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Wayward sister is helped by her big brother.
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Daisy. Daisy. I hate that name. The name my parents gave me. So girly. So pretty. So not me. The only daughter. Four sons. One daughter. Me. So to make me stand out even more they called me Daisy. Ugh!

I'm now eighteen years old. Still at school. My brothers are Brad, who is thirty one. John is twenty five. Paul is twenty three. Then Chris who is fifteen. We live with our father, except Brad who is married to Jennie, who is a beautiful blonde stunner, and a schoolteacher. Our mother unfortunately died of cancer when I was just five years old, leaving me to grow up as the only female in a very male dominated house. And boy didn't I know it. I was teased ruthlessly as a child. When I hit puberty the teasing stepped up a gear or two, if that was possible.

So I rebelled. First with cigarettes, then alcohol, then clothes and make up and hairstyles. Finally sex. At fourteen I lost my virginity and have had several experiences since, including sex with a forty two year old man. I'm not proud either.

Growing up as the only girl in a male house did teach me a lot of valuable lessons though, especially about men. I learned about their habits, moods, hopes, fears, dislikes and likes. I also learned that as a female it is possible to control a man with just a smile, or a word, or a tear, or a flick of a finger, or a great big sad puppy dog face. So I have made it to the grand old age of eighteen, very much a rebel, but not an out of control one.

My dad worries about me. My school reports are...well, shit. Also I currently have short black hair. Black fingernails, lipstick and eye shadow. Black clothes and Doctor Marten boots. I would be scared if I looked in the mirror. Also lots of piercings. Ears, eyebrows, lips, nose. Not a girl who looks like she should be called Daisy. In fact my brothers have now got round to calling me 'Coffin'! As a tease, but actually I quite like it!!

Which leads me to the next part of my story. Dad. He is so worried about me. So I was not surprised when I got a phone call from my eldest brother, Brad, suggesting I called round to his shop after school, for a 'chat'.

Brad is the family star. Good looking. Tall. Successful. Married to a real beauty. Also, for whatever reason I can't fathom, he has always been the brother I've been closest to. His teasing was never quite as bad as the others. Never as savage or brutal. He seemed to have a respect for my privacy, and dignity, that the others seemed to lack. And a degree of understanding. I could always talk to him, in a way I couldn't with the others. I love them, but...

Brad is a grafter. Driven, determined, a go getter. He knows his mind and believes in himself. He went to university after he left school, but quit after eighteen months. Bored with always learning, he wanted to get on and do something with his life. Using a bit of money he had saved he started selling audio equipment, one of his passions. Now ten years later he has three stores in our town, selling very high quality audio tech to enthusiasts, and rich people. His stores offer excellent advice and even better service. Not what you get from the big corporate retailers.

Somewhere along the way I have also developed an interest in the stuff he sells. Always a big music fan, I was thrilled to get a decent pair of headphones for my eleventh birthday from Brad. And over subsequent years he has bought me great audio gear. I now know all about bass, treble, woofers, sub woofers etc. I know what makes the difference between good headphones, great headphones and average headphones. The same for speakers, cd players, decks etc. I often call into one of his stores on my way home from school to check out a new piece of kit, or to read a new hi fi magazine, or just chat to the staff. They all know me.

Brad is based in the biggest store, where he has an office and meets sales reps, or whatever other business he has to do. He never seems to mind me calling in. In fact he takes a joy in my enthusiasm and encourages it.

So it was not unusual for me to call in one Tuesday afternoon. Brad was busy but eventually found time to talk.

"Dad's worried about you," he began.

"As usual."

"Well whatever. He suggested that maybe you need to get a job."

"Oh fuck Brad, he's said that to me so many times. I just don't..."

"Daisy, you have to learn. Dad will keep repeating the message until you do something about it. That's life. You have to learn to get on. And one way to do that is to give a little back occasionally."

"Whatever bro."

"Look. Dad moans at you to get a job. You do nothing. He moans a lot more. And so on. Try to play the game. Look for a job, show that you're trying. He might back off a bit. Life works that way. Parent, teacher, boss. If they moan at you for not doing something, show them that you're listening. Do it. They'll back off. That's life. The more you resist the harder they'll push. Give them a bit of what they're asking for and they'll ease off. That's how it works."

"So get a job basically. But you're telling me now not dad."

