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Fool Me Twice . . . .

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Shame on me.
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Once again a long story. If you prefer shorter ones you should probably skip it. If you do read it I hope that you like it. I enjoyed writing this story..

Fool Me Twice....

I'd just finished packing up the 20' U Haul. I didn't really like driving large vehicles like this, but it will probably save us hundreds of dollars in moving costs. Mia was going to follow me in her car with the kids. We should be in the city by mid-afternoon.

I was looking forward to this change. Though I liked living in Stanhope I knew Mia couldn't wait to get back to the city. It's where she grew up and went to school. I'd met most of her friends and they were all mostly okay. Mostly.

There were a few stories that I think she censored for me. I knew she had a bit of a wild past. But, I rationalized, her experiences made her the person I married, and my experiences did the same for her. I had grown over time to love her, I knew that, but every so often I questioned some of my decisions.

Because of some of this, and one particular incident, we nearly didn't get married. The circumstances around our marriage were not ideal. But let's start from the beginning. I think it will be better understood with the back story.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

I graduated from Stanhope State with a business degree. The summer after my junior year I interned at Northern Forest Products as a brokers assistant. NFP sold lumber all over the world. The main office was in the college town of Stanhope.

I enjoyed learning about lumber, building materials, and the different customers that bought products from us. It was a fast paced grind. Beyond the products and the customers I learned a couple of important things about the business.

One, it was a high pressure job with goals, deadlines, and pressure to perform. The other thing I learned, the guys that were good at it made a lot of money.

After I graduated I started as a sales trainee at NFP. I worked for an experienced broker named Larry Belinski. Larry was a large, somewhat sloppy guy, who knew the lumber business. For the first six weeks Larry and I worked side by side in the office and I learned a lot.

After those several weeks Larry rarely came into the office. I quickly gathered that you didn't really need to be physically in the office to do business. Most of the time it was just talking to people literally all over the world selling lumber.

As the months passed I was doing more and more of Larry's work. I never knew exactly how much he was making on commissions, but I heard enough to know it was a lot. Meanwhile I was on a trainee straight salary.

The key, I soon learned in this business, was to tell the truth and get people to trust you. Later, I speculated, that same lesson encompassed more than just business.

Relationships too.

We'll get to all that soon enough.

Shortly after my first full year Larry seemed to be less and less in the office. He was beginning to have health issues I gathered.

He had been divorced from his third wife for a little over a year. Despite his income he lived in a manufactured home in a park on the east side of Stanhope. He may be a good lumber salesman but his personal life was a mess.

There was a bar between the office and Larry's place in East Stanhope called The Timbers. It was not unusual to see his aging Chevy Tahoe, parked not quite squarely, in the Timbers parking lot at any hour of the day.

On a Monday nearly two years into my employment at NFP I arrived to a subdued atmosphere in the office. Fairly quickly the information trickled out. Larry'd had a stroke and was now in a rehabilitation facility. No one knew what the long term prognosis would be, but he wasn't expected to make it back to work.

In the meantime, we had business to conduct. After lunch that Monday I was called into the sales manager's office. We spoke briefly about Larry and then quickly the talk turned to business and the go forward plan.

"We're not going to turn 100% of his book over to you," he told me, "but you've done a good job Patrick, you'll get a lot of that."

I was happy that they thought I was doing well enough to take over at least part of Larry's book of business. In fact since I'd been working with Larry our business had grown. It wasn't until a few weeks later that I realized the financial impact of my new status.

My first monthly commission check was for just over $14,000. And it wasn't even for the whole month.

That Friday when I got home I did some quick calculations. Even in a worse case scenario, I calculated that I was going to be pulling in a good, low, six figure income.

I was excited, upbeat. I also did have some remorse for Larry, but the reality was, I didn't really know him all that well. I needed to do something to celebrate. I called my buddy Tim Paris. Tim was still in school getting his Masters.

"Price, what's happening?" He answered. He always called me by my last name.

I explained that I wanted to take him out for dinner and a few drinks to celebrate.

"Celebrate what?" He asked.

I told him I'd explain later. We decided to meet at Poncho's, an upscale Latin restaurant with a great bar. One of those places you could never afford in college but always wanted to go to.

