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First Night Back

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A hot steamy welcome home from the war!
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When I first returned from Iraq I was a mess. I'd rather not get into the details, but it left me with a twitchy nature. Rene, without knowing, helped me overcome my slump. Rene was one of the apartment managers at the apartment complex I stayed at when I was back in the States. Rene, along with Carol, her boss, offered to pick me up from the base and take me to the apartment. She was also watching my car for me. The welcome back ceremony was very brief, we already knew we were leaving again in eight months and wanted to spend as much time as we could away from the base. I didn't see them at first, but I finally found them and spent a couple minutes hugging and chatting with them before we got my bags. I guess I should describe Rene so you can picture her in your mind. She's in her mid 40's, about ten years older than me, and keeps her 5'7" frame in good shape, though the years have taken their toll. Still, in her slacks and sweater, she cut a good shape, her firm C-cup breasts pushing the sweater out and her broad ass gave curve to her pants. Her shoulder length blonde hair had streaks of gray, which actually made her blue eyes stand out. Sure, she had some crow's feet and would never win a beauty contest, but by no means was she unattractive. I'd already known this, and normally flirted and gave compliments, but not in my present mood.

While Rene was outgoing, Carol was definitely the more vivacious of the two. Besides being her boss, Carol and Rene were good friends and supported each other through thick and thin. Carol was about the same height but a few pounds heavier than Rene. More women in their early 50's could only wish to look so good. Fortunately, most if it was from her large DD chest which really stood out from her stocky, but not fat, frame. No matter what she wore, she was bound to show cleavage, and today was no exception. Her close cut gray hair had a few dark streaks left over but her smile and her green eyes held your attention. Dressed in a yellow V neck sweater and black pants; she must have put on her best bra because her breasts were really standing out! Most men found themselves surprised that a woman in her fifties could get their attention. On more than one occasion I had spent some quality time eyeing her body. That also goes for Rene as well. I'd often flirted with them and gone out with them, but usually considered them as friends and kept aloof of my desires to bury my big dick in them.

They had come in Carol's Jeep CJ 7 and all my bags wound up in the back. Carol drove and they made a few jokes that Rene should be real careful sitting on my lap. Rene even made a show of placing her firm, broad butt on my lap. As we made our way home, it felt like Rene was trying to push her breasts into my face, the way she was seated. I had to turn my head to breathe, and with Rene's arm around me, I had a downward view and saw mostly Carol's big tits, not a bad view, mind you. Normally, in this situation, I would be sporting a large erection and wouldn't feel in anyway ashamed, but in my present state of mind, while I did find my situation a turn on, it wasn't having its normal affect.

Rene had to finish work so I hung around my empty apartment, made some phone calls and sorted through what I had brought back with me on the plane. I had very few regular clothes but I would only need them for a day or 2 until the rest of my stuff could be delivered. Eventually, I wound up in their office chatting, giving them a very limited picture of what I had seen and done in Iraq. They asked where I'd be staying after I picked my car up and I told them a hotel. Rene asked if I wanted to stay at her place, as I was going there anyway to pick up my car, and she had an empty room. Really thinking of the cost savings, I agreed, and Carol put on a big grin and commented that she wished a young, virile man were staying with her. We all laughed and made allusions to sex, but my mind really wasn't fully into it. Normally I am a very sexual person, and strange enough, felt none of this gloominess when I was over there.

As we finally pulled into Rene's driveway, my foul mood began to lift. As we pulled into the driveway I could see the car cover that was draped over my car. Getting out of her car, I ignored the near zero temperature and the snow on the ground and made my way to my car. During my first trip to Iraq, I had faced and escaped death often enough that; I had decided if I made it back, I was going to buy my dream car. My mood brightened a bit as I removed the cover and stared at my dream machine- a 1968 black Dodge Charger! No matter how many times I saw it, it always took my breath away. Rene stood behind me but I barely noticed.

"See, told ya not a scratch, I took good care of it," she said. Being a MOPAR fan herself, she was the best choice to leave it with when I went over the second time, and true to her word, took good care of it. She had it detailed for my arrival and it was gorgeous.

"Thank you, thank you very much," I said, a smile beginning to creep across my face. I remembered the first time she saw it after I brought it back from California where I bought it. Giddy with excitement, she didn't pay any attention to her short miniskirt as she climbed in the driver seat and took pleasure in the powerful classic. It had ridden up to her upper thighs and her blouse was opened so that above her, I could see right down into her deep cleavage. She actually caught me staring at her body but was too excited about the car to care. Without saying a word she handed my keys to me.