"Sort of. But I'm trying to help you."

"Yeah yeah."

"Listen Daisy. Try me. I have an idea. It helps us both really. You like audio stuff yeah? You like coming to my store and trying stuff out."


"Well I know you do. And you know what you're talking about too. You understand it. In fact you probably have better knowledge than nearly all my staff."

"Not really..."

"No you do. Trust me. And you're a girl. I only have men in my stores. I could do with a girl. I think female customers get a bit scared off as this seems such a male environment."

"That's so sexist. So 1970s!"

"Whatever, as you say. It's true. I could do with a girl in my stores. Tits and ass. The male customers like it too."


"I know. Sexism. But I need a girl to work in my stores. You need to appease dad by getting a job. Interested?"


"Saturdays. And maybe after school a couple of days a week. You get paid the going rate. Gives you a bit of cash. And it might put a smile back on your pretty little face!" he said, grabbing my mouth like I was a little child.

"Don't do that! You know I hate it."


"I suppose. I'll give it a try," I said, reluctantly. In truth I was thrilled.

And so it began. Every Saturday. And every Thursday and Friday after school. Within weeks I was loving it. I sold loads. Outperformed most of the staff. I got on well with all of them. Brad was mostly in his office or out at meetings. He rarely came onto the shop floor. But he told me I was doing really well. The store manager was Craig, an old family friend who had known dad for over forty years. He treated me like his child, encouraging me, training me and generally being my mentor. Not that I needed one. Brad was right. I did know more than most of them.

Dad noticed within weeks that I seemed happier in myself.

The next stage of this story happens one Friday after I had been working there about three months.

I arrived from school to the store. Brad was looking annoyed and above everything else there was an irritating beeping noise.

"What's that noise?" I asked Craig.

"Oh the alarm. It's broken. Not for the first time."


I went to get changed. My work uniform consisted of a white shirt, black skirt and black stockings, and luckily I could still war my black boots. Not too awful.

The alarm engineer informed Brad that he needed to order a new part, which wouldn't be ready till the next day.

"Which means..." Brad said, looking pissed off.

"Which means..." repeated the engineer, apologetically.

"Which means, someone has to stay here over night. The insurance insists that if the alarm isn't working, someone must be on the premises at all times, otherwise the insurance isn't valid. Usually that means me or Brad. I've got an anniversary meal tonight with my wife so that means your poor brother has to spend the whole night here!" explained Craig.

"Oh the poor thing! What will he do?" I asked.

"What I did last time. Read, clean, read, paperwork, read and then read some more!"

For some reason I felt sorry for my brother having to be there all alone during the night. I decided to offer to stay overnight with him and keep him company. At first he told me not to worry but I insisted.

"What do you do tomorrow? You don't work do you?" I asked.

"Tomorrow I sleep. Jennie is out all day tomorrow, so when this lot turn up for work tomorrow morning, I go home to bed. I suggest you do the same," Brad told me.

"No work?"

"You can't work if you've been up all night. Go home to sleep."

"Not that I'll get much sleep at home with dad and the others there," I joked.

"Sleep at my house then. Come back with me. You can sleep in the spare room. It will be very quiet, just you and me there."

"Cool. Just one thing? Can we get a pizza delivered this evening?" I asked.


After all the other staff had left, Brad and I sat in the staff room, located next door to his office. It was a large room with a couch and an armchair. Brad ordered pizza and after we had eaten he pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels from his desk drawer. I wasn't a big drinker but I tried a bit.

By about ten PM we were getting bored. I had a book in my bag and lay on the couch reading it, while Brad sat in his office, placing stock orders via his computer. He came through to see me.

"So what do you normally do at times like this?" I asked.

"What I'm doing now. Clean a bit, do paperwork, place orders."

"Just work. Don't you do anything else?"

"Like what?"

"Other stuff. Read books. You know."

"Sometimes. I do go on the laptop sometimes."

"And do what?" I kept pressing.

"Read. Look at stuff."

"What stuff?"

"Audio things. Sport things. Golf mainly."

"Porn?" I joked.


"You look at porn?"

"Why not?" he asked.

"Oh god. Really?"

"If I'm really bored. Or..."

"Horny?" I added playfully.


"Do know...jerk off?" I asked.

"Maybe," he smiled.


"Well you asked," he replied.

"I can't believe you."

