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I gave her what she wanted.

Moans of pleasure mixed with pained noises at first, but the latter soon disappeared. Once they did, Jess called out with the same sweet tones she had when my tongue had probed the places my cock did now. "Oh, Gabe! God, Gabe, God, I love you! It's so--! AH! So good! I- I- ah ah AH!" My lover's no longer virginal pussy clenched around me, and her body's motion shifted from writhing to thrashing as she came with a loud, keening wail.

I should have been more gentle, but the way this beautiful girl--no, woman now--responded to me spurred me on. If she had shown any sign of pain or distress, I'd like to think I could have stopped, but I can't say for certain. Regardless, my hips thrusted faster and faster, harder into her as I felt the tightening in my balls.

Jessica pulled me down on top of her and wrapped her legs around me; I was her first, but man and woman had joined like this since prehistory. I heard her moan and whimper and beg in my ear, felt my mate's breasts pressing against my chest, tasted the sweat on the skin of her neck. She gave herself to me, and I gave her everything I could in return, claiming her womb with my seed.

We lay together, panting, my body pinning hers to the mattress. Jess kissed me hungrily, happily, fervently, and I returned that fervent devotion. When she paused to draw a breath, I chuckled, "I thought you wanted me to be slow and gentle your first time?"

With a laugh, she nibbled on my bottom lip. "I thought I did, too! But I couldn't stop myself when you started, well, fucking me, and--" I began to stiffen inside her once more at her casual use of the word 'fuck,' and she tilted her hips almost unconsciously to show how welcome this return was. "-- Oh! Jesus, Gabe, are you ready again?"

By way of acknowledgment, I inched ever so slightly from her tightness, then back again, this time with the tenderness she had previously requested. "Are you?" She nodded vigorously. "I suppose I could try slow and gentle this time, if you--" Her lips found mine, her nails dug into my hips, and I failed once more to give her what she purportedly wanted. Failed a couple more times, actually.

We laid in each other's arms afterwards, talking about everything we'd missed in each other's lives in the past three years. We discussed her move to college--I, of course, volunteered to help--about our folks, about her major.

The only thing we danced around was the subject of "us." I had already come to a decision as to what I wanted "us" to be, but I didn't want to pressure her either way; I think she was in the same boat. Regardless, I knew what we were for at least this weekend, and I wanted to make the whole experience wonderful for her, so we stuck to surface topics.

Eventually, our voices grew quieter, and the pauses between sentences grew longer. She fell asleep first, but I wasn't far behind, spooning behind my lover with one arm holding her to my body. I kissed her hair and softly said, "I love you, Jess," before nodding off.

Upon waking in the middle of the night, I found myself disoriented. An unfamiliar bed, an unfamiliar room, and--most importantly--an unfamiliar body lying next to me. Then I remembered my Friday and smiled: the rec center, Jess, her revelation and request, my enthusiastic assent. She remembered too, apparently, from the way she ground against me and softly moaned.

I kissed her shoulder, and she sighed. "Jess?" No response; well, not from her, at least. I was responding, my growing hardness nestled between her tight cheeks. That left me with a quandary: I didn't want to take advantage of her, but I really, really wanted to take advantage of her. I kissed her neck again, and said louder, "Jess, baby." Still no response.

My hand had moved to her breast as we slept; I wondered if that had been the cause of her nighttime excitement. As I gently squeezed, she moaned louder, softly calling out, "Gabe..."

"I'm here, sweetheart."

Jessica turned her head towards me, and I raised up to look at her. Her drowsy smile and half-opened eyes matched the sleepy whisper. "I thought you were a dream." She opened her mouth as we kissed, tongue flicking across my lips. I felt her hips shift, pulling away from me, then her hand, tipping my cock down to rest between her thighs as she moved back again. I was already hard, but the feeling of her labia parting, sliding up and down the top of my shaft as she began to grind again, had me ready to break rocks.

When she moved her hand once more, rubbing the glans before placing it at her entrance, I let her take the lead. She winced slightly as I entered her this time, and I made to stop; she broke our kiss and whined "Nooo" when I did, then held onto my hip to stop me. "Want it. Want you." I nodded, kissed her neck, and steadily slid my full length inside. "Oh God! Oh, oh Gabe, I need you!"

This time, I gave her the tender, unhurried lovemaking that she'd first requested. Jessica languidly moved against me as she gave herself to me for the fourth time that night, luxuriating in the subtler sensations that our shared need had denied her previously. Her free hand roamed up and down my body, sometimes clutching at my flank, others reaching behind my head to tangle fingers in my hair as we kissed.