"Take it for a drive, I'll get the bags in ok," she practically commanded me. Smiling, I got in and brought the big sexy car to life. Letting the engine warm up, I helped her with the bags before backing the beast out and going for a drive. With the window down and good rock and roll playing, I cruised around, just enjoying the powerful rumbling of the engine. On the highway, I opened her up and blew through traffic as if the other cars were standing still. It felt good to be back in the States, to see all the lights and colors, feeling safe and far away from explosions, torn bodies, sand. I stopped off for some dinner, enjoying having such good food again, and having someone bringing me my meal as opposed to going through a line with a tray. I could feel my gloominess leaving and my juices flowing again. The sights of women clad in a variety of ways had me yearning for the deep pleasures they could provide.

I returned to her house after several hours feeling much better. Even though it was late, I wasn't tired as I had spent most of the plane ride home sleeping. Rene greeted me at the door in her robe, closed against the cold.

"Welcome back, how was the drive, you look much better," she stated, noticing the pleased look on my face.

"Ah, it was excellent, thanks for keeping her running," I responded, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I knew I was feeling better as the feeling in my penis sensed a woman's closeness. She told me her hot tub had broken and I reassured her it wasn't a big deal. I asked to use her shower, which she readily agreed with and said she'd open a bottle of wine while I was getting cleaned up.

In the shower I thoroughly cleaned up and was pleased to see my penis thicken to a partial erection from the soothing heat. It felt good to shower by myself and not in the communal showers I endured for the past year. I had let my pubic hair grow out while over there instead of my keeping it clean shaved. I told myself I'd take care of that later, as I didn't feel like doing it in her shower. Clean and refreshed, I put a t shirt on and my lounging shorts, kind of skimpy for tonite, but I didn't have much else to put on and didn't feel comfortable wearing spandex around her and showcasing my thick cock and full balls for her. Thinking that she'd probably enjoy it, however; remembering the times she would tell me that if we were closer in age, she'd be all over me. I still didn't see her as a possible lay at this point in time.

I found her in the living room spread out on the couch with an open bottle of white wine watching some TV. While still closed at the top, the robe had dropped off the side of the couch exposing her firm leg to mid thigh, helped along by her crossed legs. I began to wonder what she was wearing under the robe if she was showing that much leg. I still wasn't completely with it or I may have taken that as a sign.

"Hey Johnny boy, hope you don't mind, I figured I'd open this bottle of wine since you gave it to me before you left. Kind of a mini celebration," she said pointing to the bottle and empty glasses. Looking at the bottle, I noticed it was the one I gave her as a gift for watching my car.

"Sure thing, I gotta go easy, I've pretty much been alcohol free for a year," I stated. I walked over and poured two glasses. Before I could hand it to her, she sat up and grabbed hers. During this move, both her legs were exposed, a bit past mid thigh and I caught just a glimpse of a long t shirt under the robe. She kept her legs exposed for several seconds before adjusting the robe. I plopped down on the easy chair across from her and we just sat and sipped the wine for a few minutes. Rene was quite the talker and it didn't take her long before she broke the silence and just started spouting all kinds of stuff about her life, her kids, work, and other people we knew. To be honest, I didn't really pay attention, just nodded and agreed when the mood called for it. The drive and the shower helped but I just wasn't in the mood to be pleasant. Normally I go out of my way to be a decent guy, but tonight I just felt like a lump. Unconsciously, I reached between my legs to readjust my package.

"Whoa Johnny boy, didn't need to see that," she said, pretending to shield her eyes but still being able to see. That's when I knew she was checking me out on more than a friend level. One of her conversations was about having trouble finding a man who could not only sexually satisfy her, but also care for her. In the past, I've told her that she tends to jump in the sack too early. I always felt strange having sex talks with her, even though she was good looking, because technically, she was a grandmother.

"Sorry, been living with guys for too long, I have to remember I'm in the civilized world now," I responded, giving a healthy chuckle.

"Touché," she said, raising her glass and emptying it. I responded in kind.

"More," I asked, pointing to the bottle.