"I am human you know."

Brad ended the conversation by walking out the room. He came back in ten minutes later with two cups of coffee.

"Anyway I don't see why you got so judgmental. I bet you look at porn too," he said.


"Do you want to see some now?"

"Brad. No. I'm not gonna sit here and look at porn sitting next to my brother!"

"Well I'm going to. You can look if you want."

So he sat down on the couch next to me, fired up his computer and started searching for porn.

"What kind of thing do you like to watch?" he asked me.

"Brad! I'm not telling you. This is getting weird."

"Well I like bondage and threesomes, so I don't know if that's your thing but it's what I like," he continued.

I ignored him and tried to read my book, but was soon distracted by the sound of moaning and various other sex noises coming from the laptop.

"Can't you turn that down? Pervert." I said.

His turn to ignore me.

I had to confess my curiosity was being spiked by the sounds of sex on the laptop. I glanced over, catching sight of a man fucking two women. I tried not too look, but I couldn't help it. After a while I whispered something.


"Pardon?" Brad asked.

"Oral," I repeated a bit louder.

"Oral? What about it?"

"Oral. I like oral sex. You asked what porn I like to watch. I like oral porn. Men, women, licking, sucking, that kind of thing," I answered blushing.

"Oh. I see."

Brad instantly clicked off the video he was watching. He typed in a new search and immediately a selection of videos featuring oral sex came up. He chose one and began watching. I felt a bit embarrassed to be having this kind of conversation with my big brother but couldn't help watch the video. A couple more came on. I was beginning to feel a bit turned on, and decided to go back to my book.

When the video finished Brad switched the laptop off and went to do some more work. Shortly after he came back in and lay down on the couch, his feet stretching out onto my lap. I carried on reading before noticing he had gone to sleep.

"Brad, you're supposed to stay awake," I said, nudging him with my elbow.

"Huh? What? Oh sorry. Just half an hour please?" he mumbled.

I looked up again about ten minutes later and he was fast asleep. Quietly I extracted myself from under his feet and walked across the room to fetch the laptop. I sat back down again and switched it on. I checked the search history. The website he had found was not one that I knew but it looked quite good so I opened it. I found a few good videos and was soon feeling horny. Checking my brother was still asleep I pulled off my stockings and my panties and stuffed them down the side of the couch. I found a video that showed a secretary lying naked on a desk being eaten out by a man who was supposed to be her boss. It was seriously hot and I couldn't help but start rubbing my pussy. I paused it then went upstairs to the store and chose a pair of headphones and came back down, listening to all the moaning and panting through the headphones, while stroking my aching wet cunt.

Obviously this was a very stupid thing to do and it was inevitable that my brother would wake up. Through barely opened eyes he saw enough to realize what I was doing, even if he couldn't actually see 'anything'.

"See. It is difficult to resist isn't it?" he giggled.

"Brad, oh just..."

"It's ok. Don't worry. I do it all the time."

"Yes but not in front of other people."

"Sorry," he said.

"It's ok," I replied, stopping and pulling my skirt back over my legs.

Silence for a few minutes.

"Were you close?" my brother suddenly piped up.


"Were you close? he repeated.


"To cumming. Orgasm. Were you close?"

"Brad! For fucks sake! I'm your sister! We can't talk about these things," I complained.

"Just wondered."


Silence still.

"Yes I was," I announced.


"Close to cumming."


"And then you woke up."


"It's ok."

"No I know what it's like to be disturbed when you're all worked up," he continued.

"Ok can we just change the subject?"

"Why don't you finish yourself off?"


"Why don't you finish what you were doing?"


"Just a suggestion."

"I'm not going to rub my pussy with you sitting next to me thank you!"

"Well go to the bathroom then."

"Brad, it's not helping."

"Do you want me to lick it for you?"


"Like in the video. I know what to do."

"I'm sure you do but no. I'm your sister."


"And...I'm your sister."

"Does your pussy smell?"


"Is it deformed?"

"Brad stop!"

"Well then. I know what your pussy looks like. I've never seen it but I can guess what it looks like."


"You're wearing clothes but I could imagine that you're slim, tall, have a flat stomach. Long legs. Smallish breasts. Which is fine by the way. Your vagina is a slit, folds of flesh. The only thing I don't know is if you're hairy down there. Or bald, or a neatly trimmed bush. See, it's not difficult to imagine."