Friday night it was packed. A combination of professionals, and newly graduated college students in their first jobs. I explained to Tim about my new, lucrative, business situation at NFP. I didn't tell him exact numbers but hinted at what I expected to make.

"Price," he began, "you know I'm getting my MBA in finance. I interned with a financial services company last year and I have an offer to start in June. We should set up a financial plan for you."

And we began talking about my 'plan'.

As we talked the restaurant became busier. We were standing at a tall bistro table with stools designed for four people. A large group began encroaching on our space. As Tim and I were discussing stock index funds I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

I turned and there was a tall, striking, dark haired woman, girl really, smiling and looking at me.

"Are you using this stool?" She asked me, still smiling.

Normally I'm not a super outgoing person, I wasn't introverted, just even keeled. Tonight though, buoyed by my financial success, I was in an upbeat mood.

"We are," I said, "but for you, I would be more than glad to let you have it." I said, smiling back at her.

She thanked me and nudged it maybe six inches away, still quite close to Tim and I. Tim chatted briefly with a thin blond girl across the table from the one I'd spoken to. The tall girl gave me another smile as she mounted the stool and turned back toward her friends.

A few minutes later I asked the girl next to me if we could buy them a drink. They agreed and the four of us began chatting.

The evening went on with more drinks and more talk. I learned the dark haired girl was named Mia Durant. She had graduated from Stanhope State and had a marketing degree and was working for a local advertising company in Stanhope.

The more I was with her the more I found her attractive. Dark hair, beautiful eyes and a great smile. She was tall, probably 5'8, and a shapely body with nice breasts from what I could see without staring too much.

We left Poncho's and walked to a smaller local bar called Pinocchio's. It was a little quieter and we had some hors d'oeuvres and more drinks. The night got a little fuzzy with all the drinks and at one point I realized that Tim and the blond were gone.

"Well," Mia began, "it's kind of getting late. I'm just a few blocks from here..." She told me. I gallantly told her I would walk her home.

We got to her door and she turned to put in the code to open the door. She unlocked it, turned back around, and we were only inches apart. She looked at me and then we kissed. A full blown lustful kiss with mouths locked and hands caressing. We stumbled into the condo.

We were soon in the bedroom nearly naked kissing, pulling clothes off, and caressing the various body parts. There was some ambient light barely illuminating the bedroom. I took a breath and examined Mia's nude body.

Not skinny models legs slightly fleshier, but by no means flabby, she had a small waist which enhanced the size and shape of her breasts. Naked, her breasts were the highlight. Large with dark nipples. Like a magnetic reaction my mouth went to them sucking and licking.

Her arms were on my bare back caressing and squirming. I licked and kissed her sensitive neck while my hands now caressed the breasts. My erect penis was now hovering above her pussy, grinding.

I could tell by her reactions she was getting excited and I trailed my tongue down her squirming flesh. Licking I slid past her erect nipples, through the sparse hair of her genitals and then into the moist flesh of her most sensitive parts.

She squirmed and moaned her hands caressing my scalp. I licked and sucked, inserting fingers inside her. All of a sudden, as if given an electrical shock, her back arched and she gasped her climax which lasted for at least 30 seconds.

I went to touch her and she squirmed away.

"Too sensitive," she mumbled.

We lay there quietly, her satisfied and me ready to go. After a moment I wrapped my arms around her, my erection pressed into the swell of her ass. Involuntarily I started humping her. She pulled away, reached into a drawer and handed something to me.

A condom.

"Here," she said, taking it back from me, "I'll do it."

The application of the condom was very thorough and erotic. I almost had a happy ending before I had a chance to fuck her.

"I can't get pregnant," she whispered to me,

I nodded. At this point I'd agree to whatever she said..

Once everything was in place she firmly placed my erection in her moist opening. We fucked like this for a few minutes and then she told me she wanted to get on top.

We turned and switched positions, her moving up and down on my erect penis. I played with and kissed her glorious breasts before the excitement became too much for me.

The combination of alcohol and sex hit us both. After individual trips to the bathroom we both passed out on the bed. I woke in the middle of the night needing to use the bathroom once again.