"Sure, join in my in another," she said. I got up and went over to her side where she held the glass up. Having laid back down, her legs were again exposed and her head was resting on some pillows, her outstretched arm rested on the arm of the sofa holding her empty glass. The glass was the same level as my crotch and I stopped less than and inch away. If she had straightened her fingers out, she could have brushed my flaccid penis. I poured the wine slowly and noticed her eyes trying not to stare at my crotch. The thin materiel of my shorts really showcased the prominent lump of my penis and the outline of my swollen balls. I refilled my own glass there before walking past her to set the bottle down on the coffee table, just in case she wanted to view my butt. While my back was to her, I took in her toned legs, a bit splotchy and veiny but toned nonetheless. Even though I recognized the signs, I still didn't feel my usual flirty self.

"You want anything to eat," she asked, "I'm gonna grab myself a piece of pie."

"No thanks, I had something earlier and I'm not hungry." She got up and went into the kitchen. When she returned, she had a piece of pumpkin pie in one hand and her robe in the other. I now saw what she had under it, a long t shirt that came down almost to her knees, about the same length as most of her skirts. She returned to her couch, flopped the robe on the end she wasn't sitting on and sat on the couch, her legs folding up under her.

"I got it at the store and it's oh so good, she said after taking a bite of pie. "You should try some tomorrow when you get up. Do you have to get up early or something, should I set an alarm for you," she asked, sounding concerned.

"Thanks but no, I have tomorrow off but I have to get my truck out of storage. I'll stop by the apartment later. Any cute girls move in," I asked, almost automatically. I was always telling them they needed to keep the cute ones on my side of the building. The interesting part was that Carol was especially good at letting me know of any good prospects. I think she enjoyed the stories I told her.

"Oh, you wait and see Johnny boy," she said with a big smile on her face. As she ate her pie, I could have sworn she was licking her fork rather seductively, but couldn't be sure. I told her I was turning in and we both said good night and she stood to give me a hug. No normal friend hug, her body was close to mine and she brought me into her chest, I could feel her breasts under the t shirt. We exchanged mutual pecks on the cheeks and held our hug for a minute longer.

"Thank you very much," I whispered in her ear and gave her a light kiss on the lips. If I had been more in tune with what was going on, I would have noticed her lips slightly apart. Weary, I turned in and immediately fell asleep.

Sometime during the night I awoke suddenly. Not quite nightmares, but dreams so vivid that I wasn't always sure if they were the reality or not. (I'll not share my dreams with you as they are my demons and I alone must work them out.) I quickly sat up, breathing heavily, my pulse racing, covered in a sheen of sweat. I'm not sure if I shouted or not as I sometimes do. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is unpredictable and unique to those affected. I felt sticky and tossed off my shirt as left the bed and stood up. I could feel my blood pounding through me as I tried to control my breathing. I stumbled around the unfamiliar room searching for the light switch. I found it and flipped it on, but not before making a racket. I heard footsteps in the hallway, but was still adjusting to my situation when Rene walked in.

"Hey, you ok, sounded like you fell or some...oh, oh my," she said upon entering the room. I saw her standing in the doorway and noticed right away that she had changed out of her long t shirt and into her sleeping attire- a short, pink slip that left almost all of her legs bare, clung close, but not tight, to her body and was held up by spaghetti straps. A lighter shade of pink lace covered her firm breasts, leaving quite an eyeful of cleavage, which I noticed. I also noticed the erect nipples pointed out of the material. Her hair was in disarray and she was focused on looking down. I was still in my agitated state; I felt I was on the verge of crying. Taking deep breaths to get my breathing under control, I followed her eyes. She wasn't looking at the floor to avoid seeing me out of whack, which was what I had originally thought, but at my mid section, and more importantly, at the huge erection tenting my shorts. The waistline had slipped to below my hips and the worn material fully outlined my very erect penis. Tears were welling in my eyes and I began to cry, for reasons I shall not reveal. I leaned into the wall, my shoulder supporting my weight.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said in between sobs. My mind was a wreck at this particular moment. Rene came to me and wrapped her arms around me, drawing me to her. I wrapped my arms around her, glad for the comfort of a warm, living human being. I squeezed her to me. Together we stayed in our tight hug for several minutes. She stroked my back and I did the same. I could smell her sweet scent; feel her hot breath on my neck. Her soft, warm belly pressed against my rigid shaft I nuzzled against her neck, then, without thinking, I kissed her just under the ear. I barely felt her shudder, but was lost in the moment and kept on kissing her. The tears stopped rolling down my cheeks, but I could still taste them on her skin. I kissed my way up until our mouths just about met. Whether she tried to avoid kissing me I don't know, but she lifted her head and with my reach, was now kissing her chin.

