he was unhappy with his wife, but something excited him about Melissa and the way that she was able to just get money from him, the way that she was his secret to the world, and yet how slowly she was starting to become his world. She didn't want anything else from him, it was almost as if she thought he was only good for his wallet and that brought forth a feeling inside that he couldn't get enough of. With his family life, and his work life, everyone always looked at him for his input and his responsibility, yet to her, he was nothing but money.

Their correspondence became a delicate dance of confessions, comfort, and understanding, though they were always short. Maybe a couple messages throughout the day back and forth, his life was quite busy and he didn't have time to sit and chat, and he certainly didn't want to risk bothering her. Samuel found himself thinking about her constantly, and even wondering what his wife would do if she knew this young lady was spending his money.

About a week and a half had passed, and he couldn't believe the information that he had shared with Melissa already, he also was getting questions from his wife. Elaine had been going over the account statements, and had noticed that he was transferring more than he had been into his own account. She called him out on it, wondering what he was wasting it on, wanting to know if he was gambling, or was he using it on someone else. Samuel using all the cunning that he had, simply assured her that it was merely a game he was into, he quickly shifted into his charismatic self to win her over and even spent all evening with her in a night of passion to lower her suspicions.

The following morning, he reached out to Melissa to tell her that he was going to have to wait before doing anything else, but he didn't want to lose what they had already started to build. He was ashamed to admit to her that he had slept with his wife. It felt so odd to be ashamed of sleeping with his own wife, but he was finding his loyalty was towards Melissa, and not to his family anymore. The power that she held over him with the information he had given her, always seemed to put Samuel on the edge of his seat.

Days turned into weeks, and their exchanges became increasingly intimate. Melissa's focus remained solely on Samuel and his feelings, as she voraciously absorbed every word he shared. She was a silent observer, fiercely guarding her own secrets while effortlessly drawing out his truths. Samuel found himself irresistibly drawn to her, opening up to her in ways he had never imagined. Slowly, he didn't even realize it at first, but she had figured out when his payday was and would request additional money on those days. It seemed as though at first, she went slow and requested only but an additional $100 from him...With each payday, and as she understood his finances more, she requested more from him, just trying to push the boundaries to see where they were.

Melissa became Samuel's confidante, his trusted companion in the realm of words. Her silence only added to her mystique, as Samuel found himself willingly baring his soul to her. With each revelation, Melissa wove an intricate tapestry of understanding, creating a connection that transcended the confines of their virtual interactions. She did share some of her life with him, on what she was doing that week, or any plans she had, her relationship towards him was very friendly and ever deepening. Samuel noticed that as he sent her more money, and paid his daily tribute to her, that he actually did receive more of her time. He never thought for once that he was paying for her time, but rather he was showing how valuable her time was to him.

While Samuel longed to know more about the enigmatic Melissa, she kept her own identity veiled in secrecy as he did as well. Neither of them wanted to fully lose their anonymity as they each had something they could lose. For Samuel, he knew that he could lose his entire family, and even his company that he had if it got out about about how he was financially serving someone. He was not too sure what Melissa would be risking, though he was pretty sure that it was her safety on why she wanted to remain anonymous for the most part.

Samuel's family had continued to thrive, and even his relationship with his wife Elaine seemed better than it had been in quite a while. She never mentioned anything about the money missing, and had assumed that his hobbies were the reason for his improved mood. As the months passed, Samuel found himself helplessly entangled with Melissa, they would send messages and talk to one another often through out each day, but he knew that he was no more than her personal piggy bank. He was addicted to the intensity of their exchanges, the way he felt when he made his tribute to her. Occasionally, she would share what she had purchased or where his money paid for her vacation to. Samuel found that he wasn't too interested in seeing what she had purchased but rather he was becoming addicted to the feeling of being the one that caused her happiness. His money was actually making a difference to someone and he was always looking for ways to be able to send more.

Their relationship flourished within the ethereal realm they had created, a world where Samuel poured his heart out to Melissa, and she, in turn, reveled in her power over him. In her silence, she cradled his secrets like precious gems, cherishing the connection they shared. Melissa truly did care for his mental well-being, and wanted to ensure that he was very happy and didn't have anything bothering him. She worked to become his friend, so that he knew just how much he meant to her

For now, Samuel found solace in the mysterious allure she brought to their connection, surrendering himself to the enigma of her presence, and embracing the intoxicating dance of vulnerability and revelation that bound them together.

With his annual financial review coming, during the audit, he had found that he was actually projected to make additional profits in the coming year, than what he had done in the past. Samuel had a brilliant idea, and couldn't wait to share it with his Goddess, his emotions were running high with excitement as he truly wanted to please her. By this point, she knew everything there was to know about his financial breakdown, and she was even aware of the upcoming audit, but didn't know just how it was going to turn out.

Samuel sat at his computer that evening, waiting for her icon to change to that shade of green that he loved to see, showing that she was online. He quickly messaged her with a greeting and welcomed her back, and wished her a good evening. After pleasantries, she asked him how his meeting had gone, he loved how she wasted no time and always spoke of business first. Samuel was thrilled to tell her the exciting news of how his profits were going for his company, and spoke of how he is finally able to do something he has been yearning to set in place since they established their relationship fully. He was very proud in himself, and he told her all the details he had already worked out, he was going to start making larger payments to her on a set schedule. This was going to cause his profits for the coming year to go straight to her.

He had been wanting to set this up, as it was less risk for his wife Elaine to find out, and it just made it so much simpler. Samuel was excited and proud, before he knew it, he had actually been spamming Melissa with message after message as he typed it all out as fast as he could. He went into details of how it was going to be paid to her directly, and how his hard work was paying off. He even found himself sitting on the edge of his seat waiting to hear her approval of his success. The validation that he constantly required from her had grown to a point to where he didn't feel any success had happened until he had heard it from her.

Samuel found that his chest was tight, as if he was practically holding his breath waiting to see what she was writing out. He watched for an eternity it seemed, as the little "..."s kept going, showing that she actively was working on her response to him. This was a large amount of money that he would pay to her regularly, it was just shy of a six digit sum to be paid every quarter, and he even told her he still wanted to continue his daily tributes to her. Was she going to be happy? Was this going to give him the satisfaction that he needed? Would it give him the feeling of accomplishment that he hadn't felt in so long?

Melissa's words were short, but his smile was massive as he read them again and again. "You have made me very proud, and the amount of detail that you show in your submission to me is very clear. You have done well my little pet, you've come very far and have proven yourself quite a bit. I'm very proud of you."

This was it, this was the release that he had been wanting to have for so long. It seemed that Samuel had been doing everything in his life that was expected of him, or just reaching social statuses that were deemed 'normal' for a man of his position. The positivity he felt from her approval was something that he hadn't felt in a while. He actually had pride in what he had accomplished, and he had this feeling of pleasure that came from knowing that his hard work had won her approval.

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Paypig666Paypig66611 months ago

Thank you Goddess for sharing your total capture of Samuel finances. Any paypig reading this true story will be hard for the most powerful Findom Giddess

slv4herslv4her11 months ago

Pure findom and excellent accounting of the practical problems a finsub faces as he submits more and more to a manipulation and clever findom. Great read. Looking forward to more!

chytownchytown11 months ago

***Thanks for the read.

Paypig666Paypig66611 months ago

The slide to total financial domination for a fledgling paypig is so real. No escape as goddess has blackmail information. Great story

Spin99Spin9911 months ago

Thanks, I really enjoyed the story! The curiosity, contact, then the slow sinking into the web. Lucky man!

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