Her voice--when her lips were unoccupied--took on a less needful tone than in our first couplings. Instead, her words were sweet affirmations of affection, devotion, love. "I- ah, Gabe, I- I need you. Need- oh! Need this. Love you, God, I love you, please don't--" My lips silenced her for a moment, but only just. I needed to speak, too.

"I love you, Jessica. Not gonna leave again. I promise. I'm yours, for as long as you'll have me."

She choked out a single, happy syllable. "Yours!"

My teeth nipped at her neck. "Mine."

I don't know if it was my words, the love bite, or simple biology, but she shuddered as her hips gyrated faster. "Mine. All mine, Gabe! Show me!"

I slid a hand down Jessica's body, between her legs, and stroked her clit as my thrusts turned erratic. My lover cried out at the new sensation, her hand covering mine as she begged for release; we found it together, my seed spilling into her in pulses of heat as her exquisite pussy fluttered around me.

I held her close as she quivered with aftershocks, kissing her neck and shoulders in between heaving breaths. When I shifted, almost dislodging my softening cock from her, she whispered, "Stay." And so I did.

In the morning, I found that she had rolled away and lay face down next to me. Jessica snored loudly, which made me chuckle; it had been a big day for both of us. A quick glance at the clock showed it was almost ten. Ordinarily, I didn't let myself sleep that late, but I figured I could make an exception.

As I watched Jess sleep, I reflected on this strange turn of events. Never in a million years had I expected to wake up next to the girl I'd coached years before. I felt a sudden stab of guilt; eventually, we'd--I'd--have to talk to her mom about this. I wondered how Sara would respond. Would she think I was a creep? Give her blessing? Maybe even be jealous? I'd just have to cross that bridge when I got to it.

First, though, my stomach told me I needed to get my lazy ass out of bed. When I stood, Jess sleepily grumbled, "Five more minutes." I laughed and kissed her shoulder, startling her into wakefulness. "Gabe? Oh, shit!"

"Good morning to you, too."

With a bashful grin, she said, "I mean, ah, 'good morning.'" That dazzling smile returned. "Jesus. More than a good morning. Great morning." We kissed, just a quick, playful peck on the lips. "Why are you getting out of bed?"

"I thought I might cook my girlfriend some breakfast."

Her eyes lit up. It had been one thing to pledge ourselves to each other in the heat of passion and the middle of the night; but now I had affirmed that pledge in the bright sunlight of a new day. She pulled me down on top of her and left no question as to her own thoughts on the matter.

It was almost noon before we finally made our way out of the bed. Jessica groaned as she stood and shuffled gingerly towards her dresser.

"Your ankle still hurting?"

"Some." Jess turned her head to look at me with a wry grin. "But that's not why I'm having trouble walking."

I returned it. "So, I guess that means you don't want to shower together?"

She considered it for a moment, then shot me a wry grin. "Tempting, but probably not a good idea. You go shower first. I'm going to scrounge us up some food."

I made sure Jess got down the stairs safely and grabbed my duffel, then went to shower in the guest bathroom. As I cleaned myself, I considered what we'd do when we got to college: who to introduce her to first, what kinds of places she'd like to go, how to make sure we actually passed our courses given the heady new relationship energy that buzzed between us.

In my musings, I almost missed the door opening. Without looking back, I chuckled, "Decide to wash my back after all?"

"Not today." Oh fuck. Oh fuck, Sara! I wheeled around and almost slipped on the wet tile; I had planned to cover myself with my hands, but they went to the walls instead as I tried to balance. "Long time no see, Gabriel." Jessica's mom--my former and first lover--stood there, gorgeous as ever, arms folded and a stern look on her face.

"Ah, Sara, I--"

"Can it! Finish up, get dressed, and come out." She turned on her heel and stalked out of the room.

I showered as quickly as I could; making her wait wouldn't fix anything. I'd face the music, and Jess and I would just have to figure out where to go from there. We were all adults. I was confident we'd work it out.

That confidence took a hit somewhat when I walked into the kitchen. Both women sat at the kitchen table. Jessica furtively glanced up at me, looking more like the uncertain girl I'd first met years before than the self-assured young woman that I'd met at the rec center the day before. Sara sat next to her with the same expression and body language she'd confronted me with in the shower. "Sit." Her tone matched her manner.