A need overcame me, I needed sex- to FUCK! It was an overwhelming urge, a desire to purge the ugliness in my mind, to feel alive again! I knew, though, that it had to be given freely and not taken. I continued to kiss her chin, to kiss and lick my way down her neck, sucking in her lotioned skin. I turned, putting her back to the wall. As I maneuvered her, I kept my kissing and licking exploration of her collar bone, onto her shoulder. I even eased one of her spaghetti straps off her shoulder, letting is slide off, its own weight, letting it sag down.

"Oh, no, oh...mmm, you... gotta...stop, oh, mmm," she whispered in my ear. I ignored her pleas, she wasn't pushing me away. Her satiny nighty felt cool and smooth against my hot, sweaty skin. With no skillful maneuvering both of us had a leg between the other's. I was undulating my hips, practically dry humping her with my rock hard erection. I nibbled on her shoulders, making my way back to her neck. Rene turned her head away from me, but was allowing me to suck and lick and kiss on her neck, her earlobes and just behind her ear. Again, I made my way across her chin. I stopped and leaned back, my left hand turned her face to mine while my right hand cupped her broad, firm buttocks. I wanted her right this moment, to plunge in and pump the ugliness out of my system, to feel life undulating under me. I knew that she had to come to me, to let me in. As my hand slid past her buttocks, leaving the nighty for bare skin, the other hand left her face to settle on the flesh above her right breast, my pinky and ring finger slipping under the strap. We looked into each other's eyes, I have no idea what she saw in mine, but I could see the hungry expression clearly in hers.

"We shouldn't do this, I'm way too old, we're good friends," she said, trying to convince herself to stop, but I could feel her hips slightly grinding into mine.

"Ok," I whispered, but I made no move away. My body was tight against hers and I could feel her breasts heaving against my skin. I kissed her on the lips. No tongue, just a gentle kiss. She expelled hot air against my sweaty face. I kissed her lips again. This time she kissed back before I pulled away. A third time our lips met, this time she kissed back, and I did not pull away, but kept the kiss going. Our lips were swollen in desire, wanting to continue kissing. Lips melding together, gentle sucking with slight movements. Without stopping, we were soon kissing each other deeply, our tongues beginning to probe the other's mouth. I didn't care about our friendship status, or our age difference, just the feeling of this moment, right now. Our kissing took on a more hungered feeling, mouths open, tongues and lips entwining, long deep soul kisses. I pushed my body closer to hers, forcing her against the wall. My left hand moved up to give my chest room to connect with hers. As it reached the top of her shoulder, my hand slid around to her back, the strap of her nighty having been pushed up by my chest, it fell off her shoulder.

Leaving her hot, wet mouth, I moved to her neck, sucking and nibbling and kissing my way down then back up, then down again. This time I was kissing her shoulder. As my left hand was traveling down her back, my right hand continued squeezing the flesh below her buttocks. Slowly, it made it's way up, under the short nighty to the firm, slightly flabby butt cheeks that looked so good in her jeans and leather pants. Her hands that had encircled me pulled my closer, rubbing along my bare back. All the while, I kissed her shoulder and made my way across her collar bone, up the center of her neck, over her squared chin and back to her hungry mouth. As my tongue plunged back into her mouth, I pushed my pelvis tightly against hers, my huge erection jabbing into her belly. After groping her well defined ass, both my hands traveled up her sides, my nails lightly running against the smooth material of her nighty, to her bare shoulders and came to rest on each side of her head. Her hands traveled as far down my back as they could go, almost reaching my shorts. The loose, worn material of my shorts had ridden down to the swell of my buttocks and I could feel her fingernails gently scratching the tops of my firm globes. Running my fingers through her hair, I twisted her head in order to kiss her deeply, changing angles for variety. I wasn't sure, but I think I felt her hands pushing my hips into hers. pointing her face down, I laid kisses on her forehead, working my tongue around her cheeks and back to her hungry mouth. Tongues intertwining, I licked along the roof of her mouth and behind her upper teeth. I love kissing and at this moment I wanted all the passion I could get! Turning her face up, I kissed down her neck, licking along the sides of her throat and over her collar bones. Squatting slightly, I began kissing her upper chest. Keeping close contact with her the nighty slid down her body, since the useless straps hung over her arms. Her large breasts hung low and I managed to kiss the exposed tops of them before standing back up.

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