When I walked out I nearly bumped into her roommate, the blond that had been with Tim.

"Oops!" She called out as I surprised her.

She glanced down at my naked body, specifically my cock. She smiled as she shut the bathroom door.

I re-passed out pressed into the warmth of Mia's body. It must have been several hours later when I felt her move. I looked up to see her sitting nude on the edge of the bed turned away from me. I reached up and rubbed her back.

After a moment she replied.

"Good morning," she said, still facing away from me. "I need a shower," she declared.

My hand that had been caressing her back slipped around and cupped her left breast.

"Yes, you do," I said, "I think I'm going to need to help you get cleaned up."

She turned and looked at me with a small smile and then her eyes trailed down to my resurrected penis.

She grabbed my erection smiling and said, "let's go!"

We had an erotic shower with me soaping her complete body and then licking her to another orgasm. She then dropped to her knees and sucked me to climax. She was good at oral sex I noted.

When we emerged the blond girl was sitting at the small kitchen table.

"Good morning," she smiled and called to us as we emerged. "Only one bathroom here. What was your name again?" She asked as I scrambled back into Mia's room.

"Patrick Price," I told her as my towel nearly slipped off.

We both dressed chatting about the evening and occasionally smiling at each other. We emerged and sat down at the breakfast table and drank coffee. Eventually I knew I needed to go, but I was enjoying their company.

I learned that the blond was named Lisa Shay and she was Mia's good friend. I also learned that Tim and she spent some time together.

"He didn't stay all night." She said, "I'm engaged," she explained.

As if that made logical sense. I'll have to get the story from Tim, I thought.

"Well I guess I better go find my truck," I told the girls.

Mia walked me to the door and gave me a nice kiss goodbye.

"I had a real good time with you Patrick, text me." She said,

I walked away happy and satisfied. I met an attractive good looking girl with probably the best tits I'd ever touched. I was still buoyed by my income realization. I was in a good mood.

I thought about Mia for a couple of days before I contacted her. As I said, she's great looking, she was fun to be with, and she was good in bed. But, I thought, I wasn't much of a casual dater. If I was going to put energy into a relationship I wanted to know that there was a long term possibility.

I called her mid-week.

"Hey," she answered brightly, "how are you Patrick!"

I could tell she was happy to hear from me.

"I'm glad you called," she continued, "I was hoping it wasn't another one night stand."

Another? I thought. For the moment I pushed those thoughts to the side.

We made plans to get together this coming weekend.

Over the next few weeks we started dating, seeing each other mostly on the weekends, normally staying at my condo, or occasionally hers. The typical date was dinner, a few drinks and then back to my place for some fantastic sex.

Sometimes we'd run into friends, mostly Mia's. I'd seen Lisa, Mia's roommate, a few times and made it a point to follow up with my friend Tim and see what went on that first night. I called him on the way home from work one day.

"Price, how're you doing?" Tim answered good naturedly. "Still making the big bucks? Now that I'm full time at Investment Counselors we really need to put a plan together for you."

I agreed and we made small talk for a few minutes. Finally I brought up the night we met Mia and Lisa. I asked him what happened blaming alcohol for my lack of recollection.

"Oh, man!" Tim begins."so, after we went to that second bar she half drug me back to her apartment. You looked like you were doing just fine with the dark haired girl."

I agreed.

"Anyway, we get there and she's stripping before we're even in the front door. We jump in the sack and she's wild. Fun, but almost too much. After we fuck," Tim continues, "she tells me I need to go. Her boyfriend, or fiancée, wasn't sure what the deal was, sometimes came over late, and that he had a bad temper."

This was definitely getting interesting. I'd not been introduced to the fiancee, but I knew who he was, Mitch, something

"I think I dressed and left in about 60 seconds. I was going to go find you but I just got an Uber. Crazy night! How'd you do?" He asked.

"One other weird thing she said to me. I'd kind of forgotten about it."

"What?" I asked him.

"As I was leaving she told me, 'and stay clear of Mia, last time Mitch spent the night, she nearly fucked him' It was all kind of a blur. Then I heard her laughing so I guessed it must be some kind of inside joke." Tim finished.