"You've made your point but just stop. Leave me alone."

"Just trying to help," he smiled.




"Since you ask. It's bald. Fully shaved."

" 'k."

"Would you really?"


"Lick my pussy?"

"If you wanted me to."

"But I am your sister."

"I know. Like I said if you wanted me to."


Silence. For about three minutes.

"It would have to be our secret. I mean, you couldn't tell anybody. Not a single person," I told him.

"No problem."

"You'd really lick your sister's vagina?"

"If you want me to?"

"Isn't it illegal?"

"Who's going to know?"

"You wouldn't tell anybody? Promise?"


"What would your wife say?"

"She won't know."

"I can't believe I'm actually considering this."

"Just a bit of fun. What's the worst that could happen?" he laughed.

"Well, for starters, we could get found out. Then labelled as freaks for the rest of our lives. Then, disowned by all our family and friends. Shall I go on?" I smiled.

"But we won't get found out. It's five to one in the morning. We're totally alone."

"Still. Brother, sister, a bit weird don't you think?"

"The trouble with you is you think too much."

"Thanks bro."

"Seriously. If I wasn't your brother, just some regular guy. You're all alone with him and feeling horny and he offers to eat you out, what would you do?" asked my brother.

"Let him, obviously."

"So here we are. Forget I'm your brother. Just forget it. Go with the flow."

"You really want to lick my pussy huh?"

"I'm horny, you're horny. We're both adults. No one's gonna know. Problem?"

"I can't believe I'm actually considering this. Seriously. Ok here goes."

I hooked my thumbs into my skirt, took a very deep breath and then yanked my skirt down. I pushed it clumsily down past my knees, then my ankles, then off completely. I looked nervously at my brother, smiled shyly, then opened my legs. Brad stood up, moved in front of me, knelt down and leaned forward, placing his hands on my inner thighs.

I took another deep breath, spread my legs wider and watched as my thirty one year old big brother leaned in. At first he kissed my legs, stroking my thighs. Then he kissed me just above my slit. Then I jumped as his tongue brushed against my vagina. I had been licked there before, many times, but this felt totally different. My brother's tongue pushed inside my cunt and began licking.

After a couple of minutes I began moaning. I placed my hands on the outside of my shirt, on top of my breasts. As he licked me I ran my hands up inside my shirt and pushed my bra cups up off my breasts. I began to rub my tits as he pushed his tongue around my cunt. Brad paused briefly, looking up at me. He smiled as he saw my hands on my exposed tits.

"Don't stop now!" I moaned.

He returned his attentions to my aching pussy, and before long my whole body was shaking as I came. Tasting my juices my brother finally lifted his face from between my legs. I looked at him, smiling nervously, then pulled my shirt back down to cover my chest. I did the same to my skirt, covering my vagina, smoothing out the material as I did so. At that moment I suddenly choked. I couldn't breathe. As Brad sat up I burst into tears, jumped up from the couch and ran to the toilet, locking the door behind me.

Brad rushed after me, knocking on the door.

"Daisy it's ok. I didn't mean to make it like this. It's ok don't be upset!"

"Brad just leave me alone for a while. Please!"

I sat on the toilet for a few minutes. I calmed down, my breathing returning to normal. I ran my fingers through my hair. Eventually I sat up and came out the toilet, returning to the staff room.

"Daisy I'm sor..."

"No it's ok. I don't know what happened. I don't know why I reacted like that. I think it just got a bit too much for me. You know. I'm fine now."

"I didn't mean to upset you," Brad reassured me.

"You didn't. It was...beautiful. I felt good. Don't worry. Can we not talk about it. Please?"

"You're very beautiful, you know that?" my brother said.

"No I'm a slut!" I laughed.

"What does that make me? Licking my kid sister's pussy?"

"We're SO going to hell!!" I joked.

Brad left the room. I poured a glass of water and lay on the couch, reading my book. Within no time I fell asleep. When I woke up I could see no sign of my brother. I walked into the shop and saw him cleaning the shelves.

"Don't you ever stop?" I joked.

"Sorry I was just keeping out of your way to let you sleep."

"Thanks. Come back and sit with me. Please."

We walked through to the staff room. I made some coffee and we sat down. We didn't say anything, just being together. Finally I spoke.


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