I took a chair opposite them. Sara let us twist in the wind for a few moments, then said, "So. I come home from a trip early to help my daughter pack for college, and I find her well-fucked and you in my guest shower. Anyone want to explain that? Well?!" Jessica and I both spoke at the same time, our words overlapping into jumbled nonsense. "Stop!" She glared at me. "You first. I thought you were better than this, Gabe."

"Sara, I promise that I didn't mean for this to happen."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. You're a guy. You saw a pretty young innocent thing, and you wanted her. God, it must have been such a thrill for you; you got to bang me and then seduce my daughter." Leaning forward, enraged, Jessica's mother started to light into me. "Where do you get off--"

"Stop it! He didn't do anything wrong, Mom!" Sara's head snapped around to look at her daughter. The fire I'd seen in Jess the day before had returned. "He didn't seduce me. I seduced him!"

"Pumpkin, no. I know you like him and you were hurt when--"

"No, Mom! I did this! I learned he was at the rec center, I went there to see him, I asked him to bring me home, and I dressed like a slut! I wanted him to fuck me!" Sara's eyes went wide at this casual use of profanity from her 'pretty young innocent thing.' She started to speak, but Jess ran right over her. "Gabe tried to talk me out of it. He tried to resist. He did everything but pat me on the head and tell me to go away, but you know what? He also treated me like a goddamned adult!"

My girlfriend snarled, "And you know what else? It was great! Gabe is fucking amazing. He treated me like a princess, made me feel loved and cared for, and got me off so many times I thought my head was going to explode! I want more, and when we go to college, I'm going to be in his bed every damned night!" Sara's mouth hung open, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. "And another thing--"

"Jess." She looked at me. "Babe. That's enough." Her lips compressed into a thin, angry line, but she nodded once. I turned to her mom. "Sara, she's telling the truth. I didn't plan on any of this. But..." I sighed. "But the truth is, I care about Jessica, and..."

I chuckled without meaning to. "You're right. She is pretty. Beautiful. And I am just a guy. It's not that, though." Taking Jess's hand, I continued, "She's amazing. I mean, you know that. You've watched her grow up and know how great she is. And I want to find out everything I've missed out on by not getting to know her for the last three years."

Jessica smiled at me encouragingly, and I continued. "As to... well, to you and me, it was on my mind, yeah. But it was less a thrill and more a worry. I didn't--don't--want to hurt either of you. But I want to be with Jessica, and I'm sorry if that upsets you."

Sighing, I said, "Jess, I love you." Sara took in a quick, sharp breath. "I want this to work. I want to see where this goes, and I hope it goes a long way. But I don't want to get between you and your mom. I can't do that to you two. So we have got to sort this out first, okay?" She nodded, irritated but acquiescent.

Sara looked between the two of us, brow furrowed. She started to speak several times before regaining her composure. "Gabe, I need to talk to my daughter. Can you see yourself out?" Jessica looked like she was going to explode. "No, not... I just want to talk, Pumpkin. Just us. Please?" Her daughter slowly nodded, clearly not entirely convinced.

I pushed my chair away from the table and stood. "Jess. Call me, okay? We need to work out when I'll be helping you move into your dorm room." Sara started; good. She needed to understand that, while I didn't want to come between them, I still intended to be with her daughter.

Jessica picked up on the subtext. "Of course, sweetheart. I'll talk to you later."

I didn't hear from her until the next day, and it was a text instead of a call. Mom and I talked. All good. Going to spend time with her this week, but I'll call later.

Okay. Glad to hear it. I paused, then appended, I love you.

Her response was a string of hearts as long as my arm.

The next Friday, we drove in separate cars, stopping once on the four hour journey for gas. Jess and I kept it relatively platonic during that break, but Sara watched us with a strange expression on her face anyways. We hadn't had a chance to really talk about how things shook out there, but I'd have to let my curiosity wait a little longer.

Her dorm room was on the fourth floor, and the elevators were constantly busy. Once we were down to the smaller loads, I told Jess and Sara to spend a little more time together while I took the stairs for the last few. Jess's ankle was mostly better, but there was no need to aggravate it. Beyond that, I wanted to avoid being in the same room with Sara for too long until I had a better lay of the land.

That plan lasted right until I had dropped off the last load. Sara kissed Jess on the cheek and gave her a big hug, then turned to me and asked, "Will you walk me out?" Jess shot me an encouraging smile, but I still felt like a man going to the gallows as we headed for the stairs.

We didn't talk on the way there; I don't know if she was still deciding what to say or just letting me stew for a bit longer. Regardless, when we got there, she turned and looked up at me; the resemblance was quite remarkable. Her playful grin really highlighted it. "So. My daughter, huh?"