This gave me a moment to pause. Did that really happen between Mia and Lisa's boyfriend? It didn't seem likely, it was probably just a joke, like Tim had thought.

I told him I had a good time but left out any details. Quickly he changed the subject.

"Hey, the Stanhope Stars home football game is in a few weeks, the company has tickets. Wanna go?"

I definitely did and we made arrangements for the Saturday night game. I loved September football games. The weather is normally good, unlike the rainy cold November games.

Mia and I continued to see each other and so far everything was great. I have to say that at the back of my mind I was a little concerned about Mia. She'd done nothing specific that I knew of, but from a few things she'd mentioned about her lifestyle, she seemed a bit wilder than I was used to.

The coming weekend was Labor Day. I asked her if she wanted to go camping with me. I told her how I loved to be outdoors, hiking, fishing, and occasionally rock climbing.

"You mean," she asked hesitantly, "sleep in a tent?"

I assured her she would enjoy it, I had all the equipment and I promised she would have a good time. She agreed with noticeably less enthusiasm than normal.

That weekend the weather was perfect. We camped in a state park with more modern restroom facilities, not porta potties. We cooked on the camp stove and made a campfire at night in the fire pit.

About half way through Saturday she began to shed her reservations and started to really enjoy the outdoors.

That night around the fire she asked me what we were going to do tomorrow.

"Have you ever been fishing?" I asked.

She hadn't, and I told her about this secret fishing spot I knew about.

"We need to hike a few miles to get there, but it's worth it." I told her and she sounded willing to try.

The next day we were up early. We had our backpacks, fishing gear, water and light snacks for the journey. I had fished this creek before. You had to cross the stream at a particular point to get to the fishing hole. I'd never seen anyone else in this part of the stream when I fished at this spot before.

We set up and I got Mia's rod and reel baited and showed her how it worked. There was a big flat rock over a clear pool where I told her to try. I said I'd walk the creek a little bit, but that pool would be a good place for her.

Over the next hour or so I caught a few fish. One a nice size rainbow trout. I had to explain to Mia about catch and release.

I was a bit up stream from our spot when I heard Mia shout excitedly.

"I caught one, I caught one!" She yelled!

She had caught a mid size trout. I took her picture with the fish. She was very excited.

"Okay," she began, "I'm retiring. I'm going to lay on my towel on this big flat rock and get some sun."

I laughed and said I was going to fish a little more, upstream.

I fished for a bit and then slowly made my way back to our spot. I wasn't quite sure at first what I was seeing. I came around the bend looking through the trees. The closer I got, I figured it out. Slowly and quietly I removed my clothing, stacked it on the bank, and crept up on her.

Mia was lying naked on a towel, legs partly spread on the rock. She had her sunglasses on and she sounded like she may be asleep. As she lay there I lowered my mouth to her breast and began sucking. Startled at first, she then writhed on the towel enjoying the sensation.

Needless to say I fucked her naked body outdoors in the wilderness, unconcerned that someone may see us. It was fun and exciting and we both enjoyed it.

I was glad she'd brought condoms.

Afterwards, walking back not only the physical intimacy of our sex, but the experience together, camping, fishing and her acceptance of these new activities strengthened my feelings.

That night around the campfire, Mia leaned her head on my shoulder with her arm around me she whispered into my ear.

"You know Patrick," she began, "I'm beginning to really like you."

I smiled with that same strong feeling about her too. I thought we had just rounded a corner in our relationship. It was a good weekend.

Normally during the week we'd get together at least once. This week we decided to have dinner Wednesday night. As we sipped wine we began to talk about the coming weekend. She mentioned a party Saturday night.

"It's at a friend of Mitch's." She told me.

Mitch Markham was her roommate Lisa Shay's fiancée. I'd met him a couple of times and he seemed OK for a guy with a big ego. Kind of a frat boy. I also knew his friend the guy having the party.

"I'm not sure I can make it," I told Mia, "the football game is Saturday, they normally go pretty late."

"Oh that's right!" She said, "I really wanted to go to the party with you."

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