She shook her head. "It's okay. I get it. Jess and I talked for a long time about... well, about a lot of things. You're never really ready for..." She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. "For your little girl growing up. And with what her dad did... I just wanted to protect her. But I can't, can I?"

Sara brushed my cheek. "You can, though. I raised her right; I know that. And I know--even if I was pissed at the time--that you're a good guy. No, a good man. And so I can protect her by getting out of my own damned way."

I had not expected that at all, and the look of shock on my face brought a big laugh out of her. "Gabe..." She sighed. "I was pissed, yes. And, if I'm honest, a little jealous. It's bad enough when your friend wants to date your old flame, but your daughter? For God's sake, I'm amazed I didn't chase you out of the house with an axe. But I ended it with you for a reason: you were too young for me. Too immature. And, you know, I didn't want to rob the cradle." Sara rolled her eyes theatrically, laughing as she did. "Or at least not get caught doing it.

"But you're perfect for her. You are. So be perfect for her, okay? Or at least do the best you can. She's in love with you; you know that, right? Not just 'love' like a friend or an FWB, but really, really head over heels."

"I know."

"And you?"

I took a moment to weigh my words. "I think so. Or, at least, that's the way it's headed, and if I'm not there soon, I will be. But I don't want her to... I want to make sure she makes the right choice for herself, too, not just the one that keeps her with me because she's always had a crush on me. You know?"

Her sad smile surprised me. "I do. That's exactly what I meant; you'll protect her, since I can't be here to do it. But for what it's worth? I don't think that's what this is. She's in love with you because you're easy to fall in love with. I almost did."


The sadness mostly disappeared, replaced with a look of... wisdom? Acceptance? It's strange to realize you're not as far along as a person as you'd like to believe. Whatever mix of emotions she displayed was one I could only guess at, because I'd not yet experienced them.

"Yeah. That was just another reason to end it, on top of a lot of other good ones. But I could see the man you were starting to become, that you're still becoming, and that guy? God. It's no wonder a girl could fall in love with him. I'd tell you not to break her heart, but you won't, will you? I don't think you have it in you. So instead, I'll say: make her happy. Okay?"

I nodded solemnly. "I promise." She kissed me on the cheek, then turned to open her door. "Sara..." My first love--although I'd never admitted it to anyone and never would--looked over her shoulder at me. "Are you? Happy, I mean?"

She broke out into a big, beaming grin. "I am. I really am. I'm seeing a great guy now, and I think he's going to pop the question. Hopefully, you'll get to meet him at Thanksgiving."

I held her door for her as she got in. "I can't wait." Then I closed it, waved goodbye to her departing car, and walked back to Jessica's dorm and to my future.


Thank you so much to my beta readers seraph_nocturne, elizaloo, MediocreAuthor, and Djmac1031. I always appreciate their feedback and insights.

And extra special thanks to OOAA for the original idea that this grew from!

This is my entry for Summer Lovin' Story Contest 2023, so if you liked it, please give it a good rating!

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wwaldripwwaldripabout 1 month ago

Excellent story, enjoyed reading it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Truly a lovely tale. 5*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Nice premise.

But sex starts and proceeds much too fast.

One minute touch of his cock and she puts her mouth on it.

No exploration of his cock and balls. No trying to figure out if she likes playing with them? No trying to see how he likes what she's doing? And what he likes the best?

She shaved her pussy for him because she thought he'd like it. He says he does. Why does HE have to be the one to to suggest he demonstrate how much? Better if she'd have suggested it.

Three stars.

DeliciousDreamsDeliciousDreamsabout 2 months ago

Very enjoyable read. Refreshingly tender in the way you tell the story. Beautifully done, thanks for sharing. A very enthusiastic 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Oh Most Talented Hack... The biggest problem that I see with your stories is that they have to end. 5 Stars all day!

Rosc0tuskerRosc0tusker6 months ago

To the person who commented above that they were “grossed out because he had a previous sexual relationship with her mom”, wait to check out the rest of this site!!! You are going to need a couple of buckets on standby and shit ton of time set aside for therapy!! 😂

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I can't get past him having a sexual relationship with her mom and then moving on to one with her. Just can't do it. It put a grimace on my face that wouldn't go away, so I stopped reading halfway through. To be honest I'm pretty grossed out.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfire9 months ago

Hi, NTH, excellent tale with an interesting backstory. It was well written by a true Talent. Best wishes in the contest.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great read. This story needs, at a minimum, a follow-up to their budding relationship.


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